Compare commits
44 commits
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4a72329bbe | ||
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cffff80b54 | ||
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1f5ef3ea2c | ||
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e529b19b8b |
87 changed files with 4149 additions and 1719 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ The WordPress plugin largely follows ActivityPub's server-to-server specificatio
- [FEP-f1d5: NodeInfo in Fediverse Software](
- [FEP-67ff:](
- [FEP-5feb: Search indexing consent for actors](
- [FEP-2677: Identifying the Application Actor](
Partially supported FEPs
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
**Tags:** OStatus, fediverse, activitypub, activitystream
**Requires at least:** 4.7
**Tested up to:** 6.4
**Stable tag:** 1.2.0
**Stable tag:** 1.3.0
**Requires PHP:** 5.6
**License:** MIT
**License URI:**
@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ Implemented:
* share posts
* receive comments/reactions
* signature verification
* threaded comments support
To implement:
* threaded comments support
* replace shortcodes with blocks for layout
### What is "ActivityPub for WordPress" ###
@ -105,6 +105,27 @@ Where 'blog' is the path to the subdirectory at which your blog resides.
Project maintained on GitHub at [automattic/wordpress-activitypub](
### 2.0.0 ###
* Removed: Deprecated Classes
* Fixed: Normalize attributes that can have mixed value types
* Added: URL support for WebFinger
* Added: Make Post-Template filterable
* Added: CSS class for ActivityPub comments to allow custom designs
* Added: FEP-2677: Identifying the Application Actor
* Added: Basic Comment Federation
* Added: Profile Update Activities
* Improved: WebFinger endpoints
### 1.3.0 ###
* Added: Threaded-Comments support
* Improved: alt text for avatars in Follow Me/Followers blocks
* Improved: `Delete`, `Update` and `Follow` Activities
* Improved: better/more effective handling of `Delete` Activities
* Improved: allow `<p />` and `<br />` for Comments
* Fixed: removed default limit of WP_Query to send updates to all Inboxes and not only to the first 10
### 1.2.0 ###
* Add: Search and order followerer lists
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Plugin Name: ActivityPub
* Plugin URI:
* Description: The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format.
* Version: 1.2.0
* Version: 1.3.0
* Author: Matthias Pfefferle & Automattic
* Author URI:
* License: MIT
@ -33,15 +33,13 @@ require_once __DIR__ . '/includes/functions.php';
\defined( 'ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT' ) || \define( 'ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT', "<strong>[ap_title]</strong>\n\n[ap_content]\n\n[ap_hashtags]\n\n[ap_shortlink]" );
\defined( 'ACTIVITYPUB_DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER' ) || \define( 'ACTIVITYPUB_DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER', 'activitypub/default' );
\define( 'ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
\define( 'ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_BASENAME', plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) );
\define( 'ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_FILE', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/' . basename( __FILE__ ) );
\define( 'ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
* Initialize REST routes.
@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ function plugin_init() {
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Migration', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Activitypub', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Activity_Dispatcher', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Collection\Followers', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Handler', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Admin', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Hashtag', 'init' ) );
\add_action( 'init', array( __NAMESPACE__ . '\Mention', 'init' ) );
@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ function plugin_settings_link( $actions ) {
function() {
function () {
require_once __DIR__ . '/integration/class-buddypress.php';
@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ jQuery( function( $ ) {
$( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'aria-controls' ) ).attr( 'hidden', false );
} );
$(document).on( 'wp-plugin-install-success', function( event, response ) {
setTimeout( function() {
$( '.activate-now' ).removeClass( 'thickbox open-plugin-details-modal' );
}, 1200 );
} );
} );
} );
@ -1 +1 @@
<?php return array('dependencies' => array('wp-api-fetch', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-data', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-primitives'), 'version' => '2a185b1c488886051601');
<?php return array( 'dependencies' => array( 'wp-api-fetch', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-data', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-primitives' ), 'version' => '6aeec6336fd28aa836a7' );
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +1 @@
<?php return array('dependencies' => array('wp-api-fetch', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-dom-ready', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-primitives'), 'version' => '17a158ceced1355cc8ea');
<?php return array( 'dependencies' => array( 'wp-api-fetch', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-dom-ready', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-primitives' ), 'version' => '5b48281e37700a970a66' );
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +1 @@
<?php return array('dependencies' => array('react', 'wp-api-fetch', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-components', 'wp-data', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-primitives', 'wp-url'), 'version' => '1cbd9cbfcbd7fc813429');
<?php return array( 'dependencies' => array( 'react', 'wp-api-fetch', 'wp-block-editor', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-components', 'wp-data', 'wp-element', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-primitives', 'wp-url' ), 'version' => '59d9702e06860a6d13e4' );
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
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(0,c.__)("<span>←</span> Less","activitypub"),{span:(0,t.createElement)("span",{class:"wp-block-query-pagination-previous-arrow is-arrow-arrow","aria-hidden":"true"})}),j=(0,t.createInterpolateElement)(/* translators: arrow for next followers link */
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@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
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(0,s.__)("More <span>→</span>","activitypub"),{span:(0,r.createElement)("span",{class:"wp-block-query-pagination-next-arrow is-arrow-arrow","aria-hidden":"true"})}),P=(e,t)=>{h(e),_(t),O(Math.ceil(t/a))};return(0,l.useEffect)((()=>{if(w&&1===S)return P(w.followers,;const e=function(e,t,a,r){const n=`/${d}/users/${e}/followers`,l={per_page:t,order:a,page:r,context:"full"};return(0,c.addQueryArgs)(n,l)}(y,a,o,S);i()({path:e}).then((e=>P(e.orderedItems,e.totalItems))).catch((()=>{}))}),[y,a,o,S,w]),(0,r.createElement)("div",{className:"activitypub-follower-block "+v},(0,r.createElement)("h3",null,p),(0,r.createElement)("ul",null,k&&>(0,r.createElement)("li",{key:e.url},(0,r.createElement)(g,n({},e,{followLinks:b})))))),E>1&&(0,r.createElement)(f,{page:S,perPage:a,total:x,pageClick:C,nextLabel:q,prevLabel:L,compact:"is-style-compact"===v}))}function g(e){let{name:t,icon:a,url:l,preferredUsername:o,followLinks:i=!0}=e;const c=`@${o}`,s={};return i||(s.onClick=e=>e.preventDefault()),(0,r.createElement)(b.ExternalLink,n({className:"activitypub-link",href:l,title:c},s),(0,r.createElement)("img",{width:"40",height:"40",src:a.url,class:"avatar activitypub-avatar",alt:t}),(0,r.createElement)("span",{class:"activitypub-actor"},(0,r.createElement)("strong",{className:"activitypub-name"},t),(0,r.createElement)("span",{class:"sep"},"/"),(0,r.createElement)("span",{class:"activitypub-handle"},c)))}const y=window.wp.domReady;a.n(y)()((()=>{[]".activitypub-follower-block"),(e=>{const t=JSON.parse(e.dataset.attrs);(0,r.render)((0,r.createElement)(w,t),e)}))}))},184:(e,t)=>{var a;!function(){"use strict";var r={}.hasOwnProperty;function n(){for(var e=[],t=0;t<arguments.length;t++){var a=arguments[t];if(a){var l=typeof a;if("string"===l||"number"===l)e.push(a);else if(Array.isArray(a)){if(a.length){var o=n.apply(null,a);o&&e.push(o)}}else if("object"===l){if(a.toString!==Object.prototype.toString&&!a.toString.toString().includes("[native code]")){e.push(a.toString());continue}for(var i in a),i)&&a[i]&&e.push(i)}}}return e.join(" ")}e.exports?(n.default=n,e.exports=n):void 0===(a=function(){return n}.apply(t,[]))||(e.exports=a)}()}},a={};function r(e){var n=a[e];if(void 0!==n)return n.exports;var l=a[e]={exports:{}};return t[e](l,l.exports,r),l.exports}r.m=t,e=[],r.O=(t,a,n,l)=>{if(!a){var o=1/0;for(p=0;p<e.length;p++){for(var[a,n,l]=e[p],i=!0,c=0;c<a.length;c++)(!1&l||o>=l)&&Object.keys(r.O).every((e=>r.O[e](a[c])))?a.splice(c--,1):(i=!1,l<o&&(o=l));if(i){e.splice(p--,1);var s=n();void 0!==s&&(t=s)}}return t}l=l||0;for(var p=e.length;p>0&&e[p-1][2]>l;p--)e[p]=e[p-1];e[p]=[a,n,l]},r.n=e=>{var t=e&&e.__esModule?()=>e.default:()=>e;return r.d(t,{a:t}),t},r.d=(e,t)=>{for(var a in t)r.o(t,a)&&!r.o(e,a)&&Object.defineProperty(e,a,{enumerable:!0,get:t[a]})},r.o=(e,t)=>,t),(()=>{var e={638:0,962:0};r.O.j=t=>0===e[t];var t=(t,a)=>{var n,l,[o,i,c]=a,s=0;if(o.some((t=>0!==e[t]))){for(n in i)r.o(i,n)&&(r.m[n]=i[n]);if(c)var p=c(r)}for(t&&t(a);s<o.length;s++)l=o[s],r.o(e,l)&&e[l]&&e[l][0](),e[l]=0;return r.O(p)},a=globalThis.webpackChunkwordpress_activitypub=globalThis.webpackChunkwordpress_activitypub||[];a.forEach(t.bind(null,0)),a.push=t.bind(null,a.push.bind(a))})();var n=r.O(void 0,[962],(()=>r(189)));n=r.O(n)})();
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
"yoast/phpunit-polyfills": "^2.0",
"dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "^1.0.0",
"sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis": "^2.11",
"phpcsstandards/phpcsextra": "^1.1.0"
"phpcsstandards/phpcsextra": "^1.1.0",
"dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts": "^0.5.0"
"config": {
"allow-plugins": true
@ -194,6 +194,12 @@ class Activity extends Base_Object {
* @return void
public function set_object( $object ) {
// convert array to object
if ( is_array( $object ) ) {
$object = self::init_from_array( $object );
// set object
$this->set( 'object', $object );
if ( ! is_object( $object ) ) {
@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ use function Activitypub\snake_to_camel_case;
* Note: Object is a reserved keyword in PHP. It has been suffixed with
* 'Base_' for this reason.
* @see
class Base_Object {
* The object's unique global identifier
@ -254,19 +257,6 @@ class Base_Object {
protected $published;
* A Collection containing objects considered to be responses to
* this object.
* @see
* @var string
* | Collection
* | Link
* | null
protected $replies;
* The date and time describing the actual or expected starting time
* of the object.
@ -437,6 +427,19 @@ class Base_Object {
protected $source;
* A Collection containing objects considered to be responses to
* this object.
* @see
* @var string
* | Collection
* | Link
* | null
protected $replies;
* Magic function to implement getter and setter
@ -457,7 +460,7 @@ class Base_Object {
if ( \strncasecmp( $method, 'set', 3 ) === 0 ) {
$this->set( $var, $params[0] );
return $this->set( $var, $params[0] );
if ( \strncasecmp( $method, 'add', 3 ) === 0 ) {
@ -465,6 +468,13 @@ class Base_Object {
* The ActivityPub object typicallly can define it's own JSON-LD context.
public function __construct() {
$this->context = $this->get_context();
* Magic function, to transform the object to string.
@ -505,7 +515,10 @@ class Base_Object {
* @return boolean True if the object has the key.
public function has( $key ) {
public function has( $key ) {
if ( $key === 'actor ') {
$key = 'actor';
return property_exists( $this, $key );
@ -519,12 +532,16 @@ class Base_Object {
public function set( $key, $value ) {
if ( ! $this->has( $key ) ) {
if ( $key === 'actor' ) {
$key = 'actor';
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_key', __( 'Invalid key', 'activitypub' ), array( 'status' => 404 ) );
$this->$key = $value;
return $this->$key;
return $this;
@ -585,7 +602,7 @@ class Base_Object {
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
$key = camel_to_snake_case( $key );
$object->set( $key, $value );
call_user_func( array( $object, 'set_' . $key ), $value );
return $object;
@ -611,7 +628,7 @@ class Base_Object {
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
if ( $value ) {
$key = camel_to_snake_case( $key );
$this->set( $key, $value );
call_user_func( array( $this, 'set_' . $key ), $value );
@ -671,8 +688,131 @@ class Base_Object {
* @return string The JSON string.
public function to_json() {
$array = $this->to_array();
$array = $this->to_array();
return \wp_json_encode( $array, \JSON_HEX_TAG | \JSON_HEX_AMP | \JSON_HEX_QUOT );
* Options to be passed to json_encode()
* @param int $options The current options flags
$options = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_encode_options', $options );
return \wp_json_encode( $array, $options );
* Returns the keys of the object vars.
* @return array The keys of the object vars.
public function get_object_var_keys() {
return \array_keys( \get_object_vars( $this ) );
* Get the context information for a property.
* @param string $property
* @return array|null
private function get_property_context( string $property ) {
$reflection_class = new \ReflectionClass( $this );
if ( $reflection_class->hasProperty( $property ) ) {
$reflection_property = $reflection_class->getProperty( $property );
$doc_omment = $reflection_property->getDocComment();
// Extract context information from the doc comment.
preg_match( '/@context\s+([^\s]+)/', $doc_omment, $matches );
if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) {
return $matches[1];
} else {
return null;
* Compact the context via the JSON-LD syntax.
* @param array $key_context A certain part of the whole context.
* @param array $array The full URIs of the contexts.
* @param array $abbreviation The short name of the context.
* @return array $key_kontext The compacted context.
private static function compact_context( $key_context, $namespace, $abbreviation ) {
$abbreviation_added = false;
foreach ( $key_context as $key => $value ) {
// Check if the key starts with the namespace
if ( strpos( $value, $namespace ) === 0 ) {
// Replace the key
$key_context[ $key ] = $abbreviation . ':' . substr( $value, strlen( $namespace ) );
// Add abbreviation element for the namespace only once
if ( ! $abbreviation_added ) {
$key_context = array( $abbreviation => $namespace ) + $key_context;
$abbreviation_added = true;
return $key_context;
* Builds the context of the ActivityPub object via the PHP docs.
* @return array $context A shortened and clean JSON-LD context for the ActivityPub object.
public static function get_context() {
$class = static::class;
// Try to lookup the context from a transient.
$transient = "activitypub_json_context_object_{$class}";
$context = get_transient( $transient );
if ( $context ) {
return $context;
$reflection_class = new \ReflectionClass( static::class );
$context = array(
$key_context = array();
foreach ( $reflection_class->getProperties() as $property ) {
$doc_omment = $property->getDocComment();
// Extract context information from the doc comment.
preg_match( '/@context\s+([^\s]+)/', $doc_omment, $matches );
if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) ) {
$key_context[ snake_to_camel_case( $property->name ) ] = $matches[1];
$namespace_abbreviations = array(
'' => 'pt',
'' => 'mz',
'' => 'sc',
'' => 'ical',
foreach ( $namespace_abbreviations as $namespace => $abbreviation ) {
$key_context = self::compact_context( $key_context, $namespace, $abbreviation );
if ( ! empty( $key_context ) ) {
$context[] = $key_context;
set_transient( $transient, $context );
return $context;
@ -1,23 +1,134 @@
* Inspired by the PHP ActivityPub Library by @Landrok
* ActivityPub Object of type Event.
* @link
* @package activity-event-transformers
* @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Activitypub\Activity;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
use function Activitypub\snake_to_camel_case;
* Event is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams Event object type
* Event is an implementation of one of the Activity Streams Event object type.
* The Object is the primary base type for the Activity Streams
* vocabulary.
* This class contains extra keys as used by Mobilizon to ensure compatibility.
* @see
class Note extends Base_Object {
class Event extends Base_Object {
// todo maybe rename to mobilizon event?
const REPLIES_MODERATION_OPTION_TYPES = array( 'allow_all', 'closed' );
const JOIN_MODE_TYPES = array( 'free', 'restricted', 'external' ); // amd 'invite', but not used by mobilizon atm
* Event is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams
* @var string
protected $type = 'Event';
protected $name;
protected $contacts;
* Extension invented by PeerTube whether comments/replies are <enabled>
* Mobilizon also implemented this as a fallback to their own
* repliesModerationOption.
* @context
* @see
* @see
* @var bool|null
protected $comments_enabled;
* @context
* @var string
protected $timezone;
* @context
* @see
* @var string
protected $replies_moderation_option;
* @context
* @see
* @var bool
protected $anonymous_participation_enabled;
* @context
* @var enum
protected $category;
* @context
* @var
protected $in_language;
* @context
* @var bool
protected $is_online;
* @context
* @var enum
protected $status;
* TODO this seems to not be a default property of an Object but needed by mobilizon TODO:
protected $actor;
* @context
* @var string
protected $external_participation_url;
* @context
* @see
* @var
protected $join_mode;
* @context
* @var int
protected $participant_count;
* @context
* @see
* @var int
protected $maximum_attendee_capacity;
* @context
* @see
* @var int
protected $remaining_attendee_capacity;
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
* Inspired by the PHP ActivityPub Library by @Landrok
* @link
namespace Activitypub\Activity;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
* Note is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams Note object type
* The Object is the primary base type for the Activity Streams
* vocabulary.
* @see
class Note extends Base_Object {
protected $type = 'Note';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* Event is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams Event object type
* @package activity-event-transformers
* @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Activitypub\Activity;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
* Event is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams Event object type
* The Object is the primary base type for the Activity Streams
* vocabulary.
* @see
class Place extends Base_Object {
* Place is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams
* @var string
protected $type = 'Place';
* Indicates the accuracy of position coordinates on a Place objects.
* Expressed in properties of percentage. e.g. "94.0" means "94.0% accurate".
* @see
* @var float xsd:float [>= 0.0f, <= 100.0f]
protected $accuracy;
* Indicates the altitude of a place. The measurement units is indicated using the units property.
* If units is not specified, the default is assumed to be "m" indicating meters.
* @see
* @var float xsd:float
protected $altitude;
* The latitude of a place.
* @see
* @var float xsd:float
protected $latitude;
* The longitude of a place.
* @see
* @var float xsd:float
protected $longitude;
* @see
* @var float
protected $radius;
* @see
* @var string
protected $units;
* Extension invented by PeerTube whether comments/replies are <enabled>
* Mobilizon also implemented this as a fallback to their own
* repliesModerationOption.
* @see
* @see
* @var bool
protected $comments_enabled;
* @var Postal_Address|string
protected $address;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* PostalAddress is a custom ActivityPub object firstly used by Mobilizon
* derived from
* @package activity-event-transformers
* @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Activitypub\Activity;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
* @see
class Postal_Address extends Base_Object {
* Place is an implementation of one of the
* Activity Streams
* @var string
protected $type = 'PostalAddress';
* The country. For example, USA. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
* @see
* @var string
protected $address_country;
* The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region. For example, Mountain View.
* @var string
protected $address_locality;
* The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country.
* For example, California or another appropriate first-level Administrative division.
* @var string
protected $address_region;
* The postal code. For example, 94043.
* @var string
protected $postal_code;
* The street address. For example, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy.
* @var string
protected $street_address;
@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
namespace Activitypub;
use WP_Post;
use WP_Comment;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Factory;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Comment;
use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path;
use function Activitypub\is_single_user;
use function Activitypub\is_user_disabled;
use function Activitypub\safe_remote_post;
@ -25,17 +29,18 @@ class Activity_Dispatcher {
public static function init() {
\add_action( 'activitypub_send_activity', array( self::class, 'send_activity' ), 10, 2 );
\add_action( 'activitypub_send_activity', array( self::class, 'send_activity_or_announce' ), 10, 2 );
\add_action( 'activitypub_send_update_profile_activity', array( self::class, 'send_profile_update' ), 10, 1 );
* Send Activities to followers and mentioned users or `Announce` (boost) a blog post.
* @param WP_Post $wp_post The ActivityPub Post.
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @param mixed $wp_object The ActivityPub Post.
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @return void
public static function send_activity_or_announce( WP_Post $wp_post, $type ) {
public static function send_activity_or_announce( $wp_object, $type ) {
// check if a migration is needed before sending new posts
@ -43,85 +48,137 @@ class Activity_Dispatcher {
$wp_post->post_author = Users::BLOG_USER_ID;
if ( is_single_user() ) {
self::send_activity( $wp_post, $type );
self::send_activity( $wp_object, $type, Users::BLOG_USER_ID );
self::send_announce( $wp_object, $type, Users::APPLICATION_USER_ID );
} else {
self::send_announce( $wp_post, $type );
self::send_announce( $wp_object, $type, Users::BLOG_USER_ID );
self::send_announce( $wp_object, $type, Users::APPLICATION_USER_ID );
* Send Activities to followers and mentioned users.
* @param WP_Post $wp_post The ActivityPub Post.
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @param mixed $wp_object The ActivityPub Post.
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @return void
public static function send_activity( WP_Post $wp_post, $type ) {
if ( is_user_disabled( $wp_post->post_author ) ) {
public static function send_activity( $wp_object, $type, $user_id = null ) {
$transformer = Factory::instance()->get_transformer( $wp_object );
if ( null !== $user_id ) {
$transformer->change_wp_user_id( $user_id );
$user_id = $transformer->get_wp_user_id();
if ( is_user_disabled( $user_id ) ) {
$transformer = Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( $wp_post );
$object = $transformer->to_object();
$activity = $transformer->to_activity( $type );
$activity = new Activity();
$activity->set_type( $type );
$activity->set_object( $object );
$follower_inboxes = Followers::get_inboxes( $wp_post->post_author );
$mentioned_inboxes = Mention::get_inboxes( $activity->get_cc() );
$inboxes = array_merge( $follower_inboxes, $mentioned_inboxes );
$inboxes = array_unique( $inboxes );
$json = $activity->to_json();
foreach ( $inboxes as $inbox ) {
safe_remote_post( $inbox, $json, $wp_post->post_author );
self::send_activity_to_inboxes( $activity, $user_id );
* Send Announces to followers and mentioned users.
* @param WP_Post $wp_post The ActivityPub Post.
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @param mixed $wp_object The ActivityPub Post.
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @return void
public static function send_announce( WP_Post $wp_post, $type ) {
public static function send_announce( $wp_object, $type, $user_id = null ) {
if ( ! in_array( $type, array( 'Create', 'Update' ), true ) ) {
if ( is_user_disabled( Users::BLOG_USER_ID ) ) {
$transformer = Factory::instance()->get_transformer( $wp_object );
if ( null !== $user_id && Users::APPLICATION_USER_ID !== $user_id ) {
$transformer->change_wp_user_id( $user_id );
if ( ! $user_id ) {
$user_id = $transformer->get_wp_user_id();
if ( is_user_disabled( $user_id ) ) {
$transformer = Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( $wp_post );
$object = $transformer->to_object();
$activity = $transformer->to_activity( 'Announce' );
// TODO: properly fix this for the instance-to-instance federation with Mobilizon.
// Error:
// Failed to map identity from signature (payload actor mismatch)
// key_id=http://wp.lan/wp-json/activitypub/1.0/application, actor=http://wp.lan/@blog
// Of course, the announce must be sent as the Application actor because he also signed it!
if ( Users::APPLICATION_USER_ID === $user_id ) {
$activity->set_actor( get_rest_url_by_path( 'application' ) );
self::send_activity_to_inboxes( $activity, $user_id );
* Send a "Update" Activity when a user updates their profile.
* @param int $user_id The user ID to send an update for.
* @return void
public static function send_profile_update( $user_id ) {
$user = Users::get_by_various( $user_id );
// bail if that's not a good user
if ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
// build the update
$activity = new Activity();
$activity->set_type( 'Announce' );
// to pre-fill attributes like "published" and "id"
$activity->set_object( $object );
// send only the id
$activity->set_object( $object->get_id() );
$activity->set_id( $user->get_url() . '#update' );
$activity->set_type( 'Update' );
$activity->set_actor( $user->get_url() );
$activity->set_object( $user->get_url() );
$activity->set_to( '' );
$follower_inboxes = Followers::get_inboxes( $wp_post->post_author );
$mentioned_inboxes = Mention::get_inboxes( $activity->get_cc() );
// send the update
self::send_activity_to_inboxes( $activity, $user_id );
* Send an Activity to all followers and mentioned users.
* @param Activity $activity The ActivityPub Activity.
* @param int $user_id The user ID.
* @return void
private static function send_activity_to_inboxes( $activity, $user_id ) {
$follower_inboxes = Followers::get_inboxes( $user_id );
$mentioned_inboxes = array();
$cc = $activity->get_cc();
if ( $cc ) {
$mentioned_inboxes = Mention::get_inboxes( $cc );
$inboxes = array_merge( $follower_inboxes, $mentioned_inboxes );
$inboxes = array_unique( $inboxes );
if ( empty( $inboxes ) ) {
$json = $activity->to_json();
foreach ( $inboxes as $inbox ) {
safe_remote_post( $inbox, $json, $wp_post->post_author );
safe_remote_post( $inbox, $json, $user_id );
@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
namespace Activitypub;
use Exception;
use Activitypub\Signature;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use function Activitypub\sanitize_url;
use function Activitypub\is_comment;
use function Activitypub\is_activitypub_request;
* ActivityPub Class
@ -15,14 +22,15 @@ class Activitypub {
public static function init() {
\add_filter( 'template_include', array( self::class, 'render_json_template' ), 99 );
\add_action( 'template_redirect', array( self::class, 'template_redirect' ) );
\add_filter( 'query_vars', array( self::class, 'add_query_vars' ) );
\add_filter( 'pre_get_avatar_data', array( self::class, 'pre_get_avatar_data' ), 11, 2 );
\add_filter( 'get_comment_link', array( self::class, 'remote_comment_link' ), 11, 3 );
// Add support for ActivityPub to custom post types
$transformer_mapping = \get_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', array( 'post' => 'activitypub/default', 'page' => 'activitypub/default' ) ) ? \get_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', array( 'post' => 'activitypub/default', 'page' => 'activitypub/default' ) ) : array();
$post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ) ? \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ) : array();
foreach ( array_keys( $transformer_mapping ) as $post_type ) {
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
\add_post_type_support( $post_type, 'activitypub' );
@ -34,6 +42,11 @@ class Activitypub {
\add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( self::class, 'theme_compat' ), 99 );
\add_action( 'in_plugin_update_message-' . ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_BASENAME, array( self::class, 'plugin_update_message' ) );
\add_filter( 'comment_class', array( self::class, 'comment_class' ), 10, 3 );
// register several post_types
@ -54,7 +67,6 @@ class Activitypub {
public static function deactivate() {
@ -92,6 +104,8 @@ class Activitypub {
if ( \is_author() ) {
$json_template = ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/author-json.php';
} elseif ( is_comment() ) {
$json_template = ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/comment-json.php';
} elseif ( \is_singular() ) {
$json_template = ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/post-json.php';
} elseif ( \is_home() ) {
@ -109,11 +123,43 @@ class Activitypub {
return $json_template;
* Custom redirects for ActivityPub requests.
* @return void
public static function template_redirect() {
$comment_id = get_query_var( 'c', null );
// check if it seems to be a comment
if ( ! $comment_id ) {
$comment = get_comment( $comment_id );
// load a 404 page if `c` is set but not valid
if ( ! $comment ) {
global $wp_query;
// stop if it's not an ActivityPub comment
if ( is_activitypub_request() && $comment->user_id ) {
wp_safe_redirect( get_comment_link( $comment ) );
* Add the 'activitypub' query variable so WordPress won't mangle it.
public static function add_query_vars( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'activitypub';
$vars[] = 'c';
$vars[] = 'p';
return $vars;
@ -189,10 +235,18 @@ class Activitypub {
* @return string $url
public static function remote_comment_link( $comment_link, $comment ) {
$remote_comment_link = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'source_url', true );
if ( $remote_comment_link ) {
$comment_link = esc_url( $remote_comment_link );
if ( ! $comment || is_admin() ) {
return $comment_link;
$comment_meta = \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID );
if ( ! empty( $comment_meta['source_url'][0] ) ) {
return $comment_meta['source_url'][0];
} elseif ( ! empty( $comment_meta['source_id'][0] ) ) {
return $comment_meta['source_id'][0];
return $comment_link;
@ -328,4 +382,98 @@ class Activitypub {
* Register the "Followers" Taxonomy
* @return void
private static function register_post_types() {
'labels' => array(
'name' => _x( 'Followers', 'post_type plural name', 'activitypub' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Follower', 'post_type single name', 'activitypub' ),
'public' => false,
'hierarchical' => false,
'rewrite' => false,
'query_var' => false,
'delete_with_user' => false,
'can_export' => true,
'supports' => array(),
'type' => 'string',
'single' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_url',
'type' => 'string',
'single' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $value ) {
if ( ! is_string( $value ) ) {
throw new Exception( 'Error message is no valid string' );
return esc_sql( $value );
'type' => 'string',
'single' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $value ) {
return esc_sql( $value );
'type' => 'string',
'single' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $value ) {
return sanitize_text_field( $value );
do_action( 'activitypub_after_register_post_type' );
* Filters the CSS classes to add an ActivityPub class.
* @param string[] $classes An array of comment classes.
* @param string[] $css_class An array of additional classes added to the list.
* @param string $comment_id The comment ID as a numeric string.
* @return string[] An array of classes.
public static function comment_class( $classes, $css_class, $comment_id ) {
// check if ActivityPub comment
if ( 'activitypub' === get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'protocol', true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'activitypub-comment';
return $classes;
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ namespace Activitypub;
use WP_User_Query;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Base\Transformer\Base as Transformer_Base;
* ActivityPub Admin Class
@ -19,19 +18,11 @@ class Admin {
\add_action( 'admin_init', array( self::class, 'register_settings' ) );
\add_action( 'personal_options_update', array( self::class, 'save_user_description' ) );
\add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( self::class, 'enqueue_scripts' ) );
\add_action( 'admin_notices', array( self::class, 'admin_notices' ) );
if ( ! is_user_disabled( get_current_user_id() ) ) {
\add_action( 'show_user_profile', array( self::class, 'add_profile' ) );
function( $should_register, Transformer_Base $transformer_instance ) {
return ! Options::is_transformer_disabled( $transformer_instance->get_name() );
@ -56,6 +47,37 @@ class Admin {
* Display admin menu notices about configuration problems or conflicts.
* @return void
public static function admin_notices() {
$permalink_structure = \get_option( 'permalink_structure' );
if ( empty( $permalink_structure ) ) {
$admin_notice = \__( 'You are using the ActivityPub plugin without setting a permalink structure. This will prevent ActivityPub from working. Please set a permalink structure.', 'activitypub' );
self::show_admin_notice( $admin_notice, 'error' );
* Display one admin menu notice about configuration problems or conflicts.
* @param string $admin_notice The notice to display.
* @param string $level The level of the notice (error, warning, success, info).
* @return void
private static function show_admin_notice( $admin_notice, $level ) {
<div class="notice notice-<?php echo esc_attr( $level ); ?>">
<p><?php echo wp_kses( $admin_notice, 'data' ); ?></p>
* Load settings page
@ -164,47 +186,14 @@ class Admin {
'default' => '0',
* Flexible activation of post_types together with mapping ActivityPub transformers.
* If a post-type is not mapped to any ActivtiyPub transformer it means it is not activated
* for ActivityPub federation.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
'type' => 'array',
'default' => array(
'post' => 'note',
'show_in_rest' => array(
'schema' => array(
'type' => 'array',
'items' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $value ) {
// Check if $value is an array
if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) {
return array();
$value_keys = array_keys( $value );
$all_public_post_types = \get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'names' );
// Unset the keys that are missing in $keysToCheck
foreach ( array_diff( $value_keys, $all_public_post_types ) as $missing_key ) {
unset( $value[ $missing_key ] );
// var_dump($value);
return $value;
'type' => 'string',
'description' => \esc_html__( 'Enable ActivityPub support for post types', 'activitypub' ),
'show_in_rest' => true,
'default' => array( 'post', 'pages' ),
@ -215,7 +204,7 @@ class Admin {
'description' => \esc_html__( 'The Identifier of the Blog-User', 'activitypub' ),
'show_in_rest' => true,
'default' => Blog_User::get_default_username(),
'sanitize_callback' => function( $value ) {
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $value ) {
// hack to allow dots in the username
$parts = explode( '.', $value );
$sanitized = array();
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ namespace Activitypub;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users as User_Collection;
use Activitypub\is_user_type_disabled;
use function Activitypub\object_to_uri;
use function Activitypub\is_user_type_disabled;
class Blocks {
public static function init() {
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ class Blocks {
$attrs['followerData']['total'] = $follower_data['total'];
$attrs['followerData']['followers'] = array_map(
function( $follower ) {
function ( $follower ) {
return self::filter_array_by_keys(
array( 'icon', 'name', 'preferredUsername', 'url' )
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ class Blocks {
return sprintf(
esc_url( $data['url'] ),
esc_url( object_to_uri( $data['url'] ) ),
esc_attr( $data['name'] ),
esc_attr( $data['icon']['url'] ),
esc_html( $data['name'] ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
namespace Activitypub;
use Activitypub\Handler\Create;
use Activitypub\Handler\Delete;
use Activitypub\Handler\Follow;
use Activitypub\Handler\Undo;
use Activitypub\Handler\Update;
* Handler class.
class Handler {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
* Register handlers.
public static function register_handlers() {
do_action( 'activitypub_register_handlers' );
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ class Hashtag {
public static function init() {
if ( '1' === \get_option( 'activitypub_use_hashtags', '1' ) ) {
\add_filter( 'wp_insert_post', array( self::class, 'insert_post' ), 10, 2 );
\add_filter( 'the_content', array( self::class, 'the_content' ), 10, 2 );
\add_action( 'wp_insert_post', array( self::class, 'insert_post' ), 10, 2 );
\add_filter( 'the_content', array( self::class, 'the_content' ), 10, 1 );
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class Hashtag {
$tag = strtolower( $m[2] );
if ( '/' === $m[1] ) {
// Closing tag.
$i = array_search( $tag, $tag_stack );
$i = array_search( $tag, $tag_stack, true );
// We can only remove the tag from the stack if it is in the stack.
if ( false !== $i ) {
$tag_stack = array_slice( $tag_stack, 0, $i );
@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ class Health_Check {
'test' => array( self::class, 'test_webfinger' ),
$tests['direct']['activitypub_test_system_cron'] = array(
'label' => __( 'System Cron Test', 'activitypub' ),
'test' => array( self::class, 'test_system_cron' ),
return $tests;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class Http {
* @return array|WP_Error The POST Response or an WP_ERROR
public static function post( $url, $body, $user_id ) {
do_action( 'activitypub_pre_http_post', $url, $body, $user_id );
\do_action( 'activitypub_pre_http_post', $url, $body, $user_id );
$date = \gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s T' );
$digest = Signature::generate_digest( $body );
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Http {
* @return array|WP_Error The GET Response or an WP_ERROR
public static function get( $url ) {
do_action( 'activitypub_pre_http_get', $url );
\do_action( 'activitypub_pre_http_get', $url );
$date = \gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s T' );
$signature = Signature::generate_signature( Users::APPLICATION_USER_ID, 'get', $url, $date );
@ -108,4 +108,24 @@ class Http {
return $response;
* Check for URL for Tombstone.
* @param string $url The URL to check.
* @return bool True if the URL is a tombstone.
public static function is_tombstone( $url ) {
\do_action( 'activitypub_pre_http_is_tombstone', $url );
$response = \wp_safe_remote_get( $url );
$code = \wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
if ( in_array( (int) $code, array( 404, 410 ), true ) ) {
return true;
return false;
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ class Mention {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
\add_filter( 'the_content', array( self::class, 'the_content' ), 99, 2 );
\add_filter( 'the_content', array( self::class, 'the_content' ), 99, 1 );
\add_filter( 'comment_text', array( self::class, 'the_content' ), 10, 1 );
\add_filter( 'activitypub_extract_mentions', array( self::class, 'extract_mentions' ), 99, 2 );
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ namespace Activitypub;
use Activitypub\Activitypub;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use Activitypub\Admin;
* ActivityPub Migration Class
@ -115,8 +114,8 @@ class Migration {
if ( version_compare( $version_from_db, '1.0.0', '<' ) ) {
if ( version_compare( $version_from_db, 'version_number_transformer_management_placeholder', '<' ) ) {
if ( version_compare( $version_from_db, '1.3.0', '<' ) ) {
update_option( 'activitypub_db_version', self::get_target_version() );
@ -124,21 +123,6 @@ class Migration {
* Updates the supported post type settings to the mapped transformer setting.
* TODO: Test this
* @return void
private static function migrate_from_version_number_transformer_management_placeholder() {
$supported_post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) );
$transformer_mapping = array();
foreach ( $supported_post_types as $supported_post_type ) {
$transformer_mapping[ $supported_post_type ] = ACTIVITYPUB_DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER;
update_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', $transformer_mapping );
* Updates the DB-schema of the followers-list
@ -195,4 +179,38 @@ class Migration {
\update_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', $content );
* Clear the cache after updating to 1.3.0
* @return void
private static function migrate_from_1_2_0() {
$user_ids = get_users(
'fields' => 'ID',
'capability__in' => array( 'publish_posts' ),
foreach ( $user_ids as $user_id ) {
wp_cache_delete( sprintf( Followers::CACHE_KEY_INBOXES, $user_id ), 'activitypub' );
* Updates the supported post type settings to the mapped transformer setting.
* TODO: Test this
* @return void
private static function migrate_from_version_number_transformer_management_placeholder() {
$supported_post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) );
$transformer_mapping = array();
foreach ( $supported_post_types as $supported_post_type ) {
$transformer_mapping[ $supported_post_type ] = 'activitypub/post';
update_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', $transformer_mapping );
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ namespace Activitypub;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post;
use function Activitypub\is_user_type_disabled;
* ActivityPub Scheduler Class
@ -11,16 +14,69 @@ use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
* @author Matthias Pfefferle
class Scheduler {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
// Post transitions
\add_action( 'transition_post_status', array( self::class, 'schedule_post_activity' ), 33, 3 );
function ( $post_id ) {
self::schedule_post_activity( 'publish', 'publish', $post_id );
function ( $post_id ) {
self::schedule_post_activity( 'publish', '', $post_id );
function ( $post_id ) {
self::schedule_post_activity( 'trash', '', $post_id );
// Comment transitions
\add_action( 'transition_comment_status', array( self::class, 'schedule_comment_activity' ), 20, 3 );
function ( $comment_id ) {
self::schedule_comment_activity( 'approved', 'approved', $comment_id );
function ( $comment_id ) {
self::schedule_comment_activity( 'approved', '', $comment_id );
// Follower Cleanups
\add_action( 'activitypub_update_followers', array( self::class, 'update_followers' ) );
\add_action( 'activitypub_cleanup_followers', array( self::class, 'cleanup_followers' ) );
// Migration
\add_action( 'admin_init', array( self::class, 'schedule_migration' ) );
// profile updates for blog options
if ( ! is_user_type_disabled( 'blog' ) ) {
\add_action( 'update_option_site_icon', array( self::class, 'blog_user_update' ) );
\add_action( 'update_option_blogdescription', array( self::class, 'blog_user_update' ) );
\add_action( 'update_option_blogname', array( self::class, 'blog_user_update' ) );
\add_filter( 'pre_set_theme_mod_custom_logo', array( self::class, 'blog_user_update' ) );
\add_filter( 'pre_set_theme_mod_header_image', array( self::class, 'blog_user_update' ) );
// profile updates for user options
if ( ! is_user_type_disabled( 'user' ) ) {
\add_action( 'wp_update_user', array( self::class, 'user_update' ) );
\add_action( 'updated_user_meta', array( self::class, 'user_meta_update' ), 10, 3 );
// @todo figure out a feasible way of updating the header image since it's not unique to any user.
@ -57,6 +113,8 @@ class Scheduler {
* @param WP_Post $post Post object.
public static function schedule_post_activity( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
$post = get_post( $post );
// Do not send activities if post is password protected.
if ( \post_password_required( $post ) ) {
@ -98,6 +156,57 @@ class Scheduler {
* Schedule Comment Activities
* transition_comment_status()
* @param string $new_status New comment status.
* @param string $old_status Old comment status.
* @param WP_Comment $comment Comment object.
public static function schedule_comment_activity( $new_status, $old_status, $comment ) {
$comment = get_comment( $comment );
// Federate only approved comments.
if ( ! $comment->user_id ) {
if (
'approved' === $new_status &&
'approved' !== $old_status
) {
$type = 'Create';
} elseif ( 'approved' === $new_status ) {
$type = 'Update';
} elseif (
'trash' === $new_status ||
'spam' === $new_status
) {
$type = 'Delete';
if ( ! $type ) {
array( $comment, $type )
\strtolower( $type )
array( $comment )
* Update followers
@ -113,7 +222,7 @@ class Scheduler {
$followers = Followers::get_outdated_followers( $number );
foreach ( $followers as $follower ) {
$meta = get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $follower->get_url(), false );
$meta = get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $follower->get_id(), false );
if ( empty( $meta ) || ! is_array( $meta ) || is_wp_error( $meta ) ) {
Followers::add_error( $follower->get__id(), $meta );
@ -165,4 +274,68 @@ class Scheduler {
\wp_schedule_single_event( \time(), 'activitypub_schedule_migration' );
* Send a profile update when relevant user meta is updated.
* @param int $meta_id Meta ID being updated.
* @param int $user_id User ID being updated.
* @param string $meta_key Meta key being updated.
* @return void
public static function user_meta_update( $meta_id, $user_id, $meta_key ) {
// don't bother if the user can't publish
if ( ! \user_can( $user_id, 'publish_posts' ) ) {
// the user meta fields that affect a profile.
$fields = array(
if ( in_array( $meta_key, $fields, true ) ) {
self::schedule_profile_update( $user_id );
* Send a profile update when a user is updated.
* @param int $user_id User ID being updated.
* @return void
public static function user_update( $user_id ) {
// don't bother if the user can't publish
if ( ! \user_can( $user_id, 'publish_posts' ) ) {
self::schedule_profile_update( $user_id );
* Theme mods only have a dynamic filter so we fudge it like this.
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
public static function blog_user_update( $value = null ) {
self::schedule_profile_update( 0 );
return $value;
* Send a profile update to all followers. Gets hooked into all relevant options/meta etc.
* @param int $user_id The user ID to update (Could be 0 for Blog-User).
public static function schedule_profile_update( $user_id ) {
array( $user_id )
@ -110,8 +110,13 @@ class Shortcodes {
$excerpt = \get_post_field( 'post_excerpt', $item );
if ( '' === $excerpt ) {
if ( 'attachment' === $item->post_type ) {
// get title of attachment with fallback to alt text.
$content = wp_get_attachment_caption( $item->ID );
if ( empty( $content ) ) {
$content = get_post_meta( $item->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
} elseif ( '' === $excerpt ) {
$content = \get_post_field( 'post_content', $item );
// An empty string will make wp_trim_excerpt do stuff we do not want.
@ -127,8 +132,7 @@ class Shortcodes {
// Strip out any remaining tags.
$excerpt = \wp_strip_all_tags( $excerpt );
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/formatting.php */
$excerpt_more = \apply_filters( 'excerpt_more', ' [...]' );
$excerpt_more = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_excerpt_more', ' […]' );
$excerpt_more_len = strlen( $excerpt_more );
// We now have a excerpt, but we need to check it's length, it may be longer than we want for two reasons:
@ -208,20 +212,30 @@ class Shortcodes {
$content = \get_post_field( 'post_content', $item );
$content = '';
if ( 'yes' === $atts['apply_filters'] ) {
$content = \apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
if ( 'attachment' === $item->post_type ) {
// get title of attachment with fallback to alt text.
$content = wp_get_attachment_caption( $item->ID );
if ( empty( $content ) ) {
$content = get_post_meta( $item->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
} else {
$content = do_blocks( $content );
$content = wptexturize( $content );
$content = wp_filter_content_tags( $content );
$content = \get_post_field( 'post_content', $item );
// replace script and style elements
$content = \preg_replace( '@<(script|style)[^>]*?>.*?</\\1>@si', '', $content );
$content = strip_shortcodes( $content );
$content = \trim( \preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $content ) );
if ( 'yes' === $atts['apply_filters'] ) {
$content = \apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
} else {
$content = do_blocks( $content );
$content = wptexturize( $content );
$content = wp_filter_content_tags( $content );
// replace script and style elements
$content = \preg_replace( '@<(script|style)[^>]*?>.*?</\\1>@si', '', $content );
$content = strip_shortcodes( $content );
$content = \trim( \preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $content ) );
add_shortcode( 'ap_content', array( 'Activitypub\Shortcodes', 'content' ) );
@ -292,7 +292,8 @@ class Signature {
if ( is_array( $headers['digest'] ) ) {
$headers['digest'] = $headers['digest'][0];
$digest = explode( '=', $headers['digest'], 2 );
$hashalg = 'sha256';
$digest = explode( '=', $headers['digest'], 2 );
if ( 'SHA-256' === $digest[0] ) {
$hashalg = 'sha256';
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Webfinger {
* Returns a users WebFinger "resource"
* @param int $user_id
* @param int $user_id The WordPress user id
* @return string The user-resource
@ -36,68 +36,65 @@ class Webfinger {
* Resolve a WebFinger resource
* @param string $resource The WebFinger resource
* @param string $uri The WebFinger Resource
* @return string|WP_Error The URL or WP_Error
public static function resolve( $resource ) {
if ( ! $resource ) {
return null;
public static function resolve( $uri ) {
$data = self::get_data( $uri );
if ( \is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
return $data;
if ( ! preg_match( '/^@?' . ACTIVITYPUB_USERNAME_REGEXP . '$/i', $resource, $m ) ) {
return null;
$transient_key = 'activitypub_resolve_' . ltrim( $resource, '@' );
$link = \get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( $link ) {
return $link;
$url = \add_query_arg( 'resource', 'acct:' . ltrim( $resource, '@' ), 'https://' . $m[2] . '/.well-known/webfinger' );
if ( ! \wp_http_validate_url( $url ) ) {
$response = new WP_Error( 'invalid_webfinger_url', null, $url );
\set_transient( $transient_key, $response, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); // Cache the error for a shorter period.
return $response;
// try to access author URL
$response = \wp_remote_get(
'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/jrd+json' ),
'redirection' => 2,
'timeout' => 2,
if ( \is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$link = new WP_Error( 'webfinger_url_not_accessible', null, $url );
\set_transient( $transient_key, $link, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); // Cache the error for a shorter period.
return $link;
$body = \wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
$body = \json_decode( $body, true );
if ( empty( $body['links'] ) ) {
$link = new WP_Error( 'webfinger_url_invalid_response', null, $url );
\set_transient( $transient_key, $link, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); // Cache the error for a shorter period.
return $link;
foreach ( $body['links'] as $link ) {
if ( 'self' === $link['rel'] && 'application/activity+json' === $link['type'] ) {
\set_transient( $transient_key, $link['href'], WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
foreach ( $data['links'] as $link ) {
if (
'self' === $link['rel'] &&
'application/activity+json' === $link['type']
) {
return $link['href'];
$link = new WP_Error( 'webfinger_url_no_activitypub', null, $body );
\set_transient( $transient_key, $link, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); // Cache the error for a shorter period.
return $link;
return new WP_Error( 'webfinger_url_no_activitypub', null, $data );
* Transform a URI to an acct <identifier>@<host>
* @param string $uri The URI (acct:, mailto:, http:, https:)
* @return string|WP_Error Error or acct URI
public static function uri_to_acct( $uri ) {
$data = self::get_data( $uri );
if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
return $data;
// check if subject is an acct URI
if (
isset( $data['subject'] ) &&
\str_starts_with( $data['subject'], 'acct:' )
) {
return $data['subject'];
// search for an acct URI in the aliases
if ( isset( $data['aliases'] ) ) {
foreach ( $data['aliases'] as $alias ) {
if ( \str_starts_with( $alias, 'acct:' ) ) {
return $alias;
return new WP_Error(
__( 'No acct URI found.', 'activitypub' ),
@ -137,7 +134,7 @@ class Webfinger {
if ( empty( $host ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'invalid_identifier', __( 'Invalid Identifier', 'activitypub' ) );
return new WP_Error( 'webfinger_invalid_identifier', __( 'Invalid Identifier', 'activitypub' ) );
return array( $identifier, $host );
@ -146,55 +143,70 @@ class Webfinger {
* Get the WebFinger data for a given URI
* @param string $identifier The Identifier: <identifier>@<host>
* @param string $host The Host: <identifier>@<host>
* @param string $uri The Identifier: <identifier>@<host> or URI
* @return WP_Error|array Error reaction or array with
* identifier and host as values
public static function get_data( $identifier, $host ) {
$webfinger_url = 'https://' . $host . '/.well-known/webfinger?resource=' . rawurlencode( $identifier );
$response = wp_safe_remote_get(
'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/jrd+json' ),
'redirection' => 0,
'timeout' => 2,
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'webfinger_url_not_accessible', null, $webfinger_url );
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
return json_decode( $body, true );
* Undocumented function
* @return void
public static function get_remote_follow_endpoint( $uri ) {
public static function get_data( $uri ) {
$identifier_and_host = self::get_identifier_and_host( $uri );
if ( is_wp_error( $identifier_and_host ) ) {
return $identifier_and_host;
$transient_key = self::generate_cache_key( $uri );
list( $identifier, $host ) = $identifier_and_host;
$data = self::get_data( $identifier, $host );
$data = \get_transient( $transient_key );
if ( $data ) {
return $data;
$webfinger_url = 'https://' . $host . '/.well-known/webfinger?resource=' . rawurlencode( $identifier );
$response = wp_safe_remote_get(
'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/jrd+json' ),
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
return new WP_Error(
__( 'The WebFinger Resource is not accessible.', 'activitypub' ),
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
$data = json_decode( $body, true );
\set_transient( $transient_key, $data, WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
return $data;
* Get the Remote-Follow endpoint for a given URI
* @return string|WP_Error Error or the Remote-Follow endpoint URI.
public static function get_remote_follow_endpoint( $uri ) {
$data = self::get_data( $uri );
if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
return $data;
if ( empty( $data['links'] ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'webfinger_url_invalid_response', null, $data );
return new WP_Error(
__( 'No valid Link elements found.', 'activitypub' ),
foreach ( $data['links'] as $link ) {
@ -203,6 +215,27 @@ class Webfinger {
return new WP_Error( 'webfinger_remote_follow_endpoint_invalid', $data, array( 'status' => 417 ) );
return new WP_Error(
__( 'No valid Remote-Follow endpoint found.', 'activitypub' ),
* Generate a cache key for a given URI
* @param string $uri A WebFinger Resource URI
* @return string The cache key
public static function generate_cache_key( $uri ) {
$uri = ltrim( $uri, '@' );
if ( filter_var( $uri, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) ) {
$uri = 'acct:' . $uri;
return 'webfinger_' . md5( $uri );
@ -2,14 +2,10 @@
namespace Activitypub\Collection;
use WP_Error;
use Exception;
use WP_Query;
use Activitypub\Http;
use Activitypub\Webfinger;
use Activitypub\Model\Follower;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
use function Activitypub\is_tombstone;
use function Activitypub\get_remote_metadata_by_actor;
@ -24,136 +20,6 @@ class Followers {
const POST_TYPE = 'ap_follower';
const CACHE_KEY_INBOXES = 'follower_inboxes_%s';
* Register WordPress hooks/actions and register Taxonomy
* @return void
public static function init() {
// register "followers" post_type
\add_action( 'activitypub_inbox_follow', array( self::class, 'handle_follow_request' ), 10, 2 );
\add_action( 'activitypub_inbox_undo', array( self::class, 'handle_undo_request' ), 10, 2 );
\add_action( 'activitypub_followers_post_follow', array( self::class, 'send_follow_response' ), 10, 4 );
* Register the "Followers" Taxonomy
* @return void
private static function register_post_type() {
'labels' => array(
'name' => _x( 'Followers', 'post_type plural name', 'activitypub' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Follower', 'post_type single name', 'activitypub' ),
'public' => false,
'hierarchical' => false,
'rewrite' => false,
'query_var' => false,
'delete_with_user' => false,
'can_export' => true,
'supports' => array(),
'type' => 'string',
'single' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => array( self::class, 'sanitize_url' ),
'type' => 'string',
'single' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => function( $value ) {
if ( ! is_string( $value ) ) {
throw new Exception( 'Error message is no valid string' );
return esc_sql( $value );
'type' => 'string',
'single' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => function( $value ) {
return esc_sql( $value );
'type' => 'string',
'single' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => function( $value ) {
return sanitize_text_field( $value );
do_action( 'activitypub_after_register_post_type' );
public static function sanitize_url( $value ) {
if ( filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) === false ) {
return null;
return esc_url_raw( $value );
* Handle the "Follow" Request
* @param array $object The JSON "Follow" Activity
* @param int $user_id The ID of the ID of the WordPress User
* @return void
public static function handle_follow_request( $object, $user_id ) {
// save follower
$follower = self::add_follower( $user_id, $object['actor'] );
do_action( 'activitypub_followers_post_follow', $object['actor'], $object, $user_id, $follower );
* Handle "Unfollow" requests
* @param array $object The JSON "Undo" Activity
* @param int $user_id The ID of the ID of the WordPress User
public static function handle_undo_request( $object, $user_id ) {
if (
isset( $object['object'] ) &&
isset( $object['object']['type'] ) &&
'Follow' === $object['object']['type']
) {
self::remove_follower( $user_id, $object['actor'] );
* Add new Follower
@ -214,16 +80,17 @@ class Followers {
* Get a Follower
* Get a Follower.
* @param int $user_id The ID of the WordPress User
* @param string $actor The Actor URL
* @return \Activitypub\Model\Follower The Follower object
* @return \Activitypub\Model\Follower|null The Follower object or null
public static function get_follower( $user_id, $actor ) {
global $wpdb;
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery, WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching
$post_id = $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT DISTINCT p.ID FROM $wpdb->posts p INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta pm ON p.ID = pm.post_id WHERE p.post_type = %s AND pm.meta_key = 'activitypub_user_id' AND pm.meta_value = %d AND p.guid = %s",
@ -244,51 +111,29 @@ class Followers {
* Send Accept response
* Get a Follower by Actor indepenent from the User.
* @param string $actor The Actor URL
* @param array $object The Activity object
* @param int $user_id The ID of the WordPress User
* @param Activitypub\Model\Follower $follower The Follower object
* @param string $actor The Actor URL.
* @return void
* @return \Activitypub\Model\Follower|null The Follower object or null
public static function send_follow_response( $actor, $object, $user_id, $follower ) {
if ( is_wp_error( $follower ) ) {
// it is not even possible to send a "Reject" because
// we can not get the Remote-Inbox
public static function get_follower_by_actor( $actor ) {
global $wpdb;
// only send minimal data
$object = array_intersect_key(
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery, WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching
$post_id = $wpdb->get_var(
"SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE guid=%s",
esc_sql( $actor )
$user = Users::get_by_id( $user_id );
if ( $post_id ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
return Follower::init_from_cpt( $post );
// get inbox
$inbox = $follower->get_shared_inbox();
// send "Accept" activity
$activity = new Activity();
$activity->set_type( 'Accept' );
$activity->set_object( $object );
$activity->set_actor( $user->get_id() );
$activity->set_to( $actor );
$activity->set_id( $user->get_id() . '#follow-' . \preg_replace( '~^https?://~', '', $actor ) . '-' . \time() );
$activity = $activity->to_json();
Http::post( $inbox, $activity, $user_id );
return null;
@ -337,7 +182,7 @@ class Followers {
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
$total = $query->found_posts;
$followers = array_map(
function( $post ) {
function ( $post ) {
return Follower::init_from_cpt( $post );
@ -354,6 +199,7 @@ class Followers {
public static function get_all_followers() {
$args = array(
'nopaging' => true,
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
@ -422,6 +268,7 @@ class Followers {
// get all Followers of a ID of the WordPress User
$posts = new WP_Query(
'nopaging' => true,
'post_type' => self::POST_TYPE,
'fields' => 'ids',
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
namespace Activitypub\Collection;
use WP_Error;
use WP_Comment_Query;
use function Activitypub\url_to_commentid;
use function Activitypub\object_id_to_comment;
use function Activitypub\get_remote_metadata_by_actor;
* ActivityPub Interactions Collection
class Interactions {
* Add a comment to a post
* @param array $activity The activity-object
* @return array|false The commentdata or false on failure
public static function add_comment( $activity ) {
if (
! isset( $activity['object'] ) ||
! isset( $activity['object']['id'] )
) {
return false;
if ( ! isset( $activity['object']['inReplyTo'] ) ) {
return false;
$in_reply_to = \esc_url_raw( $activity['object']['inReplyTo'] );
$comment_post_id = \url_to_postid( $in_reply_to );
$parent_comment_id = url_to_commentid( $in_reply_to );
// save only replys and reactions
if ( ! $comment_post_id && $parent_comment_id ) {
$parent_comment = get_comment( $parent_comment_id );
$comment_post_id = $parent_comment->comment_post_ID;
// not a reply to a post or comment
if ( ! $comment_post_id ) {
return false;
$meta = get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $activity['actor'] );
if ( ! $meta || \is_wp_error( $meta ) ) {
return false;
$commentdata = array(
'comment_post_ID' => $comment_post_id,
'comment_author' => \esc_attr( $meta['name'] ),
'comment_author_url' => \esc_url_raw( $meta['url'] ),
'comment_content' => \addslashes( $activity['object']['content'] ),
'comment_type' => 'comment',
'comment_author_email' => '',
'comment_parent' => $parent_comment_id ? $parent_comment_id : 0,
'comment_meta' => array(
'source_id' => \esc_url_raw( $activity['object']['id'] ),
'protocol' => 'activitypub',
if ( isset( $meta['icon']['url'] ) ) {
$commentdata['comment_meta']['avatar_url'] = \esc_url_raw( $meta['icon']['url'] );
if ( isset( $activity['object']['url'] ) ) {
$commentdata['comment_meta']['source_url'] = \esc_url_raw( $activity['object']['url'] );
// disable flood control
\remove_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10 );
// do not require email for AP entries
\add_filter( 'pre_option_require_name_email', '__return_false' );
// No nonce possible for this submission route
function () {
return 'inactive';
\add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( self::class, 'allowed_comment_html' ), 10, 2 );
$comment = \wp_new_comment( $commentdata, true );
\remove_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( self::class, 'allowed_comment_html' ), 10 );
\remove_filter( 'pre_option_require_name_email', '__return_false' );
// re-add flood control
\add_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10, 4 );
return $comment;
* Update a comment
* @param array $activity The activity-object
* @return array|false The commentdata or false on failure
public static function update_comment( $activity ) {
$meta = get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $activity['actor'] );
//Determine comment_ID
$comment = object_id_to_comment( \esc_url_raw( $activity['object']['id'] ) );
$commentdata = \get_comment( $comment, ARRAY_A );
if ( ! $commentdata ) {
return false;
//found a local comment id
$commentdata['comment_author'] = \esc_attr( $meta['name'] ? $meta['name'] : $meta['preferredUsername'] );
$commentdata['comment_content'] = \addslashes( $activity['object']['content'] );
if ( isset( $meta['icon']['url'] ) ) {
$commentdata['comment_meta']['avatar_url'] = \esc_url_raw( $meta['icon']['url'] );
// disable flood control
\remove_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10 );
// do not require email for AP entries
\add_filter( 'pre_option_require_name_email', '__return_false' );
// No nonce possible for this submission route
function () {
return 'inactive';
\add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( self::class, 'allowed_comment_html' ), 10, 2 );
$comment = \wp_update_comment( $commentdata, true );
\remove_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( self::class, 'allowed_comment_html' ), 10 );
\remove_filter( 'pre_option_require_name_email', '__return_false' );
// re-add flood control
\add_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10, 4 );
return $comment;
* Get interaction(s) for a given URL/ID.
* @param strin $url The URL/ID to get interactions for.
* @return array The interactions as WP_Comment objects.
public static function get_interaction_by_id( $url ) {
$args = array(
'nopaging' => true,
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'AND',
'key' => 'protocol',
'value' => 'activitypub',
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => 'source_url',
'value' => $url,
'key' => 'source_id',
'value' => $url,
$query = new WP_Comment_Query( $args );
return $query->comments;
* Get interaction(s) for a given actor.
* @param string $actor The Actor-URL.
* @return array The interactions as WP_Comment objects.
public static function get_interactions_by_actor( $actor ) {
$meta = get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $actor );
// get URL, because $actor seems to be the ID
if ( $meta && ! is_wp_error( $meta ) && isset( $meta['url'] ) ) {
$actor = $meta['url'];
$args = array(
'nopaging' => true,
'author_url' => $actor,
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'protocol',
'value' => 'activitypub',
'compare' => '=',
$comment_query = new WP_Comment_Query( $args );
return $comment_query->comments;
* Adds line breaks to the list of allowed comment tags.
* @param array $allowed_tags Allowed HTML tags.
* @param string $context Context.
* @return array Filtered tag list.
public static function allowed_comment_html( $allowed_tags, $context = '' ) {
if ( 'pre_comment_content' !== $context ) {
// Do nothing.
return $allowed_tags;
// Add `p` and `br` to the list of allowed tags.
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'br', $allowed_tags ) ) {
$allowed_tags['br'] = array();
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'p', $allowed_tags ) ) {
$allowed_tags['p'] = array();
return $allowed_tags;
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ use Activitypub\Model\User;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Model\Application_User;
use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path;
use function Activitypub\url_to_authorid;
use function Activitypub\is_user_disabled;
class Users {
@ -103,6 +105,8 @@ class Users {
return self::get_by_id( $user->results[0] );
$username = str_replace( array( '*', '%' ), '', $username );
// check for login or nicename.
$user = new WP_User_Query(
@ -133,29 +137,84 @@ class Users {
* @return \Acitvitypub\Model\User The User.
public static function get_by_resource( $resource ) {
if ( \strpos( $resource, '@' ) === false ) {
return new WP_Error(
\__( 'Resource is invalid', 'activitypub' ),
array( 'status' => 400 )
$scheme = 'acct';
$match = array();
// try to extract the scheme and the host
if ( preg_match( '/^([a-zA-Z^:]+):(.*)$/i', $resource, $match ) ) {
// extract the scheme
$scheme = esc_attr( $match[1] );
$resource = \str_replace( 'acct:', '', $resource );
switch ( $scheme ) {
// check for http(s) URIs
case 'http':
case 'https':
$url_parts = wp_parse_url( $resource );
$resource_identifier = \substr( $resource, 0, \strrpos( $resource, '@' ) );
$resource_host = self::normalize_host( \substr( \strrchr( $resource, '@' ), 1 ) );
$blog_host = self::normalize_host( \wp_parse_url( \home_url( '/' ), \PHP_URL_HOST ) );
// check for http(s)://
if (
isset( $url_parts['path'] ) &&
str_starts_with( $url_parts['path'], '/@' )
) {
$identifier = str_replace( '/@', '', $url_parts['path'] );
$identifier = untrailingslashit( $identifier );
if ( $blog_host !== $resource_host ) {
return new WP_Error(
\__( 'Resource host does not match blog host', 'activitypub' ),
array( 'status' => 404 )
return self::get_by_username( $identifier );
// check for http(s)://
$user_id = url_to_authorid( $resource );
if ( $user_id ) {
return self::get_by_id( $user_id );
// check for http(s)://
if (
self::normalize_url( site_url() ) === self::normalize_url( $resource ) ||
self::normalize_url( home_url() ) === self::normalize_url( $resource )
) {
return self::get_by_id( self::BLOG_USER_ID );
// check for application actor
if ( self::normalize_url( get_rest_url_by_path( 'application' ) ) === self::normalize_url( $resource ) ) {
return self::get_by_id( self::APPLICATION_USER_ID );
return new WP_Error(
\__( 'User not found', 'activitypub' ),
array( 'status' => 404 )
// check for acct URIs
case 'acct':
$resource = \str_replace( 'acct:', '', $resource );
$identifier = \substr( $resource, 0, \strrpos( $resource, '@' ) );
$host = self::normalize_host( \substr( \strrchr( $resource, '@' ), 1 ) );
$blog_host = self::normalize_host( \wp_parse_url( \home_url( '/' ), \PHP_URL_HOST ) );
if ( $blog_host !== $host ) {
return new WP_Error(
\__( 'Resource host does not match blog host', 'activitypub' ),
array( 'status' => 404 )
// prepare wildcards
if ( in_array( $identifier, array( '_', '*', '' ), true ) ) {
return self::get_by_id( self::BLOG_USER_ID );
return self::get_by_username( $identifier );
return new WP_Error(
\__( 'Wrong scheme', 'activitypub' ),
array( 'status' => 404 )
return self::get_by_username( $resource_identifier );
@ -168,7 +227,12 @@ class Users {
public static function get_by_various( $id ) {
if ( is_numeric( $id ) ) {
return self::get_by_id( $id );
} elseif ( filter_var( $id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) {
} elseif (
// is URL
filter_var( $id, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ||
// is acct
str_starts_with( $id, 'acct:' )
) {
return self::get_by_resource( $id );
} else {
return self::get_by_username( $id );
@ -176,7 +240,7 @@ class Users {
* Normalize the host.
* Normalize a host.
* @param string $host The host.
@ -186,6 +250,22 @@ class Users {
return \str_replace( 'www.', '', $host );
* Normalize a URL.
* @param string $url The URL.
* @return string The normalized URL.
public static function normalize_url( $url ) {
$url = \untrailingslashit( $url );
$url = \str_replace( 'https://', '', $url );
$url = \str_replace( 'http://', '', $url );
$url = \str_replace( 'www.', '', $url );
return $url;
* Get the User collection.
@ -44,6 +44,35 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'is_countable' ) ) {
* @return bool True if `$value` is countable, otherwise false.
function is_countable( $value ) {
return is_array( $value ) || $value instanceof \Countable;
return is_array( $value ) || $value instanceof \Countable;
* Polyfill for `array_is_list()` function added in PHP 7.3.
* @param array $array The array to check.
* @return bool True if `$array` is a list, otherwise false.
if ( ! function_exists( 'array_is_list' ) ) {
function array_is_list( $array ) {
if ( ! is_array( $array ) ) {
return false;
if ( array_values( $array ) === $array ) {
return true;
$next_key = -1;
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
if ( ++$next_key !== $k ) {
return false;
return true;
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
namespace Activitypub;
use WP_Error;
use WP_Comment_Query;
use Activitypub\Http;
use Activitypub\Webfinger;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
@ -167,6 +169,27 @@ function url_to_authorid( $url ) {
return 0;
* Verify if url is a wp_ap_comment,
* Or if it is a previously received remote comment
* @return int comment_id
function is_comment() {
$comment_id = get_query_var( 'c', null );
if ( ! is_null( $comment_id ) ) {
$comment = \get_comment( $comment_id );
// Only return local origin comments
if ( $comment && $comment->user_id ) {
return $comment_id;
return false;
* Check for Tombstone Objects
@ -486,6 +509,81 @@ function is_blog_public() {
return (bool) apply_filters( 'activitypub_is_blog_public', \get_option( 'blog_public', 1 ) );
* Sanitize a URL
* @param string $value The URL to sanitize
* @return string|null The sanitized URL or null if invalid
function sanitize_url( $value ) {
if ( filter_var( $value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) === false ) {
return null;
return esc_url_raw( $value );
* Extract recipient URLs from Activity object
* @param array $data
* @return array The list of user URLs
function extract_recipients_from_activity( $data ) {
$recipient_items = array();
foreach ( array( 'to', 'bto', 'cc', 'bcc', 'audience' ) as $i ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $i, $data ) ) {
if ( is_array( $data[ $i ] ) ) {
$recipient = $data[ $i ];
} else {
$recipient = array( $data[ $i ] );
$recipient_items = array_merge( $recipient_items, $recipient );
if ( is_array( $data['object'] ) && array_key_exists( $i, $data['object'] ) ) {
if ( is_array( $data['object'][ $i ] ) ) {
$recipient = $data['object'][ $i ];
} else {
$recipient = array( $data['object'][ $i ] );
$recipient_items = array_merge( $recipient_items, $recipient );
$recipients = array();
// flatten array
foreach ( $recipient_items as $recipient ) {
if ( is_array( $recipient ) ) {
// check if recipient is an object
if ( array_key_exists( 'id', $recipient ) ) {
$recipients[] = $recipient['id'];
} else {
$recipients[] = $recipient;
return array_unique( $recipients );
* Check if passed Activity is Public
* @param array $data The Activity object as array
* @return boolean True if public, false if not
function is_activity_public( $data ) {
$recipients = extract_recipients_from_activity( $data );
return in_array( '', $recipients, true );
* Get active users based on a given duration
@ -503,7 +601,7 @@ function get_active_users( $duration = 1 ) {
global $wpdb;
$query = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT post_author ) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_date <= DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL %d MONTH )";
$query = $wpdb->prepare( $query, $duration );
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery
$count = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery, WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching
set_transient( $transient_key, $count, DAY_IN_SECONDS );
@ -557,3 +655,122 @@ function get_total_users() {
return $users + 1;
* Examine a comment ID and look up an existing comment it represents.
* @param string $id ActivityPub object ID (usually a URL) to check.
* @return int|boolean Comment ID, or false on failure.
function object_id_to_comment( $id ) {
$comment_query = new WP_Comment_Query(
'meta_key' => 'source_id', // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_key
'meta_value' => $id, // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_value
if ( ! $comment_query->comments ) {
return false;
if ( count( $comment_query->comments ) > 1 ) {
return false;
return $comment_query->comments[0];
* Verify if URL is a local comment,
* Or if it is a previously received remote comment
* (For threading comments locally)
* @param string $url The URL to check.
* @return int comment_ID or null if not found
function url_to_commentid( $url ) {
if ( ! $url || ! filter_var( $url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) {
return null;
// check for local comment
if ( \wp_parse_url( \site_url(), \PHP_URL_HOST ) === \wp_parse_url( $url, \PHP_URL_HOST ) ) {
$query = \wp_parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY );
if ( $query ) {
parse_str( $query, $params );
if ( ! empty( $params['c'] ) ) {
$comment = \get_comment( $params['c'] );
if ( $comment ) {
return $comment->comment_ID;
$args = array(
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => 'source_url',
'value' => $url,
'key' => 'source_id',
'value' => $url,
$query = new \WP_Comment_Query();
$comments = $query->query( $args );
if ( $comments && is_array( $comments ) ) {
return $comments[0]->comment_ID;
return null;
* Get the URI of an ActivityPub object
* @param array $object The ActivityPub object
* @return string The URI of the ActivityPub object
function object_to_uri( $object ) {
// check if it is already simple
if ( ! $object || is_string( $object ) ) {
return $object;
// check if it is a list, then take first item
// this plugin does not support collections
if ( array_is_list( $object ) ) {
$object = $object[0];
// check if it is simplified now
if ( is_string( $object ) ) {
return $object;
// return part of Object that makes most sense
switch ( $object['type'] ) {
case 'Link':
$object = $object['href'];
$object = $object['id'];
return $object;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
namespace Activitypub\Handler;
use WP_Error;
use Activitypub\Collection\Interactions;
use function Activitypub\is_activity_public;
use function Activitypub\object_id_to_comment;
* Handle Create requests
class Create {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
array( self::class, 'handle_create' ),
* Handles "Create" requests
* @param array $array The activity-object
* @param int $user_id The id of the local blog-user
* @param Activitypub\Activity $object The activity object
* @return void
public static function handle_create( $array, $user_id, $object = null ) {
if (
! isset( $array['object'] ) ||
! isset( $array['object']['id'] )
) {
// check if Activity is public or not
if ( ! is_activity_public( $array ) ) {
// @todo maybe send email
$check_dupe = object_id_to_comment( $array['object']['id'] );
// if comment exists, call update action
if ( $check_dupe ) {
\do_action( 'activitypub_inbox_update', $array, $user_id, $object );
$state = Interactions::add_comment( $array );
$reaction = null;
if ( $state && ! \is_wp_error( $reaction ) ) {
$reaction = \get_comment( $state );
\do_action( 'activitypub_handled_create', $array, $user_id, $state, $reaction );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
namespace Activitypub\Handler;
use WP_Error;
use WP_REST_Request;
use Activitypub\Http;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
use Activitypub\Collection\Interactions;
* Handles Delete requests.
class Delete {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
array( self::class, 'handle_delete' )
// defer signature verification for `Delete` requests.
array( self::class, 'defer_signature_verification' ),
// side effect
array( self::class, 'delete_interactions' )
* Handles "Delete" requests.
* @param array $activity The delete activity.
* @param int $user_id The ID of the user performing the delete activity.
public static function handle_delete( $activity ) {
$object_type = isset( $activity['object']['type'] ) ? $activity['object']['type'] : '';
switch ( $object_type ) {
// Actor Types
// @see
case 'Person':
case 'Group':
case 'Organization':
case 'Service':
case 'Application':
self::maybe_delete_follower( $activity );
// Object and Link Types
// @see
case 'Note':
case 'Article':
case 'Image':
case 'Audio':
case 'Video':
case 'Event':
case 'Document':
self::maybe_delete_interaction( $activity );
// Tombstone Type
// @see:
case 'Tombstone':
self::maybe_delete_interaction( $activity );
// Minimal Activity
// @see
// ignore non Minimal Activities.
if ( ! is_string( $activity['object'] ) ) {
// check if Object is an Actor.
if ( $activity['actor'] === $activity['object'] ) {
self::maybe_delete_follower( $activity );
self::maybe_delete_interactions( $activity );
} else { // assume a interaction otherwise.
self::maybe_delete_interaction( $activity );
// maybe handle Delete Activity for other Object Types.
* Delete a Follower if Actor-URL is a Tombstone.
* @param array $activity The delete activity.
public static function maybe_delete_follower( $activity ) {
$follower = Followers::get_follower_by_actor( $activity['actor'] );
// verify if Actor is deleted.
if ( $follower && Http::is_tombstone( $activity['actor'] ) ) {
* Delete Reactions if Actor-URL is a Tombstone.
* @param array $activity The delete activity.
public static function maybe_delete_interactions( $activity ) {
// verify if Actor is deleted.
if ( Http::is_tombstone( $activity['actor'] ) ) {
array( $activity['actor'] )
* Delete comments from an Actor.
* @param array $comments The comments to delete.
public static function delete_interactions( $actor ) {
$comments = Interactions::get_interactions_by_actor( $actor );
if ( is_array( $comments ) ) {
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
wp_delete_comment( $comment->comment_ID );
* Delete a Reaction if URL is a Tombstone.
* @param array $activity The delete activity.
* @return void
public static function maybe_delete_interaction( $activity ) {
if ( is_array( $activity['object'] ) ) {
$id = $activity['object']['id'];
} else {
$id = $activity['object'];
$comments = Interactions::get_interaction_by_id( $id );
if ( $comments && Http::is_tombstone( $id ) ) {
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
wp_delete_comment( $comment->comment_ID, true );
* Defer signature verification for `Delete` requests.
* @param bool $defer Whether to defer signature verification.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request The request object.
* @return bool Whether to defer signature verification.
public static function defer_signature_verification( $defer, $request ) {
$json = $request->get_json_params();
if ( isset( $json['type'] ) && 'Delete' === $json['type'] ) {
return true;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
namespace Activitypub\Handler;
use Activitypub\Http;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
* Handle Follow requests
class Follow {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
array( self::class, 'handle_follow' )
array( self::class, 'send_follow_response' ),
* Handle "Follow" requests
* @param array $activity The activity object
* @param int $user_id The user ID
public static function handle_follow( $activity ) {
$user = Users::get_by_resource( $activity['object'] );
if ( ! $user || is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
// If we can not find a user,
// we can not initiate a follow process
$user_id = $user->get__id();
// save follower
$follower = Followers::add_follower(
* Send Accept response
* @param string $actor The Actor URL
* @param array $object The Activity object
* @param int $user_id The ID of the WordPress User
* @param Activitypub\Model\Follower $follower The Follower object
* @return void
public static function send_follow_response( $actor, $object, $user_id, $follower ) {
if ( \is_wp_error( $follower ) ) {
// it is not even possible to send a "Reject" because
// we can not get the Remote-Inbox
// only send minimal data
$object = array_intersect_key(
$user = Users::get_by_id( $user_id );
// get inbox
$inbox = $follower->get_shared_inbox();
// send "Accept" activity
$activity = new Activity();
$activity->set_type( 'Accept' );
$activity->set_object( $object );
$activity->set_actor( $user->get_id() );
$activity->set_to( $actor );
$activity->set_id( $user->get_id() . '#follow-' . \preg_replace( '~^https?://~', '', $actor ) . '-' . \time() );
$activity = $activity->to_json();
Http::post( $inbox, $activity, $user_id );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace Activitypub\Handler;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers;
* Handle Undo requests
class Undo {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
array( self::class, 'handle_undo' )
* Handle "Unfollow" requests
* @param array $activity The JSON "Undo" Activity
* @param int $user_id The ID of the ID of the WordPress User
public static function handle_undo( $activity ) {
if (
isset( $activity['object']['type'] ) &&
'Follow' === $activity['object']['type'] &&
isset( $activity['object']['object'] ) &&
filter_var( $activity['object']['object'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL )
) {
$user = Users::get_by_resource( $activity['object']['object'] );
if ( ! $user || is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
// If we can not find a user,
// we can not initiate a follow process
$user_id = $user->get__id();
Followers::remove_follower( $user_id, $activity['actor'] );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
namespace Activitypub\Handler;
use WP_Error;
use Activitypub\Collection\Interactions;
use function Activitypub\get_remote_metadata_by_actor;
* Handle Update requests.
class Update {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
array( self::class, 'handle_update' )
* Handle "Update" requests
* @param array $array The activity-object
* @param int $user_id The id of the local blog-user
public static function handle_update( $array ) {
$object_type = isset( $array['object']['type'] ) ? $array['object']['type'] : '';
switch ( $object_type ) {
// Actor Types
// @see
case 'Person':
case 'Group':
case 'Organization':
case 'Service':
case 'Application':
self::update_actor( $array );
// Object and Link Types
// @see
case 'Note':
case 'Article':
case 'Image':
case 'Audio':
case 'Video':
case 'Event':
case 'Document':
self::update_interaction( $array );
// Minimal Activity
// @see
* Update an Interaction
* @param array $activity The activity-object
* @param int $user_id The id of the local blog-user
* @return void
public static function update_interaction( $activity ) {
$state = Interactions::update_comment( $activity );
$reaction = null;
if ( $state && ! \is_wp_error( $reaction ) ) {
$reaction = \get_comment( $state );
\do_action( 'activitypub_handled_update', $activity, null, $state, $reaction );
* Update an Actor
* @param array $activity The activity-object
* @return void
public static function update_actor( $activity ) {
// update cache
get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $activity['actor'], false );
// @todo maybe also update all interactions
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
'<dt><code>[ap_content apply_filters="yes"]</code></dt>' .
'<dd>' . \wp_kses( __( 'The post\'s content. With <code>apply_filters</code> you can decide if filters (<code>apply_filters( \'the_content\', $content )</code>) should be applied or not (default is <code>yes</code>). The values can be <code>yes</code> or <code>no</code>. <code>apply_filters</code> attribute is optional.', 'activitypub' ), array( 'code' => array() ) ) . '</dd>' .
'<dt><code>[ap_excerpt length="400"]</code></dt>' .
'<dd>' . \wp_kses( __( 'The post\'s excerpt (default 400 chars). <code>length</code> attribute is optional.', 'activitypub' ), array( 'code' => array() ) ) . '</dd>' .
'<dd>' . \wp_kses( __( 'The post\'s excerpt (uses <code>the_excerpt</code> if that is set). If no excerpt is provided, will truncate at <code>length</code> (optional, default = 400).', 'activitypub' ), array( 'code' => array() ) ) . '</dd>' .
'<dt><code>[ap_permalink type="url"]</code></dt>' .
'<dd>' . \wp_kses( __( 'The post\'s permalink. <code>type</code> can be either: <code>url</code> or <code>html</code> (an <a /> tag). <code>type</code> attribute is optional.', 'activitypub' ), array( 'code' => array() ) ) . '</dd>' .
'<dt><code>[ap_shortlink type="url"]</code></dt>' .
@ -38,6 +38,15 @@ class Application_User extends Blog_User {
return get_rest_url_by_path( 'application' );
* Returns the User-URL with @-Prefix for the username.
* @return string The User-URL with @-Prefix for the username.
public function get_alternate_url() {
return \esc_url( \trailingslashit( get_home_url() ) . '@' . $this->get_preferred_username() );
public function get_name() {
return 'application';
@ -69,4 +78,8 @@ class Application_User extends Blog_User {
public function get_indexable() {
return false;
public function get_type() {
return $this->type;
@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ class Blog_User extends User {
* Returns the User-URL with @-Prefix for the username.
* Get blog's homepage URL.
* @return string The User-URL with @-Prefix for the username.
* @return string The User-Url.
public function get_at_url() {
return \esc_url( \trailingslashit( get_home_url() ) . '@' . $this->get_preferred_username() );
public function get_alternate_url() {
return \esc_url( \trailingslashit( get_home_url() ) );
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
namespace Activitypub\Model;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post as Transformer_Post;
* ActivityPub Post Class
* @author Matthias Pfefferle
class Post {
* The \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object object.
* @var \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
protected $object;
* The WordPress Post Object.
* @var WP_Post
private $post;
* Constructor
* @param WP_Post $post
* @param int $post_author
// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.FoundAfterLastUsed, VariableAnalysis.CodeAnalysis.VariableAnalysis.UnusedVariable
public function __construct( $post, $post_author = null ) {
_deprecated_function( __CLASS__, '1.0.0', '\Activitypub\Transformer\Post' );
$this->post = $post;
$transformer = new Transformer_Post();
$this->object = $transformer->set_wp_post( $post )->to_object();
* Returns the User ID.
* @return int the User ID.
public function get_user_id() {
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_post_user_id', $this->post->post_author, $this->post );
* Converts this Object into an Array.
* @return array the array representation of a Post.
public function to_array() {
return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_post', $this->object->to_array(), $this->post );
* Returns the Actor of this Object.
* @return string The URL of the Actor.
public function get_actor() {
$user = User_Factory::get_by_id( $this->get_user_id() );
return $user->get_url();
* Converts this Object into a JSON String
* @return string
public function to_json() {
return \wp_json_encode( $this->to_array(), \JSON_HEX_TAG | \JSON_HEX_AMP | \JSON_HEX_QUOT );
* Returns the URL of an Activity Object
* @return string
public function get_url() {
return $this->object->get_url();
* Returns the ID of an Activity Object
* @return string
public function get_id() {
return $this->object->get_id();
* Returns a list of Image Attachments
* @return array
public function get_attachments() {
return $this->object->get_attachment();
* Returns a list of Tags, used in the Post
* @return array
public function get_tags() {
return $this->object->get_tag();
* Returns the as2 object-type for a given post
* @return string the object-type
public function get_object_type() {
return $this->object->get_type();
* Returns the content for the ActivityPub Item.
* @return string the content
public function get_content() {
return $this->object->get_content();
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ class User extends Actor {
* @return string The User-URL with @-Prefix for the username.
public function get_at_url() {
return \esc_url( \trailingslashit( get_home_url() ) . '@' . $this->get_username() );
public function get_alternate_url() {
return \esc_url( \trailingslashit( get_home_url() ) . '@' . $this->get_preferred_username() );
public function get_preferred_username() {
@ -226,6 +226,18 @@ class User extends Actor {
return get_rest_url_by_path( sprintf( 'users/%d/collections/featured', $this->get__id() ) );
public function get_endpoints() {
$endpoints = null;
$endpoints = array(
'sharedInbox' => get_rest_url_by_path( 'inbox' ),
return $endpoints;
* Extend the User-Output with Attachments.
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
namespace Activitypub\Peer;
* ActivityPub Followers DB-Class
* @author Matthias Pfefferle
class Followers {
public static function get_followers( $author_id ) {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.0.0', '\Activitypub\Collection\Followers::get_followers' );
return \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::get_followers( $author_id );
public static function count_followers( $author_id ) {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.0.0', '\Activitypub\Collection\Followers::count_followers' );
return \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::count_followers( $author_id );
public static function add_follower( $actor, $author_id ) {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.0.0', '\Activitypub\Collection\Followers::add_follower' );
return \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::add_follower( $author_id, $actor );
public static function remove_follower( $actor, $author_id ) {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.0.0', '\Activitypub\Collection\Followers::remove_follower' );
return \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::remove_follower( $author_id, $actor );
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace Activitypub\Rest;
use WP_Error;
use WP_REST_Server;
use WP_REST_Response;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users as User_Collection;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class Collection {
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
$response['orderedItems'][] = Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( $post )->to_object()->to_array();
$response['orderedItems'][] = Post::transform( $post )->to_object()->to_array();
$rest_response = new WP_REST_Response( $response, 200 );
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Followers {
// phpcs:ignore
$json->orderedItems = array_map(
function( $item ) use ( $context ) {
function ( $item ) use ( $context ) {
if ( 'full' === $context ) {
return $item->to_array();
@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users as User_Collection;
use function Activitypub\get_context;
use function Activitypub\object_to_uri;
use function Activitypub\url_to_authorid;
use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path;
use function Activitypub\get_remote_metadata_by_actor;
use function Activitypub\extract_recipients_from_activity;
* ActivityPub Inbox REST-Class
@ -25,8 +27,6 @@ class Inbox {
public static function init() {
\add_action( 'activitypub_inbox_create', array( self::class, 'handle_create' ), 10, 2 );
@ -94,11 +94,8 @@ class Inbox {
$json->generator = '' . \get_bloginfo_rss( 'version' );
$json->type = 'OrderedCollectionPage';
$json->partOf = get_rest_url_by_path( sprintf( 'users/%d/inbox', $user->get__id() ) ); // phpcs:ignore
$json->totalItems = 0; // phpcs:ignore
$json->orderedItems = array(); // phpcs:ignore
$json->first = $json->partOf; // phpcs:ignore
// filter output
@ -130,12 +127,13 @@ class Inbox {
return $user;
$data = $request->get_json_params();
$type = $request->get_param( 'type' );
$type = \strtolower( $type );
$data = $request->get_json_params();
$activity = Activity::init_from_array( $data );
$type = $request->get_param( 'type' );
$type = \strtolower( $type );
\do_action( 'activitypub_inbox', $data, $user->get__id(), $type );
\do_action( "activitypub_inbox_{$type}", $data, $user->get__id() );
\do_action( 'activitypub_inbox', $data, $user->get__id(), $type, $activity );
\do_action( "activitypub_inbox_{$type}", $data, $user->get__id(), $activity );
$rest_response = new WP_REST_Response( array(), 202 );
$rest_response->header( 'Content-Type', 'application/activity+json; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
@ -151,39 +149,13 @@ class Inbox {
* @return WP_REST_Response
public static function shared_inbox_post( $request ) {
$data = $request->get_json_params();
$type = $request->get_param( 'type' );
$users = self::extract_recipients( $data );
$data = $request->get_json_params();
$activity = Activity::init_from_array( $data );
$type = $request->get_param( 'type' );
$type = \strtolower( $type );
if ( ! $users ) {
return new WP_Error(
\__( 'No recipients found', 'activitypub' ),
'status' => 400,
'params' => array(
'to' => \__( 'Please check/validate "to" field', 'activitypub' ),
'bto' => \__( 'Please check/validate "bto" field', 'activitypub' ),
'cc' => \__( 'Please check/validate "cc" field', 'activitypub' ),
'bcc' => \__( 'Please check/validate "bcc" field', 'activitypub' ),
'audience' => \__( 'Please check/validate "audience" field', 'activitypub' ),
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$user = User_Collection::get_by_various( $user );
if ( is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
$type = \strtolower( $type );
\do_action( 'activitypub_inbox', $data, $user->ID, $type );
\do_action( "activitypub_inbox_{$type}", $data, $user->ID );
\do_action( 'activitypub_inbox', $data, null, $type, $activity );
\do_action( "activitypub_inbox_{$type}", $data, null, $activity );
$rest_response = new WP_REST_Response( array(), 202 );
$rest_response->header( 'Content-Type', 'application/activity+json; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
@ -235,15 +207,8 @@ class Inbox {
$params['actor'] = array(
'required' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
if ( \is_array( $param ) ) {
if ( isset( $param['id'] ) ) {
$param = $param['id'];
} else {
$param = $param['url'];
return \esc_url_raw( $param );
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
return object_to_uri( $param );
@ -251,7 +216,7 @@ class Inbox {
'required' => true,
//'type' => 'enum',
//'enum' => array( 'Create' ),
//'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
//'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
// return \strtolower( $param );
@ -284,11 +249,8 @@ class Inbox {
$params['actor'] = array(
'required' => true,
//'type' => array( 'object', 'string' ),
'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
if ( ! \is_string( $param ) ) {
$param = $param['id'];
return \esc_url_raw( $param );
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
return object_to_uri( $param );
@ -296,7 +258,7 @@ class Inbox {
'required' => true,
//'type' => 'enum',
//'enum' => array( 'Create' ),
//'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
//'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
// return \strtolower( $param );
@ -308,7 +270,7 @@ class Inbox {
$params['to'] = array(
'required' => false,
'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
if ( \is_string( $param ) ) {
$param = array( $param );
@ -318,7 +280,7 @@ class Inbox {
$params['cc'] = array(
'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
if ( \is_string( $param ) ) {
$param = array( $param );
@ -328,7 +290,7 @@ class Inbox {
$params['bcc'] = array(
'sanitize_callback' => function( $param, $request, $key ) {
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $param, $request, $key ) {
if ( \is_string( $param ) ) {
$param = array( $param );
@ -340,121 +302,6 @@ class Inbox {
return $params;
* Handles "Create" requests
* @param array $object The activity-object
* @param int $user_id The id of the local blog-user
public static function handle_create( $object, $user_id ) {
$meta = get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $object['actor'] );
if ( ! isset( $object['object']['inReplyTo'] ) ) {
// check if Activity is public or not
if ( ! self::is_activity_public( $object ) ) {
// @todo maybe send email
$comment_post_id = \url_to_postid( $object['object']['inReplyTo'] );
// save only replys and reactions
if ( ! $comment_post_id ) {
return false;
$commentdata = array(
'comment_post_ID' => $comment_post_id,
'comment_author' => \esc_attr( $meta['name'] ),
'comment_author_url' => \esc_url_raw( $object['actor'] ),
'comment_content' => addslashes( \wp_kses( $object['object']['content'], 'pre_comment_content' ) ),
'comment_type' => 'comment',
'comment_author_email' => '',
'comment_parent' => 0,
'comment_meta' => array(
'source_url' => \esc_url_raw( $object['object']['url'] ),
'avatar_url' => \esc_url_raw( $meta['icon']['url'] ),
'protocol' => 'activitypub',
// disable flood control
\remove_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10 );
// do not require email for AP entries
\add_filter( 'pre_option_require_name_email', '__return_false' );
// No nonce possible for this submission route
function() {
return 'inactive';
\add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( self::class, 'allowed_comment_html' ), 10, 2 );
$state = \wp_new_comment( $commentdata, true );
\remove_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( self::class, 'allowed_comment_html' ) );
\remove_filter( 'pre_option_require_name_email', '__return_false' );
// re-add flood control
\add_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10, 4 );
do_action( 'activitypub_handled_create', $object, $user_id, $state, $commentdata );
* Extract recipient URLs from Activity object
* @param array $data
* @return array The list of user URLs
public static function extract_recipients( $data ) {
$recipient_items = array();
foreach ( array( 'to', 'bto', 'cc', 'bcc', 'audience' ) as $i ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $i, $data ) ) {
if ( is_array( $data[ $i ] ) ) {
$recipient = $data[ $i ];
} else {
$recipient = array( $data[ $i ] );
$recipient_items = array_merge( $recipient_items, $recipient );
if ( is_array( $data['object'] ) && array_key_exists( $i, $data['object'] ) ) {
if ( is_array( $data['object'][ $i ] ) ) {
$recipient = $data['object'][ $i ];
} else {
$recipient = array( $data['object'][ $i ] );
$recipient_items = array_merge( $recipient_items, $recipient );
$recipients = array();
// flatten array
foreach ( $recipient_items as $recipient ) {
if ( is_array( $recipient ) ) {
// check if recipient is an object
if ( array_key_exists( 'id', $recipient ) ) {
$recipients[] = $recipient['id'];
} else {
$recipients[] = $recipient;
return array_unique( $recipients );
* Get local user recipients
@ -463,7 +310,7 @@ class Inbox {
* @return array The list of local users
public static function get_recipients( $data ) {
$recipients = self::extract_recipients( $data );
$recipients = extract_recipients_from_activity( $data );
$users = array();
foreach ( $recipients as $recipient ) {
@ -478,41 +325,4 @@ class Inbox {
return $users;
* Check if passed Activity is Public
* @param array $data
* @return boolean
public static function is_activity_public( $data ) {
$recipients = self::extract_recipients( $data );
return in_array( '', $recipients, true );
* Adds line breaks to the list of allowed comment tags.
* @param array $allowedtags Allowed HTML tags.
* @param string $context Context.
* @return array Filtered tag list.
public static function allowed_comment_html( $allowedtags, $context = '' ) {
if ( 'pre_comment_content' !== $context ) {
// Do nothing.
return $allowedtags;
// Add `p` and `br` to the list of allowed tags.
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'br', $allowedtags ) ) {
$allowedtags['br'] = array();
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'p', $allowedtags ) ) {
$allowedtags['p'] = array();
return $allowedtags;
@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ class Nodeinfo {
'outbound' => array(),
$nodeinfo['metadata'] = array(
'nodeName' => \get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
'nodeDescription' => \get_bloginfo( 'description' ),
'nodeIcon' => \get_site_icon_url(),
return new WP_REST_Response( $nodeinfo, 200 );
@ -169,6 +175,10 @@ class Nodeinfo {
'rel' => '',
'href' => get_rest_url_by_path( 'nodeinfo' ),
'rel' => '',
'href' => get_rest_url_by_path( 'application' ),
return new \WP_REST_Response( $discovery, 200 );
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use stdClass;
use WP_Error;
use WP_REST_Server;
use WP_REST_Response;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users as User_Collection;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Outbox {
return $user;
$post_types = array_keys( \get_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', array( 'post' => 'activitypub/default', 'page' => 'activitypub/default' ) ) );
$post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) );
$page = $request->get_param( 'page', 1 );
@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ class Outbox {
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
$transformer = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( $post );
$post = $transformer->to_object();
$post = Post::transform( $post )->to_object();
$activity = new Activity();
$activity->set_type( 'Create' );
$activity->set_context( null );
@ -110,14 +110,20 @@ class Server {
if ( 'GET' !== $request->get_method() ) {
$verified_request = Signature::verify_http_signature( $request );
if ( \is_wp_error( $verified_request ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'activitypub_signature_verification', $verified_request->get_error_message(), array( 'status' => 401 ) );
return new WP_Error(
array( 'status' => 401 )
} elseif ( 'GET' === $request->get_method() ) { // GET-Requests are only signed in secure mode
$verified_request = Signature::verify_http_signature( $request );
if ( \is_wp_error( $verified_request ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'activitypub_signature_verification', $verified_request->get_error_message(), array( 'status' => 401 ) );
} elseif ( 'GET' === $request->get_method() && ACTIVITYPUB_AUTHORIZED_FETCH ) { // GET-Requests are only signed in secure mode
$verified_request = Signature::verify_http_signature( $request );
if ( \is_wp_error( $verified_request ) ) {
return new WP_Error(
array( 'status' => 401 )
@ -50,14 +50,13 @@ class Users {
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::READABLE,
'callback' => array( self::class, 'remote_follow_get' ),
'permission_callback' => '__return_true',
'args' => array(
'resource' => array(
'required' => true,
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
'permission_callback' => '__return_true',
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Webfinger {
$params['resource'] = array(
'required' => true,
'type' => 'string',
'pattern' => '^acct:(.+)@(.+)$',
'pattern' => '^(acct:)|^(https?://)(.+)$',
return $params;
@ -94,10 +94,13 @@ class Webfinger {
$aliases = array(
$aliases = array_unique( $aliases );
$profile = array(
'subject' => $resource,
'subject' => sprintf( 'acct:%s', $user->get_resource() ),
'aliases' => array_values( array_unique( $aliases ) ),
'links' => array(
@ -113,6 +116,12 @@ class Webfinger {
if ( 'Person' !== $user->get_type() ) {
$profile['links'][0]['properties'] = array(
'' => $user->get_type(),
return $profile;
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ use WP_List_Table;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Collection\Followers as FollowerCollection;
use function Activitypub\object_to_uri;
if ( ! \class_exists( '\WP_List_Table' ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php';
@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ class Followers extends WP_List_Table {
public function __construct() {
if ( get_current_screen()->id === 'settings_page_activitypub' ) {
$this->user_id = Users::BLOG_USER_ID;
$this->user_id = Users::APPLICATION_USER_ID;
} else {
$this->user_id = \get_current_user_id();
@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ class Followers extends WP_List_Table {
'icon' => esc_attr( $follower->get_icon_url() ),
'post_title' => esc_attr( $follower->get_name() ),
'username' => esc_attr( $follower->get_preferred_username() ),
'url' => esc_attr( $follower->get_url() ),
'url' => esc_attr( object_to_uri( $follower->get_url() ) ),
'identifier' => esc_attr( $follower->get_id() ),
'published' => esc_attr( $follower->get_published() ),
'modified' => esc_attr( $follower->get_updated() ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
namespace Activitypub\Transformer;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post;
* WordPress Attachment Transformer
* The Attachment Transformer is responsible for transforming a WP_Post object into different other
* Object-Types.
* Currently supported are:
* - Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
class Attachment extends Post {
* Getter function for the name of the transformer.
* @return string name
public function get_name() {
return 'activitypub/attachment';
* Getter function for the display name (label/title) of the transformer.
* @return string name
public function get_label() {
return 'Built-In Transformer for WordPress Attachments';
* Generates all Media Attachments for a Post.
* @return array The Attachments.
protected function get_attachment() {
$mime_type = get_post_mime_type( $this->object->ID );
$media_type = preg_replace( '/(\/[a-zA-Z]+)/i', '', $mime_type );
switch ( $media_type ) {
case 'audio':
case 'video':
$type = 'Document';
case 'image':
$type = 'Image';
$attachment = array(
'type' => $type,
'url' => wp_get_attachment_url( $this->object->ID ),
'mediaType' => $mime_type,
$alt = \get_post_meta( $this->object->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
if ( $alt ) {
$attachment['name'] = $alt;
return $attachment;
@ -1,101 +1,112 @@
* Inspired by the PHP ActivityPub Library by @Landrok
* @link
namespace Activitypub\Transformer;
use WP_Post;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Activity\Activity;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
use Activitypub\Shortcodes;
use function Activitypub\esc_hashtag;
use function Activitypub\is_single_user;
use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path;
use function Activitypub\site_supports_blocks;
* Base class to implement WordPress to ActivityPub transformers.
* WordPress Base Transformer
* Transformers are responsible for transforming a WordPress objects into different ActivityPub
* Object-Types or Activities.
abstract class Base {
* The WP_Post object.
* @var WP_Post
* @var
protected $wp_post;
protected $object;
protected $activitypub_object_type = 'Base_Object';
* Assign WP_Post Object to a specific transformer instance.
* Static function to Transform a WordPress Object.
* This helps to chain the output of the Transformer.
* @param WP_Post $wp_post The WP_Post object.
* @param stdClass $object The WP_Post object
* @return void
public function set_wp_post( WP_Post $wp_post ) {
$post_type = get_post_type( $wp_post );
if ( ! $this->supports_post_type( $post_type ) ) {
/* translators: %s: Block name. */
sprintf( 'The Transformer "%s" does not support the post type "%s".', esc_html( $this->get_label() ), esc_html( $post_type ) ),
$this->wp_post = $wp_post;
public static function transform( $object ) {
return new static( $object );
* Get the supported WP post types that the transformer can use as an input.
* Base constructor.
* By default all post types are supported.
* You may very likely wish to override this function.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @return string[] An array containing all the supported post types.
* @param stdClass $object
public function get_supported_post_types() {
return \get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'names' );
* Get the name of the plugin that registered the transformer.
* @see Forked from the WordPress elementor plugin.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @return string Plugin name
private function get_plugin_name_from_transformer_instance( $transformer ) {
$class_reflection = new \ReflectionClass( $transformer );
$plugin_basename = plugin_basename( $class_reflection->getFileName() );
$plugin_directory = strtok( $plugin_basename, '/' );
$plugins_data = get_plugins( '/' . $plugin_directory );
$plugin_data = array_shift( $plugins_data );
if ( isset( $plugin_data['Name'] ) ) {
return $plugin_data['Name'];
} else {
return esc_html__( 'Unknown', 'activitypub' );
public function __construct( $object=null ) {
if ( $object ) {
$this->object = $object;
* Return whether the transformer supports a post type.
* Transform the WordPress Object into an ActivityPub Object.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @return string post_type Post type name.
* @return Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
final public function supports_post_type( $post_type ) {
return in_array( $post_type, $this->get_supported_post_types(), true );
public function to_object() {
$object = new Base_Object();
$vars = $object->get_object_var_keys();
foreach ( $vars as $var ) {
$getter = 'get_' . $var;
if ( method_exists( $this, $getter ) ) {
$value = call_user_func( array( $this, $getter ) );
if ( isset( $value ) ) {
$setter = 'set_' . $var;
call_user_func( array( $object, $setter ), $value );
return $object;
* Transforms the ActivityPub Object to an Activity
* @param string $type The Activity-Type.
* @return \Activitypub\Activity\Activity The Activity.
public function to_activity( $type ) {
$object = $this->to_object();
$activity = new Activity();
$activity->set_type( $type );
$activity->set_object( $object );
// Use simple Object (only ID-URI) for Like and Announce
if ( in_array( $type, array( 'Like', 'Announce' ), true ) ) {
$activity->set_object( $object->get_id() );
return $activity;
* Returns the ID of the WordPress Object.
* @return int The ID of the WordPress Object
abstract public function get_wp_user_id();
* Change the User-ID of the WordPress Post.
* @return int The User-ID of the WordPress Post
abstract public function change_wp_user_id( $user_id );
* Get the name used for registering the transformer with the ActivityPub plugin.
@ -113,507 +124,12 @@ abstract class Base {
abstract public function get_label();
* Returns the ActivityStreams 2.0 Object-Type for a Post.
* Returns the ActivityStreams 2.0 Object-Type.
* @see
* @return string The Object-Type.
abstract protected function get_object_type();
abstract protected function get_type();
* Returns the content for the ActivityPub Item.
* The content will be generated based on the user settings.
* @return string The content.
protected function get_content() {
global $post;
* Provides an action hook so plugins can add their own hooks/filters before AP content is generated.
* Example: if a plugin adds a filter to `the_content` to add a button to the end of posts, it can also remove that filter here.
* @param WP_Post $post The post object.
do_action( 'activitypub_before_get_content', $post );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
$post = $this->wp_post;
$content = $this->get_post_content_template();
// Register our shortcodes just in time.
// Fill in the shortcodes.
setup_postdata( $post );
$content = do_shortcode( $content );
$content = \wpautop( $content );
$content = \preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $content );
$content = \trim( $content );
$content = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_the_content', $content, $post );
// Don't need these any more, should never appear in a post.
return $content;
* Gets the template to use to generate the content of the activitypub item.
* @return string The Template.
protected function get_post_content_template() {
if ( 'excerpt' === \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ) {
return "[ap_excerpt]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]";
if ( 'title' === \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ) {
return "[ap_title]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]";
if ( 'content' === \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' ) ) {
return "[ap_content]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]\n\n[ap_hashtags]";
return \get_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT );
* Returns the ID of the Post.
* @return string The Posts ID.
public function get_id() {
return $this->get_url();
* Returns the URL of the Post.
* @return string The Posts URL.
public function get_url() {
$post = $this->wp_post;
if ( 'trash' === get_post_status( $post ) ) {
$permalink = \get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'activitypub_canonical_url', true );
} else {
$permalink = \get_permalink( $post );
return \esc_url( $permalink );
* Returns the User-URL of the Author of the Post.
* If `single_user` mode is enabled, the URL of the Blog-User is returned.
* @return string The User-URL.
protected function get_attributed_to() {
if ( is_single_user() ) {
$user = new Blog_User();
return $user->get_url();
return Users::get_by_id( $this->wp_post->post_author )->get_url();
* Generates all Media Attachments for a Post.
* @return array The Attachments.
protected function get_attachments() {
// Once upon a time we only supported images, but we now support audio/video as well.
// We maintain the image-centric naming for backwards compatibility.
$max_media = intval( \apply_filters( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', \get_option( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS ) ) );
if ( site_supports_blocks() && \has_blocks( $this->wp_post->post_content ) ) {
return $this->get_block_attachments( $max_media );
return $this->get_classic_editor_images( $max_media );
* Get media attachments from blocks. They will be formatted as ActivityPub attachments, not as WP attachments.
* @param int $max_media The maximum number of attachments to return.
* @return array The attachments.
protected function get_block_attachments( $max_media ) {
// max media can't be negative or zero
if ( $max_media <= 0 ) {
return array();
$id = $this->wp_post->ID;
$media_ids = array();
// list post thumbnail first if this post has one
if ( \function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && \has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {
$media_ids[] = \get_post_thumbnail_id( $id );
if ( $max_media > 0 ) {
$blocks = \parse_blocks( $this->wp_post->post_content );
$media_ids = self::get_media_ids_from_blocks( $blocks, $media_ids, $max_media );
return \array_filter( \array_map( array( self::class, 'wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment' ), $media_ids ) );
* Get image attachments from the classic editor.
* Note that audio/video attachments are only supported in the block editor.
* @param int $max_images The maximum number of images to return.
* @return array The attachments.
protected function get_classic_editor_images( $max_images ) {
// max images can't be negative or zero
if ( $max_images <= 0 ) {
return array();
$id = $this->wp_post->ID;
$image_ids = array();
// list post thumbnail first if this post has one
if ( \function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && \has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {
$image_ids[] = \get_post_thumbnail_id( $id );
if ( $max_images > 0 ) {
$query = new \WP_Query(
'post_parent' => $id,
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'menu_order ID',
'posts_per_page' => $max_images,
foreach ( $query->get_posts() as $attachment ) {
if ( ! \in_array( $attachment->ID, $image_ids, true ) ) {
$image_ids[] = $attachment->ID;
$image_ids = \array_unique( $image_ids );
return \array_filter( \array_map( array( self::class, 'wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment' ), $image_ids ) );
* Recursively get media IDs from blocks.
* @param array $blocks The blocks to search for media IDs
* @param array $media_ids The media IDs to append new IDs to
* @param int $max_media The maximum number of media to return.
* @return array The image IDs.
protected static function get_media_ids_from_blocks( $blocks, $media_ids, $max_media ) {
foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
// recurse into inner blocks
if ( ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) {
$media_ids = self::get_media_ids_from_blocks( $block['innerBlocks'], $media_ids, $max_media );
switch ( $block['blockName'] ) {
case 'core/image':
case 'core/cover':
case 'core/audio':
case 'core/video':
case 'videopress/video':
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['id'] ) ) {
$media_ids[] = $block['attrs']['id'];
case 'jetpack/slideshow':
case 'jetpack/tiled-gallery':
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['ids'] ) ) {
$media_ids = array_merge( $media_ids, $block['attrs']['ids'] );
case 'jetpack/image-compare':
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['beforeImageId'] ) ) {
$media_ids[] = $block['attrs']['beforeImageId'];
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['afterImageId'] ) ) {
$media_ids[] = $block['attrs']['afterImageId'];
// depupe
$media_ids = \array_unique( $media_ids );
// stop doing unneeded work
if ( count( $media_ids ) >= $max_media ) {
// still need to slice it because one gallery could knock us over the limit
return array_slice( $media_ids, 0, $max_media );
* Converts a WordPress Attachment to an ActivityPub Attachment.
* @param int $id The Attachment ID.
* @return array The ActivityPub Attachment.
public static function wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment( $id ) {
$attachment = array();
$mime_type = \get_post_mime_type( $id );
$mime_type_parts = \explode( '/', $mime_type );
// switching on image/audio/video
switch ( $mime_type_parts[0] ) {
case 'image':
$image_size = 'full';
* Filter the image URL returned for each post.
* @param array|false $thumbnail The image URL, or false if no image is available.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
$thumbnail = apply_filters(
self::get_image( $id, $image_size ),
if ( $thumbnail ) {
$alt = \get_post_meta( $id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
$image = array(
'type' => 'Image',
'url' => $thumbnail[0],
'mediaType' => $mime_type,
if ( $alt ) {
$image['name'] = $alt;
$attachment = $image;
case 'audio':
case 'video':
$attachment = array(
'type' => 'Document',
'mediaType' => $mime_type,
'url' => \wp_get_attachment_url( $id ),
'name' => \get_the_title( $id ),
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id );
// height and width for videos
if ( isset( $meta['width'] ) && isset( $meta['height'] ) ) {
$attachment['width'] = $meta['width'];
$attachment['height'] = $meta['height'];
// @todo: add `icon` support for audio/video attachments. Maybe use post thumbnail?
return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_attachment', $attachment, $id );
* Return details about an image attachment.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
* @return array|false Array of image data, or boolean false if no image is available.
protected static function get_image( $id, $image_size = 'full' ) {
* Hook into the image retrieval process. Before image retrieval.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
do_action( 'activitypub_get_image_pre', $id, $image_size );
$image = \wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, $image_size );
* Hook into the image retrieval process. After image retrieval.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
do_action( 'activitypub_get_image_post', $id, $image_size );
return $image;
* Helper function to get the @-Mentions from the post content.
* @return array The list of @-Mentions.
protected function get_mentions() {
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_extract_mentions', array(), $this->wp_post->post_content, $this->wp_post );
* Returns a list of Mentions, used in the Post.
* @see
* @return array The list of Mentions.
protected function get_cc() {
$cc = array();
$mentions = $this->get_mentions();
if ( $mentions ) {
foreach ( $mentions as $url ) {
$cc[] = $url;
return $cc;
* Returns a list of Tags, used in the Post.
* This includes Hash-Tags and Mentions.
* @return array The list of Tags.
protected function get_tags() {
$tags = array();
$post_tags = \get_the_tags( $this->wp_post->ID );
if ( $post_tags ) {
foreach ( $post_tags as $post_tag ) {
$tag = array(
'type' => 'Hashtag',
'href' => \esc_url( \get_tag_link( $post_tag->term_id ) ),
'name' => esc_hashtag( $post_tag->name ),
$tags[] = $tag;
$mentions = $this->get_mentions();
if ( $mentions ) {
foreach ( $mentions as $mention => $url ) {
$tag = array(
'type' => 'Mention',
'href' => \esc_url( $url ),
'name' => \esc_html( $mention ),
$tags[] = $tag;
return $tags;
* Returns the locale of the post.
* @return string The locale of the post.
public function get_locale() {
$post_id = $this->wp_post->ID;
$lang = \strtolower( \strtok( \get_locale(), '_-' ) );
* Filter the locale of the post.
* @param string $lang The locale of the post.
* @param int $post_id The post ID.
* @param WP_Post $post The post object.
* @return string The filtered locale of the post.
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_post_locale', $lang, $post_id, $this->wp_post );
* Gets the contentMap
* @see
* @return array the contenmap
protected function get_content_map() {
return array(
$this->get_locale() => $this->get_content(),
* Transforms the WP_Post object to an ActivityPub Object
* @see \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
* @return \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object The ActivityPub Object
public function to_object() {
$wp_post = $this->wp_post;
$object = new Base_Object();
$object->set_id( $this->get_id() );
$object->set_url( $this->get_url() );
$object->set_type( $this->get_object_type() );
$published = \strtotime( $wp_post->post_date_gmt );
$object->set_published( \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $published ) );
$updated = \strtotime( $wp_post->post_modified_gmt );
if ( $updated > $published ) {
$object->set_updated( \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $updated ) );
$object->set_attributed_to( $this->get_attributed_to() );
$object->set_content( $this->get_content() );
$object->set_content_map( $this->get_content_map );
$path = sprintf( 'users/%d/followers', intval( $wp_post->post_author ) );
get_rest_url_by_path( $path ),
$object->set_cc( $this->get_cc() );
$object->set_attachment( $this->get_attachments() );
$object->set_tag( $this->get_tags() );
return $object;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
namespace Activitypub\Transformer;
use WP_Comment;
use WP_Comment_Query;
use Activitypub\Hashtag;
use Activitypub\Webfinger;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Base;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
use function Activitypub\esc_hashtag;
use function Activitypub\is_single_user;
use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path;
* WordPress Comment Transformer
* The Comment Transformer is responsible for transforming a WP_Comment object into different
* Object-Types.
* Currently supported are:
* - Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
class Comment extends Base {
* Returns the User-ID of the WordPress Comment.
* @return int The User-ID of the WordPress Comment
public function get_wp_user_id() {
return $this->object->user_id;
* Change the User-ID of the WordPress Comment.
* @return int The User-ID of the WordPress Comment
public function change_wp_user_id( $user_id ) {
$this->object->user_id = $user_id;
* Transforms the WP_Comment object to an ActivityPub Object
* @see \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
* @return \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object The ActivityPub Object
public function to_object() {
$comment = $this->object;
$object = parent::to_object();
$object->set_url( \get_comment_link( $comment->comment_ID ) );
$object->set_type( 'Note' );
$published = \strtotime( $comment->comment_date_gmt );
$object->set_published( \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $published ) );
$updated = \get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'activitypub_last_modified', true );
if ( $updated > $published ) {
$object->set_updated( \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', \strtotime( $updated ) ) );
$this->get_locale() => $this->get_content(),
$path = sprintf( 'users/%d/followers', intval( $comment->comment_author ) );
get_rest_url_by_path( $path ),
return $object;
* Returns the User-URL of the Author of the Post.
* If `single_user` mode is enabled, the URL of the Blog-User is returned.
* @return string The User-URL.
protected function get_attributed_to() {
if ( is_single_user() ) {
$user = new Blog_User();
return $user->get_url();
return Users::get_by_id( $this->object->user_id )->get_url();
* Returns the content for the ActivityPub Item.
* The content will be generated based on the user settings.
* @return string The content.
protected function get_content() {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
$comment = $this->object;
$content = $comment->comment_content;
$content = \wpautop( $content );
$content = \preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $content );
$content = \trim( $content );
$content = \apply_filters( 'the_content', $content, $comment );
return $content;
* Returns the in-reply-to for the ActivityPub Item.
* @return int The URL of the in-reply-to.
protected function get_in_reply_to() {
$comment = $this->object;
$parent_comment = \get_comment( $comment->comment_parent );
if ( $parent_comment ) {
$comment_meta = \get_comment_meta( $parent_comment->comment_ID );
if ( ! empty( $comment_meta['source_id'][0] ) ) {
$in_reply_to = $comment_meta['source_id'][0];
} elseif ( ! empty( $comment_meta['source_url'][0] ) ) {
$in_reply_to = $comment_meta['source_url'][0];
} else {
$in_reply_to = $this->generate_id( $parent_comment );
} else {
$in_reply_to = \get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID );
return $in_reply_to;
* Returns the ID of the ActivityPub Object.
* @see
* @see
* @return string ActivityPub URI for comment
protected function get_id() {
$comment = $this->object;
return $this->generate_id( $comment );
* Generates an ActivityPub URI for a comment
* @param WP_Comment|int $comment A comment object or comment ID
* @return string ActivityPub URI for comment
protected function generate_id( $comment ) {
$comment = get_comment( $comment );
return \add_query_arg(
'c' => $comment->comment_ID,
\trailingslashit( site_url() )
* Returns a list of Mentions, used in the Comment.
* @see
* @return array The list of Mentions.
protected function get_cc() {
$cc = array();
$mentions = $this->get_mentions();
if ( $mentions ) {
foreach ( $mentions as $mention => $url ) {
$cc[] = $url;
$comment_query = new WP_Comment_Query(
'post_id' => $this->object->comment_post_ID,
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'source_id',
'compare' => 'EXISTS',
if ( $comment_query->comments ) {
foreach ( $comment_query->comments as $comment ) {
if ( empty( $comment->comment_author_url ) ) {
$cc[] = \esc_url( $comment->comment_author_url );
$cc = \array_unique( $cc );
return $cc;
* Returns a list of Tags, used in the Comment.
* This includes Hash-Tags and Mentions.
* @return array The list of Tags.
protected function get_tag() {
$tags = array();
$mentions = $this->get_mentions();
if ( $mentions ) {
foreach ( $mentions as $mention => $url ) {
$tag = array(
'type' => 'Mention',
'href' => \esc_url( $url ),
'name' => \esc_html( $mention ),
$tags[] = $tag;
return \array_unique( $tags, SORT_REGULAR );
* Helper function to get the @-Mentions from the comment content.
* @return array The list of @-Mentions.
protected function get_mentions() {
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_extract_mentions', array(), $this->object->comment_content, $this->object );
* Returns the locale of the post.
* @return string The locale of the post.
public function get_locale() {
$comment_id = $this->object->ID;
$lang = \strtolower( \strtok( \get_locale(), '_-' ) );
* Filter the locale of the comment.
* @param string $lang The locale of the comment.
* @param int $comment_id The comment ID.
* @param WP_Post $post The comment object.
* @return string The filtered locale of the comment.
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_comment_locale', $lang, $comment_id, $this->object );
@ -1,35 +1,21 @@
* Inspired by the way elementor handles addons.
* @link
* @package Activitypub
namespace Activitypub\Transformer;
use WP_Post;
use WP_Comment;
use function Activitypub\camel_to_snake_case;
use function Activitypub\snake_to_camel_case;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
use Activitypub\Transformer\Post;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Comment;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Attachment;
* ActivityPub transformers manager.
* ActivityPub transformers manager handler class is responsible for registering and
* initializing all the supported WP-Pobject to ActivityPub transformers.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* Transformer Factory
class Transformers_Manager {
class Factory {
'WP_Post' => array(
'post' => 'activitypub/post',
'page' => 'activitypub/post',
'attachment' => 'activitypub/attachment',
'WP_Comment' => 'activitypub/comment'
@ -45,14 +31,12 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
private $transformers = null;
* Transformer_Manager instance.
* F instance.
* Holds the transformer instance.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @access protected
* @var Transformer_Manager
protected static $_instances = [];
@ -91,30 +75,6 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
return get_called_class();
* Transformers manager constructor.
* Initializing ActivityPub transformers manager.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @access public
public function __construct() {
* Require files.
* Require ActivityPub transformer base class.
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @access private
private function require_files() {
require ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/transformer/class-base.php';
* Checks if a transformer is registered.
@ -186,12 +146,11 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
* @param bool $should_register Should the ActivityPub transformer be registered. Default is `true`.
* @param \ActivityPub\Transformer\Base $transformer_instance Widget instance.
// TODO: does not implementing this slow down the website? -> compare with gutenberg block registration.
// $should_register = apply_filters( 'activitypub/transformers/is_transformer_enabled', true, $transformer_instance );
$should_register = apply_filters( 'activitypub_transformer_is_enabled', true, $transformer_instance );
// if ( ! $should_register ) {
// return false;
// }
if ( ! $should_register ) {
return false;
$this->transformers[ $transformer_name ] = $transformer_instance;
@ -210,13 +169,12 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
private function init_transformers() {
$builtin_transformers = [
$this->transformers = [];
foreach ( $builtin_transformers as $transformer_name ) {
include ACTIVITYPUB_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/transformer/class-' . $transformer_name . '.php';
$class_name = ucfirst( $transformer_name );
$class_name = '\Activitypub\Transformer\\' . $class_name;
@ -231,7 +189,7 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
* @since version_number_transformer_management_placeholder
* @param Transformers_Manager $this The widgets manager.
* @param Transformer_Factory $this The widgets manager.
do_action( 'activitypub_transformers_register', $this );
@ -249,7 +207,7 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
* @return Base|Base[]|null Registered transformers.
public function get_transformers( $transformer_name = null ) {
public function get_transformer_class( $transformer_name = null ) {
if ( is_null( $this->transformers ) ) {
@ -261,6 +219,56 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
return $this->transformers;
public static function get_default_transformer( $object ) {
* Filter the transformer for a given object.
* Add your own transformer based on the object class or the object type.
* Example usage:
* // Filter be object class
* add_filter( 'activitypub_transformer', function( $transformer, $object, $object_class ) {
* if ( $object_class === 'WP_Post' ) {
* return new My_Post_Transformer( $object );
* }
* return $transformer;
* }, 10, 3 );
* // Filter be object type
* add_filter( 'activitypub_transformer', function( $transformer, $object, $object_class ) {
* if ( $object->post_type === 'event' ) {
* return new My_Event_Transformer( $object );
* }
* return $transformer;
* }, 10, 3 );
* @param Activitypub\Transformer\Base $transformer The transformer to use.
* @param mixed $object The object to transform.
* @param string $object_class The class of the object to transform.
* @return mixed The transformer to use.
$transformer = apply_filters( 'activitypub_transformer', null, $object, get_class( $object ) );
if ( $transformer ) {
return $transformer;
// Use the built-in transformers.
switch ( get_class( $object ) ) {
case 'WP_Post':
if ( 'attachment' === $object->post_type ) {
return new Attachment( $object );
return new Post( $object );
case 'WP_Comment':
return new Comment( $object );
return null;
* Get the mapped ActivityPub transformer.
@ -278,15 +286,19 @@ class Transformers_Manager {
case 'WP_Post':
$post_type = get_post_type( $object );
$transformer_mapping = \get_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', self::DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER_MAPPING );
$transformer_name = $transformer_mapping[ $post_type ];
$transformer_class = $this->get_transformers( $transformer_name );
$transformer_instance = new $transformer_class();
$transformer_instance->set_wp_post( $object );
return $transformer_instance;
case 'WP_Comment':
return new Comment( $object );
$transformer_name = $transformer_mapping[ 'WP_Post' ][ $post_type ];
if ( $transformer_name ) {
$transformer_class = $this->get_transformer_class( $transformer_name );
} else {
return self::get_default_transformer( $object );
if ( $transformer_class ) {
return new $transformer_class( $object );
} else {
return self::get_default_transformer( $object );
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_transformer', null, $object, get_class( $object ) );
self::get_default_transformer( $object );
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
namespace Activitypub\Transformer;
use WP_Post;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
use Activitypub\Shortcodes;
use Activitypub\Model\Blog_User;
use Activitypub\Transformer\Base;
use Activitypub\Collection\Users;
use Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object;
use function Activitypub\esc_hashtag;
use function Activitypub\is_single_user;
@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ use function Activitypub\site_supports_blocks;
* WordPress Post Transformer
* The Post Transformer is responsible for transforming a WP_Post object into different othe
* The Post Transformer is responsible for transforming a WP_Post object into different other
* Object-Types.
* Currently supported are:
* - Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
class Post extends Base {
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ class Post extends Base {
* @return string name
public function get_name() {
return 'activitypub/default';
return 'activitypub/post';
@ -37,7 +39,352 @@ class Post extends Base {
* @return string name
public function get_label() {
return 'Built-In';
return 'Built-In Transformer for WordPress Posts';
* Returns the ID of the WordPress Post.
* @return int The ID of the WordPress Post
public function get_wp_user_id() {
return $this->object->post_author;
* Change the User-ID of the WordPress Post.
* @return int The User-ID of the WordPress Post
public function change_wp_user_id( $user_id ) {
$this->object->post_author = $user_id;
return $this;
* Transforms the WP_Post object to an ActivityPub Object
* @see \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object
* @return \Activitypub\Activity\Base_Object The ActivityPub Object
public function to_object() {
$post = $this->object;
$object = parent::to_object();
$published = \strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt );
$object->set_published( \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $published ) );
$updated = \strtotime( $post->post_modified_gmt );
if ( $updated > $published ) {
$object->set_updated( \gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $updated ) );
$this->get_locale() => $this->get_content(),
$path = sprintf( 'users/%d/followers', intval( $post->post_author ) );
get_rest_url_by_path( $path ),
return $object;
* Returns the ID of the Post.
* @return string The Posts ID.
public function get_id() {
return $this->get_url();
* Returns the URL of the Post.
* @return string The Posts URL.
public function get_url() {
$post = $this->object;
if ( 'trash' === get_post_status( $post ) ) {
$permalink = \get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'activitypub_canonical_url', true );
} else {
$permalink = \get_permalink( $post );
return \esc_url( $permalink );
* Returns the User-URL of the Author of the Post.
* If `single_user` mode is enabled, the URL of the Blog-User is returned.
* @return string The User-URL.
protected function get_attributed_to() {
if ( is_single_user() ) {
$user = new Blog_User();
return $user->get_url();
return Users::get_by_id( $this->object->post_author )->get_url();
* Generates all Media Attachments for a Post.
* @return array The Attachments.
protected function get_attachment() {
// Once upon a time we only supported images, but we now support audio/video as well.
// We maintain the image-centric naming for backwards compatibility.
$max_media = intval( \apply_filters( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', \get_option( 'activitypub_max_image_attachments', ACTIVITYPUB_MAX_IMAGE_ATTACHMENTS ) ) );
if ( site_supports_blocks() && \has_blocks( $this->object->post_content ) ) {
return $this->get_block_attachments( $max_media );
return $this->get_classic_editor_images( $max_media );
* Get media attachments from blocks. They will be formatted as ActivityPub attachments, not as WP attachments.
* @param int $max_media The maximum number of attachments to return.
* @return array The attachments.
protected function get_block_attachments( $max_media ) {
// max media can't be negative or zero
if ( $max_media <= 0 ) {
return array();
$id = $this->object->ID;
$media_ids = array();
// list post thumbnail first if this post has one
if ( \function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && \has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {
$media_ids[] = \get_post_thumbnail_id( $id );
if ( $max_media > 0 ) {
$blocks = \parse_blocks( $this->object->post_content );
$media_ids = self::get_media_ids_from_blocks( $blocks, $media_ids, $max_media );
return \array_filter( \array_map( array( self::class, 'wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment' ), $media_ids ) );
* Get image attachments from the classic editor.
* Note that audio/video attachments are only supported in the block editor.
* @param int $max_images The maximum number of images to return.
* @return array The attachments.
protected function get_classic_editor_images( $max_images ) {
// max images can't be negative or zero
if ( $max_images <= 0 ) {
return array();
$id = $this->object->ID;
$image_ids = array();
// list post thumbnail first if this post has one
if ( \function_exists( 'has_post_thumbnail' ) && \has_post_thumbnail( $id ) ) {
$image_ids[] = \get_post_thumbnail_id( $id );
if ( $max_images > 0 ) {
$query = new \WP_Query(
'post_parent' => $id,
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'menu_order ID',
'posts_per_page' => $max_images,
foreach ( $query->get_posts() as $attachment ) {
if ( ! \in_array( $attachment->ID, $image_ids, true ) ) {
$image_ids[] = $attachment->ID;
$image_ids = \array_unique( $image_ids );
return \array_filter( \array_map( array( self::class, 'wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment' ), $image_ids ) );
* Recursively get media IDs from blocks.
* @param array $blocks The blocks to search for media IDs
* @param array $media_ids The media IDs to append new IDs to
* @param int $max_media The maximum number of media to return.
* @return array The image IDs.
protected static function get_media_ids_from_blocks( $blocks, $media_ids, $max_media ) {
foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
// recurse into inner blocks
if ( ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) {
$media_ids = self::get_media_ids_from_blocks( $block['innerBlocks'], $media_ids, $max_media );
switch ( $block['blockName'] ) {
case 'core/image':
case 'core/cover':
case 'core/audio':
case 'core/video':
case 'videopress/video':
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['id'] ) ) {
$media_ids[] = $block['attrs']['id'];
case 'jetpack/slideshow':
case 'jetpack/tiled-gallery':
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['ids'] ) ) {
$media_ids = array_merge( $media_ids, $block['attrs']['ids'] );
case 'jetpack/image-compare':
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['beforeImageId'] ) ) {
$media_ids[] = $block['attrs']['beforeImageId'];
if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['afterImageId'] ) ) {
$media_ids[] = $block['attrs']['afterImageId'];
// depupe
$media_ids = \array_unique( $media_ids );
// stop doing unneeded work
if ( count( $media_ids ) >= $max_media ) {
// still need to slice it because one gallery could knock us over the limit
return array_slice( $media_ids, 0, $max_media );
* Converts a WordPress Attachment to an ActivityPub Attachment.
* @param int $id The Attachment ID.
* @return array The ActivityPub Attachment.
public static function wp_attachment_to_activity_attachment( $id ) {
$attachment = array();
$mime_type = \get_post_mime_type( $id );
$mime_type_parts = \explode( '/', $mime_type );
// switching on image/audio/video
switch ( $mime_type_parts[0] ) {
case 'image':
$image_size = 'full';
* Filter the image URL returned for each post.
* @param array|false $thumbnail The image URL, or false if no image is available.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
$thumbnail = apply_filters(
self::get_wordpress_attachment( $id, $image_size ),
if ( $thumbnail ) {
$alt = \get_post_meta( $id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
$image = array(
'type' => 'Image',
'url' => $thumbnail[0],
'mediaType' => $mime_type,
if ( $alt ) {
$image['name'] = $alt;
$attachment = $image;
case 'audio':
case 'video':
$attachment = array(
'type' => 'Document',
'mediaType' => $mime_type,
'url' => \wp_get_attachment_url( $id ),
'name' => \get_the_title( $id ),
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id );
// height and width for videos
if ( isset( $meta['width'] ) && isset( $meta['height'] ) ) {
$attachment['width'] = $meta['width'];
$attachment['height'] = $meta['height'];
// @todo: add `icon` support for audio/video attachments. Maybe use post thumbnail?
return \apply_filters( 'activitypub_attachment', $attachment, $id );
* Return details about an image attachment.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
* @return array|false Array of image data, or boolean false if no image is available.
protected static function get_wordpress_attachment( $id, $image_size = 'full' ) {
* Hook into the image retrieval process. Before image retrieval.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
do_action( 'activitypub_get_image_pre', $id, $image_size );
$image = \wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, $image_size );
* Hook into the image retrieval process. After image retrieval.
* @param int $id The attachment ID.
* @param string $image_size The image size to retrieve. Set to 'full' by default.
do_action( 'activitypub_get_image_post', $id, $image_size );
return $image;
@ -48,17 +395,17 @@ class Post extends Base {
* @return string The Object-Type.
protected function get_object_type() {
protected function get_type() {
if ( 'wordpress-post-format' !== \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) ) {
return \ucfirst( \get_option( 'activitypub_object_type', 'note' ) );
// Default to Article.
$object_type = 'Article';
$post_type = \get_post_type( $this->wp_post );
$post_type = \get_post_type( $this->object );
switch ( $post_type ) {
case 'post':
$post_format = \get_post_format( $this->wp_post );
$post_format = \get_post_format( $this->object );
switch ( $post_format ) {
case 'aside':
case 'status':
@ -85,7 +432,7 @@ class Post extends Base {
$object_type = 'Page';
case 'attachment':
$mime_type = \get_post_mime_type();
$mime_type = \get_post_mime_type();
$media_type = \preg_replace( '/(\/[a-zA-Z]+)/i', '', $mime_type );
switch ( $media_type ) {
case 'audio':
@ -106,4 +453,159 @@ class Post extends Base {
return $object_type;
* Returns a list of Mentions, used in the Post.
* @see
* @return array The list of Mentions.
protected function get_cc() {
$cc = array();
$mentions = $this->get_mentions();
if ( $mentions ) {
foreach ( $mentions as $url ) {
$cc[] = $url;
return $cc;
* Returns a list of Tags, used in the Post.
* This includes Hash-Tags and Mentions.
* @return array The list of Tags.
protected function get_tag() {
$tags = array();
$post_tags = \get_the_tags( $this->object->ID );
if ( $post_tags ) {
foreach ( $post_tags as $post_tag ) {
$tag = array(
'type' => 'Hashtag',
'href' => \esc_url( \get_tag_link( $post_tag->term_id ) ),
'name' => esc_hashtag( $post_tag->name ),
$tags[] = $tag;
$mentions = $this->get_mentions();
if ( $mentions ) {
foreach ( $mentions as $mention => $url ) {
$tag = array(
'type' => 'Mention',
'href' => \esc_url( $url ),
'name' => \esc_html( $mention ),
$tags[] = $tag;
return $tags;
* Returns the content for the ActivityPub Item.
* The content will be generated based on the user settings.
* @return string The content.
protected function get_content() {
global $post;
* Provides an action hook so plugins can add their own hooks/filters before AP content is generated.
* Example: if a plugin adds a filter to `the_content` to add a button to the end of posts, it can also remove that filter here.
* @param WP_Post $post The post object.
do_action( 'activitypub_before_get_content', $post );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
$post = $this->object;
$content = $this->get_post_content_template();
// Register our shortcodes just in time.
// Fill in the shortcodes.
setup_postdata( $post );
$content = do_shortcode( $content );
$content = \wpautop( $content );
$content = \preg_replace( '/[\n\r\t]/', '', $content );
$content = \trim( $content );
$content = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_the_content', $content, $post );
// Don't need these any more, should never appear in a post.
return $content;
* Gets the template to use to generate the content of the activitypub item.
* @return string The Template.
protected function get_post_content_template() {
$type = \get_option( 'activitypub_post_content_type', 'content' );
switch ( $type ) {
case 'excerpt':
$template = "[ap_excerpt]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]";
case 'title':
$template = "[ap_title]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]";
case 'content':
$template = "[ap_content]\n\n[ap_permalink type=\"html\"]\n\n[ap_hashtags]";
$template = \get_option( 'activitypub_custom_post_content', ACTIVITYPUB_CUSTOM_POST_CONTENT );
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_object_content_template', $template, $this->object );
* Helper function to get the @-Mentions from the post content.
* @return array The list of @-Mentions.
protected function get_mentions() {
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_extract_mentions', array(), $this->object->post_content, $this->object );
* Returns the locale of the post.
* @return string The locale of the post.
public function get_locale() {
$post_id = $this->object->ID;
$lang = \strtolower( \strtok( \get_locale(), '_-' ) );
* Filter the locale of the post.
* @param string $lang The locale of the post.
* @param int $post_id The post ID.
* @param WP_Post $post The post object.
* @return string The filtered locale of the post.
return apply_filters( 'activitypub_post_locale', $lang, $post_id, $this->object );
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ namespace Activitypub\Integration;
use function Activitypub\get_total_users;
use function Activitypub\get_active_users;
use function Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path;
* Compatibility with the NodeInfo plugin
@ -14,8 +15,10 @@ class Nodeinfo {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
\add_filter( 'nodeinfo_data', array( self::class, 'add_nodeinfo_discovery' ), 10, 2 );
\add_filter( 'nodeinfo2_data', array( self::class, 'add_nodeinfo2_discovery' ), 10 );
\add_filter( 'nodeinfo_data', array( self::class, 'add_nodeinfo_data' ), 10, 2 );
\add_filter( 'nodeinfo2_data', array( self::class, 'add_nodeinfo2_data' ), 10 );
\add_filter( 'wellknown_nodeinfo_data', array( self::class, 'add_wellknown_nodeinfo_data' ), 10, 2 );
@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ class Nodeinfo {
* @return array The extended array
public static function add_nodeinfo_discovery( $nodeinfo, $version ) {
public static function add_nodeinfo_data( $nodeinfo, $version ) {
if ( $version >= '2.0' ) {
$nodeinfo['protocols'][] = 'activitypub';
} else {
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ class Nodeinfo {
* @return array The extended array
public static function add_nodeinfo2_discovery( $nodeinfo ) {
public static function add_nodeinfo2_data( $nodeinfo ) {
$nodeinfo['protocols'][] = 'activitypub';
$nodeinfo['usage']['users'] = array(
@ -61,4 +64,20 @@ class Nodeinfo {
return $nodeinfo;
* Extend the well-known nodeinfo data
* @param array $data The well-known nodeinfo data
* @return array The extended array
public static function add_wellknown_nodeinfo_data( $data ) {
$data['links'][] = array(
'rel' => '',
'href' => get_rest_url_by_path( 'application' ),
return $data;
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ class Webfinger {
* Initialize the class, registering WordPress hooks
public static function init() {
\add_filter( 'webfinger_user_data', array( self::class, 'add_user_discovery' ), 10, 3 );
\add_filter( 'webfinger_data', array( self::class, 'add_pseudo_user_discovery' ), 99, 2 );
\add_filter( 'webfinger_user_data', array( self::class, 'add_user_discovery' ), 1, 3 );
\add_filter( 'webfinger_data', array( self::class, 'add_pseudo_user_discovery' ), 1, 2 );
@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ class Webfinger {
return $array;
$array['subject'] = sprintf( 'acct:%s', $user->get_resource() );
$array['aliases'][] = $user->get_url();
$array['aliases'][] = $user->get_alternate_url();
$array['links'][] = array(
'rel' => 'self',
'type' => 'application/activity+json',
@ -53,10 +58,12 @@ class Webfinger {
* @return array the jrd array
public static function add_pseudo_user_discovery( $array, $resource ) {
if ( $array ) {
$user = Webfinger_Rest::get_profile( $resource );
if ( ! $user || is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
return $array;
return Webfinger_Rest::get_profile( $resource );
return $user;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Contributors: automattic, pfefferle, mediaformat, mattwiebe, akirk, jeherve, nur
Tags: OStatus, fediverse, activitypub, activitystream
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 1.2.0
Stable tag: 1.3.0
Requires PHP: 5.6
License: MIT
License URI:
@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ Implemented:
* share posts
* receive comments/reactions
* signature verification
* threaded comments support
To implement:
* threaded comments support
* replace shortcodes with blocks for layout
= What is "ActivityPub for WordPress" =
@ -105,6 +105,27 @@ Where 'blog' is the path to the subdirectory at which your blog resides.
Project maintained on GitHub at [automattic/wordpress-activitypub](
= 2.0.0 =
* Removed: Deprecated Classes
* Fixed: Normalize attributes that can have mixed value types
* Added: URL support for WebFinger
* Added: Make Post-Template filterable
* Added: CSS class for ActivityPub comments to allow custom designs
* Added: FEP-2677: Identifying the Application Actor
* Added: Basic Comment Federation
* Added: Profile Update Activities
* Improved: WebFinger endpoints
= 1.3.0 =
* Added: Threaded-Comments support
* Improved: alt text for avatars in Follow Me/Followers blocks
* Improved: `Delete`, `Update` and `Follow` Activities
* Improved: better/more effective handling of `Delete` Activities
* Improved: allow `<p />` and `<br />` for Comments
* Fixed: removed default limit of WP_Query to send updates to all Inboxes and not only to the first 10
= 1.2.0 =
* Add: Search and order followerer lists
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function Profile( { profile, popupStyles, userId } ) {
const { avatar, name, resource } = profile;
return (
<div className="activitypub-profile">
<img className="activitypub-profile__avatar" src={ avatar } />
<img className="activitypub-profile__avatar" src={ avatar } alt={ name } />
<div className="activitypub-profile__content">
<div className="activitypub-profile__name">{ name }</div>
<div className="activitypub-profile__handle" title={ resource }>{ resource }</div>
@ -106,7 +106,13 @@ function Follower( { name, icon, url, preferredUsername, followLinks = true } )
return (
<ExternalLink className="activitypub-link" href={ url } title={ handle } { ...extraProps }>
<img width="40" height="40" src={ icon.url } class="avatar activitypub-avatar" />
src={ icon.url }
class="avatar activitypub-avatar"
alt={ name }
<span class="activitypub-actor">
<strong className="activitypub-name">{ name }</strong>
<span class="sep">/</span>
@ -10,23 +10,8 @@ $user->set_context(
\do_action( 'activitypub_json_author_pre', $user->get__id() );
$options = 0;
// JSON_PRETTY_PRINT added in PHP 5.4
if ( \get_query_var( 'pretty' ) ) {
$options |= \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; // phpcs:ignore
* Options to be passed to json_encode()
* @param int $options The current options flags
$options = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_author_options', $options, $user->get__id() );
\header( 'Content-Type: application/activity+json' );
echo \wp_json_encode( $user->to_array(), $options );
echo $user->to_json(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Action triggerd after the ActivityPub profile has been created and sent to the client
@ -10,23 +10,8 @@ $user->set_context(
\do_action( 'activitypub_json_author_pre', $user->get__id() );
$options = 0;
// JSON_PRETTY_PRINT added in PHP 5.4
if ( \get_query_var( 'pretty' ) ) {
$options |= \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; // phpcs:ignore
* Options to be passed to json_encode()
* @param int $options The current options flags
$options = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_author_options', $options, $user->get__id() );
\header( 'Content-Type: application/activity+json' );
echo \wp_json_encode( $user->to_array(), $options );
echo $user->to_json(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Action triggerd after the ActivityPub profile has been created and sent to the client
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
$comment = \get_comment( \get_query_var( 'c', null ) ); // phpcs:ignore
$object = \Activitypub\Transformer\Factory::instance()->get_transformer( $comment );
$json = \array_merge( array( '@context' => \Activitypub\get_context() ), $object->to_object()->to_array() );
// filter output
$json = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_comment_array', $json );
* Action triggerd prior to the ActivityPub profile being created and sent to the client
\do_action( 'activitypub_json_comment_pre' );
$options = 0;
// JSON_PRETTY_PRINT added in PHP 5.4
if ( \get_query_var( 'pretty' ) ) {
$options |= \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; // phpcs:ignore
* Options to be passed to json_encode()
* @param int $options The current options flags
$options = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_comment_options', $options );
\header( 'Content-Type: application/activity+json' );
echo \wp_json_encode( $json, $options );
* Action triggerd after the ActivityPub profile has been created and sent to the client
\do_action( 'activitypub_json_comment_comment' );
@ -2,35 +2,15 @@
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
$post = \get_post();
$transformer = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( $post );
$json = \array_merge( array( '@context' => \Activitypub\get_context() ), $transformer->to_object()->to_array() );
// filter output
$json = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_post_array', $json );
$post_object = \Activitypub\Transformer\Factory::instance()->get_transformer( $post )->to_object();
* Action triggerd prior to the ActivityPub profile being created and sent to the client
\do_action( 'activitypub_json_post_pre' );
$options = 0;
// JSON_PRETTY_PRINT added in PHP 5.4
if ( \get_query_var( 'pretty' ) ) {
$options |= \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; // phpcs:ignore
* Options to be passed to json_encode()
* @param int $options The current options flags
$options = \apply_filters( 'activitypub_json_post_options', $options );
\header( 'Content-Type: application/activity+json' );
echo \wp_json_encode( $json, $options );
echo $post_object->to_json(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
* Action triggerd after the ActivityPub profile has been created and sent to the client
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<?php \esc_html_e( 'Excerpt', 'activitypub' ); ?>
<span class="description">
<?php \esc_html_e( 'A content summary, shortened to 400 characters and without markup.', 'activitypub' ); ?>
<?php \esc_html_e( 'A content summary without markup (truncated if no excerpt is provided).', 'activitypub' ); ?>
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
<li><code>[ap_title]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s title.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li>
<li><code>[ap_content]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s content.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li>
<li><code>[ap_excerpt]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s excerpt (default 400 chars).', 'activitypub' ); ?></li>
<li><code>[ap_excerpt]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s excerpt (may be truncated).', 'activitypub' ); ?></li>
<li><code>[ap_permalink]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s permalink.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li>
<li><code>[ap_shortlink]</code> - <?php echo \wp_kses( \__( 'The post\'s shortlink. I can recommend <a href="" target="_blank">Hum</a>.', 'activitypub' ), 'default' ); ?></li>
<li><code>[ap_hashtags]</code> - <?php \esc_html_e( 'The post\'s tags as hashtags.', 'activitypub' ); ?></li>
@ -201,6 +201,26 @@
<th scope="row"><?php \esc_html_e( 'Supported post types', 'activitypub' ); ?></th>
<?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable ActivityPub support for the following post types:', 'activitypub' ); ?>
<?php $post_types = \get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' ); ?>
<?php $support_post_types = \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ) ? \get_option( 'activitypub_support_post_types', array( 'post', 'page' ) ) : array(); ?>
<?php // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited ?>
<?php foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="activitypub_support_post_type_<?php echo \esc_attr( $post_type->name ); ?>" name="activitypub_support_post_types[]" value="<?php echo \esc_attr( $post_type->name ); ?>" <?php echo \checked( \in_array( $post_type->name, $support_post_types, true ) ); ?> />
<label for="activitypub_support_post_type_<?php echo \esc_attr( $post_type->name ); ?>"><?php echo \esc_html( $post_type->label ); ?></label>
<?php } ?>
<th scope="row">
<?php \esc_html_e( 'Hashtags (beta)', 'activitypub' ); ?>
@ -217,93 +237,6 @@
<?php \do_settings_fields( 'activitypub', 'activity' ); ?>
<!-- OUR FORK HERE -->
<div class="box">
<h3><?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable ActivityPub support for post type', 'activitypub' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row">
<?php \esc_html_e( 'Mapping', 'activitypub' ); ?>
<?php \esc_html_e( 'Enable ActivityPub support for a certain post type by selecting one of the available ActivityPub transformers.', 'activitypub' ); ?>
<?php $all_public_post_types = \get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'objects' );
$transformer_mapping = \get_option( 'activitypub_transformer_mapping', array( 'default' => 'note' ) );
$all_public_post_type_names = array_map(function ($object) {
return $object->name;
}, $all_public_post_types);
$transformer_manager = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance();
$transformers = $transformer_manager->get_transformers();
// TODO Probably we should use checkboxes and not select and make this less buggy and insert the js at the right place.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var radioGroups = {};
var radioButtons = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
radioButtons.forEach(function (radioButton) {
radioButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
var name =;
if (!radioGroups[name]) {
radioGroups[name] = this;
} else {
radioGroups[name].checked = false;
radioGroups[name] = this;
// Generate column headers based on transformer objects
foreach ($transformers as $transformer) {
echo '<th>' . htmlspecialchars($transformer->get_label()) . '</th>';
// Generate rows based on post types and transformers
foreach ($all_public_post_types as $post_type) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($post_type->label) . '</strong></td>';
// Generate radio inputs for each transformer, considering support for the post type
foreach ($transformers as $transformer) {
$disabled_attribute = $transformer->supports_post_type( $post_type->name ) ? '' : ' disabled';
$is_selected = ( is_array( $transformer_mapping ) && isset( $transformer_mapping[ $post_type->name ] ) && $transformer_mapping[ $post_type->name ] === $transformer->get_name() ) ? ' checked ' : '';
echo '<td><input type="radio" name="activitypub_transformer_mapping[' . $post_type->name . ']" value="' . $transformer->get_name() . '"' . $is_selected . $disabled_attribute . '></td>';
echo '</tr>';
<div class="box">
<h3><?php \esc_html_e( 'Server', 'activitypub' ); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class ActivityPub_TestCase_Cache_HTTP extends \WP_UnitTestCase {
function() {
function () {
return get_option( 'home' ) . '/wp-json/';
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Activity_Dispatcher extends ActivityPub_TestCase_Cache_HT
function( $mentions ) {
function ( $mentions ) {
$mentions[] = '';
return $mentions;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Activity_Dispatcher extends ActivityPub_TestCase_Cache_HT
function( $value, $type ) {
function ( $value, $type ) {
if ( 'blog' === $type ) {
return false;
} else {
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
use DMS\PHPUnitExtensions\ArraySubset\Assert;
class Test_Activitypub_Activity extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public function test_activity_mentions() {
$post = \wp_insert_post(
@ -10,15 +12,14 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Activity extends WP_UnitTestCase {
function( $mentions ) {
function ( $mentions ) {
$mentions['@alex'] = '';
return $mentions;
$wp_post = get_post( $post );
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( $post )->to_object();
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Post::transform( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_activity = new \Activitypub\Activity\Activity();
$activitypub_activity->set_type( 'Create' );
@ -43,4 +44,21 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Activity extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$this->assertEquals( 'Hello world!', $object->get_content() );
$this->assertEquals( $test_array, $object->to_array() );
public function test_activity_object() {
$test_array = array(
'id' => '',
'type' => 'Create',
'object' => array(
'id' => '',
'type' => 'Note',
'content' => 'Hello world!',
$activity = \Activitypub\Activity\Activity::init_from_array( $test_array );
$this->assertEquals( 'Hello world!', $activity->get_object()->get_content() );
Assert::assertArraySubset( $test_array, $activity->to_array() );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
class Test_Activitypub_Create_Handler extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public $user_id;
public $user_url;
public $post_id;
public $post_permalink;
public function set_up() {
$this->user_id = 1;
$authordata = \get_userdata( $this->user_id );
$this->user_url = $authordata->user_url;
$this->post_id = \wp_insert_post(
'post_author' => $this->user_id,
'post_content' => 'test',
$this->post_permalink = \get_permalink( $this->post_id );
\add_filter( 'pre_get_remote_metadata_by_actor', array( '\Test_Activitypub_Create_Handler', 'get_remote_metadata_by_actor' ), 0, 2 );
public static function get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $value, $actor ) {
return array(
'name' => 'Example User',
'icon' => array(
'url' => '',
'url' => $actor,
'id' => '',
public function create_test_object( $id = '' ) {
return array(
'actor' => $this->user_url,
'id' => '' . microtime( true ),
'to' => [ $this->user_url ],
'cc' => [ '' ],
'object' => array(
'id' => $id,
'url' => '',
'inReplyTo' => $this->post_permalink,
'content' => 'example',
public function test_handle_create_object_unset_rejected() {
$object = $this->create_test_object();
unset( $object['object'] );
$converted = Activitypub\Handler\Create::handle_create( $object, $this->user_id );
$this->assertNull( $converted );
public function test_handle_create_non_public_rejected() {
$object = $this->create_test_object();
$object['cc'] = [];
$converted = Activitypub\Handler\Create::handle_create( $object, $this->user_id );
$this->assertNull( $converted );
public function test_handle_create_no_id_rejected() {
$object = $this->create_test_object();
unset( $object['object']['id'] );
$converted = Activitypub\Handler\Create::handle_create( $object, $this->user_id );
$this->assertNull( $converted );
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class Test_Db_Activitypub_Followers extends WP_UnitTestCase {
class Test_Activitypub_Followers extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public static $users = array(
'' => array(
'id' => '',
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Test_Db_Activitypub_Followers extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$this->assertEquals( 3, \count( $db_followers ) );
$db_followers = array_map(
function( $item ) {
function ( $item ) {
return $item->get_url();
@ -329,6 +329,82 @@ class Test_Db_Activitypub_Followers extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$this->assertEquals( $name, $follower->get_name() );
public function test_get_inboxes() {
for ( $i = 0; $i < 30; $i++ ) {
$meta = array(
'id' => '' . $i,
'url' => '' . $i,
'inbox' => '' . $i . '/inbox',
'name' => 'user' . $i,
'preferredUsername' => 'user' . $i,
'publicKey' => '' . $i . '#main-key',
'publicKeyPem' => $i,
$follower = new \Activitypub\Model\Follower();
$follower->from_array( $meta );
$id = $follower->upsert();
add_post_meta( $id, 'activitypub_user_id', 1 );
$inboxes = \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::get_inboxes( 1 );
$this->assertCount( 30, $inboxes );
wp_cache_delete( sprintf( \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::CACHE_KEY_INBOXES, 1 ), 'activitypub' );
for ( $j = 0; $j < 5; $j++ ) {
$k = $j + 100;
$meta = array(
'id' => '' . $k,
'url' => '' . $k,
'inbox' => '' . $j . '/inbox',
'name' => 'user' . $k,
'preferredUsername' => 'user' . $k,
'publicKey' => '' . $k . '#main-key',
'publicKeyPem' => $k,
$follower = new \Activitypub\Model\Follower();
$follower->from_array( $meta );
$id = $follower->upsert();
add_post_meta( $id, 'activitypub_user_id', 1 );
$inboxes2 = \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::get_inboxes( 1 );
$this->assertCount( 30, $inboxes2 );
public function test_get_all_followers() {
for ( $i = 0; $i < 30; $i++ ) {
$meta = array(
'id' => '' . $i,
'url' => '' . $i,
'inbox' => '' . $i . '/inbox',
'name' => 'user' . $i,
'preferredUsername' => 'user' . $i,
'publicKey' => '' . $i . '#main-key',
'publicKeyPem' => $i,
$follower = new \Activitypub\Model\Follower();
$follower->from_array( $meta );
$id = $follower->upsert();
add_post_meta( $id, 'activitypub_user_id', 1 );
$followers = \Activitypub\Collection\Followers::get_all_followers();
$this->assertCount( 30, $followers );
public static function http_request_host_is_external( $in, $host ) {
if ( in_array( $host, array( '', '' ), true ) ) {
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
class Test_Activitypub_Interactions extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public $user_id;
public $user_url;
public $post_id;
public $post_permalink;
public function set_up() {
$this->user_id = 1;
$authordata = \get_userdata( $this->user_id );
$this->user_url = $authordata->user_url;
$this->post_id = \wp_insert_post(
'post_author' => $this->user_id,
'post_content' => 'test',
$this->post_permalink = \get_permalink( $this->post_id );
\add_filter( 'pre_get_remote_metadata_by_actor', array( '\Test_Activitypub_Interactions', 'get_remote_metadata_by_actor' ), 0, 2 );
public static function get_remote_metadata_by_actor( $value, $actor ) {
return array(
'name' => 'Example User',
'icon' => array(
'url' => '',
'url' => $actor,
'id' => '',
public function create_test_object( $id = '' ) {
return array(
'actor' => $this->user_url,
'id' => '' . microtime( true ),
'to' => [ $this->user_url ],
'cc' => [ '' ],
'object' => array(
'id' => $id,
'url' => '',
'inReplyTo' => $this->post_permalink,
'content' => 'example',
public function create_test_rich_object( $id = '' ) {
return array(
'actor' => $this->user_url,
'id' => '' . microtime( true ),
'to' => [ $this->user_url ],
'cc' => [ '' ],
'object' => array(
'id' => $id,
'url' => '',
'inReplyTo' => $this->post_permalink,
'content' => 'Hello<br />example<p>example</p><img src="" />',
public function test_handle_create_basic() {
$comment_id = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $this->create_test_object() );
$comment = get_comment( $comment_id, ARRAY_A );
$this->assertIsArray( $comment );
$this->assertEquals( $this->post_id, $comment['comment_post_ID'] );
$this->assertEquals( 'Example User', $comment['comment_author'] );
$this->assertEquals( $this->user_url, $comment['comment_author_url'] );
$this->assertEquals( 'example', $comment['comment_content'] );
$this->assertEquals( 'comment', $comment['comment_type'] );
$this->assertEquals( '', $comment['comment_author_email'] );
$this->assertEquals( 0, $comment['comment_parent'] );
$this->assertEquals( '', get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'source_id', true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '', get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'source_url', true ) );
$this->assertEquals( '', get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'avatar_url', true ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'activitypub', get_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'protocol', true ) );
public function test_handle_create_rich() {
$comment_id = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $this->create_test_rich_object() );
$comment = get_comment( $comment_id, ARRAY_A );
$this->assertEquals( 'Hello<br />example<p>example</p>', $comment['comment_content'] );
$commentarray = array(
'comment_post_ID' => $this->post_id,
'comment_author' => 'Example User',
'comment_author_url' => $this->user_url,
'comment_content' => 'Hello<br />example<p>example</p>',
'comment_type' => 'comment',
'comment_author_email' => '',
'comment_parent' => 0,
'comment_meta' => array(
'source_id' => '',
'source_url' => '',
'protocol' => 'activitypub',
\remove_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10 );
$comment_id = wp_new_comment( $commentarray );
\add_action( 'check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10, 4 );
$comment = get_comment( $comment_id, ARRAY_A );
$this->assertEquals( 'Helloexampleexample', $comment['comment_content'] );
public function test_convert_object_to_comment_not_reply_rejected() {
$object = $this->create_test_object();
unset( $object['object']['inReplyTo'] );
$converted = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$this->assertFalse( $converted );
public function test_convert_object_to_comment_already_exists_rejected() {
$object = $this->create_test_object( '' );
Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$converted = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$this->assertEquals( $converted->get_error_code(), 'comment_duplicate' );
public function test_convert_object_to_comment_reply_to_comment() {
$id = '';
$object = $this->create_test_object( $id );
Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$comment = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $id );
$object['object']['inReplyTo'] = $id;
$object['object']['id'] = '';
$id = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$converted = get_comment( $id, ARRAY_A );
$this->assertIsArray( $converted );
$this->assertEquals( $this->post_id, $converted['comment_post_ID'] );
$this->assertEquals( $comment->comment_ID, $converted['comment_parent'] );
public function test_convert_object_to_comment_reply_to_non_existent_comment_rejected() {
$object = $this->create_test_object();
$object['object']['inReplyTo'] = '';
$converted = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$this->assertFalse( $converted );
public function test_handle_create_basic2() {
$id = '';
$object = $this->create_test_object( $id );
Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$comment = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $id );
$this->assertInstanceOf( WP_Comment::class, $comment );
public function test_get_interaction_by_id() {
$id = '';
$url = '';
$object = $this->create_test_object( $id );
$object['object']['url'] = $url;
Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::add_comment( $object );
$comment = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $id );
$interactions = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::get_interaction_by_id( $id );
$this->assertIsArray( $interactions );
$this->assertEquals( $comment->comment_ID, $interactions[0]->comment_ID );
$comment = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $id );
$interactions = Activitypub\Collection\Interactions::get_interaction_by_id( $url );
$this->assertIsArray( $interactions );
$this->assertEquals( $comment->comment_ID, $interactions[0]->comment_ID );
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Post extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$permalink = \get_permalink( $post );
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Post::transform( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$this->assertEquals( $permalink, $activitypub_post->get_id() );
\wp_trash_post( $post );
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Post::transform( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$this->assertEquals( $permalink, $activitypub_post->get_id() );
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Rest_Inbox extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public function test_is_activity_public( $data, $check ) {
$this->assertEquals( $check, Activitypub\Rest\Inbox::is_activity_public( $data ) );
$this->assertEquals( $check, Activitypub\is_activity_public( $data ) );
public function the_data_provider() {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Signature_Verification extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$remote_actor = \get_author_posts_url( 2 );
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Post::transform( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_activity = new Activitypub\Activity\Activity( 'Create' );
$activitypub_activity->set_type( 'Create' );
$activitypub_activity->set_object( $activitypub_post );
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Signature_Verification extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public function test_rest_activity_signature() {
function( $json, $actor ) {
function ( $json, $actor ) {
$user = Activitypub\Collection\Users::get_by_id( 1 );
$public_key = Activitypub\Signature::get_public_key_for( $user->get__id() );
// return ActivityPub Profile with signature
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Signature_Verification extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$remote_actor = \get_author_posts_url( 2 );
$remote_actor_inbox = Activitypub\get_rest_url_by_path( '/inbox' );
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Transformers_Manager::instance()->get_transformer( get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_post = \Activitypub\Transformer\Post::transform( \get_post( $post ) )->to_object();
$activitypub_activity = new Activitypub\Activity\Activity();
$activitypub_activity->set_type( 'Create' );
$activitypub_activity->set_object( $activitypub_post );
@ -62,4 +62,34 @@ class Test_Activitypub_Shortcodes extends WP_UnitTestCase {
$this->assertEquals( '', $content );
public function test_excerpt() {
global $post;
$post_id = -97; // negative ID, to avoid clash with a valid post
$post = new stdClass();
$post->ID = $post_id;
$post->post_author = 1;
$post->post_date = current_time( 'mysql' );
$post->post_date_gmt = current_time( 'mysql', 1 );
$post->post_title = 'Some title or other';
$post->post_content = '<script>test</script>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.<script type="javascript">{"asdf": "qwerty"}</script><style></style>';
$post->post_status = 'publish';
$post->comment_status = 'closed';
$post->ping_status = 'closed';
$post->post_name = 'fake-page-' . rand( 1, 99999 ); // append random number to avoid clash
$post->post_type = 'page';
$post->filter = 'raw'; // important!
$content = '[ap_excerpt length="25"]';
// Fill in the shortcodes.
setup_postdata( $post );
$content = do_shortcode( $content );
$this->assertEquals( "<p>Lorem ipsum […]</p>\n", $content );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
class Test_Activitypub_Users_Collection extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public function set_up() {
add_option( 'activitypub_blog_user_identifier', 'blog' );
add_user_meta( 1, 'activitypub_user_identifier', 'admin' );
* @dataProvider the_resource_provider
public function test_get_by_various( $resource, $expected ) {
$user = Activitypub\Collection\Users::get_by_resource( $resource );
$this->assertInstanceOf( $expected, $user );
public function the_resource_provider() {
return array(
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\User' ),
array( '', 'WP_Error' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( 'acct:*', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'WP_Error' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Application_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'Activitypub\Model\Blog_User' ),
array( '', 'WP_Error' ),
array( '', 'WP_Error' ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
class Test_Activitypub_Webfinger extends WP_UnitTestCase {
* @dataProvider the_cache_key_provider
public function test_generate_cache_key( $uri, $hash ) {
$cache_key = Activitypub\Webfinger::generate_cache_key( $uri );
$this->assertEquals( $cache_key, 'webfinger_' . $hash );
public function the_cache_key_provider() {
return array(
array( '', md5( '' ) ),
array( '', md5( '' ) ),
array( '', md5( '' ) ),
array( '', md5( '' ) ),
array( '', md5( '' ) ),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
class Test_Admin extends WP_UnitTestCase {
public function test_no_permalink_structure_has_errors() {
\add_option( 'permalink_structure', '' );
\do_action( 'admin_notices' );
$this->expectOutputRegex( "/notice-error/" );
\delete_option( 'permalink_structure' );
public function test_has_permalink_structure_no_errors() {
\add_option( 'permalink_structure', '/archives/%post_id%' );
\do_action( 'admin_notices' );
$this->expectOutputRegex( "/^((?!notice-error).)*$/s" );
\delete_option( 'permalink_structure' );
@ -1,9 +1,149 @@
class Test_Functions extends ActivityPub_TestCase_Cache_HTTP {
public $user_id;
public $post_id;
public function test_get_remote_metadata_by_actor() {
$metadata = \ActivityPub\get_remote_metadata_by_actor( '' );
$this->assertEquals( '', $metadata['url'] );
$this->assertEquals( 'pfefferle', $metadata['preferredUsername'] );
$this->assertEquals( 'Matthias Pfefferle', $metadata['name'] );
public function set_up() {
$this->post_id = \wp_insert_post(
'post_author' => $this->user_id,
'post_content' => 'test',
public function test_object_id_to_comment_basic() {
$single_comment_source_id = '';
$content = 'example';
$comment_id = \wp_new_comment(
'comment_post_ID' => $this->post_id,
'comment_author' => 'Example User',
'comment_author_url' => '',
'comment_content' => $content,
'comment_type' => '',
'comment_author_email' => '',
'comment_parent' => 0,
'comment_meta' => array(
'source_id' => $single_comment_source_id,
'source_url' => '',
'avatar_url' => '',
'protocol' => 'activitypub',
$query_result = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $single_comment_source_id );
$this->assertInstanceOf( WP_Comment::class, $query_result );
$this->assertEquals( $comment_id, $query_result->comment_ID );
$this->assertEquals( $content, $query_result->comment_content );
public function test_object_id_to_comment_none() {
$single_comment_source_id = '';
$query_result = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $single_comment_source_id );
$this->assertFalse( $query_result );
public function test_object_id_to_comment_duplicate() {
$duplicate_comment_source_id = '';
for ( $i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i ) {
'comment_post_ID' => $this->post_id,
'comment_author' => 'Example User',
'comment_author_url' => '',
'comment_content' => 'example',
'comment_type' => '',
'comment_author_email' => '',
'comment_parent' => 0,
'comment_meta' => array(
'source_id' => $duplicate_comment_source_id,
'source_url' => '',
'avatar_url' => '',
'protocol' => 'activitypub',
$query_result = \Activitypub\object_id_to_comment( $duplicate_comment_source_id );
$this->assertFalse( $query_result );
* @dataProvider object_to_uri_provider
public function test_object_to_uri( $input, $output ) {
$this->assertEquals( $output, \Activitypub\object_to_uri( $input ) );
public function object_to_uri_provider() {
return array(
array( null, null ),
array( '', '' ),
array( array( '' ), '' ),
'type' => 'Link',
'href' => '',
'type' => 'Link',
'href' => '',
'type' => 'Link',
'href' => '',
'type' => 'Actor',
'id' => '',
'type' => 'Actor',
'id' => '',
'type' => 'Actor',
'id' => '',
'type' => 'Activity',
'id' => '',
Reference in a new issue