<?php namespace Activitypub\Rest; use WP_REST_Response; use function Activitypub\get_total_users; use function Activitypub\get_active_users; use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path; /** * ActivityPub NodeInfo REST-Class * * @author Matthias Pfefferle * * @see http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ */ class Nodeinfo { /** * Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks */ public static function init() { self::register_routes(); } /** * Register routes */ public static function register_routes() { \register_rest_route( ACTIVITYPUB_REST_NAMESPACE, '/nodeinfo/discovery', array( array( 'methods' => \WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'callback' => array( self::class, 'discovery' ), 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', ), ) ); \register_rest_route( ACTIVITYPUB_REST_NAMESPACE, '/nodeinfo', array( array( 'methods' => \WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'callback' => array( self::class, 'nodeinfo' ), 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', ), ) ); \register_rest_route( ACTIVITYPUB_REST_NAMESPACE, '/nodeinfo2', array( array( 'methods' => \WP_REST_Server::READABLE, 'callback' => array( self::class, 'nodeinfo2' ), 'permission_callback' => '__return_true', ), ) ); } /** * Render NodeInfo file * * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return WP_REST_Response */ public static function nodeinfo( $request ) { /* * Action triggerd prior to the ActivityPub profile being created and sent to the client */ \do_action( 'activitypub_rest_nodeinfo_pre' ); $nodeinfo = array(); $nodeinfo['version'] = '2.0'; $nodeinfo['software'] = array( 'name' => 'wordpress', 'version' => \get_bloginfo( 'version' ), ); $posts = \wp_count_posts(); $comments = \wp_count_comments(); $nodeinfo['usage'] = array( 'users' => array( 'total' => get_total_users(), 'activeMonth' => get_active_users( '1 month ago' ), 'activeHalfyear' => get_active_users( '6 month ago' ), ), 'localPosts' => (int) $posts->publish, 'localComments' => (int) $comments->approved, ); $nodeinfo['openRegistrations'] = false; $nodeinfo['protocols'] = array( 'activitypub' ); $nodeinfo['services'] = array( 'inbound' => array(), 'outbound' => array(), ); return new WP_REST_Response( $nodeinfo, 200 ); } /** * Render NodeInfo file * * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return WP_REST_Response */ public static function nodeinfo2( $request ) { /* * Action triggerd prior to the ActivityPub profile being created and sent to the client */ \do_action( 'activitypub_rest_nodeinfo2_pre' ); $nodeinfo = array(); $nodeinfo['version'] = '1.0'; $nodeinfo['server'] = array( 'baseUrl' => \home_url( '/' ), 'name' => \get_bloginfo( 'name' ), 'software' => 'wordpress', 'version' => \get_bloginfo( 'version' ), ); $posts = \wp_count_posts(); $comments = \wp_count_comments(); $nodeinfo['usage'] = array( 'users' => array( 'total' => get_total_users(), 'activeMonth' => get_active_users( 1 ), 'activeHalfyear' => get_active_users( 6 ), ), 'localPosts' => (int) $posts->publish, 'localComments' => (int) $comments->approved, ); $nodeinfo['openRegistrations'] = false; $nodeinfo['protocols'] = array( 'activitypub' ); $nodeinfo['services'] = array( 'inbound' => array(), 'outbound' => array(), ); return new WP_REST_Response( $nodeinfo, 200 ); } /** * Render NodeInfo discovery file * * @param WP_REST_Request $request * * @return WP_REST_Response */ public static function discovery( $request ) { $discovery = array(); $discovery['links'] = array( array( 'rel' => 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0', 'href' => get_rest_url_by_path( 'nodeinfo' ), ), array( 'rel' => 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Application', 'href' => get_rest_url_by_path( 'application' ), ), ); return new \WP_REST_Response( $discovery, 200 ); } }