comment = $comment; $this->id = $this->generate_comment_id(); $this->comment_author_url = \get_author_posts_url( $this->comment->user_id ); $this->in_reply_to = $this->generate_parent_url(); $this->content_warning = $this->generate_content_warning(); $this->permalink = $this->generate_permalink(); $this->context = $this->generate_context(); $this->to_recipients = $this->generate_mention_recipients(); $this->tags = $this->generate_tags(); $this->update = $this->generate_update(); $this->deleted = $this->generate_trash(); $this->replies = $this->generate_replies(); } public function __call( $method, $params ) { $var = \strtolower( \substr( $method, 4 ) ); if ( \strncasecmp( $method, 'get', 3 ) === 0 ) { return $this->$var; } if ( \strncasecmp( $method, 'set', 3 ) === 0 ) { $this->$var = $params[0]; } } public function to_array() { $comment = $this->comment; $array = array( 'id' => $this->id, 'type' => 'Note', 'published' => \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', \strtotime( $comment->comment_date_gmt ) ), 'attributedTo' => $this->comment_author_url, 'summary' => $this->content_warning, 'inReplyTo' => $this->in_reply_to, 'content' => $comment->comment_content, 'contentMap' => array( \strstr( \get_locale(), '_', true ) => $comment->comment_content, ), 'context' => $this->context, //'source' => \get_comment_link( $comment ), //non-conforming, see 'url' => \get_comment_link( $comment ), //link for mastodon 'to' => $this->to_recipients, 'cc' => array( '' ), 'tag' => $this->tags, 'replies' => $this->replies, ); if ( $this->replies ) { $array['replies'] = $this->replies; } if ( $this->update ) { $array['updated'] = $this->update; } if ( $this->deleted ) { $array['deleted'] = $this->deleted; } return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_comment', $array ); } public function to_json() { return \wp_json_encode( $this->to_array(), JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_AMP | JSON_HEX_QUOT ); } public function generate_comment_author_link() { return \get_author_posts_url( $this->comment->comment_author ); } public function generate_comment_id() { return \Activitypub\set_ap_comment_id( $this->comment->comment_ID ); } public function generate_permalink() { $comment = $this->comment; $permalink = \get_comment_link( $comment ); // replace 'trashed' for delete activity return \str_replace( '__trashed', '', $permalink ); } /** * What is status being replied to * Comment ID or Post ID */ public function generate_parent_url() { $comment = $this->comment; $parent_comment = \get_comment( $comment->comment_parent ); if ( $comment->comment_parent ) { //is parent remote? $in_reply_to = \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_parent, 'source_url', true ); if ( ! $in_reply_to ) { $in_reply_to = add_query_arg( array( 'p' => $comment->comment_post_ID, 'replytocom' => $comment->comment_parent, ), trailingslashit( site_url() ) ); } } else { //parent is_post // Backwards compatibility $pretty_permalink = \get_post_meta( $comment->comment_post_ID, '_activitypub_permalink_compat', true ); if ( $pretty_permalink ) { $in_reply_to = $pretty_permalink; } else { $in_reply_to = add_query_arg( array( 'p' => $comment->comment_post_ID, ), trailingslashit( site_url() ) ); } } return $in_reply_to; } public function generate_context() { $comment = $this->comment; // support pretty_permalinks $pretty_permalink = \get_post_meta( $comment->comment_post_ID, '_activitypub_permalink_compat', true ); if ( $pretty_permalink ) { $context = $pretty_permalink; } else { $context = add_query_arg( array( 'p' => $comment->comment_post_ID, ), trailingslashit( site_url() ) ); } return $context; } /** * Generate courtesy Content Warning * If parent status used CW let's just copy it * TODO: Move to preprocess_comment / row_actions * Add option for wrapping CW in Details/Summary markup * Figure out some CW syntax: [shortcode-style], {brackets-style}? * So it can be inserted into reply textbox, and removed or modified at will */ public function generate_content_warning() { $comment = $this->comment; $content_warning = null; // Temporarily generate Summary from parent $parent_comment = \get_comment( $comment->comment_parent ); if ( $parent_comment ) { //get (received) comment $ap_object = \unserialize( \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_parent, 'ap_object', true ) ); if ( isset( $ap_object['object']['summary'] ) ) { $content_warning = $ap_object['object']['summary']; } } // TODO Replace auto generate with Summary shortcode /*summary = \get_comment_meta( $this->comment->comment_ID, 'summary', true ) ; if ( !empty( $summary ) ) { $content_warning = \Activitypub\add_summary( $summary ); } */ return $content_warning; } /** * Who is being replied to */ public function generate_mention_recipients() { $recipients = array( AS_PUBLIC ); $mentions = \get_comment_meta( $this->comment->comment_ID, 'mentions', true ); if ( ! empty( $mentions ) ) { foreach ( $mentions as $mention ) { $recipients[] = $mention['href']; } } return $recipients; } /** * Mention user being replied to */ public function generate_tags() { $mentions = \get_comment_meta( $this->comment->comment_ID, 'mentions', true ); if ( ! empty( $mentions ) ) { foreach ( $mentions as $mention ) { $mention_tags[] = array( 'type' => 'Mention', 'href' => $mention['href'], 'name' => '@' . $mention['name'], ); } return $mention_tags; } } /** * Generate updated datetime */ public function generate_update() { $comment = $this->comment; $updated = null; if ( \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'ap_last_modified', true ) ) { $updated = \wp_date( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'ap_last_modified', true ) ); } return $updated; } /** * Generate deleted datetime */ public function generate_trash() { $comment = $this->comment; $deleted = null; if ( 'trash' === $comment->status ) { $deleted = \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', \strtotime( $comment->comment_date_gmt ) ); } return $deleted; } /** * Generate replies collections */ public function generate_replies() { $comment = $this->comment; $replies = array(); $args = array( 'post_id' => $comment->comment_post_ID, 'parent' => $comment->comment_ID, 'status' => 'approve', 'hierarchical' => false, ); $comments_list = \get_comments( $args ); if ( $comments_list ) { $items = array(); foreach ( $comments_list as $comment ) { // remote replies $source_url = \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'source_url', true ); if ( ! empty( $source_url ) ) { $items[] = $source_url; } else { // local replies $comment_url = \add_query_arg( // array( 'p' => $comment->comment_post_ID, 'replytocom' => $comment->comment_ID, ), trailingslashit( site_url() ) ); $items[] = $comment_url; } } $replies = (object) array( 'type' => 'Collection', 'id' => \add_query_arg( array( 'replies' => '' ), $this->id ), 'first' => (object) array( 'type' => 'CollectionPage', 'partOf' => \add_query_arg( array( 'replies' => '' ), $this->id ), 'items' => $items, ), ); } return $replies; } }