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69 lines
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import { SelectControl, RangeControl, PanelBody, TextControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
import { InspectorControls, useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { Followers } from './followers';
import { useUserOptions } from '../shared/use-user-options';
export default function Edit( { attributes, setAttributes } ) {
const { order, per_page, selectedUser, title } = attributes;
const blockProps = useBlockProps();
const [ page, setPage ] = useState( 1 );
const orderOptions = [
{ label: __( 'New to old', 'activitypub' ), value: 'desc' },
{ label: __( 'Old to new', 'activitypub' ), value: 'asc' },
const usersOptions = useUserOptions();
const setAttributestAndResetPage = ( key ) => {
return ( value ) => {
setPage( 1 );
setAttributes( { [ key ]: value } );
useEffect( () => {
// if there are no users yet, do nothing
if ( ! usersOptions.length ) {
// ensure that the selected user is in the list of options, if not, select the first available user
if ( ! usersOptions.find( ( { value } ) => value === selectedUser ) ) {
setAttributes( { selectedUser: usersOptions[ 0 ].value } );
}, [ selectedUser, usersOptions ] );
return (
<div { ...blockProps }>
<InspectorControls key="setting">
<PanelBody title={ __( 'Followers Options', 'activitypub' ) }>
label={ __( 'Title', 'activitypub' ) }
help={ __( 'Title to display above the list of followers. Blank for none.', 'activitypub' ) }
value={ title }
onChange={ value => setAttributes( { title: value } ) }
label= { __( 'Select User', 'activitypub' ) }
value={ selectedUser }
options={ usersOptions }
onChange={ setAttributestAndResetPage( 'selectedUser' ) }
label={ __( 'Sort', 'activitypub' ) }
value={ order }
options={ orderOptions }
onChange={ setAttributestAndResetPage( 'order' ) }
label={ __( 'Number of Followers', 'activitypub' ) }
value={ per_page }
onChange={ setAttributestAndResetPage( 'per_page' ) }
min={ 1 }
max={ 10 }
<Followers { ...attributes } page={ page } setPage={ setPage } followLinks={ false } />
} |