solution = [ ]; $this->uri = '/HostedNumberOrders'; } /** * Create the HostedNumberOrderInstance * * @param string $phoneNumber The number to host in [+E.164]( format * @param bool $smsCapability Used to specify that the SMS capability will be hosted on Twilio's platform. * @param array|Options $options Optional Arguments * @return HostedNumberOrderInstance Created HostedNumberOrderInstance * @throws TwilioException When an HTTP error occurs. */ public function create(string $phoneNumber, bool $smsCapability, array $options = []): HostedNumberOrderInstance { $options = new Values($options); $data = Values::of([ 'PhoneNumber' => $phoneNumber, 'SmsCapability' => Serialize::booleanToString($smsCapability), 'AccountSid' => $options['accountSid'], 'FriendlyName' => $options['friendlyName'], 'UniqueName' => $options['uniqueName'], 'CcEmails' => Serialize::map($options['ccEmails'], function ($e) { return $e; }), 'SmsUrl' => $options['smsUrl'], 'SmsMethod' => $options['smsMethod'], 'SmsFallbackUrl' => $options['smsFallbackUrl'], 'SmsFallbackMethod' => $options['smsFallbackMethod'], 'StatusCallbackUrl' => $options['statusCallbackUrl'], 'StatusCallbackMethod' => $options['statusCallbackMethod'], 'SmsApplicationSid' => $options['smsApplicationSid'], 'AddressSid' => $options['addressSid'], 'Email' => $options['email'], 'VerificationType' => $options['verificationType'], 'VerificationDocumentSid' => $options['verificationDocumentSid'], ]); $payload = $this->version->create('POST', $this->uri, [], $data); return new HostedNumberOrderInstance( $this->version, $payload ); } /** * Reads HostedNumberOrderInstance records from the API as a list. * Unlike stream(), this operation is eager and will load `limit` records into * memory before returning. * * @param array|Options $options Optional Arguments * @param int $limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. read() * guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no * limit * @param mixed $pageSize Number of records to fetch per request, when not set * will use the default value of 50 records. If no * page_size is defined but a limit is defined, read() * will attempt to read the limit with the most * efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) * @return HostedNumberOrderInstance[] Array of results */ public function read(array $options = [], int $limit = null, $pageSize = null): array { return \iterator_to_array($this->stream($options, $limit, $pageSize), false); } /** * Streams HostedNumberOrderInstance records from the API as a generator stream. * This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the * limit * is reached. * The results are returned as a generator, so this operation is memory * efficient. * * @param array|Options $options Optional Arguments * @param int $limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream() * guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no * limit * @param mixed $pageSize Number of records to fetch per request, when not set * will use the default value of 50 records. If no * page_size is defined but a limit is defined, stream() * will attempt to read the limit with the most * efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) * @return Stream stream of results */ public function stream(array $options = [], int $limit = null, $pageSize = null): Stream { $limits = $this->version->readLimits($limit, $pageSize); $page = $this->page($options, $limits['pageSize']); return $this->version->stream($page, $limits['limit'], $limits['pageLimit']); } /** * Retrieve a single page of HostedNumberOrderInstance records from the API. * Request is executed immediately * * @param mixed $pageSize Number of records to return, defaults to 50 * @param string $pageToken PageToken provided by the API * @param mixed $pageNumber Page Number, this value is simply for client state * @return HostedNumberOrderPage Page of HostedNumberOrderInstance */ public function page( array $options = [], $pageSize = Values::NONE, string $pageToken = Values::NONE, $pageNumber = Values::NONE ): HostedNumberOrderPage { $options = new Values($options); $params = Values::of([ 'Status' => $options['status'], 'PhoneNumber' => $options['phoneNumber'], 'IncomingPhoneNumberSid' => $options['incomingPhoneNumberSid'], 'FriendlyName' => $options['friendlyName'], 'UniqueName' => $options['uniqueName'], 'PageToken' => $pageToken, 'Page' => $pageNumber, 'PageSize' => $pageSize, ]); $response = $this->version->page('GET', $this->uri, $params); return new HostedNumberOrderPage($this->version, $response, $this->solution); } /** * Retrieve a specific page of HostedNumberOrderInstance records from the API. * Request is executed immediately * * @param string $targetUrl API-generated URL for the requested results page * @return HostedNumberOrderPage Page of HostedNumberOrderInstance */ public function getPage(string $targetUrl): HostedNumberOrderPage { $response = $this->version->getDomain()->getClient()->request( 'GET', $targetUrl ); return new HostedNumberOrderPage($this->version, $response, $this->solution); } /** * Constructs a HostedNumberOrderContext * * @param string $sid A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this HostedNumberOrder. */ public function getContext( string $sid ): HostedNumberOrderContext { return new HostedNumberOrderContext( $this->version, $sid ); } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString(): string { return '[Twilio.Preview.HostedNumbers.HostedNumberOrderList]'; } }