options['accountSid'] = $accountSid; $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; $this->options['uniqueName'] = $uniqueName; $this->options['ccEmails'] = $ccEmails; $this->options['smsUrl'] = $smsUrl; $this->options['smsMethod'] = $smsMethod; $this->options['smsFallbackUrl'] = $smsFallbackUrl; $this->options['smsFallbackMethod'] = $smsFallbackMethod; $this->options['statusCallbackUrl'] = $statusCallbackUrl; $this->options['statusCallbackMethod'] = $statusCallbackMethod; $this->options['smsApplicationSid'] = $smsApplicationSid; $this->options['addressSid'] = $addressSid; $this->options['email'] = $email; $this->options['verificationType'] = $verificationType; $this->options['verificationDocumentSid'] = $verificationDocumentSid; } /** * This defaults to the AccountSid of the authorization the user is using. This can be provided to specify a subaccount to add the HostedNumberOrder to. * * @param string $accountSid This defaults to the AccountSid of the authorization the user is using. This can be provided to specify a subaccount to add the HostedNumberOrder to. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setAccountSid(string $accountSid): self { $this->options['accountSid'] = $accountSid; return $this; } /** * A 64 character string that is a human readable text that describes this resource. * * @param string $friendlyName A 64 character string that is a human readable text that describes this resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setFriendlyName(string $friendlyName): self { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; return $this; } /** * Optional. Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * * @param string $uniqueName Optional. Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setUniqueName(string $uniqueName): self { $this->options['uniqueName'] = $uniqueName; return $this; } /** * Optional. A list of emails that the LOA document for this HostedNumberOrder will be carbon copied to. * * @param string[] $ccEmails Optional. A list of emails that the LOA document for this HostedNumberOrder will be carbon copied to. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setCcEmails(array $ccEmails): self { $this->options['ccEmails'] = $ccEmails; return $this; } /** * The URL that Twilio should request when somebody sends an SMS to the phone number. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * * @param string $smsUrl The URL that Twilio should request when somebody sends an SMS to the phone number. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSmsUrl(string $smsUrl): self { $this->options['smsUrl'] = $smsUrl; return $this; } /** * The HTTP method that should be used to request the SmsUrl. Must be either `GET` or `POST`. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * * @param string $smsMethod The HTTP method that should be used to request the SmsUrl. Must be either `GET` or `POST`. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSmsMethod(string $smsMethod): self { $this->options['smsMethod'] = $smsMethod; return $this; } /** * A URL that Twilio will request if an error occurs requesting or executing the TwiML defined by SmsUrl. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * * @param string $smsFallbackUrl A URL that Twilio will request if an error occurs requesting or executing the TwiML defined by SmsUrl. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSmsFallbackUrl(string $smsFallbackUrl): self { $this->options['smsFallbackUrl'] = $smsFallbackUrl; return $this; } /** * The HTTP method that should be used to request the SmsFallbackUrl. Must be either `GET` or `POST`. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * * @param string $smsFallbackMethod The HTTP method that should be used to request the SmsFallbackUrl. Must be either `GET` or `POST`. This will be copied onto the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSmsFallbackMethod(string $smsFallbackMethod): self { $this->options['smsFallbackMethod'] = $smsFallbackMethod; return $this; } /** * Optional. The Status Callback URL attached to the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * * @param string $statusCallbackUrl Optional. The Status Callback URL attached to the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setStatusCallbackUrl(string $statusCallbackUrl): self { $this->options['statusCallbackUrl'] = $statusCallbackUrl; return $this; } /** * Optional. The Status Callback Method attached to the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * * @param string $statusCallbackMethod Optional. The Status Callback Method attached to the IncomingPhoneNumber resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setStatusCallbackMethod(string $statusCallbackMethod): self { $this->options['statusCallbackMethod'] = $statusCallbackMethod; return $this; } /** * Optional. The 34 character sid of the application Twilio should use to handle SMS messages sent to this number. If a `SmsApplicationSid` is present, Twilio will ignore all of the SMS urls above and use those set on the application. * * @param string $smsApplicationSid Optional. The 34 character sid of the application Twilio should use to handle SMS messages sent to this number. If a `SmsApplicationSid` is present, Twilio will ignore all of the SMS urls above and use those set on the application. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setSmsApplicationSid(string $smsApplicationSid): self { $this->options['smsApplicationSid'] = $smsApplicationSid; return $this; } /** * Optional. A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the Address resource that represents the address of the owner of this phone number. * * @param string $addressSid Optional. A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the Address resource that represents the address of the owner of this phone number. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setAddressSid(string $addressSid): self { $this->options['addressSid'] = $addressSid; return $this; } /** * Optional. Email of the owner of this phone number that is being hosted. * * @param string $email Optional. Email of the owner of this phone number that is being hosted. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setEmail(string $email): self { $this->options['email'] = $email; return $this; } /** * @param string $verificationType * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setVerificationType(string $verificationType): self { $this->options['verificationType'] = $verificationType; return $this; } /** * Optional. The unique sid identifier of the Identity Document that represents the document for verifying ownership of the number to be hosted. Required when VerificationType is phone-bill. * * @param string $verificationDocumentSid Optional. The unique sid identifier of the Identity Document that represents the document for verifying ownership of the number to be hosted. Required when VerificationType is phone-bill. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setVerificationDocumentSid(string $verificationDocumentSid): self { $this->options['verificationDocumentSid'] = $verificationDocumentSid; return $this; } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString(): string { $options = \http_build_query(Values::of($this->options), '', ' '); return '[Twilio.Preview.HostedNumbers.CreateHostedNumberOrderOptions ' . $options . ']'; } } class ReadHostedNumberOrderOptions extends Options { /** * @param string $status The Status of this HostedNumberOrder. One of `received`, `pending-verification`, `verified`, `pending-loa`, `carrier-processing`, `testing`, `completed`, `failed`, or `action-required`. * @param string $phoneNumber An E164 formatted phone number hosted by this HostedNumberOrder. * @param string $incomingPhoneNumberSid A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the IncomingPhoneNumber resource created by this HostedNumberOrder. * @param string $friendlyName A human readable description of this resource, up to 64 characters. * @param string $uniqueName Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. */ public function __construct( string $status = Values::NONE, string $phoneNumber = Values::NONE, string $incomingPhoneNumberSid = Values::NONE, string $friendlyName = Values::NONE, string $uniqueName = Values::NONE ) { $this->options['status'] = $status; $this->options['phoneNumber'] = $phoneNumber; $this->options['incomingPhoneNumberSid'] = $incomingPhoneNumberSid; $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; $this->options['uniqueName'] = $uniqueName; } /** * The Status of this HostedNumberOrder. One of `received`, `pending-verification`, `verified`, `pending-loa`, `carrier-processing`, `testing`, `completed`, `failed`, or `action-required`. * * @param string $status The Status of this HostedNumberOrder. One of `received`, `pending-verification`, `verified`, `pending-loa`, `carrier-processing`, `testing`, `completed`, `failed`, or `action-required`. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setStatus(string $status): self { $this->options['status'] = $status; return $this; } /** * An E164 formatted phone number hosted by this HostedNumberOrder. * * @param string $phoneNumber An E164 formatted phone number hosted by this HostedNumberOrder. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumber): self { $this->options['phoneNumber'] = $phoneNumber; return $this; } /** * A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the IncomingPhoneNumber resource created by this HostedNumberOrder. * * @param string $incomingPhoneNumberSid A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the IncomingPhoneNumber resource created by this HostedNumberOrder. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setIncomingPhoneNumberSid(string $incomingPhoneNumberSid): self { $this->options['incomingPhoneNumberSid'] = $incomingPhoneNumberSid; return $this; } /** * A human readable description of this resource, up to 64 characters. * * @param string $friendlyName A human readable description of this resource, up to 64 characters. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setFriendlyName(string $friendlyName): self { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; return $this; } /** * Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * * @param string $uniqueName Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setUniqueName(string $uniqueName): self { $this->options['uniqueName'] = $uniqueName; return $this; } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString(): string { $options = \http_build_query(Values::of($this->options), '', ' '); return '[Twilio.Preview.HostedNumbers.ReadHostedNumberOrderOptions ' . $options . ']'; } } class UpdateHostedNumberOrderOptions extends Options { /** * @param string $friendlyName A 64 character string that is a human readable text that describes this resource. * @param string $uniqueName Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * @param string $email Email of the owner of this phone number that is being hosted. * @param string[] $ccEmails Optional. A list of emails that LOA document for this HostedNumberOrder will be carbon copied to. * @param string $status * @param string $verificationCode A verification code that is given to the user via a phone call to the phone number that is being hosted. * @param string $verificationType * @param string $verificationDocumentSid Optional. The unique sid identifier of the Identity Document that represents the document for verifying ownership of the number to be hosted. Required when VerificationType is phone-bill. * @param string $extension Digits to dial after connecting the verification call. * @param int $callDelay The number of seconds, between 0 and 60, to delay before initiating the verification call. Defaults to 0. */ public function __construct( string $friendlyName = Values::NONE, string $uniqueName = Values::NONE, string $email = Values::NONE, array $ccEmails = Values::ARRAY_NONE, string $status = Values::NONE, string $verificationCode = Values::NONE, string $verificationType = Values::NONE, string $verificationDocumentSid = Values::NONE, string $extension = Values::NONE, int $callDelay = Values::INT_NONE ) { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; $this->options['uniqueName'] = $uniqueName; $this->options['email'] = $email; $this->options['ccEmails'] = $ccEmails; $this->options['status'] = $status; $this->options['verificationCode'] = $verificationCode; $this->options['verificationType'] = $verificationType; $this->options['verificationDocumentSid'] = $verificationDocumentSid; $this->options['extension'] = $extension; $this->options['callDelay'] = $callDelay; } /** * A 64 character string that is a human readable text that describes this resource. * * @param string $friendlyName A 64 character string that is a human readable text that describes this resource. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setFriendlyName(string $friendlyName): self { $this->options['friendlyName'] = $friendlyName; return $this; } /** * Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * * @param string $uniqueName Provides a unique and addressable name to be assigned to this HostedNumberOrder, assigned by the developer, to be optionally used in addition to SID. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setUniqueName(string $uniqueName): self { $this->options['uniqueName'] = $uniqueName; return $this; } /** * Email of the owner of this phone number that is being hosted. * * @param string $email Email of the owner of this phone number that is being hosted. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setEmail(string $email): self { $this->options['email'] = $email; return $this; } /** * Optional. A list of emails that LOA document for this HostedNumberOrder will be carbon copied to. * * @param string[] $ccEmails Optional. A list of emails that LOA document for this HostedNumberOrder will be carbon copied to. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setCcEmails(array $ccEmails): self { $this->options['ccEmails'] = $ccEmails; return $this; } /** * @param string $status * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setStatus(string $status): self { $this->options['status'] = $status; return $this; } /** * A verification code that is given to the user via a phone call to the phone number that is being hosted. * * @param string $verificationCode A verification code that is given to the user via a phone call to the phone number that is being hosted. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setVerificationCode(string $verificationCode): self { $this->options['verificationCode'] = $verificationCode; return $this; } /** * @param string $verificationType * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setVerificationType(string $verificationType): self { $this->options['verificationType'] = $verificationType; return $this; } /** * Optional. The unique sid identifier of the Identity Document that represents the document for verifying ownership of the number to be hosted. Required when VerificationType is phone-bill. * * @param string $verificationDocumentSid Optional. The unique sid identifier of the Identity Document that represents the document for verifying ownership of the number to be hosted. Required when VerificationType is phone-bill. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setVerificationDocumentSid(string $verificationDocumentSid): self { $this->options['verificationDocumentSid'] = $verificationDocumentSid; return $this; } /** * Digits to dial after connecting the verification call. * * @param string $extension Digits to dial after connecting the verification call. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setExtension(string $extension): self { $this->options['extension'] = $extension; return $this; } /** * The number of seconds, between 0 and 60, to delay before initiating the verification call. Defaults to 0. * * @param int $callDelay The number of seconds, between 0 and 60, to delay before initiating the verification call. Defaults to 0. * @return $this Fluent Builder */ public function setCallDelay(int $callDelay): self { $this->options['callDelay'] = $callDelay; return $this; } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString(): string { $options = \http_build_query(Values::of($this->options), '', ' '); return '[Twilio.Preview.HostedNumbers.UpdateHostedNumberOrderOptions ' . $options . ']'; } }