<?php namespace Activitypub; /** * ActivityPub Class * * @author Matthias Pfefferle */ class Activitypub { /** * Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks. */ public static function init() { \add_filter( 'template_include', array( self::class, 'render_json_template' ), 99 ); \add_filter( 'query_vars', array( self::class, 'add_query_vars' ) ); \add_filter( 'pre_get_avatar_data', array( self::class, 'pre_get_avatar_data' ), 11, 2 ); // Add support for ActivityPub to custom post types $post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ) ? \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ) : array(); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { \add_post_type_support( $post_type, 'activitypub' ); } \add_action( 'wp_trash_post', array( self::class, 'trash_post' ), 1 ); \add_action( 'untrash_post', array( self::class, 'untrash_post' ), 1 ); \add_action( 'init', array( self::class, 'add_rewrite_rules' ) ); } /** * Activation Hook * * @return void */ public static function activate() { self::flush_rewrite_rules(); Scheduler::register_schedules(); } /** * Deactivation Hook * * @return void */ public static function deactivate() { self::flush_rewrite_rules(); Scheduler::deregister_schedules(); } /** * Uninstall Hook * * @return void */ public static function uninstall() { } /** * Return a AS2 JSON version of an author, post or page. * * @param string $template The path to the template object. * * @return string The new path to the JSON template. */ public static function render_json_template( $template ) { if ( ! \is_author() && ! \is_singular() && ! \is_home() ) { return $template; } // Ensure that edge caches know that this page can deliver both HTML and JSON. header( 'Vary: Accept' ); // check if user can publish posts if ( \is_author() && ! user_can( \get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), 'publish_posts' ) ) { return $template; } if ( \is_author() ) { $json_template = ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/author-json.php'; } elseif ( \is_singular() ) { $json_template = ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/post-json.php'; } elseif ( \is_home() ) { $json_template = ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/blog-json.php'; } global $wp_query; if ( isset( $wp_query->query_vars['activitypub'] ) ) { return $json_template; } if ( ! isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ) ) { return $template; } $accept_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']; if ( \stristr( $accept_header, 'application/activity+json' ) || \stristr( $accept_header, 'application/ld+json' ) ) { return $json_template; } // Accept header as an array. $accept = \explode( ',', \trim( $accept_header ) ); if ( \in_array( 'application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"', $accept, true ) || \in_array( 'application/activity+json', $accept, true ) || \in_array( 'application/ld+json', $accept, true ) || \in_array( 'application/json', $accept, true ) ) { return $json_template; } return $template; } /** * Add the 'activitypub' query variable so WordPress won't mangle it. */ public static function add_query_vars( $vars ) { $vars[] = 'activitypub'; return $vars; } /** * Replaces the default avatar. * * @param array $args Arguments passed to get_avatar_data(), after processing. * @param int|string|object $id_or_email A user ID, email address, or comment object. * * @return array $args */ public static function pre_get_avatar_data( $args, $id_or_email ) { if ( ! $id_or_email instanceof \WP_Comment || ! isset( $id_or_email->comment_type ) || $id_or_email->user_id ) { return $args; } $allowed_comment_types = \apply_filters( 'get_avatar_comment_types', array( 'comment' ) ); if ( ! empty( $id_or_email->comment_type ) && ! \in_array( $id_or_email->comment_type, (array) $allowed_comment_types, true ) ) { $args['url'] = false; /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/link-template.php */ return \apply_filters( 'get_avatar_data', $args, $id_or_email ); } // Check if comment has an avatar. $avatar = self::get_avatar_url( $id_or_email->comment_ID ); if ( $avatar ) { if ( ! isset( $args['class'] ) || ! \is_array( $args['class'] ) ) { $args['class'] = array( 'u-photo' ); } else { $args['class'][] = 'u-photo'; $args['class'] = \array_unique( $args['class'] ); } $args['url'] = $avatar; $args['class'][] = 'avatar-activitypub'; } return $args; } /** * Function to retrieve Avatar URL if stored in meta. * * @param int|WP_Comment $comment * * @return string $url */ public static function get_avatar_url( $comment ) { if ( \is_numeric( $comment ) ) { $comment = \get_comment( $comment ); } return \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'avatar_url', true ); } /** * Store permalink in meta, to send delete Activity * * @param string $post_id The Post ID * * @return void */ public static function trash_post( $post_id ) { \add_post_meta( $post_id, 'activitypub_canonical_url', \get_permalink( $post_id ), true ); } /** * Delete permalink from meta * * @param string $post_id The Post ID * * @return void */ public static function untrash_post( $post_id ) { \delete_post_meta( $post_id, 'activitypub_canonical_url' ); } /** * Add rewrite rules */ public static function add_rewrite_rules() { if ( ! \class_exists( 'Webfinger' ) ) { \add_rewrite_rule( '^.well-known/webfinger', 'index.php?rest_route=/activitypub/1.0/webfinger', 'top' ); } if ( ! \class_exists( 'Nodeinfo' ) && true === (bool) \get_option( 'blog_public', 1 ) ) { \add_rewrite_rule( '^.well-known/nodeinfo', 'index.php?rest_route=/activitypub/1.0/nodeinfo/discovery', 'top' ); \add_rewrite_rule( '^.well-known/x-nodeinfo2', 'index.php?rest_route=/activitypub/1.0/nodeinfo2', 'top' ); } \add_rewrite_endpoint( 'activitypub', EP_AUTHORS | EP_PERMALINK | EP_PAGES ); } /** * Flush rewrite rules; */ public static function flush_rewrite_rules() { self::add_rewrite_rules(); \flush_rewrite_rules(); } }