
5254 lines
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2024-10-15 12:04:03 +02:00
/** no direct access **/
defined('MECEXEC') or die();
* Webnus MEC Import / Export class. Requires PHP >= 5.3 otherwise it doesn't activate
* @author Webnus <>
class MEC_feature_ix extends MEC_base
public $factory;
public $main;
public $db;
public $action;
public $ix;
public $response;
* Facebook App Access Token
* @var string
private $fb_access_token = '';
* Constructor method
* @author Webnus <>
public function __construct()
// Import MEC Factory
$this->factory = $this->getFactory();
// Import MEC Main
$this->main = $this->getMain();
// Import MEC DB
$this->db = $this->getDB();
* Initialize IX feature
* @author Webnus <>
public function init()
// Disable Import / Export Feature if autoload feature is not exists
if(!function_exists('spl_autoload_register')) return;
$this->factory->action('admin_menu', array($this, 'menus'), 20);
// Import APIs
$this->factory->action('init', array($this, 'include_google_api'));
$this->factory->action('init', array($this, 'include_meetup_api'));
// MEC IX Action
$mec_ix_action = isset($_GET['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['mec-ix-action']) : '';
// Export All Events
if($mec_ix_action == 'export-events') $this->factory->action('init', array($this, 'export_all_events_do'), 9999);
elseif($mec_ix_action == 'export-bookings') $this->factory->action('init', array($this, 'export_all_bookings_do'), 9999);
elseif($mec_ix_action == 'google-calendar-export-get-token') $this->factory->action('init', array($this, 'g_calendar_export_get_token'), 9999);
// AJAX Actions
$this->factory->action('wp_ajax_mec_ix_add_to_g_calendar', array($this, 'g_calendar_export_do'));
$this->factory->action('wp_ajax_mec_ix_g_calendar_authenticate', array($this, 'g_calendar_export_authenticate'));
// Import XML File
$this->factory->action('mec_import_file', array($this, 'import_do'));
// Third Party Plugins
$this->factory->action('wp_ajax_mec_ix_thirdparty_import', array($this, 'thirdparty_import_do'));
* Import Google API libraries
* @author Webnus <>
public function include_google_api()
if(class_exists('Google_Service_Calendar')) return;
MEC::import('app.api.Google.autoload', false);
* Import Meetup API libraries
* @author Webnus <>
public function include_meetup_api()
if(class_exists('Meetup')) return;
MEC::import('app.api.Meetup.meetup', false);
* Add the IX menu
* @author Webnus <>
public function menus()
$capability = (current_user_can('administrator') ? 'manage_options' : 'mec_import_export');
add_submenu_page('mec-intro', esc_html__('MEC - Import / Export', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), esc_html__('Import / Export', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), $capability, 'MEC-ix', array($this, 'ix'));
* Show content of Import / Export Menu
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix()
$tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['tab']) : '';
if($tab == 'MEC-export') $this->ix_export();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-sync') $this->ix_sync();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-g-calendar-export') $this->ix_g_calendar_export();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-f-calendar-import') $this->ix_f_calendar_import();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-meetup-import') $this->ix_meetup_import();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-import') $this->ix_import();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-thirdparty') $this->ix_thirdparty();
elseif($tab == 'MEC-test-data') $this->ix_test_data();
else $this->ix_g_calendar_import();
* Show content of export tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_export()
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.export', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
* Show content of export tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_sync()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : '';
$this->ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
if($this->action == 'save-sync-options')
// Save options
'sync_g_import'=> $this->ix['sync_g_import'] ?? 0,
'sync_g_import_auto'=> $this->ix['sync_g_import_auto'] ?? 0,
'sync_g_export'=> $this->ix['sync_g_export'] ?? 0,
'sync_g_export_auto'=> $this->ix['sync_g_export_auto'] ?? 0,
'sync_g_export_attendees'=> $this->ix['sync_g_export_attendees'] ?? 0,
'sync_f_import'=> $this->ix['sync_f_import'] ?? 0,
'sync_meetup_import'=> $this->ix['sync_meetup_import'] ?? 0,
'sync_meetup_import_auto'=> $this->ix['sync_meetup_import_auto'] ?? 0,
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.sync', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
* Show content of import tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_import()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : '';
$this->ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
$this->response = [];
$nonce = (isset($_POST['_wpnonce']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['_wpnonce']) : '');
if(wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'mec_import_start_upload'))
if(in_array($this->action, array('import-start-xml', 'import-start-ics'))) $this->response = $this->import_start();
elseif($this->action == 'import-start-bookings') $this->response = $this->import_start_bookings();
elseif(!empty($this->action)) $this->response = apply_filters('mec_import_item_action', array(), $this->action);
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.import', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
public function import_start_bookings()
$feed_file = $_FILES['feed'];
// File is not uploaded
if(!isset($feed_file['name']) or trim($feed_file['name']) == '') return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__('Please upload a CSV file.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// File name validation
$name_ex = explode('.', $feed_file['name']);
$name_end = end($name_ex);
if($name_end != 'csv') return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__('Please upload a CSV file.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// Upload the File
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$target_path = $upload_dir['basedir'].'/'.basename($feed_file['name']);
$uploaded = move_uploaded_file($feed_file['tmp_name'], $target_path);
// Error on Upload
if(!$uploaded) return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__("An error occurred during the file upload! Please check permissions!", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
if($type = mime_content_type($target_path) and $type == 'text/x-php')
return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__("Please upload a CSV file.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
$bookings = [];
if(($h = fopen($target_path, 'r')) !== false)
// MEC Libraries
$gateway = new MEC_gateway();
$book = $this->getBook();
$delimiters = [";" => 0, "," => 0, "\t" => 0, "|" => 0];
$first = fgets($h);
foreach ($delimiters as $delimiter => &$count) {
$count = count(str_getcsv($first, $delimiter));
$separator = array_search(max($delimiters), $delimiters);
$r = 0;
while(($data = fgetcsv($h, 1000, $separator)) !== false)
$booking_id = $data[0];
if($r === 1 and !is_numeric($booking_id)) continue;
$event_title = $data[1];
$event_id = post_exists($event_title, '', '', $this->main->get_main_post_type());
// Event not Found
if(!$event_id) continue;
$tickets = get_post_meta($event_id, 'mec_tickets', true);
if(!is_array($tickets)) $tickets = [];
$ticket_id = NULL;
$ticket_name = $data[6];
foreach($tickets as $tid => $ticket)
if(strtolower($ticket['name']) == strtolower($ticket_name))
$ticket_id = $tid;
// Ticket ID not found!
if(is_null($ticket_id)) continue;
$transaction_id = $data[7];
// Transaction Exists
$transaction_exists = $book->get_transaction($transaction_id);
if(is_array($transaction_exists) and count($transaction_exists)) continue;
$start_datetime = $data[2];
$end_datetime = $data[3];
$name = $data[10];
$email = $data[11];
$confirmed_label = $data[13];
if($confirmed_label == esc_html__('Confirmed', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')) $confirmed = 1;
elseif($confirmed_label == esc_html__('Rejected', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')) $confirmed = -1;
else $confirmed = 0;
$verified_label = $data[14];
if($verified_label == esc_html__('Verified', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')) $verified = 1;
elseif($verified_label == esc_html__('Canceled', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')) $verified = -1;
else $verified = 0;
$other_dates_str = $data[15] ?? '';
$other_dates = [];
$other_dates_ex1 = explode("\n", $other_dates_str);
foreach($other_dates_ex1 as $other_date_ex1)
$other_date_ex2 = explode(' -> ', trim($other_date_ex1));
$other_dates[] = strtotime($other_date_ex2[0]).':'.strtotime($other_date_ex2[1]);
$main_date = strtotime($start_datetime).':'.strtotime($end_datetime);
$all_dates = [];
if(count($other_dates)) $all_dates = array_merge(array($main_date), $other_dates);
$ticket_variations = explode(',', $data[12]);
$variations = $this->main->ticket_variations($event_id, $ticket_id);
$v = [];
foreach($variations as $vid => $variation)
foreach($ticket_variations as $ticket_variation)
$variation_ex = explode(':', $ticket_variation);
if(!isset($variation_ex[1])) continue;
$variation_name = $variation_ex[0];
$variation_count = trim($variation_ex[1], '() ');
if(strtolower($variation['title']) == strtolower($variation_name))
$v[$vid] = $variation_count;
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id])) $bookings[$transaction_id] = array('tickets' => array());
$bookings[$transaction_id]['tickets'][] = array(
'email' => $email,
'name' => $name,
'variations' => $v,
'id' => $ticket_id,
'count' => 1
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id]['date'])) $bookings[$transaction_id]['date'] = $main_date;
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id]['other_dates'])) $bookings[$transaction_id]['other_dates'] = $other_dates;
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id]['all_dates'])) $bookings[$transaction_id]['all_dates'] = $all_dates;
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id]['event_id'])) $bookings[$transaction_id]['event_id'] = $event_id;
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id]['confirmed'])) $bookings[$transaction_id]['confirmed'] = $confirmed;
if(!isset($bookings[$transaction_id]['verified'])) $bookings[$transaction_id]['verified'] = $verified;
// MEC User
$u = $this->getUser();
foreach($bookings as $transaction_id => $transaction)
$event_id = $transaction['event_id'];
$tickets = $transaction['tickets'];
$event_tickets = get_post_meta($event_id, 'mec_tickets', true);
if(!is_array($event_tickets)) $event_tickets = [];
$raw_tickets = [];
$raw_variations = [];
foreach($tickets as $ticket)
if(!isset($raw_tickets[$ticket['id']])) $raw_tickets[$ticket['id']] = 1;
else $raw_tickets[$ticket['id']] += 1;
if(isset($ticket['variations']) and is_array($ticket['variations']) and count($ticket['variations']))
// Variations Per Ticket
if(!isset($raw_variations[$ticket['id']])) $raw_variations[$ticket['id']] = [];
foreach($ticket['variations'] as $variation_id => $variation_count)
if(!trim($variation_count)) continue;
if(!isset($raw_variations[$ticket['id']][$variation_id])) $raw_variations[$ticket['id']][$variation_id] = $variation_count;
else $raw_variations[$ticket['id']][$variation_id] += $variation_count;
$attention_date = $transaction['date'] ?? '';
$attention_times = explode(':', $attention_date);
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', trim($attention_times[0]));
$other_dates = (isset($transaction['other_dates']) and is_array($transaction['other_dates'])) ? $transaction['other_dates'] : [];
$all_dates = (isset($transaction['all_dates']) and is_array($transaction['all_dates'])) ? $transaction['all_dates'] : [];
$timestamps = (isset($transaction['timestamps']) and is_array($transaction['timestamps'])) ? $transaction['timestamps'] : array($attention_date);
// Calculate price of bookings
$price_details = $book->get_price_details($raw_tickets, $event_id, $event_tickets, $raw_variations, $timestamps);
$transaction['all_dates'] = $all_dates;
$transaction['other_dates'] = $other_dates;
$transaction['timestamps'] = $timestamps;
$transaction['price_details'] = $price_details;
$transaction['total'] = $price_details['total'];
$transaction['discount'] = 0;
$transaction['price'] = $price_details['total'];
$transaction['payable'] = $price_details['payable'];
$transaction['coupon'] = NULL;
update_option($transaction_id, $transaction, false);
$attendees = $transaction['tickets'] ?? [];
$main_attendee = $attendees[0] ?? [];
$name = $main_attendee['name'] ?? '';
$ticket_ids = '';
$attendees_info = [];
foreach($attendees as $i => $attendee)
if(!is_numeric($i)) continue;
$ticket_ids .= $attendee['id'] . ',';
if(!array_key_exists($attendee['email'], $attendees_info)) $attendees_info[$attendee['email']] = array('count' => $attendee['count']);
else $attendees_info[$attendee['email']]['count'] = ($attendees_info[$attendee['email']]['count'] + $attendee['count']);
$ticket_ids = ',' . trim($ticket_ids, ', ') . ',';
$user_id = $gateway->register_user($main_attendee);
$book_subject = $name.' - '.($main_attendee['email'] ?? $u->get($user_id)->user_email);
$book_id = $book->add(
'post_author' => $user_id,
'post_type' => $this->main->get_book_post_type(),
'post_title' => $book_subject,
'post_date' => $date,
'attendees_info' => $attendees_info,
'mec_attendees' => $attendees,
'mec_gateway' => 'MEC_gateway',
'mec_gateway_label' => $gateway->title()
// Assign User
$u->assign($book_id, $user_id);
update_post_meta($book_id, 'mec_confirmed', $transaction['confirmed']);
update_post_meta($book_id, 'mec_verified', $transaction['verified']);
// Delete File
return array('success' => (count($bookings) ? 1 : 0), 'message' => (count($bookings) ? esc_html__('The bookings are imported successfully!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite') : esc_html__('No bookings found to import!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')));
public function import_start()
$feed_file = $_FILES['feed'];
// File is not uploaded
if(!isset($feed_file['name']) or trim($feed_file['name']) == '') return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__('Please upload the feed file.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// File name validation
$ex = explode('.', $feed_file['name']);
$name_end = end($ex);
if(!in_array($name_end, array('xml', 'ics'))) return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__('Please upload an XML or an ICS file.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// File Type is not valid
if(!isset($feed_file['type']) or !in_array(strtolower($feed_file['type']), array('text/xml', 'text/calendar'))) return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__('The file type should be XML or ICS.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// Upload the File
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$target_path = $upload_dir['basedir'].'/'.basename($feed_file['name']);
$uploaded = move_uploaded_file($feed_file['tmp_name'], $target_path);
// Error on Upload
if(!$uploaded) return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__("An error occurred during the file upload! Please check permissions!", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
if($type = mime_content_type($target_path) and $type == 'text/x-php')
return array('success' => 0, 'message' => esc_html__("Please upload an XML or an ICS file.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
if($type === 'text/calendar' and is_string($this->main->parse_ics($target_path)))
return array('success' => 0, 'message' => sprintf(__("The ICS file is not valid. Reported Error: %s", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), '<strong>'.$this->main->parse_ics($target_path).'</strong>'));
// Import
do_action('mec_import_file', $target_path);
// Delete File
return array('success' => 1, 'message' => esc_html__('The events are imported successfully!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
public function import_do($feed)
// Increase the resources
@ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$file = $this->getFile();
$extension = $file->getExt($feed);
* @var MEC_db $db
$db = $this->getDB();
* @var MEC_main $main
$main = $this->getMain();
// Settings
$settings = $main->get_settings();
// WP Upload Path
$wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$posts = [];
if(strtolower($extension) == 'xml')
$xml_string = str_replace(':i:', 'iii', $file->read($feed));
$xml_string = str_replace(':fi:', 'fif', $xml_string);
$xml_string = str_replace(':v:', 'vvv', $xml_string);
$XML = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
if($XML === false) return false;
foreach($XML->children() as $event)
$feed_event_id = (int) $event->ID;
// Event Data
$meta = $event->meta;
$mec = $event->mec;
// Event location
$location = ($event->locations ? $event->locations->item[0] : NULL);
$location_id = ($location and isset($location->name)) ? $main->save_location(array
'name'=>trim((string) $location->name),
'address'=>(string) $location->address,
'latitude'=>(string) $location->latitude,
'longitude'=>(string) $location->longitude,
'thumbnail'=>(string) $location->thumbnail
)) : 1;
// Event Organizer
$organizer = ($event->organizers ? $event->organizers->item[0] : NULL);
$organizer_id = ($organizer and isset($organizer->name)) ? $main->save_organizer(array
'name'=>trim((string) $organizer->name),
'email'=>(string) $organizer->email,
'tel'=>(string) $organizer->tel,
'url'=>(string) $organizer->url,
'thumbnail'=>(string) $organizer->thumbnail
)) : 1;
// Event Categories
$category_ids = [];
foreach($event->categories->children() as $category)
$category_id = $main->save_category(array
'name'=>trim((string) $category->name),
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Tags
$tag_ids = [];
foreach($event->tags->children() as $tag)
$tag_id = $main->save_tag(array
'name'=>trim((string) $tag->name),
if($tag_id) $tag_ids[] = $tag_id;
// Event Labels
$label_ids = [];
foreach($event->labels->children() as $label)
$label_id = $main->save_label(array
'name'=>trim((string) $label->name),
'color'=>(string) $label->color,
if($label_id) $label_ids[] = $label_id;
// Event Speakers
$speaker_ids = [];
foreach($event->speakers->children() as $speaker)
$speaker_id = $main->save_speaker(array
'name'=>trim((string) $speaker->name),
'job_title'=>(string) (isset($speaker->job_title) ? $speaker->job_title : ''),
'tel'=>(string) (isset($speaker->tel) ? $speaker->tel : ''),
'email'=>(string) (isset($speaker->email) ? $speaker->email : ''),
'facebook'=>(string) (isset($speaker->facebook) ? $speaker->facebook : ''),
'twitter'=>(string) (isset($speaker->twitter) ? $speaker->twitter : ''),
'instagram'=>(string) (isset($speaker->instagram) ? $speaker->instagram : ''),
'linkedin'=>(string) (isset($speaker->linkedin) ? $speaker->linkedin : ''),
'website'=>(string) (isset($speaker->website) ? $speaker->website : ''),
'thumbnail'=>(string) (isset($speaker->thumbnail) ? $speaker->thumbnail : ''),
if($speaker_id) $speaker_ids[] = $speaker_id;
// Event Sponsors
$sponsor_ids = [];
if(isset($event->sponsors) and isset($settings['sponsors_status']) and $settings['sponsors_status'])
foreach($event->sponsors->children() as $sponsor)
$sponsor_id = $main->save_sponsor(array
'name'=>trim((string) $sponsor->name),
'link'=>(string) (isset($sponsor->link) ? $sponsor->link : ''),
'logo'=>(string) (isset($sponsor->logo) ? $sponsor->logo : ''),
if($sponsor_id) $sponsor_ids[] = $sponsor_id;
// Start
$start_date = (string) $meta->mec_date->start->date;
$start_hour = (int) $meta->mec_date->start->hour;
$start_minutes = (int) $meta->mec_date->start->minutes;
$start_ampm = (string) $meta->mec_date->start->ampm;
// End
$end_date = (string) $meta->mec_date->end->date;
$end_hour = (int) $meta->mec_date->end->hour;
$end_minutes = (int) $meta->mec_date->end->minutes;
$end_ampm = (string) $meta->mec_date->end->ampm;
// Time Options
$allday = (int) $meta->mec_date->allday;
$time_comment = (string) $meta->mec_date->comment;
$hide_time = (int) $meta->mec_date->hide_time;
$hide_end_time = (int) $meta->mec_date->hide_end_time;
// Repeat Options
$repeat_status = (int) $meta->mec_repeat_status;
$repeat_type = (string) $meta->mec_repeat_type;
$repeat_interval = (int) $meta->mec_repeat_interval;
$finish = (string) $mec->end;
$year = (string) $mec->year;
$month = (string) $mec->month;
$day = (string) $mec->day;
$week = (string) $mec->week;
$weekday = (string) $mec->weekday;
$weekdays = (string) $mec->weekdays;
$days = (string) $mec->days;
$not_in_days = (string) $mec->not_in_days;
$additional_organizer_ids = [];
foreach($meta->mec_additional_organizer_ids->children() as $o)
$additional_organizer_ids[] = (int) $o;
$hourly_schedules = [];
foreach($meta->mec_hourly_schedules->children() as $s)
$hourly_schedules[] = array
'from' => (string) $s->from,
'to' => (string) $s->to,
'title' => (string) $s->title,
'description' => (string) $s->description,
$tickets = [];
foreach($meta->mec_tickets->children() as $t)
$tickets[] = array
'name' => (string) $t->name,
'description' => (string) $t->description,
'price' => (string) $t->price,
'price_label' => (string) $t->price_label,
'limit' => (string) $t->limit,
'unlimited' => (int) $t->unlimited,
$fees = [];
foreach($meta->mec_fees->children() as $f)
if($f->getName() !== 'item') continue;
$fees[] = array
'title' => (string) $f->title,
'amount' => (string) $f->amount,
'type' => (string) $f->type,
$reg_fields = [];
foreach($meta->mec_reg_fields->children() as $r)
if($r->getName() !== 'item') continue;
$options = [];
foreach($r->options->children() as $o) $options[] = (string) $o->label;
$reg_fields[] = array
'mandatory' => (int) $r->mandatory,
'type' => (string) $r->type,
'label' => (string) $r->label,
'options' => $options,
$advanced_days = [];
foreach($meta->mec_advanced_days->children() as $t)
$advanced_days[] = (string) $t;
// Event Fields
$event_fields = [];
// Global Fields
$global_fields = $this->main->get_event_fields();
if(!is_array($global_fields)) $global_fields = [];
foreach($event->fields->children() as $field)
$field_id = isset($field->id) ? (int) $field->id : NULL;
if(!$field_id) continue;
$field_type = isset($field->type) ? (string) $field->type : NULL;
if(!$field_type) continue;
$field_val = isset($field->value) ? (string) $field->value : NULL;
if(!$field_val) continue;
$global_field = ($global_fields[$field_id] ?? NULL);
if(!$global_field) continue;
if(!is_array($global_field) or (is_array($global_field) and !isset($global_field['type'])) or (is_array($global_field) and isset($global_field['type']) and $global_field['type'] !== $field_type)) continue;
if(in_array($field_type, array('checkbox')))
$raw_field_value = explode(',', trim($field_val, ', '));
$field_value = [];
foreach($raw_field_value as $field_k => $field_v)
if(trim($field_v) !== '') $field_value[] = trim($field_v);
else $field_value = $field_val;
$event_fields[$field_id] = $field_value;
$args = array
'title'=> (string) $event->title,
'content'=> (string) $event->content,
'status'=> (string) ($event->post ? $event->post->post_status : 'publish'),
'mec_dont_show_map'=> (int) $meta->mec_dont_show_map,
'mec_color'=> (string) $meta->mec_color,
'mec_read_more'=> (string) $meta->mec_read_more,
'mec_more_info'=> (string) $meta->mec_more_info,
'mec_more_info_title'=> (string) $meta->mec_more_info_title,
'mec_more_info_target'=> (string) $meta->mec_more_info_target,
'mec_cost'=> (string) $meta->mec_cost,
'mec_additional_organizer_ids' =>$additional_organizer_ids,
'status' => (int) $meta->mec_repeat->status,
'type' => (string) $meta->mec_repeat->type,
'interval' => (int) $meta->mec_repeat->interval,
'end' => (string) $meta->mec_repeat->end,
'end_at_date' => (string) $meta->mec_repeat->end_at_date,
'end_at_occurrences' => (string) $meta->mec_repeat->end_at_occurrences,
'mec_repeat_end'=> (string) $meta->mec_repeat_end,
'mec_repeat_end_at_occurrences'=> (string) $meta->mec_repeat_end_at_occurrences,
'mec_repeat_end_at_date'=> (string) $meta->mec_repeat_end_at_date,
'mec_in_days'=> (string) $meta->mec_in_days,
'mec_not_in_days'=> (string) $meta->mec_not_in_days,
'bookings_limit_unlimited' => (int) $meta->mec_booking->bookings_limit_unlimited,
'bookings_limit' => (int) $meta->mec_booking->bookings_limit,
'mec_fees_global_inheritance'=> (int) $meta->mec_fees_global_inheritance,
'mec_reg_fields_global_inheritance'=> (int) $meta->mec_reg_fields_global_inheritance,
$post_id = $db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$feed_event_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_feed_event_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Add it to the imported posts
$posts[] = $post_id;
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set tags to the post
if(count($tag_ids)) foreach($tag_ids as $tag_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $tag_id, apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', ''), true);
// Set labels to the post
if(count($label_ids)) foreach($label_ids as $label_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $label_id, 'mec_label', true);
// Set speakers to the post
if(count($speaker_ids)) foreach($speaker_ids as $speaker_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $speaker_id, 'mec_speaker', true);
// Set sponsors to the post
if(count($sponsor_ids)) foreach($sponsor_ids as $sponsor_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $sponsor_id, 'mec_sponsor', true);
// Featured Image
$featured_image = isset($event->featured_image) ? (string) $event->featured_image->full : '';
if(!has_post_thumbnail($post_id) and trim($featured_image))
$file_name = basename($featured_image);
$path = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['path'], DS.' ').DS.$file_name;
$url = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['url'], '/ ').'/'.$file_name;
// Download Image
$buffer = $main->get_web_page($featured_image);
$file->write($path, $buffer);
$main->set_featured_image($url, $post_id);
elseif(strtolower($extension) == 'ics')
$parsed = $main->parse_ics($feed);
// ics file not valid
if(is_string($parsed)) return $posts;
$calendar_timezone = $parsed->calendarTimeZone();
// Timezone
$timezone = $main->get_timezone();
$events = $parsed->events();
foreach($events as $event)
$feed_event_id = $event->uid;
// Event location
$location = $event->location;
$location_id = $location && trim($location) ? $main->save_location(array
'name'=>trim((string) $location),
)) : 1;
// Event Organizer
$organizer = $event->organizer_array ?? [];
$organizer_id = (isset($organizer[0]) and isset($organizer[0]['CN'])) ? $main->save_organizer(array
'name'=>trim((string) $organizer[0]['CN']),
'email'=>(string) str_replace('MAILTO:', '', $organizer[1]),
)) : 1;
// Event Categories
$category_ids = [];
if(isset($event->categories) and trim($event->categories))
$cats = explode(',', $event->categories);
foreach($cats as $category)
$category_id = $main->save_category(array
'name'=>trim((string) $category),
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Timezone
$event_timezone = $timezone;
$ics_timezone = NULL;
if(isset($event->dtstart_array) and isset($event->dtstart_array[0]) and isset($event->dtstart_array[0]['TZID'])) $ics_timezone = $event->dtstart_array[0]['TZID'];
$allday_event = ((isset($event->dtstart_array, $event->dtstart_array[0], $event->dtstart_array[0]['VALUE']) and $event->dtstart_array[0]['VALUE'] === 'DATE') and (isset($event->dtend_array, $event->dtend_array[0], $event->dtend_array[0]['VALUE']) and $event->dtend_array[0]['VALUE'] === 'DATE'));
$start_datetime = $event->dtstart;
$not_in_days = NULL;
// ICS file has Timezone for event
$date_start = new DateTime($start_datetime, new DateTimeZone($ics_timezone));
$event_timezone = $ics_timezone;
$date_end = NULL;
$end_timestamp = isset($event->dtend) ? strtotime($event->dtend) : 0;
$end_datetime = $event->dtend;
$date_end = new DateTime($end_datetime, new DateTimeZone($ics_timezone));
// Excluded Dates
if(isset($event->exdate) and trim($event->exdate))
$ex_dates = explode(',', $event->exdate);
$not_in_days = '';
foreach($ex_dates as $ex_date)
$exd = new DateTime($ex_date, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$exd->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($ics_timezone));
$not_in_days .= $exd->format('Y-m-d').',';
$not_in_days = trim($not_in_days, ', ');
// Consider UTC as default timezone
$cal_tz = 'UTC';
if(trim($calendar_timezone)) $cal_tz = $calendar_timezone;
if(isset($event->dtstart_tz) and !$allday_event) $start_datetime = $event->dtstart_tz;
$date_start = new DateTime($start_datetime, new DateTimeZone($cal_tz));
$date_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event_timezone));
$date_end = NULL;
$end_timestamp = isset($event->dtend) ? strtotime($event->dtend) : 0;
$end_datetime = $event->dtend;
if(isset($event->dtend_tz) and !$allday_event) $end_datetime = $event->dtend_tz;
$date_end = new DateTime($end_datetime, new DateTimeZone($cal_tz));
$date_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event_timezone));
// Excluded Dates
if(isset($event->exdate) and trim($event->exdate))
$ex_dates = explode(',', $event->exdate);
$not_in_days = '';
foreach($ex_dates as $ex_date)
$exd = new DateTime($ex_date, new DateTimeZone($cal_tz));
$exd->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($event_timezone));
$not_in_days .= $exd->format('Y-m-d').',';
$not_in_days = trim($not_in_days, ', ');
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
$end_date = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('Y-m-d') : $start_date;
$end_hour = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('g') : 8;
$end_minutes = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('i') : '00';
$end_ampm = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('A') : 'PM';
// Time Options
$allday = 0;
$time_comment = '';
$hide_time = 0;
$hide_end_time = 0;
if($start_hour === '12' and $start_minutes === '00' and $start_ampm === 'AM' and $end_hour === '12' and $end_minutes === '00' and $end_ampm === 'AM')
$allday = 1;
$start_hour = 0;
$start_minutes = 0;
$start_ampm = 'AM';
$end_hour = 11;
$end_minutes = 55;
$end_ampm = 'PM';
$diff = $this->main->date_diff($start_date, $end_date);
if(($diff ? $diff->days : 0) > 1)
$date_end->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
// Repeat Options
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$repeat_interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$repeat_count = NULL;
$advanced_days = NULL;
// Recurring Event
$rrule = (isset($event->rrule) and trim($event->rrule)) ? $event->rrule : '';
if(trim($rrule) != '')
$ex1 = explode(';', $rrule);
$rule = [];
foreach($ex1 as $r)
$ex2 = explode('=', $r);
$rrule_key = strtolower($ex2[0]);
$rrule_value = ($rrule_key == 'until' ? $ex2[1] : strtolower($ex2[1]));
$rule[$rrule_key] = $rrule_value;
if(isset($rule['count']) and is_numeric($rule['count'])) $repeat_count = max($rule['count'], 0);
$repeat_status = 1;
if($rule['freq'] == 'daily')
$repeat_type = 'daily';
$repeat_interval = $rule['interval'] ?? 1;
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'weekly')
$repeat_type = 'weekly';
$repeat_interval = isset($rule['interval']) ? $rule['interval']*7 : 7;
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'monthly' and isset($rule['byday']) and trim($rule['byday']))
$repeat_type = 'advanced';
$adv_week = (isset($rule['bysetpos']) and trim($rule['bysetpos']) != '') ? $rule['bysetpos'] : (int) substr($rule['byday'], 0, -2);
$adv_day = str_replace($adv_week, '', $rule['byday']);
$mec_adv_day = 'Sat';
if($adv_day == 'su') $mec_adv_day = 'Sun';
elseif($adv_day == 'mo') $mec_adv_day = 'Mon';
elseif($adv_day == 'tu') $mec_adv_day = 'Tue';
elseif($adv_day == 'we') $mec_adv_day = 'Wed';
elseif($adv_day == 'th') $mec_adv_day = 'Thu';
elseif($adv_day == 'fr') $mec_adv_day = 'Fri';
if($adv_week < 0) $adv_week = 'l';
$advanced_days = array($mec_adv_day.'.'.$adv_week);
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'monthly')
$repeat_type = 'monthly';
$year = '*';
$month = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
$repeat_interval = $rule['interval'] ?? 1;
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'yearly')
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$month = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_months)).',';
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
// Custom Week Days
if($repeat_type == 'weekly' and isset($rule['byday']) and count(explode(',', $rule['byday'])) > 1)
$g_week_days = explode(',', $rule['byday']);
$week_day_mapping = array('mo'=>1, 'tu'=>2, 'we'=>3, 'th'=>4, 'fr'=>5, 'sa'=>6, 'su'=>7);
$weekdays = '';
foreach($g_week_days as $g_week_day) $weekdays .= $week_day_mapping[$g_week_day].',';
$weekdays = ','.trim($weekdays, ', ').',';
$repeat_interval = NULL;
$repeat_type = 'certain_weekdays';
$finish = isset($rule['until']) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rule['until'])) : NULL;
$additional_organizer_ids = [];
$hourly_schedules = [];
$tickets = [];
$fees = [];
$reg_fields = [];
$args = array
'title' => (string) $event->summary,
'content' => (string) $event->description,
'location_id' => $location_id,
'organizer_id' => $organizer_id,
'date' => array
'start' => array(
'date' => $start_date,
'hour' => $start_hour,
'minutes' => $start_minutes,
'ampm' => $start_ampm,
'end' => array(
'date' => $end_date,
'hour' => $end_hour,
'minutes' => $end_minutes,
'ampm' => $end_ampm,
'repeat' => array(),
'allday' => $allday,
'comment' => $time_comment,
'hide_time' => $hide_time,
'hide_end_time' => $hide_end_time,
'start' => $start_date,
'start_time_hour' => $start_hour,
'start_time_minutes' => $start_minutes,
'start_time_ampm' => $start_ampm,
'end' => $end_date,
'end_time_hour' => $end_hour,
'end_time_minutes' => $end_minutes,
'end_time_ampm' => $end_ampm,
'year' => $year,
'month' => $month,
'day' => $day,
'week' => $week,
'weekday' => $weekday,
'weekdays' => $weekdays,
'days' => $days,
'not_in_days' => $not_in_days,
'meta' => array
'mec_source' => 'ics-calendar',
'mec_feed_event_id' => $feed_event_id,
'mec_dont_show_map' => 0,
'mec_additional_organizer_ids' => $additional_organizer_ids,
'mec_allday' => $allday,
'mec_hide_time' => $hide_time,
'mec_hide_end_time' => $hide_end_time,
'mec_comment' => $time_comment,
'mec_in_days'=> $days,
'mec_not_in_days'=> $not_in_days,
'mec_hourly_schedules' => $hourly_schedules,
'mec_tickets' => $tickets,
'mec_fees_global_inheritance' => 1,
'mec_fees' => $fees,
'mec_reg_fields_global_inheritance' => 1,
'mec_reg_fields' => $reg_fields,
'mec_timezone' => ($event_timezone === $timezone ? 'global' : $event_timezone),
$post_id = $db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$feed_event_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_feed_event_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Add it to the imported posts
$posts[] = $post_id;
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Featured Image
$featured_image = isset($event->attach) ? (string) $event->attach : '';
if(!has_post_thumbnail($post_id) and trim($featured_image))
$file_name = basename($featured_image);
$path = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['path'], DS.' ').DS.$file_name;
$url = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['url'], '/ ').'/'.$file_name;
// Download Image
$buffer = $main->get_web_page($featured_image);
$file->write($path, $buffer);
$main->set_featured_image($url, $post_id);
return $posts;
* Show content of test data tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_test_data()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : '';
$this->ix = (isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : [];
$this->response = [];
if($this->action == 'test-data-generation-start') $this->response = $this->generate_test_data();
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.test_data', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
public function generate_test_data()
$number = isset($_POST['number']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['number']) : 10;
$category_method = isset($_POST['category']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['category']) : '';
$tag_method = isset($_POST['tag']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['tag']) : '';
$organizer_method = isset($_POST['organizer']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['organizer']) : '';
$location_method = isset($_POST['location']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['location']) : '';
$category_id = $tag_id = $organizer_id = $location_id = null;
$tag_taxonomy = apply_filters('mec_taxonomy_tag', '');
if($category_method && $category_method === 'random') $category_id = $this->select_random_term('mec_category');
else if($category_method && $category_method === 'generate') $category_id = $this->generate_random_term('mec_category');
else if($category_method) $category_id = (int) $category_method;
if($tag_method && $tag_method === 'random') $tag_id = $this->select_random_term($tag_taxonomy);
else if($tag_method && $tag_method === 'generate') $tag_id = $this->generate_random_term($tag_taxonomy);
else if($tag_method) $tag_id = (int) $tag_method;
if($organizer_method && $organizer_method === 'random') $organizer_id = $this->select_random_term('mec_organizer');
else if($organizer_method && $organizer_method === 'generate') $organizer_id = $this->generate_random_term('mec_organizer');
else if($organizer_method) $organizer_id = (int) $organizer_method;
if($location_method && $location_method === 'random') $location_id = $this->select_random_term('mec_location');
else if($location_method && $location_method === 'generate') $location_id = $this->generate_random_term('mec_location');
else if($location_method) $location_id = (int) $location_method;
// Generate Events
for($i = 1; $i <= $number; $i++)
$chars = str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
$name = ucfirst(substr($chars, 0, rand(6, 10)));
$start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.rand(2, 30).' days'));
$start_hour = 8;
$start_minutes = 0;
$start_ampm = 'AM';
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.rand(0, 3).' days', strtotime($start_date)));
$end_hour = 6;
$end_minutes = 0;
$end_ampm = 'PM';
$event_id = $this->main->save_event([
'title' => sprintf(esc_html__('%s - Test Event', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), $name),
'location_id' => $location_id,
'organizer_id' => $organizer_id,
'date' => [
'start' => [
'date' => $start_date,
'hour' => $start_hour,
'minutes' => $start_minutes,
'ampm' => $start_ampm,
'end' => [
'date' => $end_date,
'hour' => $end_hour,
'minutes' => $end_minutes,
'ampm' => $end_ampm,
'repeat' => [],
'allday' => 0,
'comment' => '',
'hide_time' => 0,
'hide_end_time' => 0,
'start' => $start_date,
'start_time_hour' => $start_hour,
'start_time_minutes' => $start_minutes,
'start_time_ampm' => $start_ampm,
'end' => $end_date,
'end_time_hour' => $end_hour,
'end_time_minutes' => $end_minutes,
'end_time_ampm' => $end_ampm,
'repeat_status' => 0,
'repeat_type' => '',
'interval' => null,
'finish' => $end_date,
'year' => null,
'month' => null,
'day' => null,
'week' => null,
'weekday' => null,
'weekdays' => null,
'meta' => [
'mec_source' => 'mec-random',
'mec_allday' => 0,
'mec_advanced_days' => null,
// Set terms
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($event_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($event_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
if($category_id) wp_set_object_terms($event_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category');
if($tag_id) wp_set_object_terms($event_id, (int) $tag_id, $tag_taxonomy);
if($category_method && $category_method === 'random') $category_id = $this->select_random_term('mec_category');
if($tag_method && $tag_method === 'random') $tag_id = $this->select_random_term($tag_taxonomy);
if($organizer_method && $organizer_method === 'random') $organizer_id = $this->select_random_term('mec_organizer');
if($location_method && $location_method === 'random') $location_id = $this->select_random_term('mec_location');
return ['success' => 1, 'message' => sprintf(esc_html__("%s events successfully created.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), '<strong>'.$number.'</strong>')];
private function select_random_term($taxonomy)
$terms = get_terms([
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'hide_empty' => 0,
if(count($terms) === 0) return 0;
return array_slice($terms, 0, 1)[0]->term_id;
private function generate_random_term($taxonomy)
$chars = str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
$name = ucfirst(substr($chars, 0, rand(5, 8)));
return wp_insert_term($name, $taxonomy)['term_id'];
* Show content of third party tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_thirdparty()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : '';
$this->ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
$this->response = [];
if($this->action == 'thirdparty-import-start') $this->response = $this->thirdparty_import_start();
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.thirdparty', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
public function thirdparty_import_start()
$third_party = $this->ix['third-party'] ?? NULL;
if($third_party == 'eventon' and class_exists('EventON'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'ajde_events',
elseif($third_party == 'the-events-calendar' and class_exists('Tribe__Events__Main'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'tribe_events',
elseif($third_party == 'weekly-class' and class_exists('WeeklyClass'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'class',
elseif($third_party == 'calendarize-it' and class_exists('plugin_righthere_calendar'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'events',
elseif($third_party == 'event-espresso' and function_exists('bootstrap_espresso'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'espresso_events',
elseif($third_party == 'events-manager-recurring' and class_exists('EM_Formats'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'event-recurring',
elseif($third_party == 'events-manager-single' and class_exists('EM_Formats'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'event',
'meta_key' => '_recurrence_id',
'meta_compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
elseif($third_party == 'wp-event-manager' and class_exists('WP_Event_Manager'))
$events = get_posts(array(
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post_type' => 'event_listing',
else return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__("Third Party plugin is not installed and activated!", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
return array(
'success' => 1,
'data' => array(
'count' => count($events),
'events' => $events
public function thirdparty_import_do()
// Check if our nonce is set.
if(!isset($_POST['_wpnonce'])) $this->main->response(array('success'=>0, 'code'=>'NONCE_MISSING'));
// Verify that the nonce is valid.
if(!wp_verify_nonce(sanitize_text_field($_POST['_wpnonce']), 'mec_ix_thirdparty_import')) $this->main->response(array('success'=>0, 'code'=>'NONCE_IS_INVALID'));
$this->ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
$step = (isset($_POST['step']) and is_numeric($_POST['step']) and $_POST['step'] > 0) ? (int) $_POST['step'] : 1;
$count = 20;
$offset = max(($step - 1), 0) * $count;
$all_events = ((isset($_POST['tp-events']) and is_array($_POST['tp-events'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['tp-events']) : array());
$events = array_slice($all_events, $offset, $count);
$third_party = $this->ix['third-party'] ?? '';
$response = array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__('Third Party plugin is invalid!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
if($third_party == 'eventon') $response = $this->thirdparty_eventon_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'the-events-calendar') $response = $this->thirdparty_tec_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'weekly-class') $response = $this->thirdparty_weekly_class_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'calendarize-it') $response = $this->thirdparty_calendarize_it_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'event-espresso') $response = $this->thirdparty_es_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'events-manager-recurring') $response = $this->thirdparty_emr_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'events-manager-single') $response = $this->thirdparty_ems_import_do($events);
elseif($third_party == 'wp-event-manager') $response = $this->thirdparty_wpem_import_do($events);
$response['next_step'] = $step + 1;
$response['finished'] = (int) ($step * $count >= count($all_events));
$response['all'] = (int) count($all_events);
$response['imported'] = (int) min(($step * $count), count($all_events));
public function thirdparty_eventon_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$locations = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'event_location');
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($locations[0]))
$l_metas = evo_get_term_meta('event_location', $locations[0]->term_id);
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
'address'=>($l_metas['location_address'] ?? ''),
'latitude'=>($l_metas['location_lat'] ?? 0),
'longitude'=>($l_metas['location_lon'] ?? 0),
// Event Organizer
$organizers = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'event_organizer');
$organizer_id = 1;
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) and $this->ix['import_organizers'] and isset($organizers[0]))
$o_metas = evo_get_term_meta('event_organizer', $organizers[0]->term_id);
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer(array
'tel'=>($o_metas['evcal_org_contact'] ?? ''),
'url'=>($o_metas['evcal_org_exlink'] ?? ''),
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'event_type');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', $metas['evcal_srow']));
if(isset($metas['evo_event_timezone']) and trim($metas['evo_event_timezone'])) $date_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($metas['evo_event_timezone']));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', $metas['evcal_erow']));
if(isset($metas['evo_event_timezone']) and trim($metas['evo_event_timezone'])) $date_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($metas['evo_event_timezone']));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = (isset($metas['evo_hide_endtime']) and $metas['evo_hide_endtime'] == 'yes') ? 1 : 0;
$allday = (isset($metas['evcal_allday']) and trim($metas['evcal_allday']) == 'yes') ? $metas['evcal_allday'] : 0;
// Recurring Event
if(isset($metas['evcal_repeat']) and $metas['evcal_repeat'] == 'yes')
$repeat_status = 1;
$interval = NULL;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$finish = NULL;
$occurrences = (isset($metas['repeat_intervals']) and is_array($metas['repeat_intervals'])) ? $metas['repeat_intervals'] : [];
$t = $occurrences[(count($occurrences) -1)][1];
$finish = date('Y-m-d', $t);
$freq = (isset($metas['evcal_rep_freq']) and trim($metas['evcal_rep_freq'])) ? $metas['evcal_rep_freq'] : 'daily';
if($freq == 'daily')
$repeat_type = 'daily';
$interval = $metas['evcal_rep_gap'] ?? 1;
elseif($freq == 'weekly')
$repeat_type = 'weekly';
$interval = isset($metas['evcal_rep_gap']) ? $metas['evcal_rep_gap']*7 : 7;
elseif($freq == 'monthly')
$repeat_type = 'monthly';
$year = '*';
$month = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
elseif($freq == 'yearly')
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$month = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_months)).',';
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
elseif($freq == 'custom')
$repeat_type = 'custom_days';
$occurrences = (isset($metas['repeat_intervals']) and is_array($metas['repeat_intervals'])) ? $metas['repeat_intervals'] : [];
$days = '';
$x = 1;
foreach($occurrences as $occurrence)
if($x == 1)
$finish = date('Y-m-d', $occurrence[0]);
$days .= date('Y-m-d', $occurrence[0]).',';
$days = trim($days, ', ');
else $repeat_type = '';
// Custom Week Days
if($repeat_type == 'weekly' and isset($metas['evo_rep_WKwk']) and is_array($metas['evo_rep_WKwk']) and count($metas['evo_rep_WKwk']) > 1)
$week_day_mapping = array('d1'=>1, 'd2'=>2, 'd3'=>3, 'd4'=>4, 'd5'=>5, 'd6'=>6, 'd0'=>7);
$weekdays = '';
foreach($metas['evo_rep_WKwk'] as $week_day) $weekdays .= $week_day_mapping['d'.$week_day].',';
$weekdays = ','.trim($weekdays, ', ').',';
$interval = NULL;
$repeat_type = 'certain_weekdays';
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
// Hourly Schedule
$hourly_schedules = [];
if(isset($metas['_sch_blocks']) and is_array($metas['_sch_blocks']) and count($metas['_sch_blocks']))
foreach($metas['_sch_blocks'] as $sch_block)
foreach($sch_block as $sch)
if(!is_array($sch)) continue;
$hourly_schedules[] = array(
'from' => $sch['evo_sch_stime'],
'to' => $sch['evo_sch_etime'],
'title' => $sch['evo_sch_title'],
'description' => $sch['evo_sch_desc'],
// Read More Link
$more_info_link = isset($metas['evcal_lmlink']) && trim($metas['evcal_lmlink']) ? $metas['evcal_lmlink'] : '';
$args = array
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_eventon_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
* @throws Exception
public function thirdparty_tec_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event Author
$author = NULL;
if(isset($this->ix['import_author']) and $this->ix['import_author'] and $post->post_author)
$author = $post->post_author;
// Event location
$location = get_post($metas['_EventVenueID']);
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($location->ID))
$l_metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($location->ID);
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
'name' => trim($location->post_title),
'address' => $l_metas['_VenueAddress'] ?? '',
'latitude' => 0,
'longitude' => 0,
// Event Organizer
$organizer = get_post($metas['_EventOrganizerID']);
$organizer_id = 1;
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) and $this->ix['import_organizers'] and isset($organizer->ID))
$o_metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($organizer->ID);
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer(array
'name' => trim($organizer->post_title),
'tel' => $o_metas['_OrganizerPhone'] ?? '',
'email' => $o_metas['_OrganizerEmail'] ?? '',
'url' => $o_metas['_OrganizerWebsite'] ?? '',
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'tribe_events_cat');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_EventStartDate'])));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_EventEndDate'])));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = (isset($metas['_EventAllDay']) and trim($metas['_EventAllDay']) == 'yes') ? 1 : 0;
// Recurring Event
isset($metas['_EventRecurrence']['rules']) && is_array($metas['_EventRecurrence']) && count($metas['_EventRecurrence']) &&
is_array($metas['_EventRecurrence']['rules']) && count($metas['_EventRecurrence']['rules'])
$repeat_status = 1;
$repeat_type = '';
$finish = NULL;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$advanced_days = NULL;
$rule = $metas['_EventRecurrence']['rules'][0];
$end_type = 'never';
$finish_type = isset($rule['end-type']) ? strtolower($rule['end-type']) : 'never';
if($finish_type === 'on' and isset($rule['end']) and trim($rule['end']))
$end_type = 'date';
$finish = $rule['end'];
elseif($finish_type === 'after' and isset($rule['end-count']) and trim($rule['end-count']))
$end_type = 'occurrences';
$end_occurrence = (int) $rule['end-count'];
$interval = (int) $rule['custom']['interval'];
$type = strtolower($rule['custom']['type']);
if($type === 'daily')
$repeat_type = 'daily';
else if($type === 'weekly')
$repeat_type = 'certain_weekdays';
if(count($rule['custom']['week']['day']) === 1)
$repeat_type = 'weekly';
$interval = $interval * 7;
$weekdays = ','.trim(implode(',', $rule['custom']['week']['day']), ', ').',';
$interval = NULL;
else if($type === 'monthly')
if(isset($rule['custom']['month']['same-day']) && $rule['custom']['month']['same-day'] === 'no')
$repeat_type = 'advanced';
$week_no = $rule['custom']['month']['number'];
if($week_no == 'Last' || $week_no == '5') $week_no = 'l';
$week_day = $rule['custom']['month']['day'];
if($week_day == '0') $week_day = 'Sun';
elseif($week_day == '1') $week_day = 'Mon';
elseif($week_day == '2') $week_day = 'Tue';
elseif($week_day == '3') $week_day = 'Wed';
elseif($week_day == '4') $week_day = 'Thu';
elseif($week_day == '5') $week_day = 'Fri';
else $week_day = 'Sat';
$advanced_days = [$week_day.'.'.$week_no];
$repeat_type = 'monthly';
$year = '*';
$month = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$day = ',' . implode(',', array_unique($_days)) . ',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
else if($type === 'yearly')
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$_months = array_unique($_months);
$month = ',' . implode(',', array($_months[0])) . ',';
$day = ',' . implode(',', array_unique($_days)) . ',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$end_type = 'date';
$end_occurrence = 10;
$args = array
'mec_repeat_end_at_occurrences'=>$end_occurrence - 1,
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_tec_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
public function thirdparty_weekly_class_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$locations = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'wcs-room');
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($locations[0]))
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
// Event Organizer
$organizers = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'wcs-instructor');
$organizer_id = 1;
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) and $this->ix['import_organizers'] and isset($organizers[0]))
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer(array
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'wcs-type');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', $metas['_wcs_timestamp']));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', ($metas['_wcs_timestamp']+($metas['_wcs_duration']*60))));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = 0;
// Recurring Event
if(isset($metas['_wcs_interval']) and $metas['_wcs_interval'])
$repeat_status = 1;
$interval = NULL;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$finish = (isset($metas['_wcs_repeat_until']) and trim($metas['_wcs_repeat_until'])) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($metas['_wcs_repeat_until'])) : NULL;
$freq = trim($metas['_wcs_interval']) ? $metas['_wcs_interval'] : 2;
if($freq == 2) // Daily
$repeat_type = 'daily';
$interval = 1;
elseif($freq == 1 or $freq == 3) // Weekly or Every Two Weeks
$repeat_type = 'weekly';
$interval = $freq == 3 ? 14 : 7;
elseif($freq == 4) // Monthly
$repeat_type = 'monthly';
$year = '*';
$month = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
elseif($freq == 5) // Yearly
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$month = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_months)).',';
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
else $repeat_type = '';
// Custom Week Days
if($repeat_type == 'daily' and isset($metas['_wcs_repeat_days']) and is_array($metas['_wcs_repeat_days']) and count($metas['_wcs_repeat_days']) > 1 and count($metas['_wcs_repeat_days']) < 7)
$week_day_mapping = array('d1'=>1, 'd2'=>2, 'd3'=>3, 'd4'=>4, 'd5'=>5, 'd6'=>6, 'd0'=>7);
$weekdays = '';
foreach($metas['_wcs_repeat_days'] as $week_day) $weekdays .= $week_day_mapping['d'.$week_day].',';
$weekdays = ','.trim($weekdays, ', ').',';
$interval = NULL;
$repeat_type = 'certain_weekdays';
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$args = array
'mec_repeat_end'=>($finish ? 'date' : 'never'),
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_weekly_class_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
public function thirdparty_calendarize_it_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$locations = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'venue');
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($locations[0]))
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
'address'=>trim(get_term_meta($locations[0]->term_id, 'address', true)),
'latitude'=>trim(get_term_meta($locations[0]->term_id, 'glat', true)),
'longitude'=>trim(get_term_meta($locations[0]->term_id, 'glon', true)),
// Event Organizer
$organizers = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'organizer');
$organizer_id = 1;
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) and $this->ix['import_organizers'] and isset($organizers[0]))
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer(array
'tel'=>trim(get_term_meta($organizers[0]->term_id, 'phone', true)),
'email'=>trim(get_term_meta($organizers[0]->term_id, 'email', true)),
'url'=>trim(get_term_meta($organizers[0]->term_id, 'website', true)),
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'calendar');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['fc_start_datetime'])));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['fc_end_datetime'])));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = $metas['fc_allday'] ?? 0;
// Recurring Event
if(isset($metas['fc_rrule']) and trim($metas['fc_rrule']))
$rules = explode(';', trim($metas['fc_rrule'], '; '));
$rule = [];
foreach($rules as $rule_row)
$ex = explode('=', $rule_row);
$key = strtolower($ex[0]);
$value = $key == 'until' ? $ex[1] : strtolower($ex[1]);
$rule[$key] = $value;
$repeat_status = 1;
$interval = NULL;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$finish = isset($rule['until']) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rule['until'])) : NULL;
if($rule['freq'] == 'daily')
$repeat_type = 'daily';
$interval = $rule['interval'] ?? 1;
if(isset($rule['count'])) $finish = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.$rule['count'].' days', strtotime($start_date)));
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'weekly')
$repeat_type = 'weekly';
$interval = isset($rule['interval']) ? $rule['interval']*7 : 7;
if(isset($rule['count'])) $finish = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.$rule['count'].' weeks', strtotime($start_date)));
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'monthly')
$repeat_type = 'monthly';
$year = '*';
$month = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
if(isset($rule['count'])) $finish = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.$rule['count'].' months', strtotime($start_date)));
elseif($rule['freq'] == 'yearly')
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$month = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_months)).',';
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
if(isset($rule['count'])) $finish = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.$rule['count'].' years', strtotime($start_date)));
// Custom Days
elseif(isset($metas['fc_rdate']) and trim($metas['fc_rdate']))
$fc_rdates = explode(',', $metas['fc_rdate']);
$str_days = '';
foreach($fc_rdates as $fc_rdate) $str_days .= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($fc_rdate)).',';
$repeat_status = 1;
$repeat_type = 'custom_days';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = trim($str_days, ', ');
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$args = array
'mec_repeat_end'=>($finish ? 'date' : 'never'),
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_calendarize_it_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
public function thirdparty_es_import_do($IDs)
// Timezone
$timezone = $this->main->get_timezone();
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$venue_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `VNU_ID` FROM `#__esp_event_venue` WHERE `EVT_ID`='".$ID."' ORDER BY `EVV_ID` ASC LIMIT 1", 'loadResult');
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and $venue_id)
$v_meta = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM `#__esp_venue_meta` WHERE `VNU_ID`='".$venue_id."'", 'loadAssoc');
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
'address'=>trim($v_meta['VNU_address'].' '.$v_meta['VNU_address2']),
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'espresso_event_categories');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
$datetimes = $venue_id = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM `#__esp_datetime` WHERE `EVT_ID`='".$ID."' ORDER BY `DTT_EVT_start` ASC", 'loadAssocList');
$dt_start = NULL;
$dt_end = NULL;
$custom_days = [];
$i = 1;
foreach($datetimes as $datetime)
if(!$dt_start) $dt_start = $datetime['DTT_EVT_start'];
if(!$dt_end) $dt_end = $datetime['DTT_EVT_end'];
// Add to Custom Days
if($i > 1) $custom_days[] = array(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($datetime['DTT_EVT_start'])), date('Y-m-d', strtotime($datetime['DTT_EVT_end'])));
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($dt_start)), new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$date_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($dt_end)), new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$date_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = 0;
// Custom Days
$str_days = '';
foreach($custom_days as $custom_day) $str_days .= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($custom_day[0])).':'.date('Y-m-d', strtotime($custom_day[1])).',';
$repeat_status = 1;
$repeat_type = 'custom_days';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = trim($str_days, ', ');
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$args = array
'mec_repeat_end'=>($finish ? 'date' : 'never'),
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_eventespresso_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
public function thirdparty_emr_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$location = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM `#__em_locations` WHERE `location_id`='".(isset($metas['_location_id']) ? $metas['_location_id'] : 0)."'", 'loadAssoc');
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($location['post_id']))
$address = $location['location_address'].' '.$location['location_region'].' '.$location['location_town'].' '.$location['location_state'].' '.$location['location_country'];
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'event-categories');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_event_start_local'])));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+'.(isset($metas['_recurrence_days']) ? $metas['_recurrence_days'] : 0).' days', strtotime($metas['_event_start_local']))).' '.$metas['_event_end_time']);
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = $metas['_event_all_day'] ?? 0;
$repeat_status = 1;
$interval = NULL;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$finish = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($metas['_event_end_local']));
$repeat_type = '';
$advanced_days = NULL;
if($metas['_recurrence_freq'] == 'daily')
$repeat_type = 'daily';
$interval = $metas['_recurrence_interval'] ?? 1;
elseif($metas['_recurrence_freq'] == 'weekly')
$repeat_type = 'certain_weekdays';
$interval = 1;
$weekdays = ',' . str_replace('0', '7', $metas['_recurrence_byday']) . ',';
elseif($metas['_recurrence_freq'] == 'monthly')
$repeat_type = 'advanced';
$week_no = $metas['_recurrence_byweekno'];
if($week_no == '-1' || $week_no == '5') $week_no = 'l';
$week_day = $metas['_recurrence_byday'];
if($week_day == '0') $week_day = 'Sun';
elseif($week_day == '1') $week_day = 'Mon';
elseif($week_day == '2') $week_day = 'Tue';
elseif($week_day == '3') $week_day = 'Wed';
elseif($week_day == '4') $week_day = 'Thu';
elseif($week_day == '5') $week_day = 'Fri';
else $week_day = 'Sat';
$advanced_days = array($week_day.'.'.$week_no);
elseif($metas['_recurrence_freq'] == 'yearly')
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$month = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_months)).',';
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
$args = array
'mec_repeat_end'=>($finish ? 'date' : 'never'),
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_emr_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
public function thirdparty_ems_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$location = $this->db->select("SELECT * FROM `#__em_locations` WHERE `location_id`='".(isset($metas['_location_id']) ? $metas['_location_id'] : 0)."'", 'loadAssoc');
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($location['post_id']))
$address = $location['location_address'].' '.$location['location_region'].' '.$location['location_town'].' '.$location['location_state'].' '.$location['location_country'];
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'event-categories');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_event_start_local'])));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_event_end_local'])));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = $metas['_event_all_day'] ?? 0;
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$args = array
'mec_repeat_end'=>($finish ? 'date' : 'never'),
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_ems_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
public function thirdparty_wpem_import_do($IDs)
$count = 0;
foreach($IDs as $ID)
$post = get_post($ID);
$metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($ID);
// Event Title and Content
$title = $post->post_title;
$description = $post->post_content;
$third_party_id = $ID;
// Event location
$location = get_post($metas['_event_venue_ids']);
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and isset($location->ID))
$l_metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($location->ID);
$thumbnail = has_post_thumbnail($location->ID) ? $this->main->get_post_thumbnail_url($location->ID, 'full') : '';
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
'address'=>(isset($l_metas['_venue_description']) ? $l_metas['_venue_description'] : ''),
// Event Organizer
$organizers = $metas['_event_organizer_ids'];
$organizer = (isset($organizers[0]) ? get_post($organizers[0]) : new stdClass());
if(isset($organizers[0])) unset($organizers[0]);
$wpem_additional_organizers_ids = $organizers;
$organizer_id = 1;
$additional_organizers_ids = [];
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) and $this->ix['import_organizers'] and isset($organizer->ID))
$o_metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($organizer->ID);
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer(array
'email'=>($o_metas['_organizer_email'] ?? ''),
'url'=>($o_metas['_organizer_website'] ?? ''),
if(is_array($wpem_additional_organizers_ids) and count($wpem_additional_organizers_ids))
foreach($wpem_additional_organizers_ids as $wpem_additional_organizers_id)
$o_organizer = get_post($wpem_additional_organizers_id);
$o_metas = $this->main->get_post_meta($wpem_additional_organizers_id);
$additional_organizers_ids[] = $this->main->save_organizer(array
'email'=>($o_metas['_organizer_email'] ?? ''),
'url'=>($o_metas['_organizer_website'] ?? ''),
// Event Categories
$categories = wp_get_post_terms($ID, 'event_listing_category');
$category_ids = [];
// Import Event Categories into MEC categories
if(isset($this->ix['import_categories']) and $this->ix['import_categories'] and count($categories))
foreach($categories as $category)
$category_id = $this->main->save_category(array
if($category_id) $category_ids[] = $category_id;
// Event Start Date and Time
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_event_start_date'])));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d G:i', strtotime($metas['_event_end_date'])));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$hide_end_time = 0;
$allday = 0;
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$days = NULL;
$args = array
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$third_party_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_tec_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set additional organizers
if(is_array($additional_organizers_ids) and count($additional_organizers_ids))
foreach($additional_organizers_ids as $additional_organizers_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $additional_organizers_id, 'mec_organizer', true);
update_post_meta($post_id, 'mec_additional_organizer_ids', $additional_organizers_ids);
// Set categories to the post
if(count($category_ids)) foreach($category_ids as $category_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $category_id, 'mec_category', true);
// Set Features Image
if(isset($this->ix['import_featured_image']) and $this->ix['import_featured_image'] and $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($ID))
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$count);
* Show content of export tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_g_calendar_export()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : (isset($_GET['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['mec-ix-action']) : '');
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.export_g_calendar', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
* Show content of import tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_g_calendar_import()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : '';
$this->ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
$this->response = [];
if($this->action == 'google-calendar-import-start') $this->response = $this->g_calendar_import_start();
elseif($this->action == 'google-calendar-import-do') $this->response = $this->g_calendar_import_do();
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.import_g_calendar', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
public function g_calendar_import_start()
$api_key = $this->ix['google_import_api_key'] ?? NULL;
$calendar_id = $this->ix['google_import_calendar_id'] ?? NULL;
$start_date = $this->ix['google_import_start_date'] ?? 'Today';
$end_date = (isset($this->ix['google_import_end_date']) and trim($this->ix['google_import_end_date'])) ? $this->ix['google_import_end_date'] : 'Tomorrow';
if(!trim($api_key) or !trim($calendar_id)) return array('success'=>0, 'error'=>__('API key and Calendar ID are required!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// Save options
$this->main->save_ix_options(array('google_import_api_key'=>$api_key, 'google_import_calendar_id'=>$calendar_id, 'google_import_start_date'=>$start_date, 'google_import_end_date'=>$end_date));
// GMT Offset
$gmt_offset = $this->main->get_gmt_offset();
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Modern Events Calendar');
$service = new Google_Service_Calendar($client);
$data = [];
$args = [];
$args['timeMin'] = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', strtotime($start_date)).$gmt_offset;
$args['timeMax'] = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', strtotime($end_date)).$gmt_offset;
$args['maxResults'] = 50000;
$response = $service->events->listEvents($calendar_id, $args);
$data['id'] = $calendar_id;
$data['title'] = $response->getSummary();
$data['timezone'] = $response->getTimeZone();
$data['events'] = [];
foreach($response->getItems() as $event)
$title = $event->getSummary();
if(trim($title) == '') continue;
$recurring_event_id = $event->getRecurringEventId();
// Update Date & Time
$data['events'][$recurring_event_id]['start'] = $event->getStart();
$data['events'][$recurring_event_id]['end'] = $event->getEnd();
// Import Only Main Events
elseif(!$recurring_event_id) $data['events'][$event->id] = array('id'=>$event->id, 'title'=>$title, 'start'=>$event->getStart(), 'end'=>$event->getEnd());
$data['count'] = count($data['events']);
catch(Exception $e)
$error = $e->getMessage();
return array('success'=>0, 'error'=>$error);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$data);
public function g_calendar_import_do()
$g_events = ((isset($_POST['g-events']) and is_array($_POST['g-events'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['g-events']) : array());
if(!count($g_events)) return array('success'=>0, 'error'=>__('Please select events to import!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
$api_key = $this->ix['google_import_api_key'] ?? NULL;
$calendar_id = $this->ix['google_import_calendar_id'] ?? NULL;
if(!trim($api_key) or !trim($calendar_id)) return array('success'=>0, 'error'=>__('API key and Calendar ID are required!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// Timezone
$timezone = $this->main->get_timezone();
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Modern Events Calendar');
$service = new Google_Service_Calendar($client);
$post_ids = [];
foreach($g_events as $g_event)
$event = $service->events->get($calendar_id, $g_event, array('timeZone' => $timezone));
catch(Exception $e)
// Event Title and Content
$title = $event->getSummary();
$description = $event->getDescription();
$gcal_ical_uid = $event->getICalUID();
$gcal_id = $event->getId();
// Event location
$location = $event->getLocation();
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and trim($location))
$location_ex = explode(',', $location);
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
// Event Organizer
$organizer = $event->getOrganizer();
$organizer_id = 1;
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) and $this->ix['import_organizers'])
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer(array
// Event Start Date and Time
$start = $event->getStart();
$g_start_date = $start->getDate();
$g_start_datetime = $start->getDateTime();
$date_start = new DateTime((trim($g_start_datetime) ? $g_start_datetime : $g_start_date));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = 8;
$start_minutes = '00';
$start_ampm = 'AM';
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$end = $event->getEnd();
$g_end_date = $end->getDate();
$g_end_datetime = $end->getDateTime();
$date_end = new DateTime((trim($g_end_datetime) ? $g_end_datetime : $g_end_date));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = 6;
$end_minutes = '00';
$end_ampm = 'PM';
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Event Time Options
$allday = 0;
// Both Start and Date times are empty, so it's all day event
if(!trim($g_end_datetime) and !trim($g_start_datetime))
$allday = 1;
$start_hour = 0;
$start_minutes = 0;
$start_ampm = 'AM';
$end_hour = 11;
$end_minutes = 55;
$end_ampm = 'PM';
// Recurring Event
$repeat_status = 1;
$r_rules = $event->getRecurrence();
$i = 0;
$g_recurrence_rule = $r_rules[$i];
$main_rule_ex = explode(':', $g_recurrence_rule);
$rules = explode(';', $main_rule_ex[1]);
while($main_rule_ex[0] != 'RRULE' and isset($r_rules[$i]));
$rule = [];
foreach($rules as $rule_row)
$ex = explode('=', $rule_row);
$key = strtolower($ex[0]);
$value = isset($ex[1]) ? ($key == 'until' ? $ex[1] : strtolower($ex[1])) : '';
$rule[$key] = $value;
$interval = NULL;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$advanced_days = NULL;
$repeat_count = NULL;
if(isset($rule['count']) and is_numeric($rule['count'])) $repeat_count = max($rule['count'], 0);
if(isset($rule['freq']) && $rule['freq'] == 'daily')
$repeat_type = 'daily';
$interval = $rule['interval'] ?? 1;
elseif(isset($rule['freq']) && $rule['freq'] == 'weekly')
$repeat_type = 'weekly';
$interval = isset($rule['interval']) ? $rule['interval']*7 : 7;
elseif(isset($rule['freq']) && $rule['freq'] == 'monthly' and isset($rule['byday']) and trim($rule['byday']))
$repeat_type = 'advanced';
$adv_week = (isset($rule['bysetpos']) and trim($rule['bysetpos']) != '') ? $rule['bysetpos'] : (int) substr($rule['byday'], 0, -2);
$adv_day = str_replace($adv_week, '', $rule['byday']);
$mec_adv_day = 'Sat';
if($adv_day == 'su') $mec_adv_day = 'Sun';
elseif($adv_day == 'mo') $mec_adv_day = 'Mon';
elseif($adv_day == 'tu') $mec_adv_day = 'Tue';
elseif($adv_day == 'we') $mec_adv_day = 'Wed';
elseif($adv_day == 'th') $mec_adv_day = 'Thu';
elseif($adv_day == 'fr') $mec_adv_day = 'Fri';
if($adv_week < 0) $adv_week = 'l';
$advanced_days = array($mec_adv_day.'.'.$adv_week);
elseif(isset($rule['freq']) && $rule['freq'] == 'monthly')
$repeat_type = 'monthly';
$interval = $rule['interval'] ?? 1;
$year = '*';
$month = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
elseif(isset($rule['freq']) && $rule['freq'] == 'yearly')
$repeat_type = 'yearly';
$year = '*';
$s = $start_date;
$e = $end_date;
$_months = [];
$_days = [];
while(strtotime($s) <= strtotime($e))
$_months[] = date('m', strtotime($s));
$_days[] = date('d', strtotime($s));
$s = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($s)));
$month = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_months)).',';
$day = ','.implode(',', array_unique($_days)).',';
$week = '*';
$weekday = '*';
else $repeat_type = '';
// Custom Week Days
if($repeat_type == 'weekly' and isset($rule['byday']) and count(explode(',', $rule['byday'])) > 1)
$g_week_days = explode(',', $rule['byday']);
$week_day_mapping = array('mo'=>1, 'tu'=>2, 'we'=>3, 'th'=>4, 'fr'=>5, 'sa'=>6, 'su'=>7);
$weekdays = '';
foreach($g_week_days as $g_week_day) $weekdays .= $week_day_mapping[$g_week_day].',';
$weekdays = ','.trim($weekdays, ', ').',';
$interval = NULL;
$repeat_type = 'certain_weekdays';
$finish = isset($rule['until']) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($rule['until'])) : NULL;
// It's all day event, so we should reduce one day from the end date! Google provides 2020-12-12 while the event ends at 2020-12-11
$diff = $this->main->date_diff($start_date, $end_date);
if(($diff ? $diff->days : 0) >= 1)
$date_end->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
// Single Event
// It's a one-day single event but google sends 2020-12-12 as end date if start date is 2020-12-11
if(trim($g_end_datetime) == '' and date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day', strtotime($end_date))) == $start_date)
$end_date = $start_date;
// It's all day event, so we should reduce one day from the end date! Google provides 2020-12-12 while the event ends at 2020-12-11
$diff = $this->main->date_diff($start_date, $end_date);
if(($diff ? $diff->days : 0) > 1)
$date_end->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$repeat_status = 0;
$g_recurrence_rule = '';
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$advanced_days = NULL;
$repeat_count = NULL;
$args = array
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$gcal_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_gcal_id'", 'loadResult');
// Imported From Google
if(!post_exists($title, $description, '', $this->main->get_main_post_type())) $args['meta']['mec_imported_from_google'] = 1;
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
$post_ids[] = $post_id;
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// MEC Dates
$dates = $this->db->select("SELECT `dstart` FROM `#__mec_dates` WHERE `post_id`='".$post_id."' ORDER BY `tstart` ASC LIMIT 50", 'loadColumn');
// Event Instances
$instances = $service->events->instances($calendar_id, $gcal_id, array('maxResults' => 50));
$gdates = [];
foreach($instances as $instance)
$start = $instance->getStart();
$date = $start->getDate();
$gdates[] = $date;
$exdates = [];
$previous_not_found = NULL;
$next_found = NULL;
foreach($dates as $date)
if(!in_array($date, $gdates)) $previous_not_found = $date;
$exdates[] = $previous_not_found;
$previous_not_found = NULL;
$exdates = array_unique($exdates);
$args['not_in_days'] = implode(',', $exdates);
$this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$post_ids);
* Show content of meetup import tab
* @return void
* @throws Exception
* @author Webnus <>
public function ix_meetup_import()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : 'meetup-import-config';
if(isset($_GET['mec-ix-action']) and trim($_GET['mec-ix-action'])) $this->action = $_GET['mec-ix-action'];
$this->ix = isset($_POST['ix']) && is_array($_POST['ix']) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : [];
$this->response = [];
if($this->action == 'meetup-import-login') $this->response = $this->meetup_import_login();
elseif($this->action == 'meetup-import-start') $this->response = $this->meetup_import_start();
elseif($this->action == 'meetup-import-do') $this->response = $this->meetup_import_do();
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.import_meetup', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
public function meetup_import_login()
// Meetup Keys
$public_key = $this->ix['meetup_public_key'] ?? NULL;
$secret_key = $this->ix['meetup_secret_key'] ?? NULL;
$group_name = $this->ix['meetup_group_name'] ?? NULL;
// Save options
'meetup_public_key' => $public_key,
'meetup_secret_key' => $secret_key,
'meetup_group_name' => $group_name,
// Meetup API
$meetup = $this->getMeetup();
// Redirect URL
$redirect_url = $meetup->get_redirect_url();
return [
'login' => ''.$public_key.'&response_type=code&redirect_uri='.urlencode($redirect_url)
public function meetup_import_start()
// One Time Key
$code = $_GET['code'] ?? '';
// No Access
if(!trim($code)) return ['success'=>0, 'error'=>__('Something happened. Please make sure you allow the website to access your meetup account.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')];
// IX Options
$ix = $this->main->get_ix_options();
// Meetup API
$meetup = $this->getMeetup();
// Token
$token = $meetup->get_tokens_by_code($code);
// Group Name
$group_name = $ix['meetup_group_name'] ?? '';
// Group Info
$group_info = $meetup->get_group_name($token, $group_name);
// No Access
if(!isset($group_info['data']['groupByUrlname']) || !is_array($group_info['data']['groupByUrlname'])) return ['success'=>0, 'error'=>__('Meetup group not found!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')];
// Upcoming Events
$events = $meetup->get_group_events($token, $group_name);
$data = [];
$m_events = [];
foreach($events['data']['groupByUrlname']['upcomingEvents']['edges'] as $edge)
$start = $edge['node']['dateTime'];
$end = $edge['node']['endTime'];
$m_events[] = [
'id' => $edge['node']['id'],
'title' => $edge['node']['title'],
'url' => $edge['node']['eventUrl'],
'start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($start)),
'end' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($end)),
$data['title'] = $group_info['data']['groupByUrlname']['name'];
$data['events'] = $m_events;
$data['count'] = count($m_events);
catch(Exception $e)
$error = $e->getMessage();
return ['success'=>0, 'error'=>$error];
return ['success'=>1, 'data'=>$data];
* @throws Exception
public function meetup_import_do()
$m_events = isset($_POST['m-events']) && is_array($_POST['m-events']) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['m-events']) : [];
if(!count($m_events)) return ['success'=>0, 'error'=>__('Please select events to import!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')];
// Meetup API
$meetup = $this->getMeetup();
// IX Options
$ix = $this->main->get_ix_options();
$group_name = $ix['meetup_group_name'] ?? NULL;
// Token
$token = $meetup->get_token();
// Invalid Token
if(!trim($token)) return ['success'=>0, 'error'=>__('Invalid API Token.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')];
// Timezone
$timezone = $this->main->get_timezone();
// MEC File
$file = $this->getFile();
$wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$post_ids = [];
foreach($m_events as $m_event)
$data = $meetup->get_event($token, $m_event);
$event = isset($data['data']['event']) && is_array($data['data']['event']) ? $data['data']['event'] : [];
if(!count($event)) continue;
catch(Exception $e)
// Event Title and Content
$title = $event['title'];
$description = $event['description'];
$mcal_id = $event['id'];
// Event location
$location = $event['venue'] ?? [];
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) && $this->ix['import_locations'] && count($location))
$address = $location['address'] ?? '';
$address .= isset($location['city']) ? ', '.$location['city'] : '';
$address .= isset($location['state']) ? ', '.$location['state'] : '';
$address .= isset($location['country']) ? ', '.$location['country'] : '';
$location_id = $this->main->save_location([
'name' => trim($location['name']),
'latitude' => trim($location['lat']),
'longitude' => trim($location['lng']),
'address' => $address
// Event Organizer
$organizers = $event['hosts'] ?? [];
$main_organizer_id = 1;
$additional_organizer_ids = [];
// Import Event Organizer into MEC organizers
if(isset($this->ix['import_organizers']) && $this->ix['import_organizers'] && count($organizers))
$o = 1;
foreach($organizers as $organizer)
$organizer_id = $this->main->save_organizer([
'name' => $organizer['name'],
'thumbnail' => ''
if($o == 1) $main_organizer_id = $organizer_id;
else $additional_organizer_ids[] = $organizer_id;
// Timezone
$TZ = $event['timezone'] ?? 'UTC';
// Event Start Date and Time
$start = strtotime($event['dateTime']);
$date_start = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start), new DateTimeZone($TZ));
$date_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
// Event End Date and Time
$end = strtotime($event['endTime']);
$date_end = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end), new DateTimeZone($TZ));
$date_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
// Meetup Link
$more_info = $event['eventUrl'] ?? '';
// Fee Options
$fee = 0;
if(isset($event['feeSettings']) && is_array($event['feeSettings']))
$fee = $event['feeSettings']['amount'].' '.$event['feeSettings']['currency'];
// Event Time Options
$allday = 0;
// Single Event
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$interval = NULL;
$finish = $end_date;
$year = NULL;
$month = NULL;
$day = NULL;
$week = NULL;
$weekday = NULL;
$weekdays = NULL;
$args = [
'mec_more_info_title'=>__('Check at Meetup', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'),
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$mcal_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_meetup_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
$post_ids[] = $post_id;
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
// Set organizer to the post
if($main_organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $main_organizer_id, 'mec_organizer');
// Set Additional Organizers
foreach($additional_organizer_ids as $additional_organizer_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $additional_organizer_id, 'mec_organizer', true);
update_post_meta($post_id, 'mec_additional_organizer_ids', $additional_organizer_ids);
// Featured Image
if(!has_post_thumbnail($post_id) && isset($event['imageUrl']))
$photo = $this->main->get_web_page($event['imageUrl']);
$file_name = md5($post_id).'.'.$this->main->get_image_type_by_buffer($photo);
$path = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['path'], DS.' ').DS.$file_name;
$url = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['url'], '/ ').'/'.$file_name;
$file->write($path, $photo);
$this->main->set_featured_image($url, $post_id);
return ['success'=>1, 'data'=>$post_ids];
public function export_all_events_do()
// Current User Doesn't Have Access
$capability = (current_user_can('administrator') ? 'manage_options' : 'mec_import_export');
if(!current_user_can($capability)) return;
$format = isset($_GET['format']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['format']) : 'csv';
$events = $this->main->get_events('-1');
case 'ical':
$output = '';
foreach($events as $event) $output .= $this->main->ical_single($event->ID);
$ical_calendar = $this->main->ical_calendar($output);
header('Content-type: application/force-download; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mec-events-'.date('YmdTHi').'.ics"');
echo MEC_kses::full($ical_calendar);
case 'csv':
$filename = 'mec-events-' . md5(time() . mt_rand(100, 999)) . '.csv';
$events_feature = new MEC_feature_events();
$rows = $events_feature->csvexcel(true);
$this->main->generate_download_csv($rows, $filename);
case 'g-cal-csv':
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=mec-events-' . md5(time() . mt_rand(100, 999)) . '.csv');
$events_feature = new MEC_feature_events();
case 'ms-excel':
$filename = 'mec-events-' . md5(time() . mt_rand(100, 999)) . '.xlsx';
$events_feature = new MEC_feature_events();
$rows = $events_feature->csvexcel(true);
$this->main->generate_download_excel($rows, $filename);
case 'xml':
$output = [];
foreach($events as $event) $output[] = $this->main->export_single($event->ID);
$xml_feed = $this->main->xml_convert(array('events'=>$output));
header('Content-type: application/force-download; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mec-events-'.date('YmdTHi').'.xml"');
echo $xml_feed;
case 'json':
$output = [];
foreach($events as $event) $output[] = $this->main->export_single($event->ID);
header('Content-type: application/force-download; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mec-events-'.date('YmdTHi').'.json"');
echo json_encode($output);
public function export_all_bookings_do()
// Current User Doesn't Have Access
$capability = (current_user_can('administrator') ? 'manage_options' : 'mec_import_export');
if(!current_user_can($capability)) return false;
$format = isset($_GET['format']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['format']) : 'csv';
case 'ms-excel':
$booking_ids = $this->bookings_csvexcel();
$book = new MEC_feature_books();
$rows = $book->csvexcel($booking_ids);
$filename = 'bookings-' . md5(time() . mt_rand(100, 999)) . '.xlsx';
$this->main->generate_download_excel($rows, $filename);
case 'csv':
$booking_ids = $this->bookings_csvexcel();
$book = new MEC_feature_books();
$rows = $book->csvexcel($booking_ids);
$filename = 'bookings-' . md5(time() . mt_rand(100, 999)) . '.csv';
$this->main->generate_download_csv($rows, $filename);
public function bookings_csvexcel()
$bookings = get_posts(array('post_type'=>$this->main->get_book_post_type(), 'numberposts'=>-1, 'post_status'=>'publish'));
$booking_ids = [];
foreach($bookings as $booking) $booking_ids[] = $booking->ID;
return $booking_ids;
public function g_calendar_export_authenticate()
$ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
$client_id = $ix['google_export_client_id'] ?? NULL;
$client_secret = $ix['google_export_client_secret'] ?? NULL;
$calendar_id = $ix['google_export_calendar_id'] ?? NULL;
$auth_url = '';
if(!trim($client_id) or !trim($client_secret) or !trim($calendar_id)) $this->main->response(array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__('All of Client ID, Client Secret, and Calendar ID are required!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')));
// Save options
$this->main->save_ix_options(array('google_export_client_id'=>$client_id, 'google_export_client_secret'=>$client_secret, 'google_export_calendar_id'=>$calendar_id));
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setRedirectUri($this->main->add_qs_vars(array('mec-ix-action'=>'google-calendar-export-get-token'), $this->main->URL('backend').'admin.php?page=MEC-ix&tab=MEC-g-calendar-export'));
$auth_url = filter_var($client->createAuthUrl(), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
catch(Exception $ex)
$this->main->response(array('success'=>0, 'message'=>$ex->getMessage()));
$this->main->response(array('success'=>1, 'message'=>sprintf(esc_html__('All seems good! Please click %s to authenticate your app.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), '<a href="'.esc_url($auth_url).'">'.esc_html__('here', 'modern-events-calendar-lite').'</a>')));
public function g_calendar_export_get_token()
$code = isset($_GET['code']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['code']) : '';
$ix = $this->main->get_ix_options();
$client_id = $ix['google_export_client_id'] ?? NULL;
$client_secret = $ix['google_export_client_secret'] ?? NULL;
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setRedirectUri($this->main->add_qs_vars(array('mec-ix-action'=>'google-calendar-export-get-token'), $this->main->URL('backend').'admin.php?page=MEC-ix&tab=MEC-g-calendar-export'));
$authentication = $client->authenticate($code);
$token = $client->getAccessToken();
$auth = json_decode($authentication, true);
$refresh_token = $auth['refresh_token'];
// Save options
$this->main->save_ix_options(array('google_export_token'=>$token, 'google_export_refresh_token'=>$refresh_token));
$url = $this->main->remove_qs_var('code', $this->main->remove_qs_var('mec-ix-action'));
header('location: '.$url);
catch(Exception $ex)
echo esc_html($ex->getMessage());
public function g_calendar_export_do()
$mec_event_ids = ((isset($_POST['mec-events']) and is_array($_POST['mec-events'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['mec-events']) : array());
$export_attendees = (isset($_POST['export_attendees']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['export_attendees']) : 0);
$ix = $this->main->get_ix_options();
$client_id = $ix['google_export_client_id'] ?? NULL;
$client_secret = $ix['google_export_client_secret'] ?? NULL;
$token = $ix['google_export_token'] ?? NULL;
$refresh_token = $ix['google_export_refresh_token'] ?? NULL;
$calendar_id = $ix['google_export_calendar_id'] ?? NULL;
if(!trim($client_id) or !trim($client_secret) or !trim($calendar_id)) $this->main->response(array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__('Client App, Client Secret, and Calendar ID are all required!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite')));
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('Modern Events Calendar');
$client->setRedirectUri($this->main->add_qs_vars(array('mec-ix-action'=>'google-calendar-export-get-token'), $this->main->URL('backend').'admin.php?page=MEC-ix&tab=MEC-g-calendar-export'));
$service = new Google_Service_Calendar($client);
// MEC Render Library
$render = $this->getRender();
$g_events_not_inserted = [];
$g_events_inserted = [];
$g_events_updated = [];
foreach($mec_event_ids as $mec_event_id)
$data = $render->data($mec_event_id);
$dates = $render->dates($mec_event_id, $data);
$date = $dates[0] ?? [];
// No Date
if(!count($date)) continue;
// Timezone Options
$timezone = $this->main->get_timezone($mec_event_id);
$location = $data->locations[$data->meta['mec_location_id']] ?? [];
$organizer = $data->organizers[$data->meta['mec_organizer_id']] ?? [];
$recurrence = $this->main->get_ical_rrules($data);
$start = array(
'dateTime'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $date['start']['timestamp']),
$end = array(
'dateTime'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $date['end']['timestamp']),
$allday = $data->meta['mec_allday'] ?? 0;
$start['dateTime'] = date('Y-m-d\T00:00:00', $date['start']['timestamp']);
$end['dateTime'] = date('Y-m-d\T00:00:00', strtotime('+1 Day', strtotime($end['dateTime'])));
// Event Data
$event_data = array
'location'=>($location['address'] ?? ($location['name'] ?? '')),
$event = new Google_Service_Calendar_Event($event_data);
$iCalUID = 'mec-ical-'.$data->ID;
$mec_iCalUID = get_post_meta($data->ID, 'mec_gcal_ical_uid', true);
$mec_calendar_id = get_post_meta($data->ID, 'mec_gcal_calendar_id', true);
* Event is imported from same google calendar,
* and now it's exporting to its calendar again,
* so we're trying to update existing one by setting event iCal ID
if($mec_calendar_id == $calendar_id and trim($mec_iCalUID)) $iCalUID = $mec_iCalUID;
// Set the organizer if exists
$g_organizer = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventOrganizer();
// Set the attendees
$attendees = [];
foreach($this->main->get_event_attendees($data->ID) as $att)
$attendee = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventAttendee();
$attendees[] = $attendee;
$g_event = $service->events->insert($calendar_id, $event);
// Set Google Calendar ID to MEC database for updating it in the future instead of adding it twice
update_post_meta($data->ID, 'mec_gcal_ical_uid', $g_event->getICalUID());
update_post_meta($data->ID, 'mec_gcal_calendar_id', $calendar_id);
update_post_meta($data->ID, 'mec_gcal_id', $g_event->getId());
$g_events_inserted[] = array('title'=>$data->title, 'message'=>$g_event->htmlLink);
catch(Exception $ex)
// Event already existed
if($ex->getCode() == 409)
$g_event_id = get_post_meta($data->ID, 'mec_gcal_id', true);
$g_event = $service->events->get($calendar_id, $g_event_id);
// Update Event Data
$start = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime();
$end = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime();
$g_updated_event = $service->events->update($calendar_id, $g_event_id, $g_event);
$g_events_updated[] = array('title'=>$data->title, 'message'=>$g_updated_event->htmlLink);
catch(Exception $ex)
$g_events_not_inserted[] = array('title'=>$data->title, 'message'=>$ex->getMessage());
else $g_events_not_inserted[] = array('title'=>$data->title, 'message'=>$ex->getMessage());
$results = '<ul>';
foreach($g_events_not_inserted as $g_event_not_inserted) $results .= '<li><strong>'.MEC_kses::element($g_event_not_inserted['title']).'</strong>: '.MEC_kses::element($g_event_not_inserted['message']).'</li>';
$results .= '<ul>';
$message = (count($g_events_inserted) ? sprintf(esc_html__('%s events added to Google Calendar with success.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), '<strong>'.count($g_events_inserted).'</strong>') : '');
$message .= (count($g_events_updated) ? ' '.sprintf(esc_html__('%s Updated previously added events.', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), '<strong>'.count($g_events_updated).'</strong>') : '');
$message .= (count($g_events_not_inserted) ? ' '.sprintf(esc_html__('%s events failed to add for following reasons: %s', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'), '<strong>'.count($g_events_not_inserted).'</strong>', $results) : '');
$this->main->response(array('success'=>((count($g_events_inserted) or count($g_events_updated)) ? 1 : 0), 'message'=>trim($message)));
* Show content of Facebook Import tab
* @author Webnus <>
* @return void
public function ix_f_calendar_import()
// Current Action
$this->action = isset($_POST['mec-ix-action']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['mec-ix-action']) : '';
$this->ix = ((isset($_POST['ix']) and is_array($_POST['ix'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['ix']) : array());
$this->response = [];
if($this->action == 'facebook-calendar-import-start') $this->response = $this->f_calendar_import_start();
elseif($this->action == 'facebook-calendar-import-do') $this->response = $this->f_calendar_import_do();
$path = MEC::import('app.features.ix.import_f_calendar', true, true);
include $path;
echo MEC_kses::full(ob_get_clean());
public function f_calendar_import_start()
$fb_page_link = $this->ix['facebook_import_page_link'] ?? NULL;
$this->fb_access_token = $this->ix['facebook_app_token'] ?? NULL;
if(!trim($fb_page_link)) return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__("Please insert your Facebook page's link.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// Save options
$fb_page = $this->f_calendar_import_get_page($fb_page_link);
$fb_page_id = $fb_page['id'] ?? 0;
$message = esc_html__("We were not able to recognize your Facebook page. Please check again and provide a valid link.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite');
if(isset($fb_page['error']) and isset($fb_page['error']['message'])) $message = $fb_page['error']['message'];
return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>$message);
$events = [];
$next_page = ''.$fb_page_id.'/events/?access_token='.$this->fb_access_token;
$events_result = $this->main->get_web_page($next_page);
$fb_events = json_decode($events_result, true);
// Exit the loop if no event found
if(!isset($fb_events['data'])) break;
foreach($fb_events['data'] as $fb_event)
$events[] = array('id'=>$fb_event['id'], 'name'=>$fb_event['name']);
$next_page = $fb_events['paging']['next'] ?? NULL;
if(!count($events)) return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__("No events found!", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
else return array('success'=>1, 'message'=>'', 'data'=>array('events'=>$events, 'count'=>count($events), 'name'=>$fb_page['name']));
public function f_calendar_import_do()
$f_events = ((isset($_POST['f-events']) and is_array($_POST['f-events'])) ? array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST['f-events']) : array());
if(!count($f_events)) return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__('Please select events to import!', 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
$fb_page_link = $this->ix['facebook_import_page_link'] ?? NULL;
$this->fb_access_token = $this->ix['facebook_app_token'] ?? NULL;
if(!trim($fb_page_link)) return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__("Please insert your facebook page's link.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
$fb_page = $this->f_calendar_import_get_page($fb_page_link);
$fb_page_id = $fb_page['id'] ?? 0;
if(!$fb_page_id) return array('success'=>0, 'message'=>__("We were not able to recognize your Facebook page. Please check again and provide a valid link.", 'modern-events-calendar-lite'));
// Timezone
$timezone = $this->main->get_timezone();
// MEC File
$file = $this->getFile();
$wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$post_ids = [];
foreach($f_events as $f_event_id)
$events_result = $this->main->get_web_page(''.$f_event_id.'?fields=name,place,description,start_time,end_time,cover,event_times&access_token='.$this->fb_access_token);
$event = json_decode($events_result, true);
// An error Occurred
if(isset($event['error']) and is_array($event['error']) and count($event['error'])) continue;
// Event organizer
$organizer_id = 1;
// Event location
$location = $event['place'] ?? [];
$location_id = 1;
// Import Event Locations into MEC locations
if(isset($this->ix['import_locations']) and $this->ix['import_locations'] and count($location))
$location_name = $location['name'];
$location_address = trim($location_name.' '.($location['location']['city'] ?? '').' '.($location['location']['state'] ?? '').' '.($location['location']['country'] ?? '').' '.($location['location']['zip'] ?? ''), '');
$location_id = $this->main->save_location(array
'latitude'=>!empty($location['location']['latitude']) ? $location['location']['latitude'] : '',
'longitude'=>!empty($location['location']['longitude']) ? $location['location']['longitude'] : '',
// Event Title and Content
$title = $event['name'];
$description = $event['description'] ?? '';
// Event Times (Custom Events)
$event_times = ((isset($event['event_times']) and is_array($event['event_times'])) ? $event['event_times'] : array());
$days = '';
$main_datetime = [];
$i = 1;
foreach($event_times as $event_time)
if($i == count($event_times)) $main_datetime = $event_time;
$ds = new DateTime($event_time['start_time']);
$ds->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$de = new DateTime($event_time['end_time']);
$de->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$days .= $ds->format('Y-m-d').':'.$de->format('Y-m-d').':'.$ds->format('h-i-A').':'.$de->format('h-i-A').',';
$date_start = new DateTime($main_datetime['start_time']);
$date_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
$date_end = new DateTime($main_datetime['end_time']);
$date_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$end_date = $date_end->format('Y-m-d');
$end_hour = $date_end->format('g');
$end_minutes = $date_end->format('i');
$end_ampm = $date_end->format('A');
$repeat_status = 1;
$repeat_type = 'custom_days';
$days = trim($days, ', ');
$date_start = new DateTime($event['start_time']);
$date_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$start_date = $date_start->format('Y-m-d');
$start_hour = $date_start->format('g');
$start_minutes = $date_start->format('i');
$start_ampm = $date_start->format('A');
$end_timestamp = isset($event['end_time']) ? strtotime($event['end_time']) : 0;
$date_end = new DateTime($event['end_time']);
$date_end->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$end_date = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('Y-m-d') : $start_date;
$end_hour = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('g') : 8;
$end_minutes = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('i') : '00';
$end_ampm = $end_timestamp ? $date_end->format('A') : 'PM';
$repeat_status = 0;
$repeat_type = '';
$days = NULL;
// Event Time Options
$allday = 0;
// Import Facebook Link as Event Link
$read_more = '';
if(isset($this->ix['import_link_event']) and $this->ix['import_link_event']) $read_more = ''.$f_event_id.'/';
// Import Facebook Link as More Info
$more_info = '';
if(isset($this->ix['import_link_more_info']) and $this->ix['import_link_more_info']) $more_info = ''.$f_event_id.'/';
$args = array
$post_id = $this->db->select("SELECT `post_id` FROM `#__postmeta` WHERE `meta_value`='$f_event_id' AND `meta_key`='mec_facebook_event_id'", 'loadResult');
// Insert the event into MEC
$post_id = $this->main->save_event($args, $post_id);
$post_ids[] = $post_id;
// Set location to the post
if($location_id) wp_set_object_terms($post_id, (int) $location_id, 'mec_location');
if(!has_post_thumbnail($post_id) and isset($event['cover']) and is_array($event['cover']) and count($event['cover']))
$photo = $this->main->get_web_page($event['cover']['source']);
$file_name = md5($post_id).'.'.$this->main->get_image_type_by_buffer($photo);
$path = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['path'], DS.' ').DS.$file_name;
$url = rtrim($wp_upload_dir['url'], '/ ').'/'.$file_name;
$file->write($path, $photo);
$this->main->set_featured_image($url, $post_id);
return array('success'=>1, 'data'=>$post_ids);
public function f_calendar_import_get_page($link)
$this->fb_access_token = $this->ix['facebook_app_token'] ?? NULL;
$fb_page_result = $this->main->get_web_page(''.$this->fb_access_token.'&id='.$link);
return json_decode($fb_page_result, true);