<?php \load_template( __DIR__ . '/admin-header.php', true, array( 'settings' => 'active', 'welcome' => '', 'followers' => '', ) ); ?> <div class="activitypub-settings activitypub-settings-page hide-if-no-js"> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php \settings_fields( 'activitypub' ); ?> <div class="box"> <h3><?php \esc_html_e( 'Profiles', 'activitypub' ); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable profiles by type', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <p> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="activitypub_enable_users" id="activitypub_enable_users" value="1" <?php echo \checked( '1', \get_option( 'activitypub_enable_users', '1' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable authors', 'activitypub' ); ?> </label> </p> <p class="description"> <?php echo \wp_kses( \__( 'Every author on this blog (with the <code>publish_posts</code> capability) gets their own ActivityPub profile.', 'activitypub' ), array( 'code' => array() ) ); ?> </p> <p> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="activitypub_enable_blog_user" id="activitypub_enable_blog_user" value="1" <?php echo \checked( '1', \get_option( 'activitypub_enable_blog_user', '0' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable blog', 'activitypub' ); ?> </label> </p> <p class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Your blog becomes an ActivityPub profile.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Change blog profile ID', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <label for="activitypub_blog_user_identifier"> <input class="blog-user-identifier" name="activitypub_blog_user_identifier" id="activitypub_blog_user_identifier" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( \get_option( 'activitypub_blog_user_identifier', \Activitypub\Model\Blog_User::get_default_username() ) ); ?>" /> @<?php echo esc_html( \wp_parse_url( \home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ) ); ?> </label> <p class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'This profile name will federate all posts written on your blog, regardless of the author who posted it.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </p> <p> <strong> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Please avoid using an existing author’s name as the blog profile ID. Fediverse platforms might use caching and this could break the functionality completely.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </strong> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php \do_settings_fields( 'activitypub', 'user' ); ?> </div> <div class="box"> <h3><?php \esc_html_e( 'Activities', 'activitypub' ); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Post content', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <p> <label for="activitypub_post_content_type_title_link"> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_post_content_type" id="activitypub_post_content_type_title_link" value="title" <?php echo \checked( 'title', \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Title and link', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Only the title and a link.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> <p> <label for="activitypub_post_content_type_excerpt"> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_post_content_type" id="activitypub_post_content_type_excerpt" value="excerpt" <?php echo \checked( 'excerpt', \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Excerpt', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'A content summary, shortened to 400 characters and without markup.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> <p> <label for="activitypub_post_content_type_content"> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_post_content_type" id="activitypub_post_content_type_content" value="content" <?php echo \checked( 'content', \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Content (default)', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'The full content.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> <p> <label for="activitypub_post_content_type_custom"> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_post_content_type" id="activitypub_post_content_type_custom" value="custom" <?php echo \checked( 'custom', \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Custom', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Use the text area below, to customize your activities.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> <p> <textarea name="activitypub_custom_post_content" id="activitypub_custom_post_content" rows="10" cols="50" class="large-text" placeholder="<?php echo wp_kses( ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT, 'post' ); ?>"><?php echo wp_kses( \get_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT ), 'post' ); ?></textarea> <details> <summary><?php esc_html_e( 'See a list of ActivityPub Template Tags.', 'activitypub' ); ?></summary> <div class="description"> <ul> <li><code>[ap_title]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s title.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li> <li><code>[ap_content]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s content.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li> <li><code>[ap_excerpt]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s excerpt (default 400 chars).', 'activitypub' ); ?></li> <li><code>[ap_permalink]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s permalink.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li> <li><code>[ap_shortlink]</code> - <?php echo \wp_kses( \__( 'The post\'s shortlink. I can recommend <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/hum/" target="_blank">Hum</a>.', 'activitypub' ), 'default' ); ?></li> <li><code>[ap_hashtags]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s tags as hashtags.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li> </ul> <p><?php \esc_html_e( 'You can find the full list with all possible attributes in the help section on the top-right of the screen.', 'activitypub' ); ?></p> </div> </details> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Media attachments', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <input value="<?php echo esc_attr( \get_option( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS ) ); ?>" name="activitypub_max_image_attachments" id="activitypub_max_image_attachments" type="number" min="0" /> <p class="description"> <?php echo \wp_kses( \sprintf( // translators: \__( 'The number of media (images, audio, video) to attach to posts. Default: <code>%s</code>', 'activitypub' ), \esc_html( ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS ) ), 'default' ); ?> </p> <p class="description"> <em> <?php esc_html_e( 'Note: audio and video attachments are only supported from Block Editor.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </em> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Activity-Object-Type', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <p> <label for="activitypub_object_type_note"> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_object_type" id="activitypub_object_type_note" value="note" <?php echo \checked( 'note', \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Note (default)', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Should work with most platforms.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> <p><strong><?php \esc_html_e( 'Please note that the following "Activity-Object-Type" options may cause your texts to be displayed differently on each platform and/or parts may be completely ignored. Mastodon, for example, displays all content that is not of the "Note" type as links only.', 'activitypub' ); ?></strong></p> <p> <label for="activitypub_object_type_article"> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_object_type" id="activitypub_object_type_article" value="article" <?php echo \checked( 'article', \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Article', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'The presentation of the "Article" might change on different platforms.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> <p> <label> <input type="radio" name="activitypub_object_type" id="activitypub_object_type" value="wordpress-post-format" <?php echo \checked( 'wordpress-post-format', \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) ); ?> /> <?php \esc_html_e( 'WordPress Post-Format', 'activitypub' ); ?> - <span class="description"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Maps the WordPress Post-Format to the ActivityPub Object Type.', 'activitypub' ); ?> </span> </label> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Hashtags (beta)', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <p> <label><input type="checkbox" name="activitypub_use_hashtags" id="activitypub_use_hashtags" value="1" <?php echo \checked( '1', \get_option( 'activitypub_use_hashtags', '1' ) ); ?> /> <?php echo wp_kses( \__( 'Add hashtags in the content as native tags and replace the <code>#tag</code> with the tag link. <strong>This feature is experimental! Please disable it, if you find any HTML or CSS errors.</strong>', 'activitypub' ), 'default' ); ?></label> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php \do_settings_fields( 'activitypub', 'activity' ); ?> </div> <!-- OUR FORK HERE --> <div class="box"> <h3><?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable ActivityPub support for post type', 'activitypub' ); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Mapping', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable ActivityPub support for a certain post type by selecting one of the available ActivityPub transformers.', 'activitypub' ); ?> <?php $all_public_post_types = \get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' ); $transformer_mapping = \get_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', array( 'default' => 'note' ) ); $all_public_post_type_names = array_map(function ($object) { return $object->name; }, $all_public_post_types); $transformer_manager = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance(); $transformers = $transformer_manager->get_transformers(); ?> <script> // TODO Probably we should use checkboxes and not select and make this less buggy and insert the js at the right place. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { var radioGroups = {}; var radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'); radioButtons.forEach(function (radioButton) { radioButton.addEventListener('click', function () { var name = this.name; if (!radioGroups[name]) { radioGroups[name] = this; } else { radioGroups[name].checked = false; radioGroups[name] = this; } }); }); }); </script> <table> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <?php // Generate column headers based on transformer objects foreach ($transformers as $transformer) { echo '<th>' . htmlspecialchars($transformer->get_label()) . '</th>'; } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php // Generate rows based on post types and transformers foreach ($all_public_post_types as $post_type) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($post_type->label) . '</strong></td>'; // Generate radio inputs for each transformer, considering support for the post type foreach ($transformers as $transformer) { $disabled_attribute = $transformer->supports_post_type( $post_type->name ) ? '' : ' disabled'; $is_selected = ( is_array( $transformer_mapping ) && isset( $transformer_mapping[ $post_type->name ] ) && $transformer_mapping[ $post_type->name ] === $transformer->get_name() ) ? ' checked ' : ''; echo '<td><input type="radio" name="activitypub_transformer_mapping[' . $post_type->name . ']" value="' . $transformer->get_name() . '"' . $is_selected . $disabled_attribute . '></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- OUR FORK ENDS HERE --> <div class="box"> <h3><?php \esc_html_e( 'Server', 'activitypub' ); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"> <?php \esc_html_e( 'Blocklist', 'activitypub' ); ?> </th> <td> <p class="description"> <?php echo \wp_kses( \sprintf( // translators: %s is a URL. \__( 'To block servers, add the host of the server to the "<a href="%s">Disallowed Comment Keys</a>" list.', 'activitypub' ), \esc_attr( \admin_url( 'options-discussion.php#disallowed_keys' ) ) ), 'default' ); ?> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php \do_settings_fields( 'activitypub', 'server' ); ?> </div> <?php \do_settings_sections( 'activitypub' ); ?> <?php \submit_button(); ?> </form> </div>