*/ class MEC_skins extends MEC_base { /** * Default skin * @var string */ public $skin = 'list'; /** * @var array */ public $atts = []; /** * @var array */ public $args = []; /** * @var int */ public $maximum_dates = 6; /** * Offset for don't load duplicated events in list/grid views on load more action * @var int */ public $offset = 0; /** * Offset for next load more action * @var int */ public $next_offset = 0; /** * Display Booking Method * @var int */ public $booking_button = 0; /** * Single Event Display Method * @var string */ public $sed_method = '0'; /** * Order Method * @var string */ public $order_method = 'ASC'; public $factory; public $main; public $db; public $file; public $render; public $found; public $multiple_days_method; public $hide_time_method; public $skin_options; public $style; public $show_only_expired_events; public $maximum_date_range = ''; public $limit; public $paged; public $start_date; public $end_date; public $show_ongoing_events; public $include_ongoing_events; public $maximum_date = ''; public $html_class; public $sf; public $sf_status; public $sf_display_label; public $sf_reset_button; public $sf_refine; public $sf_options; public $id; public $events; public $widget; public $count; public $settings; public $ml_settings; public $layout; public $year; public $month; public $day; public $next_previous_button; public $active_date; public $today; public $weeks; public $week; public $week_of_days; public $events_str; public $active_day; public $load_more_button; public $pagination = 'loadmore'; public $month_divider; public $toggle_month_divider; public $image_popup; public $map_on_top; public $geolocation; public $geolocation_focus; public $include_events_times; public $localtime; public $reason_for_cancellation; public $display_label; public $display_price; public $display_detailed_time; public $display_progress_bar = false; public $cache; public $from_full_calendar = false; public $unique_event_ids = []; /** * Has More Events * @var bool */ public $has_more_events = true; /** * Auto Month Rotation * @var bool */ public $auto_month_rotation = true; /** * @var MEC_icons */ public $icons; public $loading_more = false; /** * Constructor method * @author Webnus */ public function __construct() { // MEC factory library $this->factory = $this->getFactory(); // MEC main library $this->main = $this->getMain(); // MEC file library $this->file = $this->getFile(); // MEC db library $this->db = $this->getDB(); // MEC render library $this->render = $this->getRender(); // MEC Settings $this->settings = $this->main->get_settings(); // Found Events $this->found = 0; // How to show multiple days events $this->multiple_days_method = $this->main->get_multiple_days_method(); // Hide event on start or on end $this->hide_time_method = $this->main->get_hide_time_method(); // Cache $this->cache = $this->getCache(); // Icons $this->icons = $this->main->icons(); } /** * Registers skin actions into WordPress hooks * @author Webnus */ public function actions() { } /** * Loads all skins * @author Webnus */ public function load() { $skins = $this->main->get_skins(); foreach($skins as $skin=>$skin_name) { $path = MEC::import('app.skins.'.$skin, true, true); $skin_path = apply_filters('mec_skin_path', $skin); if($skin_path != $skin and $this->file->exists($skin_path)) $path = $skin_path; if(!$this->file->exists($path)) continue; include_once $path; $skin_class_name = 'MEC_skin_'.$skin; // Create Skin Object Class $SKO = new $skin_class_name(); // init the actions $SKO->actions(); } // Init Single Skin include_once MEC::import('app.skins.single', true, true); // Register the actions $SKO = new MEC_skin_single(); $SKO->actions(); } /** * Get path of one skin file * @author Webnus * @param string $file * @return string */ public function get_path($file = 'tpl') { return MEC::import('app.skins.'.$this->skin.'.'.$file, true, true); } /** * Returns path of skin tpl * @author Webnus * @return string */ public function get_tpl_path() { $path = $this->get_path(); // Apply filters $settings = $this->main->get_settings(); if('single' === $this->skin) { $single_style = $settings['single_single_style'] ?? ''; $single_style = apply_filters( 'mec_filter_single_style', $single_style ); $filtered_path = apply_filters('mec_get_skin_tpl_path', $this->skin, $single_style, $path); } else { $filtered_path = apply_filters('mec_get_skin_tpl_path', $this->skin, $this->style, $path); } if($filtered_path != $this->skin and $this->file->exists($filtered_path)) $path = $filtered_path; return $path; } /** * Returns path of skin render file * @author Webnus * @return string */ public function get_render_path() { $path = $this->get_path('render'); // Apply filters $filtered_path = apply_filters('mec_get_skin_render_path', $this->skin); if($filtered_path != $this->skin and $this->file->exists($filtered_path)) $path = $filtered_path; return $path; } /** * Returns calendar file path of calendar views * @author Webnus * @param string $style * @return string */ public function get_calendar_path($style = 'calendar') { $path = $this->get_path($style); // Apply filters $filtered_path = apply_filters('mec_get_skin_calendar_path', $this->skin); if($filtered_path != $this->skin and $this->file->exists($filtered_path)) $path = $filtered_path; return $path; } /** * Generates skin output * @author Webnus * @return string */ public function output() { if(!$this->main->getPRO() and in_array($this->skin, array('agenda', 'yearly_view', 'timetable', 'masonry', 'map', 'available_spot'))) { return ''; } // Include needed assets for loading single event details page if($this->sed_method === 'm1') $this->main->load_sed_assets($this->settings); $custom_output = apply_filters('mec_skin_output_html', null, $this); if(!is_null($custom_output)) return $custom_output; ob_start(); include $this->get_tpl_path(); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Returns keyword query for adding to WP_Query * @author Webnus * @return null|string */ public function keyword_query() { // Add keyword to filters if(isset($this->atts['s']) and trim($this->atts['s']) != '') return $this->atts['s']; else return NULL; } /** * Returns taxonomy query for adding to WP_Query * @author Webnus * @return array */ public function tax_query() { $tax_query = array('relation'=>'AND'); // Include label to filter if(isset($this->atts['label']) and trim($this->atts['label'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_label', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['label'], ', ')) ); } // Exclude label from filter if(isset($this->atts['ex_label']) and trim($this->atts['ex_label'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_label', 'field'=>'term_id', 'operator'=>'NOT IN', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_label'], ', ')) ); } // Include category to filter if(isset($this->atts['category']) and trim($this->atts['category'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_category', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['category'], ', ')) ); } // Exclude category from filter if(isset($this->atts['ex_category']) and trim($this->atts['ex_category'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_category', 'field'=>'term_id', 'operator'=>'NOT IN', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_category'], ', ')) ); } // Include location to filter if(isset($this->atts['location']) and trim($this->atts['location'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_location', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['location'], ', ')) ); } // Exclude location from filter if(isset($this->atts['ex_location']) and trim($this->atts['ex_location'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_location', 'field'=>'term_id', 'operator'=>'NOT IN', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_location'], ', ')) ); } // Add event address to filter if(isset($this->atts['address']) and trim($this->atts['address'], ', ') != '') { $get_locations_id = $this->get_locations_id($this->atts['address']); $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_location', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>$get_locations_id, ); } // Include organizer to filter if(isset($this->atts['organizer']) and trim($this->atts['organizer'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_organizer', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['organizer'], ', ')) ); } // Exclude location from filter if(isset($this->atts['ex_organizer']) and trim($this->atts['ex_organizer'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_organizer', 'field'=>'term_id', 'operator'=>'NOT IN', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_organizer'], ', ')) ); } // Include sponsor to filter if(isset($this->atts['sponsor']) and trim($this->atts['sponsor'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_sponsor', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['sponsor'], ', ')) ); } // Include speaker to filter if(isset($this->atts['speaker']) and trim($this->atts['speaker'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_speaker', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['speaker'], ', ')) ); } // Include Event Type 1 if(isset($this->atts['event_type']) and trim($this->atts['event_type'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_event_type', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['event_type'], ', ')) ); } // Include Event Type 2 if(isset($this->atts['event_type_2']) and trim($this->atts['event_type_2'], ', ') != '') { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_event_type_2', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['event_type_2'], ', ')) ); } // Include tags to filter if(apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', '') !== 'post_tag' and isset($this->atts['tag']) and trim($this->atts['tag'], ', ') != '') { if(is_numeric($this->atts['tag'])) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_tag', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['tag'], ', ')) ); } else { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>'mec_tag', 'field'=>'name', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['tag'], ', ')) ); } } // Exclude tags from filter if(isset($this->atts['ex_tag']) and trim($this->atts['ex_tag'], ', ') != '') { if(is_numeric($this->atts['ex_tag'])) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', ''), 'field'=>'term_id', 'operator'=>'NOT IN', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_tag'], ', ')) ); } else { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy'=>apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', ''), 'field'=>'name', 'operator'=>'NOT IN', 'terms'=>explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_tag'], ', ')) ); } } return apply_filters('mec_map_tax_query', $tax_query, $this->atts); } /** * Returns meta query for adding to WP_Query * @author Webnus * @return array */ public function meta_query() { $meta_query = []; $meta_query['relation'] = 'AND'; // Event Min Cost if(isset($this->atts['cost-min']) and trim($this->atts['cost-min']) != '') { $meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'mec_cost', 'value' => $this->atts['cost-min'], 'type' => 'numeric', 'compare' => '>=', ); } // Event Max Cost if(isset($this->atts['cost-max']) and trim($this->atts['cost-max']) != '') { $meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'mec_cost', 'value' => $this->atts['cost-max'], 'type' => 'numeric', 'compare' => '<=', ); } // Event Fields if(isset($this->atts['fields']) and is_array($this->atts['fields']) and count($this->atts['fields'])) { foreach($this->atts['fields'] as $field_id => $field_value) { if(is_array($field_value) and isset($field_value['date_min'], $field_value['date_max']) and trim($field_value['date_min']) and trim($field_value['date_max'])) { $meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'mec_fields_'.$field_id, 'value' => array($field_value['date_min'], $field_value['date_max']), 'type' => 'DATE', 'compare' => 'BETWEEN', ); } elseif(is_string($field_value) and trim($field_value) !== '') { $meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'mec_fields_'.$field_id, 'value' => $field_value, 'compare' => 'LIKE', ); } } } // Event Status if(isset($this->atts['event_status']) && !empty($this->atts['event_status']) && trim($this->atts['event_status']) != 'all'){ $meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'mec_event_status', 'value' => $this->atts['event_status'], 'compare' => '=', ); } return apply_filters('mec_map_meta_query', $meta_query, $this->atts); } /** * Returns tag query for adding to WP_Query * @author Webnus * @return string */ public function tag_query() { $tag = ''; // Add event tags to filter if(isset($this->atts['tag']) and trim($this->atts['tag'], ', ') != '') { if(is_numeric($this->atts['tag'])) { $term = get_term_by('id', $this->atts['tag'], apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', '')); if($term) $tag = $term->slug; } else { $tags = explode(',', $this->atts['tag']); foreach($tags as $t) { $term = get_term_by('name', $t, apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', '')); if($term) $tag .= $term->slug.','; } } } return trim($tag, ', '); } /** * Returns author query for adding to WP_Query * @author Webnus * @return array */ public function author_query() { $author = ''; // Add event authors to filter if(isset($this->atts['author']) and trim($this->atts['author'], ', ') != '') { $author = $this->atts['author']; } return $author; } public function author_query_ex() { $author = []; // Exclude event authors from filter if(isset($this->atts['ex_author']) and trim($this->atts['ex_author'], ', ') != '') { $author = explode(',', $this->atts['ex_author']); } return $author; } /** * Set the current day for filtering events in WP_Query * @author Webnus * @param String $today * @return void */ public function setToday($today = NULL) { if(is_null($today)) $today = date('Y-m-d'); $this->args['mec-today'] = $today; $this->args['mec-now'] = strtotime($this->args['mec-today']); $this->args['mec-year'] = date('Y', $this->args['mec-now']); $this->args['mec-month'] = date('m', $this->args['mec-now']); $this->args['mec-day'] = date('d', $this->args['mec-now']); $this->args['mec-week'] = (int) ((date('d', $this->args['mec-now']) - 1) / 7) + 1; $this->args['mec-weekday'] = date('N', $this->args['mec-now']); } /** * Join MEC table with WP_Query for filtering the events * @author Webnus * @param string $join * @param object $wp_query * @return string */ public function join($join, $wp_query) { if(is_string($wp_query->query_vars['post_type']) and $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] == $this->main->get_main_post_type() and $wp_query->get('mec-init', false)) { $join .= $this->db->_prefix(" LEFT JOIN `#__mec_events` AS mece ON #__posts.ID = mece.post_id LEFT JOIN `#__mec_dates` AS mecd ON #__posts.ID = mecd.post_id"); } return $join; } /** * @param string $start * @param string $end * @param boolean $exclude * @return array */ public function period($start, $end, $exclude = false) { // Search till the end of End Date! if(!$this->show_only_expired_events and $this->order_method === 'ASC' and date('H:i:s', strtotime($end)) == '00:00:00') $end .= ' 23:59:59'; // Search From last second of start date if($this->show_only_expired_events or $this->order_method === 'DESC') { if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start)) !== current_time('Y-m-d') and date('H:i:s', strtotime($start)) == '00:00:00') $start .= ' 23:59:59'; elseif(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start)) === current_time('Y-m-d') and date('H:i:s', strtotime($start)) == '00:00:00') $start .= ' '.current_time('H:i:s'); } $seconds_start = strtotime($start); $seconds_end = strtotime($end); $order = "`tstart` ASC, `id` ASC"; $where_OR = "(`tstart`>='".$seconds_start."' AND `tend`<='".$seconds_end."') OR (`tstart`<='".$seconds_end."' AND `tend`>='".$seconds_end."') OR (`tstart`<='".$seconds_start."' AND `tend`>='".$seconds_start."')"; // (Start: In, Finish: In) OR (Start: Before or In, Finish: After) OR (Start: Before, Finish: In or After) if($this->show_only_expired_events or $this->order_method === 'DESC') { $column = 'tstart'; if($this->hide_time_method == 'plus1') $seconds_start -= 3600; elseif($this->hide_time_method == 'plus2') $seconds_start -= 7200; elseif($this->hide_time_method == 'plus10') $seconds_start -= 36000; elseif($this->hide_time_method == 'end') $column = 'tend'; $order = "`tstart` DESC, `id` DESC"; $where_OR = "`".$column."`<'".$seconds_start."'"; if($column != 'tend') $where_OR .= " AND `tend`<'".$seconds_start."'"; // Fix for Tile skin if($this->skin === 'tile' && $this->next_previous_button) $where_OR .= " AND `tstart`>='".$seconds_end."'"; } elseif($this->show_ongoing_events) { $now = current_time('timestamp'); if(in_array($this->skin, ['list', 'grid']) && !(strpos($this->style, 'fluent') === false || strpos($this->style, 'liquid') === false)) { if($this->skin_options['start_date_type'] != 'today') { $startDateTime = strtotime($this->start_date) + (int) $this->main->get_gmt_offset_seconds(); $now = max($startDateTime, $now); } $where_OR = "(`tstart`>'".$now."' AND `tend`<='".$seconds_end."')"; } else { $where_OR = "(`tstart`<='".$now."' AND `tend`>='".$now."')"; } } $where_AND = "1 AND `public`=1 AND `status`='publish'"; // Exclude Events if(isset($this->atts['exclude']) and is_array($this->atts['exclude']) and count($this->atts['exclude'])) $where_AND .= " AND `post_id` NOT IN (".implode(',', $this->atts['exclude']).")"; // Include Events if(isset($this->atts['include']) and is_array($this->atts['include']) and count($this->atts['include'])) $where_AND .= " AND `post_id` IN (".implode(',', $this->atts['include']).")"; $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__mec_dates` WHERE (".$where_OR.") AND (".$where_AND.") ORDER BY ".$order; $mec_dates = $this->db->select($query); // Today and Now $today = current_time('Y-m-d'); $now = current_time('timestamp'); // Midnight Hour $midnight_hour = (isset($this->settings['midnight_hour']) and $this->settings['midnight_hour']) ? $this->settings['midnight_hour'] : 0; // Local Time Filter $local_time_start = NULL; $local_time_start_datetime = NULL; $local_time_end = NULL; if(isset($this->atts['time-start']) and trim($this->atts['time-start'])) $local_time_start = $this->atts['time-start']; if(isset($this->atts['time-end']) and trim($this->atts['time-end'])) $local_time_end = $this->atts['time-end']; // Local Timezone $local_timezone = NULL; if($local_time_start or $local_time_end) { $local_timezone = $this->main->get_timezone_by_ip(); if(!trim($local_timezone)) $local_timezone = $this->main->get_timezone(); } $include_ongoing_events = $this->include_ongoing_events; if($this->loading_more) $include_ongoing_events = 0; $dates = []; foreach($mec_dates as $mec_date) { $s = strtotime($mec_date->dstart); $e = strtotime($mec_date->dend); // Skip Events Based on Local Start Time Search if($local_time_start) { $local_time_start_datetime = $mec_date->dstart.' '.$local_time_start; // Local Current Time $local = new DateTime($local_time_start_datetime, new DateTimeZone($local_timezone)); $event_timezone = $this->main->get_timezone($mec_date->post_id); $local_time_in_event_timezone = $local->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event_timezone))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if(strtotime($local_time_in_event_timezone) > $mec_date->tstart) continue; } // Skip Events Based on Local End Time Search if($local_time_end) { $local_time_end_datetime = ($this->atts['date-range-end'] ?? $mec_date->dstart).' '.$local_time_end; // End Time is Earlier than Start Time so Add 1 Day to the End Date if($local_time_start_datetime and strtotime($local_time_end_datetime) <= strtotime($local_time_start_datetime)) $local_time_end_datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($mec_date->dend))).' '.$local_time_end; // Local Current Time $local = new DateTime($local_time_end_datetime, new DateTimeZone($local_timezone)); $event_timezone = $this->main->get_timezone($mec_date->post_id); $local_time_in_event_timezone = $local->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event_timezone))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if(strtotime($local_time_in_event_timezone) < $mec_date->tend) continue; } // Hide Events Based on Start Time if(!$include_ongoing_events and !$this->show_ongoing_events and !$this->show_only_expired_events and !$this->args['mec-past-events'] and $s <= strtotime($today)) { if($this->hide_time_method == 'start' and $now >= $mec_date->tstart) continue; elseif($this->hide_time_method == 'plus1' and $now >= $mec_date->tstart+3600) continue; elseif($this->hide_time_method == 'plus2' and $now >= $mec_date->tstart+7200) continue; elseif($this->hide_time_method == 'plus10' and $now >= $mec_date->tstart+36000) continue; } // Hide Events Based on End Time if(!$this->show_only_expired_events and !$this->args['mec-past-events'] and $e <= strtotime($today)) { if($this->hide_time_method == 'end' and $now >= $mec_date->tend) continue; } if(($this->multiple_days_method == 'first_day' or ($this->multiple_days_method == 'first_day_listgrid' and in_array($this->skin, array('list', 'grid', 'slider', 'carousel', 'agenda', 'tile'))))) { // Hide Shown Events on AJAX if(defined('DOING_AJAX') and DOING_AJAX and $s != $e and $s < strtotime($start) and !$include_ongoing_events and !$this->show_only_expired_events and $this->order_method === 'ASC') continue; $d = date('Y-m-d', $s); if(!isset($dates[$d])) $dates[$d] = []; $dates[$d][] = $mec_date->post_id; } else { $diff = $this->main->date_diff($mec_date->dstart, $mec_date->dend); $days_long = (isset($diff->days) and !$diff->invert) ? $diff->days : 0; while($s <= $e) { if((!$this->show_only_expired_events and $this->order_method === 'ASC' and $seconds_start <= $s and $s <= $seconds_end) or (($this->show_only_expired_events or $this->order_method === 'DESC') and $seconds_start >= $s and $s >= $seconds_end)) { $d = date('Y-m-d', $s); if(!isset($dates[$d])) $dates[$d] = []; // Check for exclude events if($exclude) { $current_id = !isset($current_id) ? 0 : $current_id; if(!isset($not_in_day)) { $query = "SELECT `post_id`,`not_in_days` FROM `#__mec_events`"; $not_in_day = $this->db->select($query); } if(array_key_exists($mec_date->post_id, $not_in_day) and trim($not_in_day[$mec_date->post_id]->not_in_days)) { $days = $not_in_day[$mec_date->post_id]->not_in_days; $current_id = $mec_date->post_id; } else $days = ''; if(strpos($days, $d) === false) { $midnight = $s+(3600*$midnight_hour); if($days_long == '1' and $midnight >= $mec_date->tend) break; $dates[$d][] = $mec_date->post_id; } } else { $midnight = $s+(3600*$midnight_hour); if($days_long == '1' and $midnight >= $mec_date->tend) break; $dates[$d][] = $mec_date->post_id; } } $s += 86400; } } } $one_occurrence_sql = "SELECT `post_id`, `tstart` FROM `#__mec_dates` WHERE `tstart` >= $now AND `tstart` <= $seconds_end ORDER BY `tstart` ASC"; if($this->hide_time_method == 'end') $one_occurrence_sql = "SELECT `post_id`, `tstart` FROM `#__mec_dates` WHERE `tend` >= $now AND `tstart` <= $seconds_end ORDER BY `tstart` ASC"; if($include_ongoing_events) $one_occurrence_sql = "SELECT `post_id`, `tstart` FROM `#__mec_dates` WHERE (`tstart` >= $now AND `tstart` <= $seconds_end) OR (`tstart` <= $now AND `tend` >= $now) ORDER BY `tstart` ASC"; // Show only one occurrence of events $first_event = $this->db->select($one_occurrence_sql); // Force to Show Only Once Occurrence Based on Shortcode Options $shortcode_display_one_occurrence = isset($this->atts['show_only_one_occurrence']) && $this->atts['show_only_one_occurrence']; $did_one_occurrence = []; foreach($dates as $date => $event_ids) { if(!is_array($event_ids) || !count($event_ids)) continue; // Add to Unique Event IDs $this->unique_event_ids = array_merge($this->unique_event_ids, $event_ids); foreach($event_ids as $index => $event_id) { $one_occurrence = get_post_meta($event_id, 'one_occurrence', true); if($one_occurrence != '1' && !$shortcode_display_one_occurrence) continue; if(isset($first_event[$event_id]->tstart) and date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)) != date('Y-m-d', $first_event[$event_id]->tstart)) { $dates[$date][$index] = ''; } else { if(in_array($event_id, $did_one_occurrence)) $dates[$date][$index] = ''; else $did_one_occurrence[] = $event_id; } } } // Remove Global Exceptional Dates $global_exceptional_dates = isset($this->settings['global_exceptional_days']) && is_array($this->settings['global_exceptional_days']) ? $this->settings['global_exceptional_days'] : []; foreach($global_exceptional_dates as $k => $e) { if(!is_numeric($k)) continue; $e = $this->main->standardize_format($e); if(isset($dates[$e])) unset($dates[$e]); } // Make the event ids Unique $this->unique_event_ids = array_unique($this->unique_event_ids); // Initialize Metadata of Events $this->cache_mec_events(); return $dates; } /** * Perform the search * @return array of objects \stdClass * @throws Exception * @author Webnus */ public function search() { global $MEC_Events_dates; if($this->show_only_expired_events) { $apply_sf_date = isset($_REQUEST['apply_sf_date']) ? sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['apply_sf_date']) : 1; $sf = (isset($_REQUEST['sf']) and is_array($_REQUEST['sf'])) ? $this->main->sanitize_deep_array($_REQUEST['sf']) : []; $start = ((isset($this->sf) || $sf) and $apply_sf_date) ? date('Y-m-t', strtotime($this->start_date)) : $this->start_date; $end = date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-15 Years', strtotime($start))); } elseif($this->order_method === 'DESC') { $start = $this->start_date; $end = date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-15 Years', strtotime($start))); } else { $start = $this->start_date; $end = date('Y-m-t', strtotime('+15 Years', strtotime($start))); } // Set a certain maximum date from shortcode page. if(trim($this->maximum_date) == '' and (isset($this->maximum_date_range) and trim($this->maximum_date_range))) $this->maximum_date = $this->maximum_date_range; // Date Events $dates = $this->period($start, $end, true); // Limit $this->args['posts_per_page'] = apply_filters('mec_skins_search_posts_per_page', 100); $dates = apply_filters('mec_event_dates_search', $dates, $start, $end, $this); $last_timestamp = NULL; $last_event_id = NULL; $i = 0; $found = 0; $events = []; $qs = []; foreach($dates as $date=>$IDs) { // No Event if(!is_array($IDs) or (is_array($IDs) and !count($IDs))) continue; // Check Finish Date if(isset($this->maximum_date) and trim($this->maximum_date) and ((strtotime($date) > strtotime($this->maximum_date) and $this->order_method === 'ASC') or (strtotime($date) < strtotime($this->maximum_date) and $this->order_method === 'DESC'))) break; // Include Available Events $this->args['post__in'] = array_unique($IDs); // Count of events per day $IDs_count = array_count_values($IDs); // Extending the end date $this->end_date = $date; // Continue to load rest of events in the first date if($i === 0 and $this->start_date === $date) $this->args['offset'] = $this->offset; // Load all events in the rest of dates else { $this->offset = 0; $this->args['offset'] = 0; } // The Query $this->args = apply_filters('mec_skin_query_args', $this->args, $this); // Query Key $q_key = base64_encode(json_encode($this->args)); // Get From Cache if(isset($qs[$q_key])) $query = $qs[$q_key]; // Search & Cache else { $query = new WP_Query($this->args); $qs[$q_key] = $query; } if($query->have_posts()) { if(!isset($events[$date])) $events[$date] = []; // Day Events $d = []; // The Loop while($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); $ID = get_the_ID(); $ID_count = $IDs_count[$ID] ?? 1; for($i = 1; $i <= $ID_count; $i++) { $rendered = $this->render->data($ID); $data = new stdClass(); $data->ID = $ID; $data->data = $rendered; $data->date = array ( 'start' => array('date'=>$date), 'end' => array('date'=>$this->main->get_end_date($date, $rendered)) ); $event_data = $this->render->after_render($data, $this, $i); $date_times = $this->get_event_datetimes($event_data); $last_timestamp = $event_data->data->time['start_timestamp']; $last_event_id = $ID; // global variable for use dates $MEC_Events_dates[$ID][] = $date_times; $d[] = $event_data; $found++; } if($found >= $this->limit) { // Next Offset $this->next_offset = ($query->post_count-($query->current_post+1)) >= 0 ? ($query->current_post+1)+$this->offset : 0; usort($d, [$this, 'sort_day_events']); $events[$date] = $d; // Restore original Post Data wp_reset_postdata(); break 2; } } usort($d, [$this, 'sort_day_events']); $events[$date] = $d; } // Restore original Post Data wp_reset_postdata(); $i++; } // Initialize Occurrences' Data MEC_feature_occurrences::fetch($events); // Set Offset for Last Page if($found < $this->limit) { // Next Offset $this->next_offset = $found + ((isset($date) and $this->start_date === $date) ? $this->offset : 0); } // Set found events $this->found = $found; // Has More Events if($last_timestamp and $last_event_id) $this->has_more_events = (boolean) $this->db->select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `#__mec_dates` WHERE `tstart` > ".$last_timestamp." OR (`tstart` = ".$last_timestamp." AND `post_id`!='".$last_event_id."')", 'loadResult'); $event_include=array(); $occurrences_status = (isset($this->settings['per_occurrences_status']) and $this->settings['per_occurrences_status'] ); if(isset($this->atts['location']) and trim($this->atts['location'], ', ') != '' and $occurrences_status) { $include_location = explode(',', trim($this->atts['location'], ', ')); foreach ($events as $date=>$event_details){ foreach($event_details as $event) { $location_id = $this->main->get_master_location_id($event); if (in_array($location_id, $include_location) || in_array($event->data->meta['mec_location_id'], $include_location)) { $event_include[$date]=$event_details; } } } } if(isset($this->atts['organizer']) and trim($this->atts['organizer'], ', ') != '' and $occurrences_status) { $include_organizer = explode(',', trim($this->atts['organizer'], ', ')); foreach ($events as $date=>$event_details){ foreach($event_details as $event) { $organizer_id = $this->main->get_master_organizer_id($event); if (in_array($organizer_id, $include_organizer) || in_array($event->data->meta['mec_organizer_id'], $include_organizer)) { $event_include[$date]=$event_details; } } } } if(count($event_include)>0){ $events = $event_include; } return $events; } public function get_event_datetimes($event) { $start_date = $event->date['start']['date']; $start_time = $event->data->time['start']; $start_datetime = esc_html__('All Day', 'modern-events-calendar-lite') !== $start_time ? "$start_date $start_time" : $start_date; $start_timestamp = strtotime( $start_datetime ); $end_date = $event->date['end']['date']; $end_time = $event->data->time['end']; $end_datetime = esc_html__('All Day', 'modern-events-calendar-lite') !== $end_time ? "$end_date $end_time" : $end_date; $end_timestamp = strtotime( $end_datetime ); return [ 'start' => [ 'date' => $start_date, 'time' => $start_time, 'timestamp' => $start_timestamp, ], 'end' => [ 'date' => $end_date, 'time' => $end_time, 'timestamp' => $end_timestamp, ], ]; } /** * Run the search command * @return array of objects * @throws Exception * @author Webnus */ public function fetch() { // Events! :) return $this->events = $this->search(); } /** * Draw Monthly Calendar * @author Webnus * @param string|int $month * @param string|int $year * @param array $events * @param string $style * @return string */ public function draw_monthly_calendar($year, $month, $events = array(), $style = 'calendar') { $calendar_path = $this->get_calendar_path($style); // Generate Month ob_start(); include $calendar_path; return ob_get_clean(); } /** * @param object $event * @return string */ public function get_event_classes($event) { // Labels are not set if(!isset($event->data) || !isset($event->data->labels)) return NULL; // No Labels if(!is_array($event->data->labels) or (is_array($event->data->labels) and !count($event->data->labels))) return NULL; $classes = ''; foreach($event->data->labels as $label) { if(!isset($label['style']) || !trim($label['style'])) continue; $classes .= ' '.$label['style']; } return trim($classes); } /** * Generates Search Form * @author Webnus * @return string */ public function sf_search_form() { // If no fields specified if(!count($this->sf_options)) return ''; $display_style = $fields = ''; $first_row = 'not-started'; $display_form = []; foreach($this->sf_options as $field=>$options) { // Event Fields is disabled if($field === 'fields' and (!isset($this->settings['display_event_fields_search']) or (isset($this->settings['display_event_fields_search']) and !$this->settings['display_event_fields_search']))) continue; $display_form[] = $options['type'] ?? ($field === 'fields' ? 'fields' : NULL); $fields_array = array('category', 'location', 'organizer', 'speaker', 'tag', 'label'); $fields_array = apply_filters('mec_filter_fields_search_array', $fields_array); if(in_array($field, $fields_array) and $first_row == 'not-started') { $first_row = 'started'; if($this->sf_options['category']['type'] == "0" and $this->sf_options['location']['type'] == '0' and $this->sf_options['organizer']['type'] == '0' and (isset($this->sf_options['speaker']['type']) && $this->sf_options['speaker']['type'] == '0') and (isset($this->sf_options['tag']['type']) && $this->sf_options['tag']['type'] == '0') and $this->sf_options['label']['type'] == '0') { $display_style = 'style="display: none;"'; } $fields .= '
'; } if(!in_array($field, $fields_array) and $first_row == 'started') { $first_row = 'finished'; $fields .= '
'; } $fields .= $this->sf_search_field($field, $options, $this->sf_display_label); } $fields = apply_filters('mec_filter_fields_search_form', $fields, $this); $form = ''; if(trim($fields) && (in_array('dropdown', $display_form) || in_array('simple-checkboxes', $display_form) || in_array('checkboxes', $display_form) || in_array('text_input', $display_form) || in_array('address_input', $display_form) || in_array('minmax', $display_form) || in_array('local-time-picker', $display_form) || in_array('fields', $display_form))) { $form .= '
'; $form .= $fields; // Reset Button if($this->sf_reset_button) $form .='
'; $form = apply_filters('mec_sf_search_form_end', $form, $this); $form .= '
'; } return apply_filters('mec_sf_search_form', $form, $this); } /** * Generate a certain search field * @author Webnus * @param string $field * @param array $options * @param int $display_label * @return string */ public function sf_search_field($field, $options, $display_label = null) { $type = $options['type'] ?? ''; // Field is disabled if(!trim($type) and $field !== 'fields') return ''; // Status of Speakers Feature $speakers_status = isset($this->settings['speakers_status']) && $this->settings['speakers_status']; // Import self::import('app.libraries.walker'); if(!function_exists('wp_terms_checklist')) include ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/template.php'; $output = ''; if($field == 'category') { $label = $this->main->m('taxonomy_category', esc_html__('Category', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); if($type == 'dropdown') { $output .=''; } elseif($type == 'checkboxes' and wp_count_terms(array('taxonomy' => 'mec_category'))) { $output .= ''; } elseif($type == 'simple-checkboxes' and wp_count_terms(array('taxonomy' => 'mec_category'))) { $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'location') { $label = $this->main->m('taxonomy_location', esc_html__('Location', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); if($type == 'dropdown') { $output .= ''; } elseif($type == 'simple-checkboxes' and wp_count_terms(array('taxonomy' => 'mec_location'))) { $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'organizer' && (!isset($this->settings['organizers_status']) || $this->settings['organizers_status'])) { $label = $this->main->m('taxonomy_organizer', esc_html__('Organizer', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); if($type == 'dropdown') { $output .= ''; } elseif($type == 'simple-checkboxes' and wp_count_terms(array('taxonomy' => 'mec_organizer'))) { $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'speaker' and $speakers_status) { $label = $this->main->m('taxonomy_speaker', esc_html__('Speaker', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); if($type == 'dropdown') { $output .= ''; } elseif($type == 'simple-checkboxes' and wp_count_terms(array('taxonomy' => 'mec_speaker'))) { $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'tag') { $label = $this->main->m('taxonomy_tag', esc_html__('Tag', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); if($type == 'dropdown') { $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'label') { $label = $this->main->m('taxonomy_label', esc_html__('Label', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); if($type == 'dropdown') { $output .= ''; } elseif($type == 'simple-checkboxes' and wp_count_terms(array('taxonomy' => 'mec_label'))) { $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'month_filter') { $label = esc_html__('Date', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); if($type == 'dropdown') { $time = isset($this->start_date) ? strtotime($this->start_date) : ''; $now = current_time('timestamp'); $skins = ['list', 'grid', 'agenda', 'map']; if(isset($this->skin_options['default_view']) and $this->skin_options['default_view'] == 'list') $skins[] = 'full_calendar'; $item = esc_html__('Select', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); $option = in_array($this->skin, $skins) ? '' : ''; $output .= ''; } elseif($type == 'date-range-picker') { $min_date = $this->start_date ?? NULL; $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'time_filter') { $label = esc_html__('Time', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); if($type == 'local-time-picker') { $this->main->load_time_picker_assets(); $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'text_search') { $label = esc_html__('Text', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); if($type == 'text_input') { $placeholder = $options['placeholder'] ?? ''; $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'address_search') { $label = esc_html__('Address', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); if($type == 'address_input') { $placeholder = $options['placeholder'] ?? ''; $output .= ''; } } elseif($field == 'event_cost') { $label = esc_html__('Cost', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); if($type == 'minmax') { $output .= '
'; if($display_label == 1) $output .=''; $output .= $this->icons->display('credit-card').'
'; } } elseif($field == 'fields') { $event_fields = $this->main->get_event_fields(); foreach($options as $field_id => $field_options) { $event_field = $event_fields[$field_id] ?? []; $label = $event_field['label'] ?? ''; $type = $field_options['type'] ?? ''; // Disabled Field if(!$label or !$type) continue; $field_values = (isset($event_field['options']) and is_array($event_field['options'])) ? $event_field['options'] : []; if($type === 'text_input') { $output .= ''; } elseif($type === 'dropdown') { $output .= ''; } elseif($type === 'date-range-picker') { $min_date = $this->start_date ?? NULL; $output .= ''; } } } return apply_filters('mec_search_fields_to_box', $output, $field, $type, $this->atts, $this->id); } public function sf_only_valid_terms($taxonomy, $existing_terms = []) { if($this->show_only_expired_events) $event_ids = $this->main->get_expired_event_ids(current_time('timestamp'), 'publish'); elseif(isset($this->args['mec-past-events']) and $this->args['mec-past-events']) $event_ids = $this->main->get_all_event_ids('publish'); elseif($this->show_ongoing_events) $event_ids = $this->main->get_ongoing_event_ids(current_time('timestamp'), 'publish'); elseif($this->include_ongoing_events) { $ongoing_ids = $this->main->get_ongoing_event_ids(current_time('timestamp'), 'publish'); $upcoming_ids = $this->main->get_upcoming_event_ids(current_time('timestamp'), 'publish'); $event_ids = array_merge($ongoing_ids, $upcoming_ids); $event_ids = array_unique($event_ids); } else $event_ids = $this->main->get_upcoming_event_ids(current_time('timestamp'), 'publish'); $terms = []; $post_terms = wp_get_object_terms($event_ids, $taxonomy); if(is_array($post_terms)) foreach($post_terms as $post_term) $terms[] = $post_term->term_id; $existing_terms = array_unique($existing_terms); $terms = array_unique($terms); // No Terms if(!count($terms)) return [-1]; $exclude = []; if($taxonomy === 'mec_category' && isset($this->atts['ex_category']) && trim($this->atts['ex_category'])) $exclude = explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_category'], ', ')); else if($taxonomy === 'mec_location' && isset($this->atts['ex_location']) && trim($this->atts['ex_location'])) $exclude = explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_location'], ', ')); else if($taxonomy === 'mec_organizer' && isset($this->atts['ex_organizer']) && trim($this->atts['ex_organizer'])) $exclude = explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_organizer'], ', ')); else if($taxonomy === 'mec_label' && isset($this->atts['ex_label']) && trim($this->atts['ex_label'])) $exclude = explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_label'], ', ')); else if($taxonomy === 'mec_tag' && isset($this->atts['ex_tag']) && trim($this->atts['ex_tag'])) $exclude = explode(',', trim($this->atts['ex_tag'], ', ')); // Exclude Terms if(count($exclude)) { foreach($exclude as $ex_id) { if(in_array($ex_id, $terms)) unset($terms[array_search($ex_id, $terms)]); } } // No Existing Terms if(!count($existing_terms)) return $terms; // Intersect $intersect = array_intersect($existing_terms, $terms); // No Intersect if(!count($intersect)) return $terms; // Return return $intersect; } public function sf_apply($atts, $sf = array(), $apply_sf_date = 1) { // Return normal atts if sf is empty if(!count($sf)) return $atts; // Apply Text Search Query if(isset($sf['s'])) $atts['s'] = $sf['s']; // Apply Address Search Query if(isset($sf['address'])) $atts['address'] = $sf['address']; // Apply Category Query if(isset($sf['category']) and trim($sf['category'])) $atts['category'] = $sf['category']; // Apply Location Query if(isset($sf['location'])) $atts['location'] = $sf['location']; // Apply Organizer Query if(isset($sf['organizer']) and trim($sf['organizer'])) $atts['organizer'] = $sf['organizer']; // Apply speaker Query if(isset($sf['speaker']) and trim($sf['speaker'])) $atts['speaker'] = $sf['speaker']; // Apply tag Query if(isset($sf['tag']) and trim($sf['tag'])) $atts['tag'] = $sf['tag']; // Apply Label Query if(isset($sf['label']) and trim($sf['label'])) $atts['label'] = $sf['label']; // Apply Event Cost Query if(isset($sf['cost-min'])) $atts['cost-min'] = $sf['cost-min']; if(isset($sf['cost-max'])) $atts['cost-max'] = $sf['cost-max']; // Event Status if(isset($sf['event_status'])) $atts['event_status'] = $sf['event_status']; // Apply Local Time Query if(isset($sf['time-start'])) $atts['time-start'] = $sf['time-start']; if(isset($sf['time-end'])) $atts['time-end'] = $sf['time-end']; // Apply Event Fields if(isset($sf['fields']) and is_array($sf['fields']) and count($sf['fields'])) $atts['fields'] = $sf['fields']; // Apply SF Date or Not if($apply_sf_date == 1) { // Apply Month of Month Filter if(isset($sf['month']) and trim($sf['month'])) $_REQUEST['mec_month'] = $sf['month']; // Apply Year of Month Filter if(isset($sf['year']) and trim($sf['year'])) $_REQUEST['mec_year'] = $sf['year']; // Apply to Start Date if(isset($sf['month']) and trim($sf['month']) and isset($sf['year']) and trim($sf['year'])) { $start_date = $sf['year'].'-'.$sf['month'].'-'.($sf['day'] ?? '01'); $_REQUEST['mec_start_date'] = $start_date; $skins = $this->main->get_skins(); foreach($skins as $skin=>$label) { $atts['sk-options'][$skin]['start_date_type'] = 'date'; $atts['sk-options'][$skin]['start_date'] = $start_date; } } // Apply Start and End Dates if(isset($sf['start']) and trim($sf['start']) and isset($sf['end']) and trim($sf['end'])) { $start = $this->main->standardize_format($sf['start']); $_REQUEST['mec_start_date'] = $start; $end = $this->main->standardize_format($sf['end']); $_REQUEST['mec_maximum_date'] = $end; $this->maximum_date = $end; $skins = $this->main->get_skins(); foreach($skins as $skin=>$label) { $atts['sk-options'][$skin]['start_date_type'] = 'date'; $atts['sk-options'][$skin]['start_date'] = $start; } $atts['date-range-start'] = $start; $atts['date-range-end'] = $end; } } return apply_filters('add_to_search_box_query', $atts, $sf); } /** * Get Locations ID * @param string $address * @return array */ public function get_locations_id($address = '') { if(!trim($address)) return []; $address = str_replace(' ', ',', $address); $locations = explode(',', $address); $query = "SELECT `term_id` FROM `#__termmeta` WHERE `meta_key` = 'address'"; foreach($locations as $location) if(trim($location)) $query .= " AND `meta_value` LIKE '%" . trim($location) . "%'"; $locations_id = $this->db->select($query, 'loadAssocList'); return array_map(function($value) { return intval($value['term_id']); }, $locations_id); } public function sort_day_events($a, $b) { if(isset($a->date['start']['timestamp'], $b->date['start']['timestamp'])) { $a_timestamp = $a->date['start']['timestamp']; $b_timestamp = $b->date['start']['timestamp']; } else { $a_start_date = $a->date['start']['date']; $b_start_date = $b->date['start']['date']; $a_timestamp = strtotime($a_start_date.' '.$a->data->time['start_raw']); $b_timestamp = strtotime($b_start_date.' '.$b->data->time['start_raw']); } if($a_timestamp == $b_timestamp) return 0; if($this->order_method === 'DESC') return ($a_timestamp < $b_timestamp) ? +1 : -1; else return ($a_timestamp > $b_timestamp) ? +1 : -1; } public function sort_dates($a, $b) { $a_timestamp = strtotime($a); $b_timestamp = strtotime($b); if($a_timestamp == $b_timestamp) return 0; return ($a_timestamp > $b_timestamp) ? +1 : -1; } public function booking_button($event, $type = 'button') { if(!$this->booking_button) return ''; if(!$this->main->can_show_booking_module($event)) return ''; if($this->main->is_sold($event, $event->data->time['start_timestamp']) and isset($this->settings['single_date_method']) and $this->settings['single_date_method'] !== 'referred') return ''; $link = $this->main->get_event_date_permalink($event, $event->date['start']['date']); $link = $this->main->add_qs_var('method', 'mec-booking-modal', $link); $modal = 'data-featherlight="iframe" data-featherlight-iframe-height="450" data-featherlight-iframe-width="700"'; $title = $this->main->m('booking_button', esc_html__('Book Event', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); $booking_options = (isset($event->data, $event->data->meta, $event->data->meta['mec_booking'], $event->data->meta['mec_booking']) and is_array($event->data->meta['mec_booking'])) ? $event->data->meta['mec_booking'] : []; $booking_button_label = (isset($booking_options['bookings_booking_button_label']) and trim($booking_options['bookings_booking_button_label'])) ? $booking_options['bookings_booking_button_label'] : ''; if(trim($booking_button_label)) $title = $booking_button_label; if($type === 'button') return ''.esc_html($title).''; else return ''; } public function display_custom_data($event) { $output = ''; $status = isset($this->skin_options['custom_data']) && $this->skin_options['custom_data']; if($status and is_object($event)) { $single = new MEC_skin_single(); ob_start(); $single->display_data_fields($event, false, true); $output .= ob_get_clean(); } return $output; } public function display_detailed_time($event) { // Event Date $date = ($event->date ?? array()); $to = $date['end']['date']; $from = $this->main->get_start_of_multiple_days($event->ID, $to); $start_time = NULL; if(isset($date['start']['hour'])) { $s_hour = $date['start']['hour']; if(strtoupper($date['start']['ampm']) == 'AM' and $s_hour == '0') $s_hour = 12; $start_time = sprintf("%02d", $s_hour).':'; $start_time .= sprintf("%02d", $date['start']['minutes']); $start_time .= ' '.trim($date['start']['ampm']); } elseif(isset($event->data->time) and is_array($event->data->time) and isset($event->data->time['start_timestamp'])) $start_time = date('H:i', $event->data->time['start_timestamp']); $end_time = NULL; if(isset($date['end']['hour'])) { $e_hour = $date['end']['hour']; if(strtoupper($date['end']['ampm']) == 'AM' and $e_hour == '0') $e_hour = 12; $end_time = sprintf("%02d", $e_hour).':'; $end_time .= sprintf("%02d", $date['end']['minutes']); $end_time .= ' '.trim($date['end']['ampm']); } elseif(isset($event->data->time) and is_array($event->data->time) and isset($event->data->time['end_timestamp'])) $end_time = date('H:i', $event->data->time['end_timestamp']); $date_format = get_option('date_format'); $time_format = get_option('time_format'); $output = '
'; $output .= '
'.sprintf(esc_html__('Start from: %s - %s', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), date_i18n($date_format, strtotime($from)), date_i18n($time_format, strtotime($from.' '.$start_time))).'
'; $output .= '
'.sprintf(esc_html__('End at: %s - %s', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), date_i18n($date_format, strtotime($to)), date_i18n($time_format, strtotime($to.' '.$end_time))).'
'; $output .= '
'; return $output; } public function display_categories($event) { $output = ''; $status = isset($this->skin_options['display_categories']) && $this->skin_options['display_categories']; if($status and is_object($event) and isset($event->data->categories) and count($event->data->categories)) { foreach($event->data->categories as $category) { if(isset($category['name']) and trim($category['name'])) { $color = ((isset($category['color']) and trim($category['color'])) ? $category['color'] : ''); $color_html = ''; if($color) $color_html .= ' '; $output .= '
  • ' . trim($category['name']) . $color_html .'
  • '; } } } return $output ? '
      ' . $output . '
    ' : $output; } public function display_organizers($event) { $output = ''; $status = isset($this->skin_options['display_organizer']) && $this->skin_options['display_organizer'] && (!isset($this->settings['organizers_status']) || $this->settings['organizers_status']); if($status and is_object($event) and isset($event->data->organizers) and count($event->data->organizers)) { $organizers = []; // Occurrence $occurrence = isset($event->date, $event->date['start'], $event->date['start']['timestamp']) ? $event->date['start']['timestamp'] : NULL; // Main Organizer if(isset($event->data, $event->data->meta, $event->data->meta['mec_organizer_id']) and $event->data->meta['mec_organizer_id'] > 1) { $organizers[] = $occurrence ? MEC_feature_occurrences::param($event->ID, $occurrence, 'organizer_id', $event->data->meta['mec_organizer_id']) : $event->data->meta['mec_organizer_id']; } // Additional Organizers $additional_organizers = isset($event->data->meta['mec_additional_organizer_ids']) && is_array($event->data->meta['mec_additional_organizer_ids']) && count($event->data->meta['mec_additional_organizer_ids']) ? $event->data->meta['mec_additional_organizer_ids'] : []; $organizers = array_merge($organizers, $additional_organizers); // Unique $organizers = array_unique($organizers); foreach($organizers as $organizer_id) { $term = get_term($organizer_id, 'mec_organizer'); if(!isset($term->term_id)) continue; $url = get_term_meta($organizer_id, 'url', true); $name = $term->name; $organizer_url = !empty($url) ? 'href="'. esc_url($url) .'" target="_blank"' : ''; if(trim($name)) { $name_url = trim($organizer_url) ? '' . esc_html(trim($name)) . '' : '' . esc_html(trim($name)) . ''; $output .= '
  • '.$name_url.'
  • '; } } } return $output ? '
      ' . $output . '
    ' : $output; } public function display_cost($event) { $output = ''; if($this->display_price) { $cost = $this->main->get_event_cost($event); if($cost) { $output .= '
    '.$this->icons->display('wallet').' '.$cost.'
    '; } } return $output; } public function get_register_button_title( $event, $event_start_date ){ $soldout = $this->main->get_flags($event, $event_start_date); $can_register = (is_array($event->data->tickets) and count($event->data->tickets) and !strpos($soldout, '%%soldout%%') and !$this->booking_button and !$this->main->is_expired($event)); if($can_register) { $title = $this->main->m('register_button', esc_html__('REGISTER', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); } else { $title = $this->main->m('view_detail', esc_html__('View Detail', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')); } return $title; } public function get_sed_method() { // SED Method $sed_method = $this->skin_options['sed_method'] ?? '0'; // Fix Backend Editors Like Elementor if(is_admin() && !wp_doing_ajax()) $sed_method = '0'; return $sed_method; } /** * @param $event * @param null $title * @param null $class * @param null $attributes * @return string|null */ public function display_link($event, $title = NULL, $class = NULL, $attributes = NULL) { $link_for_title = false; // Event Title if(is_null($title)) { $title = apply_filters('mec_occurrence_event_title', $event->data->title, $event); $link_for_title = true; } // Link Class if(is_null($class)) $class = 'mec-color-hover'; // Single Event Display Method $method = $this->skin_options['sed_method'] ?? false; // Occurrence Type $one_occurrence = (isset($this->atts['show_only_one_occurrence']) && $this->atts['show_only_one_occurrence']); // Repeat Type $repeat_label = ''; if($one_occurrence and $link_for_title) { $repeat_type = (isset($event->data) and isset($event->data->meta) and isset($event->data->meta['mec_repeat_type'])) ? $event->data->meta['mec_repeat_type'] : ''; // Change to switch case for translate-ability switch ($repeat_type) { case 'daily': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Daily' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; case 'weekly': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Weekly' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; case 'monthly': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Monthly' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; case 'yearly': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Yearly' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; case 'weekend': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Every Weekend' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; case 'weekday': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Every Weekday' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; case 'certain_weekdays': case 'custom_days': case 'advanced': $repeat_label = ''.esc_html__('Repeating Event' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite').''; break; } } // Link is disabled if($method == 'no' and in_array($class, array('mec-booking-button', 'mec-detail-button', 'mec-booking-button mec-bg-color-hover mec-border-color-hover', 'mec-event-link'))) return ''; elseif($method == 'no') return MEC_kses::form($title.$repeat_label); else { $sed_method = $this->skin_options['sed_method'] ?? ''; switch($sed_method) { case '0': $sed_method = '_self'; break; case 'new': $sed_method = '_blank'; break; } $sed_method = ($sed_method ?: '_self'); } $target = (!empty($sed_method) ? 'target="'.esc_attr($sed_method).'" rel="noopener"' : ''); $target = apply_filters('mec_event_link_change_target', $target, $event->data->ID); return ''.MEC_kses::form($title).''.MEC_kses::element($repeat_label); } public function get_end_date() { $end_date_type = (isset($this->skin_options['end_date_type']) and trim($this->skin_options['end_date_type'])) ? trim($this->skin_options['end_date_type']) : 'date'; if($end_date_type === 'today') $maximum_date = current_time('Y-m-d'); elseif($end_date_type === 'tomorrow') $maximum_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('Tomorrow')); else $maximum_date = (isset($this->skin_options['maximum_date_range']) and trim($this->skin_options['maximum_date_range'])) ? trim($this->skin_options['maximum_date_range']) : ''; return $maximum_date; } public function get_label_captions($event, $extra_class = null) { $captions = ''; if(isset($event->data->labels) and is_array($event->data->labels) and count($event->data->labels)) { foreach($event->data->labels as $label) { if(!isset($label['style']) || !trim($label['style'])) continue; $captions .= ''; if($label['style'] == 'mec-label-featured') $captions .= esc_html__($label['name'], 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); elseif($label['style'] == 'mec-label-canceled') $captions .= esc_html__($label['name'], 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); elseif($label['style'] == 'mec-label-custom' and isset($label['name']) and trim($label['name'])) $captions .= esc_html__($label['name'], 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); $captions .= ''; break; } } return $captions; } public function cache_mec_events(): bool { // First Validation if(!is_array($this->unique_event_ids) || !count($this->unique_event_ids)) return false; // Cache $cache = $this->getCache(); // Db $db = $this->getDB(); // Records $records = $db->select("SELECT * FROM `#__mec_events` WHERE `post_id` IN (".implode(',', $this->unique_event_ids).")"); // Cache Data foreach($records as $record) $cache->set('mec-events-data-'.$record->post_id, $record); return true; } /** * @param $event * @param bool $only_color_code * @return string */ public function get_event_color_dot($event, $only_color_code = false) { return $this->main->get_event_color_dot($event, $only_color_code); } public function display_status_bar($event) { if(!is_object($event)) return ''; // Status Bar is Disabled if(!isset($this->skin_options['status_bar']) || !$this->skin_options['status_bar']) return ''; $event_id = $event->ID; if(isset($event->requested_id)) $event_id = $event->requested_id; // Requested Event in Multilingual Websites $start_timestamp = $event->data->time['start_timestamp'] ?? ($event->date['start']['timestamp'] ?? strtotime($event->date['start']['date'])); // All Params $params = MEC_feature_occurrences::param($event_id, $start_timestamp, '*'); $event_status = (isset($event->data->meta['mec_event_status']) and trim($event->data->meta['mec_event_status'])) ? $event->data->meta['mec_event_status'] : 'EventScheduled'; $event_status = (isset($params['event_status']) and trim($params['event_status']) != '') ? $params['event_status'] : $event_status; $output = ''; // Ongoing Icon if($this->main->is_ongoing($event)) $output .= '
  • '.$this->main->svg('mec-live-now').' '.esc_html__('Live Now', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
  • '; if($event_status === 'EventScheduled') $output .= '
  • '.$this->main->svg('ontime').' '.esc_html__('On Schedule', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
  • '; elseif($event_status === 'EventRescheduled') $output .= '
  • '.$this->main->svg('ontime').' '.esc_html__('Rescheduled', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
  • '; elseif($event_status === 'EventPostponed') $output .= '
  • '.$this->main->svg('delay').' '.esc_html__('Delayed', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
  • '; elseif($event_status === 'EventCancelled') $output .= '
  • '.$this->main->svg('cancel').' '.esc_html__('Cancelled', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
  • '; elseif($event_status === 'EventMovedOnline') $output .= '
  • '.$this->main->svg('camrecorder').' '.esc_html__('Virtual', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
  • '; return trim($output) ? '
    ' : ''; } public function get_pagination_bar() { if($this->pagination === 'loadmore' and $this->found >= $this->limit) { return '
    '.esc_html__('Load More', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
    '; } if($this->pagination === 'scroll' and $this->found >= $this->limit) { return '
    '; } if($this->pagination === 'nextprev' and $this->found >= $this->limit) { $offset = $this->end_date.':'.$this->next_offset; return '
    '.esc_html__('Prev', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').' '.esc_html__('Next', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'
    '; } return ''; } /** * Display Powered By MEC URL * * @return string */ public function display_credit_url() { $status = (isset($this->settings['display_credit_url']) && $this->settings['display_credit_url']); // Disabled if(!$status) return ''; // Powered By Feature return '
    '.sprintf(esc_html__('Powered by %s', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), 'Modern Events Calendar').'
    '; } /** * Subscribe + To Calendar * * @return string */ public function subscribe_to_calendar() { if($this->from_full_calendar) return ''; $ical_status = isset($this->settings['ical_feed']) && $this->settings['ical_feed']; if(!$ical_status) return ''; $status = isset($this->settings['ical_feed_subscribe_to_calendar']) && $this->settings['ical_feed_subscribe_to_calendar']; if(!$status) return ''; $base_url = trim($this->main->URL(), '/ '); $webcal_base_url = str_replace(['http://', 'https://'], 'webcal://', $base_url); $webcal_feed_url = $webcal_base_url . '/?mec-ical-feed=1'; $feed_url = $base_url . '/?mec-ical-feed=1'; $outlook = 'owa?path=/calendar/action/compose&rru=addsubscription&url=' . $feed_url . '&name=' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' ' . get_the_title($this->id); return ''; } }