get_main_post_type()); $user_post_count = $count_events->publish ?? '0'; // user calendar created $count_calendars = wp_count_posts('mec_calendars'); $user_post_count_c = $count_calendars->publish ?? '0'; // mec location $user_location_count_l = wp_count_terms('mec_location', array( 'hide_empty' => false, 'parent' => 0 )); // mec organizer $user_organizer_count_l = wp_count_terms('mec_organizer', array( 'hide_empty' => false, 'parent' => 0 )); $version = $verify = NULL; if ($this->getPRO()) $mec_license_status = get_option('mec_license_status'); // MEC Database $db = $this->getDB(); // MEC Settings $settings = $this->get_settings(); // MEC Booking Status $booking_status = ($this->getPRO() and isset($settings['booking_status']) and $settings['booking_status']); // Add ChartJS library if ($booking_status) wp_enqueue_script('mec-chartjs-script'); // Whether to show dashboard boxes or not! $box_support = apply_filters('mec_dashboard_box_support', true); $box_stats = apply_filters('mec_dashboard_box_stats', true); ?>
' . esc_html($user_post_count) . '
' . esc_html__('Events', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); ?>' . esc_html($user_post_count_c) . '
' . esc_html__('Shortcodes', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); ?>' . esc_html($user_location_count_l) . '
' . esc_html__('Locations', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); ?>' . esc_html($user_organizer_count_l) . '
' . esc_html__('Organizers', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'); ?>