<?php namespace Activitypub; use Activitypub\Activitypub; use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User; use Activitypub\Collection\Followers; use Activitypub\Admin; /** * ActivityPub Migration Class * * @author Matthias Pfefferle */ class Migration { /** * Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks */ public static function init() { \add_action( 'activitypub_schedule_migration', array( self::class, 'maybe_migrate' ) ); } /** * Get the target version. * * This is the version that the database structure will be updated to. * It is the same as the plugin version. * * @return string The target version. */ public static function get_target_version() { return get_plugin_version(); } /** * The current version of the database structure. * * @return string The current version. */ public static function get_version() { return get_option( 'activitypub_db_version', 0 ); } /** * Locks the database migration process to prevent simultaneous migrations. * * @return void */ public static function lock() { \update_option( 'activitypub_migration_lock', \time() ); } /** * Unlocks the database migration process. * * @return void */ public static function unlock() { \delete_option( 'activitypub_migration_lock' ); } /** * Whether the database migration process is locked. * * @return boolean */ public static function is_locked() { $lock = \get_option( 'activitypub_migration_lock' ); if ( ! $lock ) { return false; } $lock = (int) $lock; if ( $lock < \time() - 1800 ) { self::unlock(); return false; } return true; } /** * Whether the database structure is up to date. * * @return bool True if the database structure is up to date, false otherwise. */ public static function is_latest_version() { return (bool) version_compare( self::get_version(), self::get_target_version(), '==' ); } /** * Updates the database structure if necessary. */ public static function maybe_migrate() { if ( self::is_latest_version() ) { return; } if ( self::is_locked() ) { return; } self::lock(); $version_from_db = self::get_version(); if ( version_compare( $version_from_db, '0.17.0', '<' ) ) { self::migrate_from_0_16(); } if ( version_compare( $version_from_db, '1.0.0', '<' ) ) { self::migrate_from_0_17(); } if ( version_compare( $version_from_db, 'version_number_transformer_management_placeholder', '<' ) ) { self::migrate_from_version_number_transformer_management_placeholder(); } update_option( 'activitypub_db_version', self::get_target_version() ); self::unlock(); } /** * Updates the supported post type settings to the mapped transformer setting. * TODO: Test this * @return void */ private static function migrate_from_version_number_transformer_management_placeholder() { $supported_post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ); Admin::register_settings(); $transformer_mapping = array(); foreach ( $supported_post_types as $supported_post_type ) { $transformer_mapping[ $supported_post_type ] = ACTIVITYPUB_DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER; } update_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', $transformer_mapping ); } /** * Updates the DB-schema of the followers-list * * @return void */ private static function migrate_from_0_17() { // migrate followers foreach ( get_users( array( 'fields' => 'ID' ) ) as $user_id ) { $followers = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'activitypub_followers', true ); if ( $followers ) { foreach ( $followers as $actor ) { Followers::add_follower( $user_id, $actor ); } } } Activitypub::flush_rewrite_rules(); } /** * Updates the custom template to use shortcodes instead of the deprecated templates. * * @return void */ private static function migrate_from_0_16() { // Get the custom template. $old_content = \get_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT ); // If the old content exists but is a blank string, we're going to need a flag to updated it even // after setting it to the default contents. $need_update = false; // If the old contents is blank, use the defaults. if ( '' === $old_content ) { $old_content = ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT; $need_update = true; } // Set the new content to be the old content. $content = $old_content; // Convert old templates to shortcodes. $content = \str_replace( '%title%', '[ap_title]', $content ); $content = \str_replace( '%excerpt%', '[ap_excerpt]', $content ); $content = \str_replace( '%content%', '[ap_content]', $content ); $content = \str_replace( '%permalink%', '[ap_permalink type="html"]', $content ); $content = \str_replace( '%shortlink%', '[ap_shortlink type="html"]', $content ); $content = \str_replace( '%hashtags%', '[ap_hashtags]', $content ); $content = \str_replace( '%tags%', '[ap_hashtags]', $content ); // Store the new template if required. if ( $content !== $old_content || $need_update ) { \update_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', $content ); } } }