accountSid = $accountSid; $this->authToken = $authToken; $this->scopes = []; $this->clientName = false; $this->customClaims = []; } /** * If the user of this token should be allowed to accept incoming * connections then configure the TwilioCapability through this method and * specify the client name. * * @param string $clientName * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function allowClientIncoming(string $clientName): void { // clientName must be a non-zero length alphanumeric string if (\preg_match('/\W/', $clientName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Only alphanumeric characters allowed in client name.'); } if ($clientName === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Client name must not be a zero length string.'); } $this->clientName = $clientName; $this->allow('client', 'incoming', ['clientName' => $clientName]); } /** * Allow the user of this token to make outgoing connections. * * @param string $appSid the application to which this token grants access * @param mixed[] $appParams signed parameters that the user of this token * cannot overwrite. */ public function allowClientOutgoing(string $appSid, array $appParams = []): void { $this->allow('client', 'outgoing', [ 'appSid' => $appSid, 'appParams' => \http_build_query($appParams, '', '&') ]); } /** * Allow the user of this token to access their event stream. * * @param mixed[] $filters key/value filters to apply to the event stream */ public function allowEventStream(array $filters = []): void { $this->allow('stream', 'subscribe', [ 'path' => '/2010-04-01/Events', 'params' => \http_build_query($filters, '', '&'), ]); } /** * Allows to set custom claims, which then will be encoded into JWT payload. * * @param string $name * @param string $value */ public function addClaim(string $name, string $value): void { $this->customClaims[$name] = $value; } /** * Generates a new token based on the credentials and permissions that * previously has been granted to this token. * * @param int $ttl the expiration time of the token (in seconds). Default * value is 3600 (1hr) * @return string the newly generated token that is valid for $ttl seconds */ public function generateToken(int $ttl = 3600): string { $payload = \array_merge($this->customClaims, [ 'scope' => [], 'iss' => $this->accountSid, 'exp' => \time() + $ttl, ]); $scopeStrings = []; foreach ($this->scopes as $scope) { if ($scope->privilege === 'outgoing' && $this->clientName) { $scope->params['clientName'] = $this->clientName; } $scopeStrings[] = $scope->toString(); } $payload['scope'] = \implode(' ', $scopeStrings); return JWT::encode($payload, $this->authToken, 'HS256'); } protected function allow(string $service, string $privilege, array $params): void { $this->scopes[] = new ScopeURI($service, $privilege, $params); } }