
359 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

/** no direct access **/
defined('MECEXEC') or die();
* Webnus MEC yearly view class.
* @author Webnus <>
class MEC_skin_yearly_view extends MEC_skins
* @var string
public $skin = 'yearly_view';
public $date_format_modern_1;
public $date_format_modern_2;
public $months_to_display;
* Constructor method
* @author Webnus <>
public function __construct()
* Registers skin actions into WordPress
* @author Webnus <>
public function actions()
$this->factory->action('wp_ajax_mec_yearly_view_load_year', array($this, 'load_year'));
$this->factory->action('wp_ajax_nopriv_mec_yearly_view_load_year', array($this, 'load_year'));
* Initialize the skin
* @author Webnus <>
* @param array $atts
public function initialize($atts)
$this->atts = $atts;
// Skin Options
$this->skin_options = (isset($this->atts['sk-options']) and isset($this->atts['sk-options'][$this->skin])) ? $this->atts['sk-options'][$this->skin] : [];
// Icons
$this->icons = $this->main->icons(
isset($this->atts['icons']) && is_array($this->atts['icons']) ? $this->atts['icons'] : []
// Date Formats
$this->date_format_modern_1 = (isset($this->skin_options['modern_date_format1']) and trim($this->skin_options['modern_date_format1'])) ? $this->skin_options['modern_date_format1'] : 'l';
$this->date_format_modern_2 = (isset($this->skin_options['modern_date_format2']) and trim($this->skin_options['modern_date_format2'])) ? $this->skin_options['modern_date_format2'] : 'F j';
// Search Form Options
$this->sf_options = $this->atts['sf-options'][$this->skin] ?? [];
// Search Form Status
$this->sf_status = $this->atts['sf_status'] ?? true;
$this->sf_display_label = $this->atts['sf_display_label'] ?? false;
$this->sf_reset_button = $this->atts['sf_reset_button'] ?? false;
$this->sf_refine = $this->atts['sf_refine'] ?? false;
// Generate an ID for the sking
$this->id = $this->atts['id'] ?? mt_rand(100, 999);
// Set the ID
if(!isset($this->atts['id'])) $this->atts['id'] = $this->id;
// The style
$this->style = $this->skin_options['style'] ?? 'modern';
if($this->style == 'fluent' and !is_plugin_active('mec-fluent-layouts/mec-fluent-layouts.php')) $this->style = 'modern';
// reason_for_cancellation
$this->reason_for_cancellation = $this->skin_options['reason_for_cancellation'] ?? false;
// display_label
$this->display_label = $this->skin_options['display_label'] ?? false;
// Next/Previous Month
$this->next_previous_button = $this->skin_options['next_previous_button'] ?? true;
// Override the style if the style forced by us in a widget etc
if(isset($this->atts['style']) and trim($this->atts['style']) != '') $this->style = $this->atts['style'];
// HTML class
$this->html_class = '';
if(isset($this->atts['html-class']) and trim($this->atts['html-class']) != '') $this->html_class = $this->atts['html-class'];
// Booking Button
$this->booking_button = isset($this->skin_options['booking_button']) ? (int) $this->skin_options['booking_button'] : 0;
// SED Method
$this->sed_method = $this->get_sed_method();
// Image popup
$this->image_popup = $this->skin_options['image_popup'] ?? '0';
// From Widget
$this->widget = isset($this->atts['widget']) && trim($this->atts['widget']);
// From Full Calendar
$this->from_full_calendar = isset($this->skin_options['from_fc']) && trim($this->skin_options['from_fc']);
// Init MEC
$this->args['mec-init'] = true;
$this->args['mec-skin'] = $this->skin;
// Post Type
$this->args['post_type'] = $this->main->get_main_post_type();
// Post Status
$this->args['post_status'] = 'publish';
// Keyword Query
$this->args['s'] = $this->keyword_query();
// Taxonomy
$this->args['tax_query'] = $this->tax_query();
// Meta
$this->args['meta_query'] = $this->meta_query();
// Tag
if(apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', '') === 'post_tag') $this->args['tag'] = $this->tag_query();
// Author
$this->args['author'] = $this->author_query();
$this->args['author__not_in'] = $this->author_query_ex();
// Pagination Options
$this->paged = get_query_var('paged', 1);
$this->limit = (isset($this->skin_options['limit']) and trim($this->skin_options['limit'])) ? $this->skin_options['limit'] : 12;
$this->args['posts_per_page'] = $this->limit;
$this->args['paged'] = $this->paged;
// Sort Options
$this->args['orderby'] = 'mec_start_day_seconds ID';
$this->args['order'] = 'ASC';
$this->args['meta_key'] = 'mec_start_day_seconds';
// Show Only Expired Events
$this->show_only_expired_events = (isset($this->atts['show_only_past_events']) and trim($this->atts['show_only_past_events'])) ? '1' : '0';
// Show Past Events
if($this->show_only_expired_events) $this->atts['show_past_events'] = '1';
// Show Past Events
$this->args['mec-past-events'] = $this->atts['show_past_events'] ?? '0';
// Start Date
list($this->year, $this->month, $this->day) = $this->get_start_date();
$this->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->year.'-'.$this->month.'-'.$this->day));
$this->active_day = $this->year.'-'.$this->month.'-'.date('d');
// We will extend the end date in the loop
$this->end_date = $this->start_date;
// Show Ongoing Events
$this->show_ongoing_events = (isset($this->atts['show_only_ongoing_events']) and trim($this->atts['show_only_ongoing_events'])) ? '1' : '0';
if($this->show_ongoing_events) $this->args['mec-show-ongoing-events'] = $this->show_ongoing_events;
// Include Ongoing Events
$this->include_ongoing_events = (isset($this->atts['show_ongoing_events']) and trim($this->atts['show_ongoing_events'])) ? '1' : '0';
if($this->include_ongoing_events) $this->args['mec-include-ongoing-events'] = $this->include_ongoing_events;
// Months to Display
$this->months_to_display = (isset($this->skin_options['months']) and is_array($this->skin_options['months']) and count($this->skin_options['months'])) ? $this->skin_options['months'] : [];
* Search and returns the filtered events
* @author Webnus <>
* @return array of objects
public function search()
$start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time('timestamp', 0));
$end = date('Y-01-01', strtotime($this->start_date));
$start = $this->start_date;
$end = date('Y-12-31', strtotime($this->start_date));
// Date Events
$dates = $this->period($start, $end, true);
// Limit
$this->args['posts_per_page'] = $this->limit;
$events = [];
$qs = [];
foreach($dates as $date=>$IDs)
// No Event
if(!is_array($IDs) || !count($IDs)) continue;
// Included in Selected Months
if(isset($this->months_to_display) and is_array($this->months_to_display) and count($this->months_to_display))
$n = date('n', strtotime($date));
if(isset($this->months_to_display[$n]) and !$this->months_to_display[$n]) continue;
// Include Available Events
$this->args['post__in'] = array_unique($IDs);
// Count of events per day
$IDs_count = array_count_values($IDs);
// The Query
$this->args = apply_filters('mec_skin_query_args', $this->args, $this);
// Query Key
$q_key = base64_encode(json_encode($this->args));
// Get From Cache
if(isset($qs[$q_key])) $query = $qs[$q_key];
// Search & Cache
$query = new WP_Query($this->args);
$qs[$q_key] = $query;
if(!isset($events[$date])) $events[$date] = [];
// Day Events
$d = [];
// The Loop
$ID = get_the_ID();
$ID_count = $IDs_count[$ID] ?? 1;
for($i = 1; $i <= $ID_count; $i++)
$rendered = $this->render->data($ID);
$data = new stdClass();
$data->ID = $ID;
$data->data = $rendered;
$data->date = array
'start' => array('date' => $date),
'end' => array('date' => $this->main->get_end_date($date, $rendered))
$d[] = $this->render->after_render($data, $this, $i);
usort($d, [$this, 'sort_day_events']);
$events[$date] = $d;
// Restore original Post Data
// Initialize Occurrences' Data
return $events;
* Returns start day of skin for filtering events
* @author Webnus <>
* @return array
public function get_start_date()
// Default date
$date = current_time('Y-01-01');
if(isset($this->skin_options['start_date_type']) and $this->skin_options['start_date_type'] == 'start_current_year') $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of January '.current_time('Y')));
elseif(isset($this->skin_options['start_date_type']) and $this->skin_options['start_date_type'] == 'start_next_year') $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of January '.(current_time('Y')+1)));
elseif(isset($this->skin_options['start_date_type']) and $this->skin_options['start_date_type'] == 'start_last_year') $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('first day of January '.(current_time('Y')-1)));
elseif(isset($this->skin_options['start_date_type']) and $this->skin_options['start_date_type'] == 'date') $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->skin_options['start_date']));
// Hide past events
if(isset($this->atts['show_past_events']) and !trim($this->atts['show_past_events']))
$today = current_time('Y-m-d');
if(strtotime($date) < strtotime($today)) $date = $today;
// Show only expired events
if(isset($this->show_only_expired_events) and $this->show_only_expired_events)
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Yesterday'));
if(strtotime($date) > strtotime($yesterday)) $date = $yesterday;
$time = strtotime($date);
return array(date('Y', $time), date('m', $time), date('d', $time));
* Load year for AJAX request
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function load_year()
$this->sf = (isset($_REQUEST['sf']) and is_array($_REQUEST['sf'])) ? $this->main->sanitize_deep_array($_REQUEST['sf']) : [];
$apply_sf_date = isset($_REQUEST['apply_sf_date']) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['apply_sf_date']) : 1;
$atts = $this->sf_apply(((isset($_REQUEST['atts']) and is_array($_REQUEST['atts'])) ? $this->main->sanitize_deep_array($_REQUEST['atts']) : array()), $this->sf, $apply_sf_date);
// Initialize the skin
// Start Date
$this->year = isset($_REQUEST['mec_year']) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['mec_year']) : current_time('Y');
$this->start_date = date('Y-m-01', strtotime($this->year.'-01-01'));
$this->active_day = $this->start_date;
$this->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->year.'-01-01'));
$this->active_day = $this->year.'-01-01';
// We will extend the end date in the loop
$this->end_date = $this->start_date;
// Return the events
$this->atts['return_items'] = true;
// Fetch the events
// Return the output
$output = $this->output();
echo json_encode($output);