André Menrath linos
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 14:11:33 +02:00
933efdb1ca add one more proposal for the transformer table: show origin
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 14:08:32 +02:00
1b890d6c56 make spelling consistent and add examples
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 13:45:10 +02:00
0f0fcda233 more details on actor/dispatch relation
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 11:56:22 +02:00
f3f50ce12c Add more examples and needs
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 10:49:10 +02:00
31dea56de8 add Update to publish term
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 10:48:14 +02:00
e2716ecc3a more consistensy in spelling
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 10:46:27 +02:00
7f9a3efb90 fix typo introduced by failed typo fix
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-05 10:45:48 +02:00
41202ab962 fix typo
linos commented on pull request Event-Federation/documentation#2 2023-10-03 16:57:15 +02:00
changed 'maybe implementing actortypes' to 'implementing actor types' in princibles of changes

I add the "maybe", because Mobilizon should be receiving the events anyway when the blog actor is enabled through following that one. Thee need for having advanced actor features most likely…

linos commented on pull request Event-Federation/documentation#3 2023-10-03 16:49:49 +02:00
added collision dedection of new actors

I think it is not guranteed yet, that there must be a function like this. For sure the ActivityPub plugin must get to know that there is a new actor type read to be applied. But the ActivityPub…

linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-03 15:45:25 +02:00
bf26766fa2 view fixes
linos created branch main in Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-03 15:42:20 +02:00
linos pushed to main at Event-Federation/documentation 2023-10-03 15:42:20 +02:00
908b4a669b initial commit
linos commented on issue Event-Federation/documentation#1 2023-10-03 12:35:32 +02:00
Actor Assignment + wp_post_type to transformer assignment

@ruru4143 Just a bump, because I fixed the E-Mail notifier. :)

linos commented on issue Event-Federation/documentation#1 2023-10-02 15:06:57 +02:00
Actor Assignment + wp_post_type to transformer assignment

@ruru4143 my additions are kind of massive, so what do you think of already commeting your draft, maybe even in a dev branch. so that we keep track of the changes already?

linos commented on issue Event-Federation/documentation#1 2023-10-01 20:56:24 +02:00
Actor Assignment + wp_post_type to transformer assignment

Thanks for the initial input. I am currently reviewing this and suggesting a lot of changes. Please give me a few other days.

linos opened issue Event-Federation/documentation#1 2023-09-28 13:34:04 +02:00
Actor Assignment + wp_post_type to transformer assignment
linos created repository Event-Federation/documentation 2023-09-28 13:33:08 +02:00