Connect. If you’re not a platform, the list is empty.
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Collection
public function all($params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->requestCollection('get', '/v1/accounts', $params, $opts);
* Returns a list of capabilities associated with the account. The capabilities are
* returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent capability appearing
* first.
* @param string $parentId
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Collection
public function allCapabilities($parentId, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->requestCollection('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/capabilities', $parentId), $params, $opts);
* List external accounts for an account.
* @param string $parentId
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Collection
public function allExternalAccounts($parentId, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->requestCollection('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/external_accounts', $parentId), $params, $opts);
* Returns a list of people associated with the account’s legal entity. The people
* are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent people appearing
* first.
* @param string $parentId
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Collection
public function allPersons($parentId, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->requestCollection('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/persons', $parentId), $params, $opts);
* With Connect, you can create Stripe accounts for
* your users. To do this, you’ll first need to register your
* platform.
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Account
public function create($params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', '/v1/accounts', $params, $opts);
* Create an external account for a given account.
* @param string $parentId
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\BankAccount|\Stripe\Card
public function createExternalAccount($parentId, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/external_accounts', $parentId), $params, $opts);
* Creates a single-use login link for an Express account to access their Stripe
* dashboard.
* You may only create login links for Express accounts connected to your
* platform.
* @param string $parentId
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\LoginLink
public function createLoginLink($parentId, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/login_links', $parentId), $params, $opts);
* Creates a new person.
* @param string $parentId
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Person
public function createPerson($parentId, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/persons', $parentId), $params, $opts);
* With Connect, you can delete Custom or Express
* accounts you manage.
* Accounts created using test-mode keys can be deleted at any time. Accounts
* created using live-mode keys can only be deleted once all balances are zero.
* If you want to delete your own account, use the account information tab in your
* account settings instead.
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Account
public function delete($id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('delete', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s', $id), $params, $opts);
* Delete a specified external account for a given account.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\BankAccount|\Stripe\Card
public function deleteExternalAccount($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('delete', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/external_accounts/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Deletes an existing person’s relationship to the account’s legal entity. Any
* person with a relationship for an account can be deleted through the API, except
* if the person is the account_opener
. If your integration is using
* the executive
parameter, you cannot delete the only verified
* executive
on file.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Person
public function deletePerson($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('delete', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/persons/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* With Connect, you may flag accounts as suspicious.
* Test-mode Custom and Express accounts can be rejected at any time. Accounts
* created using live-mode keys may only be rejected once all balances are zero.
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Account
public function reject($id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/reject', $id), $params, $opts);
* Retrieves information about the specified Account Capability.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Capability
public function retrieveCapability($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/capabilities/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Retrieve a specified external account for a given account.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\BankAccount|\Stripe\Card
public function retrieveExternalAccount($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/external_accounts/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Retrieves an existing person.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Person
public function retrievePerson($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/persons/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Updates a connected Express or Custom
* account by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not
* provided are left unchanged. Most parameters can be changed only for Custom
* accounts. (These are marked Custom Only below.) Parameters
* marked Custom and Express are supported by both account types.
* To update your own account, use the Dashboard. Refer to our Connect documentation to learn more
* about updating accounts.
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Account
public function update($id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s', $id), $params, $opts);
* Updates an existing Account Capability.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Capability
public function updateCapability($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/capabilities/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Updates the metadata, account holder name, and account holder type of a bank
* account belonging to a Custom
* account, and optionally sets it as the default for its currency. Other bank
* account details are not editable by design.
* You can re-enable a disabled bank account by performing an update call without
* providing any arguments or changes.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\BankAccount|\Stripe\Card
public function updateExternalAccount($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/external_accounts/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Updates an existing person.
* @param string $parentId
* @param string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|\Stripe\Util\RequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Person
public function updatePerson($parentId, $id, $params = null, $opts = null)
return $this->request('post', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s/persons/%s', $parentId, $id), $params, $opts);
* Retrieves the details of an account.
* @param null|string $id
* @param null|array $params
* @param null|array|StripeUtilRequestOptions $opts
* @throws \Stripe\Exception\ApiErrorException if the request fails
* @return \Stripe\Account
public function retrieve($id = null, $params = null, $opts = null)
if (null === $id) {
return $this->request('get', '/v1/account', $params, $opts);
return $this->request('get', $this->buildPath('/v1/accounts/%s', $id), $params, $opts);