ID = $post_id; $post->post_author = 1; $post->post_date = current_time( 'mysql' ); $post->post_date_gmt = current_time( 'mysql', 1 ); $post->post_title = 'Some title or other'; $post->post_content = 'hallo'; $post->post_status = 'publish'; $post->comment_status = 'closed'; $post->ping_status = 'closed'; $post->post_name = 'fake-page-' . rand( 1, 99999 ); // append random number to avoid clash $post->post_type = 'page'; $post->filter = 'raw'; // important! $content = '[ap_content]'; // Fill in the shortcodes. setup_postdata( $post ); $content = do_shortcode( $content ); wp_reset_postdata(); $this->assertEquals( '


', $content ); } public function test_password_protected_content() { global $post; $post_id = -98; // negative ID, to avoid clash with a valid post $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = $post_id; $post->post_author = 1; $post->post_date = current_time( 'mysql' ); $post->post_date_gmt = current_time( 'mysql', 1 ); $post->post_title = 'Some title or other'; $post->post_content = 'hallo'; $post->post_status = 'publish'; $post->comment_status = 'closed'; $post->ping_status = 'closed'; $post->post_name = 'fake-page-' . rand( 1, 99999 ); // append random number to avoid clash $post->post_type = 'page'; $post->post_password = 'abc'; $post->filter = 'raw'; // important! $content = '[ap_content]'; // Fill in the shortcodes. setup_postdata( $post ); $content = do_shortcode( $content ); wp_reset_postdata(); $this->assertEquals( '', $content ); } }