#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [[ "false" != "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" ]]; then echo "Not deploying pull requests." exit fi if [[ ! $WP_PLUGIN_DEPLOY ]]; then echo "Not deploying." exit fi if [[ ! $SVN_REPO ]]; then echo "SVN repo is not specified." exit fi # Untrailing slash of SVN_REPO path SVN_REPO=`echo $SVN_REPO | sed -e "s/\/$//"` # Git repository GH_REF=https://github.com/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git echo "Starting deploy..." mkdir build cd build BASE_DIR=$(pwd) echo "Checking out trunk from $SVN_REPO ..." svn co -q $SVN_REPO/trunk echo "Getting clone from $GH_REF to $SVN_REPO ..." git clone -q $GH_REF ./git cd ./git if [ -e "bin/build.sh" ]; then echo "Starting bin/build.sh." bash bin/build.sh fi cd $BASE_DIR echo "Syncing git repository to svn" rsync -a --exclude=".svn" --checksum --delete ./git/ ./trunk/ rm -fr ./git cd ./trunk if [ -e ".distignore" ]; then echo "svn propset form .distignore" svn propset -q -R svn:ignore -F .distignore . else if [ -e ".svnignore" ]; then echo "svn propset" svn propset -q -R svn:ignore -F .svnignore . fi fi echo "Run svn add" svn st | grep '^!' | sed -e 's/\![ ]*/svn del -q /g' | sh echo "Run svn del" svn st | grep '^?' | sed -e 's/\?[ ]*/svn add -q /g' | sh # If tag number and credentials are provided, commit to trunk. if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG && $SVN_USER && $SVN_PASS ]]; then if [[ ! -d tags/$TRAVIS_TAG ]]; then echo "Commit to $SVN_REPO." svn commit -m "commit version $TRAVIS_TAG" --username $SVN_USER --password $SVN_PASS --non-interactive 2>/dev/null echo "Take snapshot of $TRAVIS_TAG" svn copy $SVN_REPO/trunk $SVN_REPO/tags/$TRAVIS_TAG -m "Take snapshot of $TRAVIS_TAG" --username $SVN_USER --password $SVN_PASS --non-interactive 2>/dev/null else echo "tags/$TRAVIS_TAG already exists." fi else echo "Nothing to commit and check \`svn st\`." svn st fi