
1953 lines
52 KiB
Executable file

Base.js, version 1.1a
Copyright 2006-2010, Dean Edwards
var Base = function() {
// dummy
Base.extend = function(_instance, _static) { // subclass
"use strict";
var extend = Base.prototype.extend;
// build the prototype
Base._prototyping = true;
var proto = new this();, _instance);
proto.base = function() {
// call this method from any other method to invoke that method's ancestor
delete Base._prototyping;
// create the wrapper for the constructor function
//var constructor = proto.constructor.valueOf(); //-dean
var constructor = proto.constructor;
var klass = proto.constructor = function() {
if (!Base._prototyping) {
if (this._constructing || this.constructor == klass) { // instantiation
this._constructing = true;
constructor.apply(this, arguments);
delete this._constructing;
} else if (arguments[0] !== null) { // casting
return (arguments[0].extend || extend).call(arguments[0], proto);
// build the class interface
klass.ancestor = this;
klass.extend = this.extend;
klass.forEach = this.forEach;
klass.implement = this.implement;
klass.prototype = proto;
klass.toString = this.toString;
klass.valueOf = function(type) {
//return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor; //-dean
return (type == "object") ? klass : constructor.valueOf();
};, _static);
// class initialisation
if (typeof klass.init == "function") klass.init();
return klass;
Base.prototype = {
extend: function(source, value) {
if (arguments.length > 1) { // extending with a name/value pair
var ancestor = this[source];
if (ancestor && (typeof value == "function") && // overriding a method?
// the valueOf() comparison is to avoid circular references
(!ancestor.valueOf || ancestor.valueOf() != value.valueOf()) &&
/\bbase\b/.test(value)) {
// get the underlying method
var method = value.valueOf();
// override
value = function() {
var previous = this.base || Base.prototype.base;
this.base = ancestor;
var returnValue = method.apply(this, arguments);
this.base = previous;
return returnValue;
// point to the underlying method
value.valueOf = function(type) {
return (type == "object") ? value : method;
value.toString = Base.toString;
this[source] = value;
} else if (source) { // extending with an object literal
var extend = Base.prototype.extend;
// if this object has a customised extend method then use it
if (!Base._prototyping && typeof this != "function") {
extend = this.extend || extend;
var proto = {toSource: null};
// do the "toString" and other methods manually
var hidden = ["constructor", "toString", "valueOf"];
// if we are prototyping then include the constructor
var i = Base._prototyping ? 0 : 1;
while (key = hidden[i++]) {
if (source[key] != proto[key]) {, key, source[key]);
// copy each of the source object's properties to this object
for (var key in source) {
if (!proto[key]), key, source[key]);
return this;
// initialise
Base = Base.extend({
constructor: function() {
}, {
ancestor: Object,
version: "1.1",
forEach: function(object, block, context) {
for (var key in object) {
if (this.prototype[key] === undefined) {, object[key], key, object);
implement: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (typeof arguments[i] == "function") {
// if it's a function, call it
} else {
// add the interface using the extend method
return this;
toString: function() {
return String(this.valueOf());
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
var FlipClock;
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* FlipFlock Helper
* @param object A jQuery object or CSS select
* @param int An integer used to start the clock (no. seconds)
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock = function(obj, digit, options) {
if(digit instanceof Object && digit instanceof Date === false) {
options = digit;
digit = 0;
return new FlipClock.Factory(obj, digit, options);
* The global FlipClock.Lang object
FlipClock.Lang = {};
* The Base FlipClock class is used to extend all other FlipFlock
* classes. It handles the callbacks and the basic setters/getters
* @param object An object of the default properties
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock.Base = Base.extend({
* Build Date
buildDate: '2014-12-12',
* Version
version: '0.7.7',
* Sets the default options
* @param object The default options
* @param object The override options
constructor: function(_default, options) {
if(typeof _default !== "object") {
_default = {};
if(typeof options !== "object") {
options = {};
this.setOptions($.extend(true, {}, _default, options));
* Delegates the callback to the defined method
* @param object The default options
* @param object The override options
callback: function(method) {
if(typeof method === "function") {
var args = [];
for(var x = 1; x <= arguments.length; x++) {
if(arguments[x]) {
method.apply(this, args);
* Log a string into the console if it exists
* @param string The name of the option
* @return mixed
log: function(str) {
if(window.console && console.log) {
* Get an single option value. Returns false if option does not exist
* @param string The name of the option
* @return mixed
getOption: function(index) {
if(this[index]) {
return this[index];
return false;
* Get all options
* @return bool
getOptions: function() {
return this;
* Set a single option value
* @param string The name of the option
* @param mixed The value of the option
setOption: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
* Set a multiple options by passing a JSON object
* @param object The object with the options
* @param mixed The value of the option
setOptions: function(options) {
for(var key in options) {
if(typeof options[key] !== "undefined") {
this.setOption(key, options[key]);
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* The FlipClock Face class is the base class in which to extend
* all other FlockClock.Face classes.
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock.Face = FlipClock.Base.extend({
* Sets whether or not the clock should start upon instantiation
autoStart: true,
* An array of jQuery objects used for the dividers (the colons)
dividers: [],
* An array of FlipClock.List objects
factory: false,
* An array of FlipClock.List objects
lists: [],
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor: function(factory, options) {
this.dividers = [];
this.lists = [];
this.factory = factory;
* Build the clock face
build: function() {
if(this.autoStart) {
* Creates a jQuery object used for the digit divider
* @param mixed The divider label text
* @param mixed Set true to exclude the dots in the divider.
* If not set, is false.
createDivider: function(label, css, excludeDots) {
if(typeof css == "boolean" || !css) {
excludeDots = css;
css = label;
var dots = [
'<span class="'' top"></span>',
'<span class="'' bottom"></span>'
if(excludeDots) {
dots = '';
label = this.factory.localize(label);
var html = [
'<span class="'+this.factory.classes.divider+' '+(css ? css : '').toLowerCase()+'">',
'<span class="'+this.factory.classes.label+'">'+(label ? label : '')+'</span>',
var $html = $(html.join(''));
return $html;
* Creates a FlipClock.List object and appends it to the DOM
* @param mixed The digit to select in the list
* @param object An object to override the default properties
createList: function(digit, options) {
if(typeof digit === "object") {
options = digit;
digit = 0;
var obj = new FlipClock.List(this.factory, digit, options);
return obj;
* Triggers when the clock is reset
reset: function() {
this.factory.time = new FlipClock.Time(
this.factory.original ? Math.round(this.factory.original) : 0,
minimumDigits: this.factory.minimumDigits
this.flip(this.factory.original, false);
* Append a newly created list to the clock
appendDigitToClock: function(obj) {
* Add a digit to the clock face
addDigit: function(digit) {
var obj = this.createList(digit, {
classes: {
before: this.factory.classes.before,
flip: this.factory.classes.flip
* Triggers when the clock is started
start: function() {},
* Triggers when the time on the clock stops
stop: function() {},
* Auto increments/decrements the value of the clock face
autoIncrement: function() {
if(!this.factory.countdown) {
else {
* Increments the value of the clock face
increment: function() {
* Decrements the value of the clock face
decrement: function() {
if(this.factory.time.getTimeSeconds() == 0) {
else {
* Triggers when the numbers on the clock flip
flip: function(time, doNotAddPlayClass) {
var t = this;
$.each(time, function(i, digit) {
var list = t.lists[i];
if(list) {
if(!doNotAddPlayClass && digit != list.digit) {;
else {
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* The FlipClock Factory class is used to build the clock and manage
* all the public methods.
* @param object A jQuery object or CSS selector used to fetch
the wrapping DOM nodes
* @param mixed This is the digit used to set the clock. If an
object is passed, 0 will be used.
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock.Factory = FlipClock.Base.extend({
* The clock's animation rate.
* Note, currently this property doesn't do anything.
* This property is here to be used in the future to
* programmaticaly set the clock's animation speed
animationRate: 1000,
* Auto start the clock on page load (True|False)
autoStart: true,
* The callback methods
callbacks: {
destroy: false,
create: false,
init: false,
interval: false,
start: false,
stop: false,
reset: false
* The CSS classes
classes: {
active: 'flip-clock-active',
before: 'flip-clock-before',
divider: 'flip-clock-divider',
dot: 'flip-clock-dot',
label: 'flip-clock-label',
flip: 'flip',
play: 'play',
wrapper: 'flip-clock-wrapper'
* The name of the clock face class in use
clockFace: 'HourlyCounter',
* The name of the clock face class in use
countdown: false,
* The name of the default clock face class to use if the defined
* clockFace variable is not a valid FlipClock.Face object
defaultClockFace: 'HourlyCounter',
* The default language
defaultLanguage: 'english',
* The jQuery object
$el: false,
* The FlipClock.Face object
face: true,
* The language object after it has been loaded
lang: false,
* The language being used to display labels (string)
language: 'english',
* The minimum digits the clock must have
minimumDigits: 0,
* The original starting value of the clock. Used for the reset method.
original: false,
* Is the clock running? (True|False)
running: false,
* The FlipClock.Time object
time: false,
* The FlipClock.Timer object
timer: false,
* The jQuery object (depcrecated)
$wrapper: false,
* Constructor
* @param object The wrapping jQuery object
* @param object Number of seconds used to start the clock
* @param object An object override options
constructor: function(obj, digit, options) {
if(!options) {
options = {};
this.lists = [];
this.running = false;
this.$el = $(obj).addClass(this.classes.wrapper);
// Depcrated support of the $wrapper property.
this.$wrapper = this.$el;
this.original = (digit instanceof Date) ? digit : (digit ? Math.round(digit) : 0);
this.time = new FlipClock.Time(this, this.original, {
minimumDigits: this.minimumDigits,
animationRate: this.animationRate
this.timer = new FlipClock.Timer(this, options);
this.loadClockFace(this.clockFace, options);
if(this.autoStart) {
* Load the FlipClock.Face object
* @param object The name of the FlickClock.Face class
* @param object An object override options
loadClockFace: function(name, options) {
var face, suffix = 'Face', hasStopped = false;
name = name.ucfirst()+suffix;
if(this.face.stop) {
hasStopped = true;
this.time.minimumDigits = this.minimumDigits;
if(FlipClock[name]) {
face = new FlipClock[name](this, options);
else {
face = new FlipClock[this.defaultClockFace+suffix](this, options);
this.face = face
if(hasStopped) {
return this.face;
* Load the FlipClock.Lang object
* @param object The name of the language to load
loadLanguage: function(name) {
var lang;
if(FlipClock.Lang[name.ucfirst()]) {
lang = FlipClock.Lang[name.ucfirst()];
else if(FlipClock.Lang[name]) {
lang = FlipClock.Lang[name];
else {
lang = FlipClock.Lang[this.defaultLanguage];
return this.lang = lang;
* Localize strings into various languages
* @param string The index of the localized string
* @param object Optionally pass a lang object
localize: function(index, obj) {
var lang = this.lang;
if(!index) {
return null;
var lindex = index.toLowerCase();
if(typeof obj == "object") {
lang = obj;
if(lang && lang[lindex]) {
return lang[lindex];
return index;
* Starts the clock
start: function(callback) {
var t = this;
if(!t.running && (!t.countdown || t.countdown && t.time.time > 0)) {
t.timer.start(function() {
if(typeof callback === "function") {
else {
t.log('Trying to start timer when countdown already at 0');
* Stops the clock
stop: function(callback) {
for(var x in this.lists) {
if (this.lists.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
* Reset the clock
reset: function(callback) {
* Sets the clock time
setTime: function(time) {
this.time.time = time;
* Get the clock time
* @return object Returns a FlipClock.Time object
getTime: function(time) {
return this.time;
* Changes the increment of time to up or down (add/sub)
setCountdown: function(value) {
var running = this.running;
this.countdown = value ? true : false;
if(running) {
* Flip the digits on the clock
* @param array An array of digits
flip: function(doNotAddPlayClass) {
this.face.flip(false, doNotAddPlayClass);
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* The FlipClock List class is used to build the list used to create
* the card flip effect. This object fascilates selecting the correct
* node by passing a specific digit.
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param mixed This is the digit used to set the clock. If an
* object is passed, 0 will be used.
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock.List = FlipClock.Base.extend({
* The digit (0-9)
digit: 0,
* The CSS classes
classes: {
active: 'flip-clock-active',
before: 'flip-clock-before',
flip: 'flip'
* The parent FlipClock.Factory object
factory: false,
* The jQuery object
$el: false,
* The jQuery object (deprecated)
$obj: false,
* The items in the list
items: [],
* The last digit
lastDigit: 0,
* Constructor
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param int An integer use to select the correct digit
* @param object An object to override the default properties
constructor: function(factory, digit, options) {
this.factory = factory;
this.digit = digit;
this.lastDigit = digit;
this.$el = this.createList();
// Depcrated support of the $obj property.
this.$obj = this.$el;
if(digit > 0) {;
* Select the digit in the list
* @param int A digit 0-9
select: function(digit) {
if(typeof digit === "undefined") {
digit = this.digit;
else {
this.digit = digit;
if(this.digit != this.lastDigit) {
var $delete = this.$el.find('.'+this.classes.before).removeClass(this.classes.before);
this.appendListItem(, this.digit);
this.lastDigit = this.digit;
* Adds the play class to the DOM object
play: function() {
* Removes the play class to the DOM object
stop: function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, this.factory.timer.interval);
* Creates the list item HTML and returns as a string
createListItem: function(css, value) {
return [
'<li class="'+(css ? css : '')+'">',
'<a href="#">',
'<div class="up">',
'<div class="shadow"></div>',
'<div class="inn">'+(value ? value : '')+'</div>',
'<div class="down">',
'<div class="shadow"></div>',
'<div class="inn">'+(value ? value : '')+'</div>',
* Append the list item to the parent DOM node
appendListItem: function(css, value) {
var html = this.createListItem(css, value);
* Create the list of digits and appends it to the DOM object
createList: function() {
var lastDigit = this.getPrevDigit() ? this.getPrevDigit() : this.digit;
var html = $([
'<ul class="'+this.classes.flip+' '+(this.factory.running ? : '')+'">',
this.createListItem(this.classes.before, lastDigit),
this.createListItem(, this.digit),
return html;
getNextDigit: function() {
return this.digit == 9 ? 0 : this.digit + 1;
getPrevDigit: function() {
return this.digit == 0 ? 9 : this.digit - 1;
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* Capitalize the first letter in a string
* @return string
String.prototype.ucfirst = function() {
return this.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1);
* jQuery helper method
* @param int An integer used to start the clock (no. seconds)
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
$.fn.FlipClock = function(digit, options) {
return new FlipClock($(this), digit, options);
* jQuery helper method
* @param int An integer used to start the clock (no. seconds)
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
$.fn.flipClock = function(digit, options) {
return $.fn.FlipClock(digit, options);
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* The FlipClock Time class is used to manage all the time
* calculations.
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param mixed This is the digit used to set the clock. If an
* object is passed, 0 will be used.
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock.Time = FlipClock.Base.extend({
* The time (in seconds) or a date object
time: 0,
* The parent FlipClock.Factory object
factory: false,
* The minimum number of digits the clock face must have
minimumDigits: 0,
* Constructor
* @param object A FlipClock.Factory object
* @param int An integer use to select the correct digit
* @param object An object to override the default properties
constructor: function(factory, time, options) {
if(typeof options != "object") {
options = {};
if(!options.minimumDigits) {
options.minimumDigits = factory.minimumDigits;
this.factory = factory;
if(time) {
this.time = time;
* Convert a string or integer to an array of digits
* @param mixed String or Integer of digits
* @return array An array of digits
convertDigitsToArray: function(str) {
var data = [];
str = str.toString();
for(var x = 0;x < str.length; x++) {
if(str[x].match(/^\d*$/g)) {
return data;
* Get a specific digit from the time integer
* @param int The specific digit to select from the time
* @return mixed Returns FALSE if no digit is found, otherwise
* the method returns the defined digit
digit: function(i) {
var timeStr = this.toString();
var length = timeStr.length;
if(timeStr[length - i]) {
return timeStr[length - i];
return false;
* Formats any array of digits into a valid array of digits
* @param mixed An array of digits
* @return array An array of digits
digitize: function(obj) {
var data = [];
$.each(obj, function(i, value) {
value = value.toString();
if(value.length == 1) {
value = '0'+value;
for(var x = 0; x < value.length; x++) {
if(data.length > this.minimumDigits) {
this.minimumDigits = data.length;
if(this.minimumDigits > data.length) {
for(var x = data.length; x < this.minimumDigits; x++) {
return data;
* Gets a new Date object for the current time
* @return array Returns a Date object
getDateObject: function() {
if(this.time instanceof Date) {
return this.time;
return new Date((new Date()).getTime() + this.getTimeSeconds() * 1000);
* Gets a digitized daily counter
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getDayCounter: function(includeSeconds) {
var digits = [
if(includeSeconds) {
return this.digitize(digits);
* Gets number of days
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getDays: function(mod) {
var days = this.getTimeSeconds() / 60 / 60 / 24;
if(mod) {
days = days % 7;
return Math.floor(days);
* Gets an hourly breakdown
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getHourCounter: function() {
var obj = this.digitize([
return obj;
* Gets an hourly breakdown
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getHourly: function() {
return this.getHourCounter();
* Gets number of hours
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getHours: function(mod) {
var hours = this.getTimeSeconds() / 60 / 60;
if(mod) {
hours = hours % 24;
return Math.floor(hours);
* Gets the twenty-four hour time
* @return object returns a digitized object
getMilitaryTime: function(date, showSeconds) {
if(typeof showSeconds === "undefined") {
showSeconds = true;
if(!date) {
date = this.getDateObject();
var data = [
if(showSeconds === true) {
return this.digitize(data);
* Gets number of minutes
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getMinutes: function(mod) {
var minutes = this.getTimeSeconds() / 60;
if(mod) {
minutes = minutes % 60;
return Math.floor(minutes);
* Gets a minute breakdown
getMinuteCounter: function() {
var obj = this.digitize([
return obj;
* Gets time count in seconds regardless of if targetting date or not.
* @return int Returns a floored integer
getTimeSeconds: function(date) {
if(!date) {
date = new Date();
if (this.time instanceof Date) {
if (this.factory.countdown) {
return Math.max(this.time.getTime()/1000 - date.getTime()/1000,0);
} else {
return date.getTime()/1000 - this.time.getTime()/1000 ;
} else {
return this.time;
* Gets the current twelve hour time
* @return object Returns a digitized object
getTime: function(date, showSeconds) {
if(typeof showSeconds === "undefined") {
showSeconds = true;
if(!date) {
date = this.getDateObject();
var hours = date.getHours();
var merid = hours > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
var data = [
hours > 12 ? hours - 12 : (hours === 0 ? 12 : hours),
if(showSeconds === true) {
return this.digitize(data);
* Gets number of seconds
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a ceiled integer
getSeconds: function(mod) {
var seconds = this.getTimeSeconds();
if(mod) {
if(seconds == 60) {
seconds = 0;
else {
seconds = seconds % 60;
return Math.ceil(seconds);
* Gets number of weeks
* @param bool Should perform a modulus? If not sent, then no.
* @return int Retuns a floored integer
getWeeks: function(mod) {
var weeks = this.getTimeSeconds() / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7;
if(mod) {
weeks = weeks % 52;
return Math.floor(weeks);
* Removes a specific number of leading zeros from the array.
* This method prevents you from removing too many digits, even
* if you try.
* @param int Total number of digits to remove
* @return array An array of digits
removeLeadingZeros: function(totalDigits, digits) {
var total = 0;
var newArray = [];
$.each(digits, function(i, digit) {
if(i < totalDigits) {
total += parseInt(digits[i], 10);
else {
if(total === 0) {
return newArray;
return digits;
* Adds X second to the current time
addSeconds: function(x) {
if(this.time instanceof Date) {
this.time.setSeconds(this.time.getSeconds() + x);
else {
this.time += x;
* Adds 1 second to the current time
addSecond: function() {
* Substracts X seconds from the current time
subSeconds: function(x) {
if(this.time instanceof Date) {
this.time.setSeconds(this.time.getSeconds() - x);
else {
this.time -= x;
* Substracts 1 second from the current time
subSecond: function() {
* Converts the object to a human readable string
toString: function() {
return this.getTimeSeconds().toString();
getYears: function() {
return Math.floor(this.time / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7 / 52);
getDecades: function() {
return Math.floor(this.getWeeks() / 10);
/*jshint smarttabs:true */
* FlipClock.js
* @author Justin Kimbrell
* @copyright 2013 - Objective HTML, LLC
* @licesnse
(function($) {
"use strict";
* The FlipClock.Timer object managers the JS timers
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object Override the default options
FlipClock.Timer = FlipClock.Base.extend({
* Callbacks
callbacks: {
destroy: false,
create: false,
init: false,
interval: false,
start: false,
stop: false,
reset: false
* FlipClock timer count (how many intervals have passed)
count: 0,
* The parent FlipClock.Factory object
factory: false,
* Timer interval (1 second by default)
interval: 1000,
* The rate of the animation in milliseconds (not currently in use)
animationRate: 1000,
* Constructor
* @return void
constructor: function(factory, options) {
this.factory = factory;
* This method gets the elapsed the time as an interger
* @return void
getElapsed: function() {
return this.count * this.interval;
* This method gets the elapsed the time as a Date object
* @return void
getElapsedTime: function() {
return new Date(this.time + this.getElapsed());
* This method is resets the timer
* @param callback This method resets the timer back to 0
* @return void
reset: function(callback) {
this.count = 0;
* This method is starts the timer
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
start: function(callback) {
this.factory.running = true;
* This method is stops the timer
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
stop: function(callback) {
this.factory.running = false;
* Clear the timer interval
* @return void
_clearInterval: function() {
* Create the timer object
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is created
* @return void
_createTimer: function(callback) {
* Destroy the timer object
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
_destroyTimer: function(callback) {
this.timer = false;
* This method is called each time the timer interval is ran
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
_interval: function(callback) {
* This sets the timer interval
* @param callback A function that is called once the timer is destroyed
* @return void
_setInterval: function(callback) {
var t = this;
t.timer = setInterval(function() {
}, this.interval);
(function($) {
* Daily Counter Clock Face
* This class will generate a daily counter for FlipClock.js. A
* daily counter will track days, hours, minutes, and seconds. If
* the number of available digits is exceeded in the count, a new
* digit will be created.
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
FlipClock.DailyCounterFace = FlipClock.Face.extend({
showSeconds: true,
* Constructor
* @param object The parent FlipClock.Factory object
* @param object An object of properties to override the default
constructor: function(factory, options) {
this.base(factory, options);
* Build the clock face
build: function(time) {
var t = this;
var children = this.factory.$el.find('ul');
var offset = 0;
time = time ? time : this.factory.time.getDayCounter(this.showSeconds);
if(time.length > children.length) {
$.each(time, function(i, digit) {
if(this.showSeconds) {
$(this.createDivider(mecdata.seconds)).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length - 2].$el);
offset = 2;
$(this.createDivider(mecdata.minutes)).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length - 4 + offset].$el);
$(this.createDivider(mecdata.hours)).insertBefore(this.lists[this.lists.length - 6 + offset].$el);
$(this.createDivider(mecdata.days, true)).insertBefore(this.lists[0].$el);
* Flip the clock face
flip: function(time, doNotAddPlayClass) {
if(!time) {
time = this.factory.time.getDayCounter(this.showSeconds);
this.base(time, doNotAddPlayClass);