Fix issues for release #77

linos merged 11 commits from wp_org_fix into main 2024-11-16 19:38:29 +01:00

Analysis result:

This plugin is using the prefix "activitypub" for 16 element(s).

Looks like there is an element not using common prefixes.

includes/plugins/class-modern-events-calendar-lite.php:41 apply_filters('mec_post_type_name', 'mec-events');

Allowing Direct File Access to plugin files

Direct file access is when someone directly queries your file. This can be done by simply entering the complete path to the file in the URL bar of the browser but can also be done by doing a POST request directly to the file. For files that only contain a PHP class the risk of something funky happening when directly accessed is pretty small. For files that contain procedural code, functions and function calls, the chance of security risks is a lot bigger.

You can avoid this by putting this code at the top of all PHP files that could potentially execute code if accessed directly :

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly

Example(s) from your plugin:


**Analysis result:** # This plugin is using the prefix "activitypub" for 16 element(s). # Looks like there is an element not using common prefixes. includes/plugins/class-modern-events-calendar-lite.php:41 apply_filters('mec_post_type_name', 'mec-events'); ## Allowing Direct File Access to plugin files Direct file access is when someone directly queries your file. This can be done by simply entering the complete path to the file in the URL bar of the browser but can also be done by doing a POST request directly to the file. For files that only contain a PHP class the risk of something funky happening when directly accessed is pretty small. For files that contain procedural code, functions and function calls, the chance of security risks is a lot bigger. You can avoid this by putting this code at the top of all PHP files that could potentially execute code if accessed directly : if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly Example(s) from your plugin: templates/admin-header.php:9
linos added 4 commits 2024-11-16 17:14:43 +01:00
bump for wordpress 6.7 and ActivityPub plugin 4.2.0
Some checks failed
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 4m5s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Failing after 3m53s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Failing after 3m30s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Failing after 3m23s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Failing after 3m35s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Failing after 3m27s
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 18:13:25 +01:00
test with wordpress 6.7
Some checks failed
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 47s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 18:13:48 +01:00
new ci cache
Some checks failed
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 45s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Failing after 3m31s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Failing after 3m29s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Failing after 3m26s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Failing after 3m36s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Failing after 3m26s
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 18:40:38 +01:00
ci plugin install add support for installing a specific version
Some checks failed
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 46s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Failing after 3m16s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Failing after 3m28s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Failing after 3m20s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 18:45:43 +01:00
fix ci bin script
Some checks failed
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 44s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Failing after 3m33s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Failing after 3m35s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Failing after 3m35s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Failing after 3m36s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Failing after 3m35s
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 19:24:25 +01:00
ci: add specific versions for some plugins
Some checks failed
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Has been cancelled
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 19:25:02 +01:00
ci: add versions for some plugins
All checks were successful
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 47s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Successful in 4m10s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Successful in 1m3s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Successful in 1m0s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Successful in 1m0s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Successful in 1m0s
linos added 1 commit 2024-11-16 19:36:32 +01:00
bump version to 0.2.1
All checks were successful
PHP Code Checker / PHP Code Checker (pull_request) Successful in 46s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 7.4 (pull_request) Successful in 59s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.0 (pull_request) Successful in 1m0s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.1 (pull_request) Successful in 59s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.2 (pull_request) Successful in 1m2s
PHPUnit / PHPUnit – PHP 8.3 (pull_request) Successful in 58s
linos merged commit 53cdbd3838 into main 2024-11-16 19:38:29 +01:00
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Reference: Event-Federation/wordpress-event-bridge-for-activitypub#77
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