\d+)/followers', array( array( 'methods' => WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'callback' => array( 'Rest_Activitypub_Followers', 'get' ), 'args' => self::request_parameters(), ), ) ); } public static function get( $request ) { $author_id = $request->get_param( 'id' ); $author = get_user_by( 'ID', $author_id ); if ( ! $author ) { return new WP_Error( 'rest_invalid_param', __( 'User not found', 'activitypub' ), array( 'status' => 404, 'params' => array( 'user_id' => __( 'User not found', 'activitypub' ) ) ) ); } $page = $request->get_param( 'page', 0 ); /* * Action triggerd prior to the ActivityPub profile being created and sent to the client */ do_action( 'activitypub_outbox_pre' ); $json = new stdClass(); $json->{'@context'} = get_activitypub_context(); $followers = get_user_option( 'activitypub_followers', $author_id ); if ( ! is_array( $followers ) ) { $followers = array(); } $json->totlaItems = count( $followers ); $json->orderedItems = $followers; $response = new WP_REST_Response( $json, 200 ); $response->header( 'Content-Type', 'application/activity+json' ); return $response; } /** * The supported parameters * * @return array list of parameters */ public static function request_parameters() { $params = array(); $params['page'] = array( 'type' => 'integer', ); $params['id'] = array( 'required' => true, 'type' => 'integer', ); return $params; } }