2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
< ? php
* Event Sources management page for the ActivityPub Event Bridge .
2024-12-05 17:50:17 +01:00
* @ package Event_Bridge_For_ActivityPub
2024-12-09 18:16:07 +01:00
* @ since 1.0 . 0
2024-12-08 21:57:53 +01:00
* @ license AGPL - 3.0 - or - later
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit ; // @codeCoverageIgnore
\load_template (
__DIR__ . '/admin-header.php' ,
true ,
array (
'event-sources' => 'active' ,
2024-12-08 22:36:40 +01:00
if ( ! isset ( $args ) || ! array_key_exists ( 'supports_event_sources' , $args ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'manage_options' ) ) {
return ;
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
2024-12-09 18:16:07 +01:00
$event_plugins_supporting_event_sources = $args [ 'supports_event_sources' ];
$selected_plugin = \get_option ( 'event_bridge_for_activitypub_plugin_used_for_event_source_feature' , '' );
$event_sources_active = \get_option ( 'event_bridge_for_activitypub_event_sources_active' , false );
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
2024-12-05 17:50:17 +01:00
< div class = " event-bridge-for-activitypub-settings event-bridge-for-activitypub-settings-page hide-if-no-js " >
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
< div class = " box " >
2024-12-09 18:16:07 +01:00
< h3 >< ? php \esc_html_e ( 'Configuration of the Event Sources feature' , 'activitypub' ); ?> </h3>
< ? php
if ( count ( $event_plugins_supporting_event_sources ) ) {
< form method = " post " action = " options.php " >
< ? php
\settings_fields ( 'event-bridge-for-activitypub-event-sources' );
< table class = " form-table " >
< tbody >
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >
< label for = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_event_sources_active " >< ? php \esc_html_e ( 'Enable External Event Sources' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </label>
</ th >
< td >
< input
type = " checkbox "
name = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_event_sources_active "
id = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_event_sources_active "
aria - describedby = " event-sources-description "
value = " 1 "
< ? php echo \checked ( $event_sources_active ); ?>
< p id = " event-sources-description " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Activate this feature to allow your WordPress site to fetch events from external sources via ActivityPub. Once enabled, you can add any ActivityPub account as a source of events. These events will be cached on your site and seamlessly integrated into your existing event calendar, creating a unified view of events from both internal and external sources.' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </p>
</ td >
</ tr >
< ? php
if ( $event_sources_active ) {
< tr >
< th scope = " row " >
< label for = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_plugin_used_for_event_source_feature " >< ? php \esc_html_e ( 'Event Plugin' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </label>
</ th >
< td >
< select
name = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_plugin_used_for_event_source_feature "
id = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_plugin_used_for_event_source_feature "
value = " gatherpress "
aria - describedby = " event-sources-used-plugin-description "
< ? php
foreach ( $event_plugins_supporting_event_sources as $event_plugin ) {
echo '<option value="' . esc_attr ( $event_plugin ) . '" ' . selected ( $selected_plugin , $event_plugin , true ) . '>' . esc_attr ( $event_plugin ) . '</option>' ;
</ select >
< p id = " event-sources-used-plugin-description " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'In case you have multiple event plugins installed you might choose which event plugin is utilized.' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </p>
</ td >
< tr >
< ? php
< tbody >
</ table >
< ? php
\submit_button ();
</ form >
< ? php
} else {
< p >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'You do not have an Event Plugin installed that supports this feature' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </p>
< p >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'The following Event Plugins are supported:' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </p>
< ? php
$plugins_supporting_event_sources = \Event_Bridge_For_ActivityPub\Setup :: detect_event_plugins_supporting_event_sources ();
echo '<ul class="event_bridge_for_activitypub-list">' ;
foreach ( $plugins_supporting_event_sources as $event_plugin ) {
echo '<li>' . esc_attr ( $event_plugin -> get_plugin_name () ) . '</li>' ;
echo '</ul>' ;
return ;
</ div >
< ? php
if ( ! $event_sources_active ) {
echo '</div>' ;
return ;
</ div >
< div class = " wrap event_bridge_for_activitypub-admin-table-container " >
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
2024-12-09 18:16:07 +01:00
< h2 > < ? php esc_html_e ( 'List of Event Sources' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </h2>
<!-- Button that triggers ThickBox -->
< a href = " #TB_inline?width=600&height=400&inlineId=Event_Bridge_For_ActivityPub_add_new_source " class = " thickbox page-title-action " >
< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Add Event Source' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?>
</ a >
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
<!-- ThickBox content ( hidden initially ) -->
2024-12-05 17:50:17 +01:00
< div id = " Event_Bridge_For_ActivityPub_add_new_source " style = " display:none; " >
< h2 >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Add new ActivityPub follow' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </h2>
2024-12-08 17:38:05 +01:00
< p > < ? php esc_html_e ( 'Here you can enter either a Fediverse handle (@username@example.social), URL of an ActivityPub Account (https://example.social/user/username) or instance URL.' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ); ?> </p>
< form method = " post " action = " options.php " >
< ? php \settings_fields ( 'event-bridge-for-activitypub-event-sources' ); ?>
2024-12-08 18:38:47 +01:00
< input type = " text " name = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_event_source " id = " event_bridge_for_activitypub_event_source " value = " " >
< ? php \submit_button ( __ ( 'Add Event Source' , 'event-bridge-for-activitypub' ) ); ?>
2024-12-08 17:38:05 +01:00
</ form >
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
</ div >
2024-12-09 18:16:07 +01:00
< div class = " wrap activitypub-followers-page " >
< form method = " get " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " page " value = " event-bridge-for-activitypub " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " tab " value = " event-sources " />
< ? php
$table = new \Event_Bridge_For_ActivityPub\Table\Event_Sources ();
$table -> prepare_items ();
$table -> search_box ( 'Search' , 'search' );
$table -> display ();
</ form >
</ div >
2024-11-18 16:07:09 +01:00
</ div >