Greg 43f347bc7c Make the excerpt code actually crop the excerpt at 400 characters.
The existing implementation crops at words and may return very short strings based upon filters, or very long strings based upon user inputted excerpts.
Make sure we never return a excerpt longer than we expect.
2023-01-06 20:04:31 -05:00

410 lines
12 KiB

namespace Activitypub\Model;
* ActivityPub Post Class
* @author Matthias Pfefferle
class Post {
private $post;
private $post_author;
private $id;
private $summary;
private $content;
private $attachments;
private $tags;
private $object_type;
public function __construct( $post = null ) {
$this->post = \get_post( $post );
$this->post_author = $this->post->post_author;
$this->id = $this->generate_id();
$this->summary = $this->generate_the_title();
$this->content = $this->generate_the_content();
$this->attachments = $this->generate_attachments();
$this->tags = $this->generate_tags();
$this->object_type = $this->generate_object_type();
public function __call( $method, $params ) {
$var = \strtolower( \substr( $method, 4 ) );
if ( \strncasecmp( $method, 'get', 3 ) === 0 ) {
return $this->$var;
if ( \strncasecmp( $method, 'set', 3 ) === 0 ) {
$this->$var = $params[0];
public function to_array() {
$post = $this->post;
$array = array(
'id' => $this->id,
'type' => $this->object_type,
'published' => \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', \strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt ) ),
'attributedTo' => \get_author_posts_url( $post->post_author ),
'summary' => $this->summary,
'inReplyTo' => null,
'content' => $this->content,
'contentMap' => array(
\strstr( \get_locale(), '_', true ) => $this->content,
'to' => array( 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ),
'cc' => array( 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ),
'attachment' => $this->attachments,
'tag' => $this->tags,
return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_post', $array );
public function to_json() {
return \wp_json_encode( $this->to_array(), \JSON_HEX_TAG | \JSON_HEX_AMP | \JSON_HEX_QUOT );
public function generate_id() {
$post = $this->post;
$permalink = \get_permalink( $post );
// replace 'trashed' for delete activity
return \str_replace( '__trashed', '', $permalink );
public function generate_attachments() {
$max_images = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_max_images', 3 );
$images = array();
// max images can't be negative or zero
if ( $max_images <= 0 ) {
$max_images = 1;
$id = $this->post->ID;
$image_ids = array();
// list post thumbnail first if this post has one
if ( \function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && \has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {
$image_ids[] = \get_post_thumbnail_id( $id );
// then list any image attachments
$query = new \WP_Query(
'post_parent' => $id,
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'menu_order ID',
'posts_per_page' => $max_images,
foreach ( $query->get_posts() as $attachment ) {
if ( ! \in_array( $attachment->ID, $image_ids, true ) ) {
$image_ids[] = $attachment->ID;
$image_ids = \array_unique( $image_ids );
// get URLs for each image
foreach ( $image_ids as $id ) {
$alt = \get_post_meta( $id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
$thumbnail = \wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, 'full' );
$mimetype = \get_post_mime_type( $id );
if ( $thumbnail ) {
$image = array(
'type' => 'Image',
'url' => $thumbnail[0],
'mediaType' => $mimetype,
if ( $alt ) {
$image['name'] = $alt;
$images[] = $image;
return $images;
public function generate_tags() {
$tags = array();
$post_tags = \get_the_tags( $this->post->ID );
if ( $post_tags ) {
foreach ( $post_tags as $post_tag ) {
$tag = array(
'type' => 'Hashtag',
'href' => \get_tag_link( $post_tag->term_id ),
'name' => '#' . $post_tag->slug,
$tags[] = $tag;
return $tags;
* Returns the as2 object-type for a given post
* @param string $type the object-type
* @param Object $post the post-object
* @return string the object-type
public function generate_object_type() {
if ( 'wordpress-post-format' !== \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) ) {
return \ucfirst( \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) );
$post_type = \get_post_type( $this->post );
switch ( $post_type ) {
case 'post':
$post_format = \get_post_format( $this->post );
switch ( $post_format ) {
case 'aside':
case 'status':
case 'quote':
case 'note':
$object_type = 'Note';
case 'gallery':
case 'image':
$object_type = 'Image';
case 'video':
$object_type = 'Video';
case 'audio':
$object_type = 'Audio';
$object_type = 'Article';
case 'page':
$object_type = 'Page';
case 'attachment':
$mime_type = \get_post_mime_type();
$media_type = \preg_replace( '/(\/[a-zA-Z]+)/i', '', $mime_type );
switch ( $media_type ) {
case 'audio':
$object_type = 'Audio';
case 'video':
$object_type = 'Video';
case 'image':
$object_type = 'Image';
$object_type = 'Article';
return $object_type;
public function generate_the_content() {
$post = $this->post;
$content = $this->get_post_content_template();
$content = \str_replace( '%title%', \get_the_title( $post->ID ), $content );
$content = \str_replace( '%excerpt%', $this->get_the_post_excerpt(), $content );
$content = \str_replace( '%content%', $this->get_the_post_content(), $content );
$content = \str_replace( '%permalink%', $this->get_the_post_link( 'permalink' ), $content );
$content = \str_replace( '%shortlink%', $this->get_the_post_link( 'shortlink' ), $content );
$content = \str_replace( '%hashtags%', $this->get_the_post_hashtags(), $content );
// backwards compatibility
$content = \str_replace( '%tags%', $this->get_the_post_hashtags(), $content );
$content = \trim( \preg_replace( '/[\r\n]{2,}/', '', $content ) );
$filtered_content = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_the_content', $content, $this->post );
$decoded_content = \html_entity_decode( $filtered_content, \ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$allowed_html = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_allowed_html', \get_option( 'activitypub_allowed_html', ACTIVITYPUB_ALLOWED_HTML ) );
if ( $allowed_html ) {
return \strip_tags( $decoded_content, $allowed_html );
return $decoded_content;
public function get_post_content_template() {
if ( 'excerpt' === \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ) {
return "%excerpt%\n\n<p>%permalink%</p>";
if ( 'title' === \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ) {
return "<p><strong>%title%</strong></p>\n\n<p>%permalink%</p>";
if ( 'content' === \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ) {
return "%content%\n\n<p>%hashtags%</p>\n\n<p>%permalink%</p>";
return \get_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT );
* Get the excerpt for a post for use outside of the loop.
* @param int Optional excerpt length.
* @return string The excerpt.
public function get_the_post_excerpt( $excerpt_length = 400 ) {
$post = $this->post;
$excerpt = \get_post_field( 'post_excerpt', $post );
if ( '' === $excerpt ) {
$content = \get_post_field( 'post_content', $post );
// An empty string will make wp_trim_excerpt do stuff we do not want.
if ( '' !== $content ) {
$excerpt = \strip_shortcodes( $content );
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */
$excerpt = \apply_filters( 'the_content', $excerpt );
$excerpt = \str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $excerpt );
// Strip out any remaining tags.
$excerpt = \wp_strip_all_tags( $excerpt );
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/formatting.php */
$excerpt_more = \apply_filters( 'excerpt_more', ' [...]' );
$excerpt_more_len = strlen( $excerpt_more );
// We now have a excerpt, but we need to check it's length, it may be longer than we want for two reasons:
// * The user has entered a manual excerpt which is longer that what we want.
// * No manual excerpt exists so we've used the content which might be longer than we want.
// Either way, let's trim it up if we need too. Also, don't forget to take into account the more indicator
// as part of the total length.
// Setup a variable to hold the current excerpts length.
$current_excerpt_length = strlen( $excerpt );
// Setup a variable to keep track of our target length.
$target_excerpt_length = $current_excerpt_length - $excerpt_more_len;
// Setup a variable to keep track of the current max length.
$current_expcerpt_max = $target_excerpt_length;
// This is a loop since we can't calculate word break the string after 'the_excpert' filter has run (we would break
// all kinds of html tags), so we have to cut the excerpt down a bit at a time until we hit our target length.
while( $current_excerpt_length > $target_excerpt_length && $current_expcerpt_max > 0 ) {
// Trim the excerpt based on wordwrap() positioning.
// Note: we're using <br> as the linebreak just in case there are any newlines existing in the excerpt from the user.
// There won't be any <br> left after we've run wp_strip_all_tags() in the code above, so they're
// safe to use here. It won't be included in the final excerpt as the substr() will trim it off.
$excerpt = substr( $excerpt, 0, strpos( wordwrap( $excerpt, $current_expcerpt_max, '<br>' ), '<br>' ) );
// If something went wrong, or we're in a language that wordwrap() doesn't understand,
// just chop it off and don't worry about breaking in the middle of a word.
if( strlen( $excerpt ) > $excerpt_length - $excerpt_more_len ) {
$excerpt = substr( $excerpt, 0, $current_expcerpt_max );
// Add in the more indicator.
$excerpt = $excerpt . $excerpt_more;
// Run it through the excerpt filter which will add some html tags back in.
$excerpt_filtered = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $excerpt );
// Now set the current excerpt length to this new filtered length.
$current_excerpt_length = strlen( $excerpt_filtered );
// Check to see if we're over the target length.
if( $current_excerpt_length > $target_excerpt_length ) {
// If so, remove 20 characters from the current max and run the loop again.
$current_expcerpt_max = $current_expcerpt_max - 20;
return \apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $excerpt );
* Get the content for a post for use outside of the loop.
* @return string The content.
public function get_the_post_content() {
$post = $this->post;
$content = \get_post_field( 'post_content', $post );
return \apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
* Adds a backlink to the post/summary content
* @param string $content
* @param WP_Post $post
* @return string
public function get_the_post_link( $type = 'permalink' ) {
$post = $this->post;
if ( 'shortlink' === $type ) {
$link = \esc_url( \wp_get_shortlink( $post->ID ) );
} elseif ( 'permalink' === $type ) {
$link = \esc_url( \get_permalink( $post->ID ) );
} else {
return '';
return \sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%1$s</a>', $link );
* Adds all tags as hashtags to the post/summary content
* @param string $content
* @param WP_Post $post
* @return string
public function get_the_post_hashtags() {
$post = $this->post;
$tags = \get_the_tags( $post->ID );
if ( ! $tags ) {
return '';
$hash_tags = array();
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$hash_tags[] = \sprintf( '<a rel="tag" class="u-tag u-category" href="%s">#%s</a>', \get_tag_link( $tag ), $tag->slug );
return \implode( ' ', $hash_tags );