dates ?? array($event->date);
// Multiple Day Event
$multiple_date = (isset($dates) && $dates[0]['start']['date'] != $dates[0]['end']['date']) ? 'mec-multiple-event' : '';
$first_date = ($start ?? (isset($dates[0]) ? $dates[0]['start']['date'] : NULL));
if(!$first_date) return;
$selected_datetime = ($selected_datetime ?? $this->book->timestamp($dates[0]['start'], $dates[0]['end']));
// Settings
$settings = $this->main->get_settings();
$ml_settings = $this->main->get_ml_settings();
// Is Booking Enabled for Ongoing Events
$booking_ongoing = (isset($settings['booking_ongoing']) and $settings['booking_ongoing']);
// Options
$event_color = $this->main->get_event_color_dot($event);
$allday = isset($event->data->meta['mec_allday']) ? $event->data->meta['mec_allday'] : 0;
$date_format = (isset($ml_settings['booking_date_format1']) and trim($ml_settings['booking_date_format1'])) ? $ml_settings['booking_date_format1'] : 'Y-m-d';
$date_format = trim(str_replace(['H', 'h', 'i', 's', 'A', 'a', 'G', 'g', 'B', 'u', 'v', ':'], '', $date_format), ': ');
$time_format = get_option('time_format');
// before/after Month
$_1month_before = strtotime('first day of -1 month', strtotime($first_date));
$_1month_after = strtotime('first day of +1 month', strtotime($first_date));
$current_month_time = strtotime($first_date);
$year = date('Y', strtotime($first_date));
$month = date('m', strtotime($first_date));
$active_day = date('d', strtotime($first_date));
// Start day of week
$week_start = $this->main->get_first_day_of_week();
// days and weeks vars
$running_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$days_in_month = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$days_in_previous_month = $this->main->get_days_in_previous_month($month, $year);
$days_in_this_week = 1;
$day_counter = 0;
if($week_start == 1) // Monday
if($running_day != 0) $running_day = $running_day - 1;
else $running_day = 6;
elseif($week_start == 6) // Saturday
if($running_day != 6) $running_day = $running_day + 1;
else $running_day = 0;
elseif($week_start == 5) // Friday
if($running_day < 4) $running_day = $running_day + 2;
elseif($running_day == 5) $running_day = 0;
elseif($running_day == 6) $running_day = 1;
$navigator_html = '';
// Show previous navigation
if(strtotime(date('Y-m-t', $_1month_before)) >= time())
$navigator_html .= '
$navigator_html .= '';
// Show next navigation
if(strtotime(date('Y-m-01', $_1month_after)) >= time())
$navigator_html .= '';
// Generating javascript code tpl
$javascript = '';
// Include javascript code into the page
echo MEC_kses::full($javascript);
echo '
- '.implode('
- ', $headings).'
'.($days_in_previous_month - ($running_day-1-$x)).'';
// keep going with days ....
for($list_day = 1; $list_day <= $days_in_month; $list_day++)
$time = strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$list_day);
$today = date('Y-m-d', $time);
$day_id = date('Ymd', $time);
$render = '';
$first_day = '';
$default_day = '';
$middle_day = '';
$last_day = '';
$repeat = 0;
$is_soldout = true;
foreach($dates as $date)
if(!isset($date['fake']) and strtotime($date['start']['date']) <= $time and $time <= strtotime($date['end']['date']) and ($booking_ongoing or (isset($date['start']['timestamp']) and $date['start']['timestamp'] >= current_time('timestamp', 0))))
$date_timestamp = $this->book->timestamp($date['start'], $date['end']);
$start_datetime = $date['start']['date'].' '.sprintf("%02d", $date['start']['hour']).':'.sprintf("%02d", $date['start']['minutes']).' '.$date['start']['ampm'];
$date_timestamp_ex = explode(':', $date_timestamp);
$soldout = $this->main->is_soldout($event->ID, $start_datetime);
if($is_soldout and !$soldout) $is_soldout = false;
$render .='' .(($date['start']['date'] !== $date['end']['date']) ? '
'.strip_tags($this->main->date_label($date['start'], $date['end'], $date_format, ' - ', false, (isset($date['allday']) ? $date['allday'] : 0), $event)).'
' : ($allday != 0 ? esc_html__('All Day' , 'modern-events-calendar-lite') : '')).strip_tags($this->main->date_label($date['start'], $date['end'], $time_format, ' - ', false, (isset($date['allday']) ? $date['allday'] : 0))).(($date['start']['date'] !== $date['end']['date']) ? '
' : '') .'
$first_day = strtotime($date['start']['date']) == $time ? ' first-day' : null;
$middle_day = (strtotime($date['end']['date']) != $time && strtotime($date['start']['date']) != $time) ? ' middle-day' : null;
$last_day = strtotime($date['end']['date']) == $time ? ' last-day' : null;
$default_day = strtotime($first_date) == $time ? ' mec-active' : null;
if($repeat == 1) $date_timestamp_ex = explode(':', $date_timestamp);
$repeat_class = $repeat > 1 ? ' mec-has-time-repeat' : '';
$date_for_wrap = $repeat == 1 ? 'data-timestamp="'.esc_attr($date_timestamp).'" data-formatted-date="'.esc_attr($this->main->date_i18n($date_format, $date_timestamp_ex[0])).'"' : '';
$custom_class1 = $repeat == 1 ? ' mec-has-one-repeat-in-day' : '';
$custom_class2 = $repeat >= 1 ? ' mec-has-event-for-booking' : '';
$soldout_class = ($is_soldout ? ' mec-booking-calendar-date-soldout' : '');
echo ''.$list_day.'
echo ''.MEC_kses::full($render).'
echo ' ';
if($running_day == 6)
echo '
if((($day_counter+1) != $days_in_month) or (($day_counter+1) == $days_in_month and $days_in_this_week == 7))
echo '
$running_day = -1;
$days_in_this_week = 0;
$days_in_this_week++; $running_day++; $day_counter++;
// finish the rest of the days in the week
if($days_in_this_week < 8)
for($x = 1; $x <= (8 - $days_in_this_week); $x++)
echo '- '.esc_html($x).'